August 2017 – Astrological Forecasts
August of 2017 is a highly anticipated month for many astrologers and fans of the zodiac for many reasons. In the United States, this is a pivotal month to set up for “The Great American Eclipse” which will be seen in much of the Heartland of America. Now the entire month of itself is quite active, especially for the sign of Leo. This is your month to shine, and pull others forward with your total light, joy, and inspirational outlook on life! You are serving as an authority this month, and you might find yourself opening towards a new spiritual practice. Much of the month is dedicated towards your own personal reality. Try not to let any negative pride or ego get the way of this experience. You are being asked to truly transform and transcend all expectations. This brings forth some sort of truth to power in many ways. People will be expressing their opinions all around you. With Mercury retrograde there is a key communication happening now beyond any mundane level. People might enter realms of experimentation with traditional medicines and organic alternatives. The collective is undergoing a major change all around. Later in the month, as Saturn stations direct at 21 degrees of Sagittarius this might create an overall shift in some sort of political policy that is quite transcendent of the era.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse will be on August 7th at 15 Degrees of Aquarius connected to the World Axis point in all fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). There is a releasing energy that creates a cascade of fated events over the next few weeks. This energy is moving through the cosmos at full throttle and is quite feisty in nature. You might feel like you are meant to be here, or you might be in alignment with your own soul connection now. Psychic and intuitive instincts are quite probable. There is a great mystical idealism surrounding this moon.
Mercury will be stationing (entering the degree of retrograde) on August 12th at 11 degrees of Virgo and going backwards to 28 degrees of Leo until September 5th. This is a tremendous pattern with this month in general. Check if you have anything at 28 degrees of Leo or any other Fixed sign! This degree is actually the point of the Solar Eclipse as well.
There are fans in astrology who turn towards the fixed stars for extra knowledge. There are many being triggered with this particular solar event. Some include: Regulus, Al Jabhah, Adhafera, and Alphard. The one that stands out in this event is Regulus also known as the Royal Star to many astrologers. Leo is a Royal sign, so there might be some action surrounding a major transference of ruling power. On a personal note, the author had a dream about a Wishing Well held by a concrete foundation being cracked by the Sun’s light prior to the eclipse. Some sort of foundation in a system is being cracked open for good here. Whether a collectively spiritual event or some sort of upheaval in politics this is where the truth of the “Wishing Well” is brought to the light.
With the nature of the social atmosphere, who knows what this could be. This is not a ‘doomsday’ sort of thing, so no need to grab the extra cans of soup, but it is a change. A fundamental change, and one that the United States has not seen for many years. In fact, 99 years in total. Therefore, all the commotion in the Leo sections of your natal chart are being told to EXPRESS yourself. If you do know a bit about astrology, it is important to check your 5th house (and even your 11th house as well) and any Leo planets you have in your own chart. There is a lot going on here, brace yourselves, and inspire your friends and family to grow together! It is the power of the collective now!
Recap of Important Dates Ahead:
August 7th – Partial Lunar Eclipse at 15 Degrees Aquarius at 2:12 PM EST (New York City)
August 12th – Mercury Stations to go Retrograde at 11 Degrees of Virgo will go backwards to 28 degrees of Leo until September 5th
August 21st – Total Solar Eclipse in Leo at 28 Degrees this occurs at 2:31 PM EST (New York City) goes along with the North Node of Fate at 24 Degrees Leo and Mars at 20 Degrees Leo.
Choose your sign below to jump to your August 2017 Astro-Forecast.
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Channeled Message – This is a careful design for your nature and strong will. You might be involved in an artistic pursuit or a romantic partnership that changes your perspectives on life. You might feel like a seedling being grown into a tree with a winding and rolling trunk. You might see yourself as a canvas now. You might be in an incubation phase, being completely transformed to a higher structure. Allow the shift to take place in your soul. This is about your own life calling, and it is digging you out bit-by-bit. Allow this time to see the emotional capabilities of your own mind. Observe yourself as much as possible. Reds and Blues are important at this time. Seashells, blueberries, almond milk, green tea, ivy, peace Lily, and plums are all important now.
Career/Work – You might be in process towards your true goals. Work related to your true heart is quite important this month as Venus the planet of Love moves through your sign for a better part of August. Venus is transforming you all around, and asking you to go towards your PASSION. As long as your source of PASSION is in flow, you are heading in the right direction. This might mean making some difficult and drastic decisions for your own self. You might have to choose your true self over the needs of others. Be careful not to make a choice based on the demands of others or through guilt. It’s about your heart’s path and desire!
Love/Spirituality – Venus is trying to peel you like an onion at this time. She is opposite Pluto in Capricorn which is all about transition, transformation, and evolution. You might find the number three or the creative cycle to be very important for your love/spiritual connections now. This is meant to unfold something that you’ve never truly considered for yourself before. There are many reveals going on for your life at this time. Abusive relationships serve no purpose here, whether abusive or other… so no selling yourself short! There is a psychological outlook here that might be an underlying factor in your love life. Therapeutic analysis of the past might be the best guide and lead to breakthroughs now.
