
Lee Van Zyl 2017 Annual Forecasts for All Zodiac Signs

For the most part of the year 2017, Jupiter will be in the air sign of Libra. Jupiter entered Libra last year on September 9, 2016 and will stay in this sign for 13 months until October 10, 2017. The theme for achieving success in 2017 revolves around honing your ability to work fairly, maintain group cohesiveness or team spirit, and to compromise, adjust or negotiate diplomatically with others. Those who seek to maintain peace and harmony this year will be richly rewarded in personal and professional relationships. Cultivating good social skills and utilizing charm and grace in your interactions with others can take you places. In general, collective interest in learning more about balance in relationships, legal rights, social skills, psychology, and soft skills can be observed.

Jupiter is considered similar to Santa in astrology as it is a giver of good luck and gifts. Jupiter brings opportunities for growth and expansion in knowledge, understanding and life experience. Jupiter’s move into Libra will affect every one of every sign positively but most growth opportunities can be seen in the house it enters in your sign. For instance, Libra will benefit the most in 2017 from this transit because Jupiter will move into their first house of self -identity, glamour and personal appearance. Librans have been chosen to stay in the limelight!

As the year begins, Venus will enter Pisces on January 3, 2017 for a period of one month. When Venus will be happy to be in Pisces and will encourage the expression of unconditional love. Venus in Pisces encourages interest in beauty, arts, creativity and altruistic activities. You may feel more inclined than usual to extend a helping hand to someone in need. Romance may blossom now and you may spend good times with your beloved. For those already in committed relationships, faith in the potential of relationship may be re-established.

On January 28th, 2017 Mars will leave Pisces and enter Aries and will stay there until 9th March 2017. This transit of Mars in Aries will inspire a sense of courage and you may be more inclined than ever to take action and to lead the pack. However, be cautious not to make others feel intimidated or undervalued.

It is important to be a little careful and attentive in the eclipse season. Eclipses cause a lot of upheaval and are known to accelerate the pace of events by bringing about sudden change in our lives. Eclipses are notorious for bringing to light hidden truths and secrets. There will be two sets of eclipses in February and then later in the year in August. Leo, Pisces, and Aquarius will feel the effect of these eclipses more than most. There will be a Lunar Eclipse on the 10th of February in 22° Leo 35′ ,followed by a Solar Eclipse on February 26th 08° Pisces 10′ .

During the year 2017, Mercury will go retrograde four times. The first retrograde cycle will occur from Dec 19, 2016 to Jan 8, 2017 in earthy Capricorn. During this time, you should be more careful in matters of money. The second time Mercury will retrograde from April 9 – May 3, 2017 in Taurus which is also an earth sign. Mercury will retrograde for a third time this year from August 12 – Sept 5, 2017 in earth-sign Virgo and will culminate in fire-sign Leo. The final retrograde of mercury for this year will occur from December 3 – December 22, 2017 in fire-sign Sagittarius. It is a general rule not to buy expensive things (especially electronics) or sign new contracts during mercury retrograde periods. However, Mercury retrograde is a good time for revising your plans and re-doing projects that were not up to the standard.

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In 2017 the only thing left for Cancers is to advance and catch up! Everyone is rushing somewhere, dragging you along, promising that in the intertwining of possibilities a chance is about to appear that can stop the vicious cycle of events. Dear Cancers, until now you didn’t hurry anywhere, but because of that you advanced everywhere, living in your own world parallel to reality. And now comes the moment when all that you had successfully forgotten, like a forgotten timer, is ready to catch up to Cancer, and one sharp push would dislodge from its shell! Everything isn’t so literally dramatic. Nonetheless, for those people born under the Cancer zodiac sign, 2017 can be compared with the transition from silent black and white films to three-dimensional HD reality; a new state of unlimited expanding perception, carrying in itself great potential, but with this it is able to fully demoralize a long-standing relaxed psyche. In any event, the future Year of the Rooster 2017 promises to be a very hectic and unique year for Cancer, not pleasing to the solid and systematic development which members of your zodiac sign are accustomed to. Oh, how quickly everything happens! Of course, according to you: “Anything new is evil, and evil is the result of any changes or innovations!” Then yes, here you could come to the conclusion that if you had the willpower, time would never stop. But even you, dear Cancers, must realize in your heart of hearts that the changes coming in 2017 are partially created in order to break your intertia from the standstill of a train long ago stuck on a sidetrack. Real life cannot be static. And although Cancers understand the inevitability of changes, nonetheless they meet them with noticeable resistance. In 2017 you will not have enough time or ability to solve the most important issues, to solve every old problem stretching behind you, or even finally find answers to the questions you sought in the preceding years. Dear Cancers, if you don’t hurry, you will never change your credo, hurry slowly… Just like that, and no other way! Only thus, remaining true to yourself, will you be able to harmoniously fit into a new era.