Abundance/Finances – You are able to change things around for the better this month in many ways. Cycles of love go hand in hand with receiving. It is all about what you are willing to receive for yourself. A lot of time energy gets blocked up by overtaxing your own self. You might have pushed yourself to the limit in the past, and this is the focal point. How can you play smarter, not harder? This might take a bit or realignment this month. You do have extreme energy for profitability for your business or in your work. You might need to be more assertive this month, or completely change up your career choices at this time!
Health/Wellness – You might be in the midst of a drastic transition. Have you prescribed to the “expectations” of what society finds to be beautiful and you’ve had it? As Venus is opposite your own sign, you might find your body rapidly changing, and you might be very happy with the progress now. This is a change of lifestyle for many in your own sign, as there might be a recommendation from a healthcare practitioner that needs to be taken quite seriously this month, or you might find new sources of nutrition. Better sources of protein are very important for your diet at this time.
Asteroids/Fixed Stars – Venus and Ceres are working hand-in-hand this month in your sign. Ceres wants to nurture and heal you in many ways. You might be focusing on your health and diet in a major capacity. You might have to reassess your own personal requirements for true nurturing. Are you taking the best care of yourself? What have you given to others over the years? Amor is the asteroid of infatuation, moving through Scorpio, trine to your own sign. There might be the assessment of what type of love is truly healthy for you in the long run? How do you work with partnerships from a new perspective? Was past behavior damaging to yourself and others?
Channeled Message – The eclipses open up your mind to many new possibilities in your own life. You might need to pay attention to your health and emotional output especially around both the Full and New Moon! You might have a spiritual awakening of sorts, but truly need to focus your energy as much as possible. In Your abundance cycles are aligning, and many of you might find yourself in an expansive and educational partnership now. You are in harmony with the fire signs, you might find yourself working alongside other mystical individuals for your greatest internal growth. Embrace your social boundaries, and appreciate your friendships. It is truly time to embrace and embark on a path that affects a group or family unit. Social ties lead to greater responsibilities. Great decisions are made. The color Yellow and Green might be highly useful to you this Month. Some remedies might include – Lemon Verbena, Rose Oils, Rose Hip Tea, Lemongrass, Wheatgrass, Mint, Daffodils, and Carrot Soups/Smoothies.
Career/Work – As Mars moves through the sign of Leo almost alongside the Sun for a better part of the month, there is plenty opportunity to grow and learn. Continuing education in your own line of work is a major possibility here. You have a ton of fire power, and it’s helping you to increase your visibility and gives you the ultimate competitive edge. You are quite discerning, and even see through the greater picture. You might be multi-tasking now, and even feel like you have two different lives when it comes to your work. You might have a day job split with your true-life purpose going now. This might be the month where your life purpose comes into fruition, and your true “career” is found.
Love/Spirituality – Equal and opposite soul power is highlighting the spiritual portion of this month. Partnerships take on a spiritual connection, or deepen for those in long term commitments. Your sign is exploring a new side of dating. The old ways might not work anymore, especially after the August 21st Total Solar Eclipse. This realm of your life is receiving a great deal of true power and renewed potential. Meeting someone out-of-the-blue might be a major possibility for many in your own sign. This is a perfect time for soul twins and soul mates to find each other.
Abundance/Finances – Your finances might be on an upswing throughout this month. It is important to pay attention to the cycles after the August 7th Full Moon. You have a great energy for increase in financial flow as the energy opens up synchronistic events and possible “coincidental alignments” in your own life. Travel opportunities are continually supported with Jupiter in Libra trine your own sign. This might increase your earning potential, or give you the extra support you need for any additional funding to projects. Expanding your savings accounts is the theme of this month.
Health/Wellness – Fitness programs and activities are all on point now. If you are trying to get into better shape, this is the perfect month to do so. Personal training routine are absolutely supported with all of this Leo energy. You might need to take care of circulation or work with a new and improved cardio program. Focus on your heart health first! Having Mars in Leo opposite your sign focuses on the lungs and pulmonary system. Eat foods that support your circulatory system including – oatmeal and healthy fats.
Asteroids/Fixed Stars – Valentine is offering love to you in a harmonious way this month. True love and true understanding. This does not have to be in simply a love relationship, but is working with your own heart to get you more open with your caring and compassionate side. You might feel a little more emotional now. Eros and Psyche are also in a harmonious trine with you, allowing for your heart’s desires to be fulfilled. You might be inspired towards great artistic discoveries, or find yourself gravitating towards the visual arts. You have potential for a great infatuation as Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty is also in harmony here! SO MUCH LOVE!!!