It is necessary to add that just as before there is something in the lives of Cancers at the beginning of 2017 which will strongly hinder development. This is one of the factors which members of your zodiac sign must concentrate attention on from the very start. In the end, the Year of the Red Rooster 2017 is not conducive to stopping or retreating. It’s like a runaway train that can’t wait for passengers left behind. Unfortunately, concrete recipes for solving this problem don’t exist. It means Cancers have to be in a hurry to adapt and decide on a route for these vital questions which once again in the coming period will add vagueness to the already unclear (inexact) plans of Cancer. In solving this question, a clear final decision can help you before that moment when someone else will make the decision for you.

And so, let us analyze in detail why representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer, who traditionally are related to the element of Water, will in the Year of the Rooster 2017 have so much difficulty adapting to imminent changes. Naturally, here the key astrological tendency is obvious: the signs of the element Water in principle will end up not in the most advantageous position in this time period as the current element for 2017 – Fire. Nonetheless, there are always chances for success, and it’s not especially worth it to despair that the Year of the Red Fire Rooster 2017 will basically stand in the way of your successful development. Nuances are everywhere, and most importantly, there always exist clear and unclear phenomena, taking into account those which truly and fully will end up victorious in any situation, even the most complex. Besides, the battle – which is almost always progress, will also doubtlessly make them stronger – even if it will be really hard for Cancer this year.

Of course, if they themselves will be active and dynamic, and if we consider the character of this sign, then there can be no doubt that in the course of 2017 something will nudge Cancers into a more active position. So, it’s necessary to consider, that although the Red Fire Rooster, the patron of 2017, will clearly not be found on your side, nevertheless the Moon, the personal steward of Cancer, will end up being stronger than ever in many periods of the year. There are two consequences of this feature. First, the basic emphasis of the whole year 2017 logically is in the sphere of personal relationships (not to worry: this area will interact with other spheres with maximal closeness). And secondly, here Cancers have to be flexible. You must learn how to adjust to circumstances, not sag beneath them. This means adaptability, and the ability to use changing conditions for the sake of your own benefit. No special preparation is needed here. Internal factors will tell you what to do, and you will understand without difficulty what is demanded of you, and which choice you need to make. The important thing is not to be afraid of changes, but to remain yourself while changing in new conditions.

On the whole, 2017 as it applies to people born under the Cancer sign can tentatively be divided into two stages, and the first one naturally begins with the beginning of the Year Of The Rooster – January 28th. From literally the first day of this time period the most extraordinary exertion of all your strength is demanded of you, to the largest degree – guts. You will have to efficiently learn how to control your emotions most exactly. Yes, Cancers often have trouble with this, but now you will have to get these very problems under control, or else risk the prospect of very negative situations which will simply pale in comparison with all earlier ones. The important thing is not to doubt your strengths. The Moon will absolutely suggest what you need to do. Of course the eccentric character of the Year of the Fire Rooster will oppose you, but, rest assured, his strengths are not without limit. Besides, he is in no condition to place obstacles before you that you objectively cannot overcome. This small bit of cunning, which many are unaware of, is in fact one of the fundamental laws of the Universe, or more precisely, an aspect of this law. At this time it is important that the most global changes occur in the lives of Cancers. There is no need to fear leaving old relationships, which as you well know, you have already moved past, so to speak. Everything that brings at least one negative along with joy, you need to leave, or at least change, and along with you continue on a path with a certain new key. At the same time, there is no need to fear new relationships that possibly frighten you with their enormity. It also occurs with Cancers that you are fully able to almost achieve your objective, when suddenly you stop one step from victory. You have to reject this tendency. In all other respects the stars recommend you simply be yourself. On the whole this step may turn out to be unbelievably productive if you handle proportionate obstacles and don’t “rush” too strongly into making decisions – this is the key aspect of 2017.