Channeled Message – Dear Aries, you are perfecting your ambition this month. There is a culmination of events really opening you up and allowing you to embrace a new you. A new journey in life begins this month. The preparation begins with the Full Moon (partial eclipse) on August 7th, with your harmonious and friendly neighbor, Aquarius. You are embracing a leadership role for a group or working on a project that contributes to the greater good. You might feel like you are in school again, or shifting your talents towards a larger role. This is a real coming-of-age time for most Fire signs, so read for Leo and Sagittarius this month as well. Chase your dreams with the support of your true friends. You might find many fascinating conversations this month, and experimentation with mind-opening experiences. Try things you might have never once given yourself the time to do, or push your limits based from your true intuition. You might find around the mid-later part of the month you have many unexpected circumstances or meetings. You might need to support a friend or family member this month who is going through a struggle close to your own heart. Some important power symbols for your sign in general include: The Eagle, lion, anything red, daisies, rose oils, roses, and grape seed oil. (Also Read Leo)
Career/Work – You might be embarking on a solo endeavor in many capacities, or trying to create something that is completely inspired by your own intuitive gifts. Your focus is truly spiritually centered, and you might work in the realms of a healing project. You are on your way to embracing a journey that inspires many people and lives. Many others are healed by whatever you find this month. Go forward, move ahead, and be fearless!
Love/Spirituality – You are opening up your heart towards trust and true love this month. You might have many people around you rooting for your soul’s journey, and might have incredible spiritual breakthroughs now. Your love life is very special to you now, and you might be involved in a true soulmate/soul twin connection now. You might go to great heights together, and find that your connection brings you to greater life. Single Aries can truly embrace their friendships now, and know the stars are in alignment for a multitude of harmonious surprises now!
Abundance/Finances – You are finding you way. If the last few years have been quite difficult, this month is the turning point for your sign. You might find yourself stabilizing dramatically, and relying upon others working on an interdependent level. You might be able to set aside some extra money this month, or find yourself on a project that brings you a great deal of financial flow. Cycles are turning for the better now!
Health/Wellness – This month is quite healthy for your spirit, which in turn brings on health for your mind and body! You are in a transition point as the eclipses roll through a creative zone in your own life. Be kind to your reproductive health, and pay close attention to your cycles this month. Mental health and ovarian health for women. Meditation is quite important, and cardio exercises. Hiking and water sports might be beneficial for mind/body alignment. Acupuncture could be helpful for inflammation and nervous system health.
Asteroid/Fixed Stars – The asteroid working with your sign this month is Lilith who is hovering around Saturn in Sagittarius. She wants you to bring out your inner zinger, the fiery aspects involving going for what you desire on a solid level. Lilith was Adam’s first wife (you know of Adam and Eve) and wants you to get your say. Anyone going through any housing settlements or divorces this month might get a little help from this asteroid placement. Love triangles work out in your favor, or are exposed to you for specific reasons. The Royal Fixed Star Regulus is in a nice Grand Trine with your sign in the zone of the north node of fate, Mars and the upcoming solar eclipse. This is working in alignment with your own energy. Going to your truth and reality, supporting your visibility in the world, and allowing for guidance as long as you remain loyal to your own roots.
Channeled Message – There is a romantic energy working with you this month that you just cannot shake! For some of you this might be the chance of lifetime. You are being asked to look at what love is on a fundamental level. You have much to sort out, and in some of your lives this might mean an additional family member. Pay attention to fertility cycles at this time. Venus in Cancer is in a harmonious position for most of you throughout the earlier and mid-portions of the month. For Capricorns, this can be a bit trickier, especially those born in the middle of your sign. You are being asked to let love transform you with little or no control. That is hard for the Earth signs. Letting yourself surrender to all of life’s possibility might be tough, but it is meant to take you to a higher place here! This might be a romance or partnership of a lifetime. The same goes for business and career. The guidance is in the heart space. That’s why these eclipses are dealing with the sign of Leo. For some of you heart space healing might be the exact focus. Healing bodywork and excellent nutrition will help now. You might turn to natural remedies. Some that can help with this energy include – Rose and Flower oils, Berry Teas, and Aromatherapy. The Mercury retrograde between Virgo and Leo is asking the Earth signs to assess your mind, BODY, and spirit connection. Spiritual and physical routine are linked at this time.
Career/Work – Your sign is never afraid of hard, tough, and grueling work! You are prepared for anything and have a great deal of stamina to process through the rough patches. This might be a time in your life where you are being asked to take a leap. You might weigh out a situation that is quite tempting for you, and might even require you to change your own life path. You might need to move to create a new opportunity for yourself, or you might move for a friend/partner’s career. Business opportunities present themselves that might have you working interdependently, or solo at times.
Love/Spirituality – You might be in a place you have not been in for many years when it comes to love. You might feel like you are lost at sea a bit, or out on a limb, or at the mercy of someone else’s decisions. You might feel you are being changed through a love relationship or an infatuation. The truth is people come into your life to help you move onto the next steps in your own life. Part of this is to awaken you to the new possibilities in your own life. You might be in search of something that you cannot pinpoint at this time. This might be a slower process to be revealed. Your intuitive nature is knocking at the door!
Abundance/Finances – You might find yourself in a new position now. You might be taking a step towards a new position. You might actually take a financial loss at this time, or take a job that fulfills you but is a less than the paycheck than you would prefer. You are being asked to make a decision from your soul this month, but you will soon climb back to the top of that mountain, and get the hang of things in no time!
Health/Wellness – If you are prone to arthritis or muscle aches you might be feeling it a bit this month. Nutrition is great for the most part, but you might need to add in some additional healthy oils to keep up with your bone and joint health. The eclipses might kick up some fire in your own body, so any healing work is most beneficial for you. Any low impact cardio with resistance is a great decision for you in the long-run!
Asteroids/Fixed Stars – Relationships might be unraveling or unveiling pieces of your own personality and deepest longings. There is a true partnership in your life as Juno moves through your sign this month. Juno is all about marriage, and commitments in your own romantic sector. Kaali the feminine destroyer is moving alongside this portion, adding a bit of stress if you do not allow yourself to transform. Resistance is not your friend this month. Surrendering to a new version of yourself is the ultimate way.
Channeled Message – Do you hear a quiet orchestra playing in your own mind? Free yourself and lean towards any true possibilities that pull you forward. You are part of the group and designing a language that only you can decode. Allow yourself to contribute to your own path ahead, and let go of that which no longer serves you. This month may prove to bring forward a series of tests, especially between the eclipses and Saturn opposite your own sign. Much to contemplate when it comes along with the truth to philosophy, and the contextually of the overall process. You might b e a key player in the game of life here, and you might even be here to push through a wall that’s been building over many centuries. Let your playful nature get you past the veil of time. There is a real cosmic force opening you up, and you have many messages to both give and receive. Yellow, bananas, ginger, turmeric, clay masks, sea salt, manuka honey, and lemon drop tea are all important for you now.
Career/Work – Your job is not entirely simple at this time. You might feel the need to make a giant leap, and then kick your own self down at times. You might waif in and out of decision, and find yourself confused. This month brings you a great opportunity or decision. It is a once-in-a-lifetime decision sort of thing. You might have to move for work, or be transient.
Love/Spirituality – You are in a great position to go for the love of your life. You go forward, they go forward. Meet eye to eye and hold space for each other. For the single Gemini, are you ever really single? You have incredible friendships and harmonious connections all around you. You might meet someone at a mutual event. You might feel like this is the person you’ve been waiting for. Especially expect to meet someone mid-month. Be open to this, they might not be what you pictured, but they are a soul connection!
Abundance/Finances – You are leveling up here. Yes, Mercury is retrograde in a conflicting neighbor (Virgo), however, what is this teaching you about how you spend on a daily basis? Have you planned things out carefully, or are you spending on a whim? What do you suggest you do for the long-term? Are you hanging by a thread or balling? The Partial Eclipse in Aquarius is quite beneficial for you to make a desired move when it comes to pitching a project, and letting something out into the world. It is about releasing a fear here and recognizing your creative gifts. You have the potential to earn through your own communications, asking is important. “Ask and it is given!” Laws of Attraction and Abundance are quite important for you to recognize in your own behavior now. Yellow is an important color for you in this capacity.
Health/Wellness – Pay close attention to your digestive system. Nervous ticks, and upsets might be possible this month. It is important to really focus on a grounding diet, especially through vegetables (arugula, leafy greens, kale) and mix your vegetables daily. Hummus might be a good source for some as well. Taking a spiritual journey might be most beneficial for your own mind, body, spirit connection. You might experience a great healing through a mystical experience.
Asteroids/Fixed Stars – The LOVE asteroids are in your favor this month. You might be cleaning or clearing out a wound with your own relationships at this time, or through a friend as Chiron is still square your own sign in Pisces. Aphrodite the asteroid related to beauty, grace, and infatuation is in Libra with the planet Jupiter – a mind expanding view of love! Psyche and Eros are traveling through Libra, the spiritually connected partners of the Divine! You also have Valentine working in a harmonious connection in the sign of Aquarius. Love is in the air, play the music and set the tones for yourself this month. You have a lot to learn about your own use of energy when it comes to the L word!
Channeled Message – You are connected to a greater source. Career takes on a spiritual level. You might find yourself in a social activity leading you toward your true-life path and purpose. This is one of the most fated times for you as the Nodes of Fate are working to transform your soul and travel along a truly spiritual path. There is an almost continuous Grand Trine in Fire throughout the entire Month between the North Node of Fate (Mars and the Sun towards the end of the Month) / Saturn in Sagittarius / Uranus in Aries (which is on a retrograde cycle – see above for dates). In many respects, you are asked to truly connect to a path and stick with it. You might experience a bit of refinement with the Mercury retrograde, but all in all these are the minor details you are sorting out. You have an overall vision already in place here. Be careful to listen to everyone now. Minor arguments will do you no good. This is a major turning point for many of you! Embrace your inner-guidance, your wisdom, and of course, your GIANT HEART! Some helpful remedies for this month include – Sunflower oils, Roses (any kind flower, oil, scents), Dandelion Tea, Broccoli, and red!
Career/Work – This is not just a day-to-day job you are working here. You are leading and inspiring with your life, your words, your work, and your inspirational energy! Your joyful approach towards life is your work here, it’s just deciding what you are doing for yourself. As long as you keep a smile on your face, you are doing your work. Now, when it comes to life purpose, this is what the Total Solar Eclipse is working on with you. It is the culmination of the year, and you might have a major gift given to you this month.
Love/Spirituality – Nothing can really stop you this month. If you choose LOVE and HEART you are on a higher level than anything or anyone else. You are the leader in this capacity. You are learning about your greatest gifts here. You are being tested in your realm of leadership and expertise. This might be the time where you realize those who are supporting you the most have always been here for you. You are possibly in a twin partnership at this time, or on the brink of meeting that special someone. It is not about casual dating now, it is about experiencing your entire HEART. This is one of the main realms of focus for your sign this month. Let yourself shine with truth, and find the greatest gifts pouring into your life on a daily basis!
Abundance/Finances – It is not about simple “money” now. It is about the feeling or connection to what money actually is. There is a fundamental and spiritual awakening in this field. You might truly see how much the LOVE you put out into the world brings back opportunities in the business and receptivity sector of your life. Orange and Red are important at this time to work with in this section of your life. Tiger’s Eye and Clear Crystal Quartz is the crystal to work with for you.
Health/Wellness – Connection to your home is quite important for your health during this month. You might spend more time traveling or networking, yet finding a common “space” for yourself. Your work within a community might bring you towards an all-encompassing space. Mediation, yoga, or reiki might be what you need for this month. Also consider swimming or any type of water work (hot tubs, hot baths, float tanks).
Asteroid/Fixed Stars – There are several fixed stars in your own sign triggered by the astrological events taking place this month. Regulus is asking you to own your true leadership powers. You are on-point in many ways this month. You have a lot of extra responsibilities, because you truly earned it. You’ve prepared for this all your life, and those who are ready will step into their own power now, or get a great lesson of the extent of their own prominence. It’s not a time to let this get to your own head, but to take loving pride in your familial ties, and community influence. If you own your heart-space from the highest perspective, you will see all the smiling faces around you.
Channeled Message – You might feel the need to completely stay in balance, yet every single time you get there, a new wave of energy or questions get in the way! Jupiter is in your sign, and will have a series of challenges for your own energy usage this month. A lot of it has to do with your connection to the spiritual side of life. Connect with your loved ones in a whole other way. You might try new things, or completely move to another place to allow new energy in. The full moon will be particularly important for your own spiritual growth this month. Take time to go on a trip, travel abroad if possible. You might be involved in a meditative project that takes on a life of its own. Trust yourself here, even if it doesn’t seem like things make sense now. You are opening your third eye, and feeling a bit more connected to the greater questions in life. You might find yourself expanding to the greater purpose in your own life. You might find yourself traveling through the astral stars now. Unexplainable experiences are a possibility for you, or connection to psychedelia. Purple, plums, amethyst, sapphires, dark blue, angelic work, oceans, fishing, swimming might all be important for you at this time. (Also Read Aquarius)
Career/Work – You might connect to your work on another level now. You might travel for your work, or be asked to join an international team. Realms of education, philosophy, research, and music are all important now. You have an opening of your heart when it comes to your life’s passion, and might even create a career for yourself at this time. There are no boundaries, or a widening of options now! Social advocacy opportunities might open up for you, or you might be involved in a career requiring you combine social events with career related experiences.
Love/Spirituality – Connections might be made through journeys abroad or through travel in general. You might be lovingly connected to someone for some time. This might be the time where any long-distance relationships can work things out, or become more committed. This month can bring on new questions for you, and you might have fantastic friendship and deep conversations about philosophy and culture! Networking and community events might lead you to a great discovery about yourself! You are really working with your third eye this month, so you might feel a buzz all around you. Appreciate any insights that seem to come out of nowhere! Music and experimentation might bring to your greater alignment with your own true partnerships at this time.
Abundance/Finances – There is an intense energy at the beginning of the month that sets the tone for the rest of August. The Lunar Eclipse on the 7th can get you a bit unsteady, and really make you feel like it’s a sink-or-swim time for you. There is a readjustment to be made, but it will all settle out soon enough. There might be gifts given to you this month in the financial sector of your sign, or you might be living on a sum of money saved up from a previous investment. Either way, enjoy this cycle for the learning experience!
Health/Wellness – You are in good health for this month. Meditation, yoga, cycling, walking, and hiking are great ways to get yourself moving. For many of you, there might be a great deal of joint pain or hip pain. Pilates might sort this out as well, or low impact water aerobics. Your health might be tested when it comes to emotional eating, or overspending. Balance with your intake of sweets and alcoholic beverages is important now.
Asteroids/Fixed Stars – A glorious story of Eros and Psyche is running through your sign this month. Eros focuses on passionate infatuation with a beautiful and loving Psyche. A deep connection runs deeper than your own soul. It might feel like calling over many lifetimes. Many might be in soul connections and bonds now, it can be through any of your relationships. Infatuations expand your mind, and you might choose love over the mundane as Armor moves alongside Jupiter this month. Mind-expanding love is the focus! You could fall in love with someone completely opposite of your own social circle! You might meet someone abroad!
Channeled Message – You might feel left out in some ways. Venus is very kind to your soul, heart, and career at this time. You also might work on your appearance and physical energy. Pisces, well you are working on continual dream! This is also true for all water signs as Neptune continuing a lovely journey in the home sign of Pisces. There is an energy surrounding earning respect for someone or something. Many of you might be thinking of moving onward or even physically moving now. This month has many ups and downs for you, but the overall theme is to connect you to a greater love, and one that you might not have been ready for many years ago. Let your dreams come into fruition, one day at a time! Some healthy outlets for you this month might include – spending time near water sources, hiking, nature work, painting, carpentry, sculpting, yoga, meditation, ocean or river cleanup. You can work with your own energy with some nice Lavender oils, Aquamarine stones, Moonstones, Bergamot oils, and Invigorating Teas!
Career/Work – You might have your work life mix with your true passions at this time. Venus and Neptune are really beckoning you to continue forward with a dream. You might be in between one part of your career and another, or taking a step in the unknown. Venus in Cancer is helping you on an artistic level, and might add in a desirable amount of creativity into your day. If you are in the field of communications this might serve as a difficult time you during Mercury retrograde. The cycle is opposite your own sign in Virgo for the second half of the month. Things might move slower, or take more time to process.
Love/Spirituality – This is a very inspirational time for your sign. You could be with the person of your dreams, or you could be in a spiritual partnership that opens your mind. You might be on a spiritual quest at this time, or moving along the road of life with a group of like-minded comrades. Whatever the case here, you are in a real awakening phase that will open your mind towards the beauty of your own life. You might be in an experimental phase, and anything is possible. Your psychic and intuitive powers are very connected to the phases of life and might even result in premonitions this month. You were always connected to the river of life, and now the flow is growing stronger.
Abundance/Finances – As long as you enter your finances from a place of love, respect, and connectivity you will receive what you need. Friends, family, and trusted confidants are all around you when you need help. You will meet the right people at the right time whenever you are in doubt. There will be ups and downs this month, but seemingly things will clear up almost instantaneously and on their own. Keep your sights on the truth, and find yourself receiving guidance in the cycles of receptivity, abundance, and energy flow.
Health/Wellness – You might be a bit dreamy or disconnected from your grounding energy this month. You might need to focus on diet in a gentle way. This could mean taking things very carefully, eating small meals frequently, or even replacing certain meals with nutritious smoothies and juices. Try to watch-out for your sugar intake, as Neptune and Venus can be very tempting in the realms of unhealthy snacks and sweets. Natural and organic might be best, but is not always possible. Practicality in your choices is the best bet!
Asteroids/Fixed Stars – A deep wound is cleansed away in your own soul. This has been an ongoing process for over a year! Chiron, the wounded healer, is transforming something of your past, and reassessing it in your present. This might be a childhood wound that has taken a long time to even recognize for yourself. This is the ultimate time to completely get in touch with your spirituality, or any healing modality that truly makes you feel safe. You are supported by Vesta in Virgo, the asteroid of the home and hearth giving you a new take on an old story. You might even look towards a new safe place to live, or a place that you once imagined, but had no idea was possible! Moving or finding a new home is possible this month.
Channeled Message – You have a great time this month learning about yourself and your own courage! Yes, it’s about embracing the heart of the lion, and you are really doing well. A nice Grand Trine in Fire is feeding you this month, and expanding your creativity. You have a lot of light heading your way, and a great transformation for your own sign. Embrace and travels that you have planned, or try and get out into the world. Make a name for yourself this month by working alongside friends, and designing the business or corporation you so desire. You are moving fast and furious this month, and your intuitive powers are increasing by the day. Focus on your third chakra, as this might need a bit of healing. Some things that might be important for you include – Yellow, Lemon, Honey, Light Teas (white tea, herbal, dandelion root or leaf), mushroom soup, barley, light on the wheat, brown rice, carrots and light root vegetables, yarrow flower. (Also Read Leo)
Career/Work – Your leadership skills are the ultimate test this month! You might be involved in a business adventure or opportunity that has your mind reeling and soaring. It will have to take on a mature process this month with the position of Saturn in your sign along with a continual Grand Trine in Fire throughout the month. You might have a community alongside you, or a tight group of friends and family that you are working with to get your dreams in motion.
Love/Spirituality – This is a month of awakenings for sure! You have so much life and joy at this time. You have tons of support, whether in the romantic, friendship, or family realms of life. This is a whirlwind-type of feel here, and many of you might be making solid commitments at this time. Partnerships are imperative to your success, and there are twinges of opportunities along the way for both of you to grow and inspire one another. Single Sagittarius might have the opportunity to meet someone through a work or social setting. Plenty of meals and laughs are shared this month! Either way, your heart is open and aligned with the song and sounds of the Universe. Passionate connections are creating inspirational moments and opportunities throughout the month. You might even find yourself with the person of your dreams. This is a great month to connect with or work on expanding your family. Children and fertility are cycling through your chart, and you might be connected to them on a divine level.
Abundance/Finances – You might feel the need to take risks now. The best thing to do is not make any giant leaps with your financial savings if possible. No large purchases if possible, or at least not until September! Work really closely with a partner (preferably an Earth sign) if possible to direct you in the clearest way possible. Someone you trust is here to guide you, listen to what they have to say. Sudden moves from someone you do not know need to be assessed carefully, especially if you own a business. A clear plan is the most important method of focus. Although you might have a bit of a hitch mid-month with Mercury in retrograde. Financial flow will be there, but you have to overcome an obstacle that leads you to a greater understanding of your past mistakes.
Health/Wellness – This is a great time to shine! You need to work on to focus on your bone health, jaw, and joint health. Focus on massage, meditation, acupuncture, reflexology, or acupressure. Mind, body, and spirit are going through a transition, and any hiccups with your body will be sorted out with the right attention. Your body is speaking to you for a good purpose! Routines and regimens might need a little bit of a variety now. This is a trial and error period! What feels right to you is right!
Asteroids/Fixed Stars – So much activity this month! Lilith, the asteroid associated with the dark side of the soul is moving alongside Saturn in your sign. Lilith was a feisty and fiery woman, part of that piece of yourself that can never quite be tamed. Yet, moving with the planet Saturn which would rather have a clear plan and path. Organization and business might be due to a great deal of fated events this month. You have a harmonious Fire in your life, and the flames keep burning brighter and brighter! Regulus, the fixed star is bringing joy to your day. You might have an untamed flame, but at least you are being guided along a greater path! You are being connected to a great purpose here!
Channeled Message – You might feel a little left out now. Yes, there are many aspects working with you this month including Venus asking you to harmoniously look at romance, yet the eclipses are slamming your sign. You might feel pushed and pulled around. Tugged, or off balance a bit. That is all well. You might not know what is up from down, in from out. That is the movement of life. The Eclipses (both lunar and solar) are going to work with you by working against you in some kind of way. They are square your own sign. Check your Leo house and if you have any planets in the sign, because that might actually balance you out now. It’s meant to get you to see something you never looked at before, and it might affect the deepest relationships in your own life. Your career might shift, in fact, everything might have a major shift at the same time. That’s the nature of the game now. Amethyst, Dark Purples/Blues, Opal, Bloodstone, Tourmaline, Root Vegetables, Grounding Teas, Cinnamon, Burgundy, and Mud Masks/Baths might all be important for you now. (Also consider reading Leo to see what’s up)
Career/Work – If there is a block in your daily life or activities, this is only meant to shed light on your own energy. You might be pouring your life into one thing, and this might be in your career. You are being tested for sure here. It might actually affect your health. Try not to overwork yourself if possible. If you are in search of a job, try not to punish yourself. Things will clear up; it is just that the eclipses of the month are meant to change your focus. There is a transition going on for you in this realm.
Love/Spirituality – This can be a hard section of your life to really pinpoint. There might be an intensity going on with someone else’s desires and opinions, and you might have to use your true discernment this month. There is an explorative nature to this. You might hit a wall or a snag with someone that truly makes you feel like stepping away from someone or taking space for yourself. The cycles of this month are working hand-in-hand to test your patience. People might be entering your life from out of thin air. Messages received might be life changing! The saving point here is that you are incredibly intuitive, and might be keen to someone’s behavior before you even knew them. There is a real “fated” feel to meeting someone or a connection made for the stars. The key here is whether or not it is healthy.
Abundance/Finances – This might be a month where no drastic spending can be done. You might really have to watch it! If you feel like things are tighter than normal, or a bit on the frustrating end. Your focus might shift towards your roots, or family. You might owe someone more than you have now. No beating yourself up, this is all a rite of passage here, and things will feel a lot more solid as the month goes forward. Mercury retrograde is asking you to take a more tactile approach when saving money for a rainy day. You might need to ask a friend or trusted mentor for guidance.
Health/Wellness – You are in great need of grounding and staying consistent here. Eat really grounding foods such as root vegetables and exercise in a natural setting if possible. Careful attention to your routine will be the best way to balance you out this month. Any fitness apps that help you keep on track might be most helpful now. Careful attention to incorporating your nutrition into an overall lifestyle. Paying attention to your sugar and carbohydrate intake.
Asteroids/Fixed Stars – The asteroid Amor is moving through your sign this month, opening up your heart to new experiences. This is a deep love that is quite inspiring, and of course related to your own personal truth! You might feel psychically connected to a friend or loved one now. This might be a month where you are on the verge of a great change of heart, and you might clear up or be privy to a power struggle in the romantic sector of your life.
Channeled Message – Your soul’s journey is quite deep at this time. Throw out any notions that you are not good enough or not enough for moving forward with your own romantic gestures, endeavors, and expanding journeys. Why do you allow yourself to be taken advantage of at times? Especially in your life’s work? It is time to surrender and see yourself as a true spiritual being. This might prove to be a difficult task for you in the beginning, but will make more and more sense as the month goes forward. Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo, another earth sign. You might feel a tug between your own earthly needs and spiritual connectivity. This is a great month to send your focus towards something you truly can call your own! Lemon Verbena, Lemongrass, Wheatgrass, Mint, Daffodils, Spinach, Holy Basil, and Sage are important for you at this time.
Career/Work – You are being tested heavily in this realm. There might be a source of tension with an authority in your own line of work. You might need to find your own steady source of flow and using your works might create a better outlet for you. If you are in the field of communication, this is a perfect time to look towards written word, or even artistic ventures. There might be times where you find yourself in constant conflict with either a group of people. This might be the time to align forces, and set your journey towards a shared interest.
Love/Spirituality – The Eclipses this month might bring you someone completely opposite from you. You might feel like you have no other person in your life who’s ever made you feel this way, yet you cannot pinpoint it. It might be a love-hate relationship, or something so deeply intense that you cannot back away. The people in your life right now are meant to take you to the highest realm of your own existence, and you must allow yourself to open up to the newest possibilities in your own mind. For family, the family bound Taurus – you might be expanding your family, and have an additional member added. This might be through marriage or long-term commitment. Remember that any conflicts are forcing you to grow!
Abundance/Finances – There is benefit to this month as you walk the path towards realignment. You might have had several giant expenses this year that set you back a bit on the debt cycle. The Mercury retrograde after August 12th will help you get back into shape financially, or at least get you clear about yourself. Saving before spending is the best tactic for you. That means trying not to make any impulse buys, especially through online shopping. Cut corners for a little bit, things will feel a lot better in early September.
Health/Wellness – You might be refining something or sculpting this month. The alignment with Mars throughout the month with your own sign is meant to get you past a wall. This is a step you have to take on your own. You might feel like you are a little uncomfortable at first, but any vulnerability will bring you better connection with your own mind and body. Careful change in your diet and muscle tone will help you this month. You might see a gradual shift, nothing is drastic now.
Asteroids/Fixed Stars – This Month the asteroid Pallas Athene is working with much of you to organize, reassess and realign your priorities. You might be in need to completely look at your organizational techniques. You might find yourself in structured debates, or even thinking about changing your residence or undergoing a construction project. This is in a healthy trine with Mercury retrograde, so if you need to work on an accounting issue, this is the perfect month of the year to get your finances in order. Housing developments and projects are supported now, this is the month to draw up your plans.
Channeled Message – Mercury will be retrograde this month in your sign! You might be traveling back and forth at this time. Listening to your intuition might be difficult for you this month, because there is a tremendous amount of self-doubt kicked up for you. You have a lot of healing work to do. Pay great attention to your own health now. You might need a little advice from a friend, or to work alongside your own community. In fact, the community that you serve is most friendly and important to you during this month. You are going to earn quite a bit of respect, if you do not feel like you have it already. People will rely on you for many questions in their own mind. In fact, you might not even realize how much people truly admire you or see how you have it all worked and planned until you start opening yourself up emotionally to a wider group. It is about the group and social construct for you this month. Service industry is quite important, no matter what your life work is at this time. Healing items for you – lemon verbena, lemongrass, lemon anything! Leafy greens, working in soil, hiking, nature, yoga, meditation, parsley, oranges, citrus in general. green apples!
Career/Work – You might need to take into account everyone’s life in your own career. Mercury goes retrograde this month after August 12th, and is highlighting your skills in this realm. You might be the person that is called upon quite frequently to soothe out a crisis. If your work is in the communications field including – computers, electronics, internet connection, mail service, transportation, and anything that requires cables/wires and speaking – you might be the hero! This could be a time where you should pay careful attention to what you say, check everything twice, and back-up all devices. Your attention to detail will be the icing on top of the cake in your career opportunities. If you are thinking of applying to a new job, or waiting for news surrounding then things might be moving a bit slower towards the end of the month. September might bring in final decisions.
Love/Spirituality – Romance is harmoniously aspected with your sign this month, especially through serving and participating in community events. It’s all about finding love and common care through the group. You may be involved in a major activity requiring you to be of service to others. If you are single, this might mean meeting a compassionate caregiver much like yourself. You might have an Air sign entering your life. There is a mutual receptivity healing you in this section of your chart. Marriage is a possibility for your sign, as the energy is set towards combining forces in the earlier cycles of the month. You might feel connected to a family member beyond the veils of the mundane world.
Abundance/Finances – The input and output structure of your financial and abundance cycles are in a bit of a dance this month. This month is going to point out something you need to take care of, or needed to for quite a while. This might have been a move you needed to make years ago, such as shifting accounts over, or realizing you should combine finances between investments. It’s not recommended to make a big decision until next month, but if you do notice something about your own money patterns, it will only be the better for you to move ahead. Spending might be greater than savings right now. You might need to fix something at last minute that causes a bit of grief.
Health/Wellness – Gear your fitness routines up! This is the month to reassess your mind, body, and soul connection. Pay attention to your regimens! It’s a very careful connection and alignment here. You might need to make an appointment with a nutritionist, or have a special recommendation from a medical professional regarding your own health. Check your digestive health and get the necessary fiber you need in your own diet. Fitness walking or hiking might be important for you now.
Asteroids/Fixed Stars – Your home and hearth might be your main focus for some of you this month as the asteroid Vesta rests comfortably in your own sign. You might be working on healing a painful wound about your own home or the center of your heart. Chiron in Pisces is opposite your sign as well. A healing home represents a healing/healed heart. You are in the midst of clearing out old grievances with a family member.