The next step begins with the end of the summer season, approximately in the second third of August 2017. The time of abrupt uneven changes is already past, so the transition will be smooth. You will especially notice how very significant situations smoothly move into the personal and work spheres. Naturally, this is a relative, very general interpretation, which may fully have many nuances, depending on your specific zodiac sign and specific personality. On the whole, the dynamic of the previous stage remains, but the Fire Rooster, the patron of 2017, doesn’t plan to cut you any slack until the very end. Therefore it is recommended that Cancers not slow down under any circumstances. If you confidently go toward victory – continue to do that. If everything becomes more complicated – become stronger yourself and engage even more actively. It’s important not to lose yourself in the game, but the dynamic here should be just one side of the coin. The other side is precision, that is, it’s not worth it to complete actions you’re not sure about. Now the risk in a majority of cases will turn out to be losses for you. Undoubtedly dear Cancers, it will be hard for you to reject the good old Russian tradition of trusting in luck, but now, rest assured, there is no better time for this. Of course, on the other hand, it’s isn’t worth it to be afraid. You won’t be stymied in some kind of exceptionally clear framework or caught in the grips of a steel vice of circumstances. Room for maneuvering remains. This fact (considering the active development of events) simply will become a bit less than you are used to. At times perhaps it will be worth it to resort to cunning, or conversely, tell the truth directly when they least expect this of you. As said before, your greatest weapon here is a variable adaptability and flexibility in all things.

On the whole, the Year of the Red Fire Rooster 2017 will be very successful for Cancer, although one thing is clear; you’ll have to sweat it out. On the other hand, recalling old Nietsche, it must be pointed out that if Cancer doesn’t bend under pressure, he becomes stronger. In the coming year 2017 many will find true friends, and perhaps even, those whom it is fair to sincerely call your “second half.” On the other hand, many relationships will come to their natural end, and here the key definition is natural (although, of course, this definition doesn’t negate the sorrow and sadness of such events). The important thing is to remember that there are always possibilities. And you can always give up on your goals, admitting defeat. But… in our view, this is not the correct path. Be confident that in the soft strength style characteristic of Cancer, you will lead your troops to victory in 2017!

We wish all Cancers happiness and success in 2017, the Year of the Red Rooster! May joy not abandon you over the course of 2017, and may your house always be full of merriment!



The time has come to stop lying to yourself. My dear beloved Aquarians, there will come a moment in The Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 when you may say these very words standing in front of a mirror. It’s difficult to say how and at what moment this might occur, but the fact is that the events and circumstances of the previous period of 2017 have forced Aquarians, as if pushed into a corner, to admit that the developments accumulated over this time period have reached a certain critical mass and demand change. However, it’s likely that literal changes in 2017 won’t happen for your zodiac sign. The year of the Rooster is more likely a period of preparation, internal transformations, taking account of resources, etc. True, we understand that it’s not possible to draw such a picture in your fertile imagination, but this is a general tendency in 2017 which won’t cancel your rebellious spirit and striving for adventure. Everything here, everything in you yourself, and everything you relied on will absolutely come to pass in 2017. The Fire Rooster favors your sign, indeed, you needn’t even look for adventures. They have already lined up behind the next door and await your entrance. And anyway, this is all hoopla. Despite all the clarity of events in 2017, dear Aquarians, the important thing for you over the course of the whole period might be waiting off screen. What is your goal? What are you striving for? What are the hopes and aspirations of Aquarius? Do you even know the answers to these simple questions?

Of course, in the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017, those born under the sign Aquarius can count on specific advantages, but only if you yourselves are prepared for active behavior. As a whole, your element of Air is quite indirectly related to the element of Fire, although this relationship, whatever it is, is clearly of a harmonious plan. The key nuances here are the following: Aquarians themselves must find a direction which will show them the most forward-looking, and then the furthest development of events will truly be placed on the shoulders of circumstance. Naturally, not fully and completely, because it is understood that no one will be concerned about your fate besides you. Here it is simply important to create an impetus, and then everything will be as before, as they say. If, for example, Aquarius wants to gain the attention (in the usual sense) of a certain person, then it would be clearly necessary to indicate that as obviously as possible. In what sense? Here, you should know better! But as soon as you take the first step, everything will happen by itself, with your active participation, of course. The situation will be analogous in the work arena, but with specific reservations, taking into account the area of application of your creative energies. This is a very general indication, which will be true for the whole year of the Red Rooster. But besides this, there is still another factor – for Aquarius all of 2017 (and part of 2018, including this yearly cycle) will be divided into four stages, each of which demands a specific relation and approach in the context of solving current problems. We will now try to analyze each of these in greater detail.

From the beginning of 2017 until the second third of May, Aquarius will experience quite a difficult period of life, characterized by numerous attacks from colleagues, acquaintances, and even loved ones. In this period, the sphere of interpersonal relationships will be under pressure. However, there won’t really be anything bad in this, simply a multitude of minor problems spilling over onto you all at once in a continuous wave. You will be able to solve all these conflictual situations if you don’t doubt, at least, that your patrons (Saturn and Mercury) don’t doubt you. You need to put special emphasis here on the area of personal relationships, and to the forefront will come the emotional aspect, personal communication, and empathy. Only you won’t need to “make believe.” If you are insincere, you won’t get what you want, not in any circumstances. And if, for example, a person doesn’t like you, but you try to get something from him, not demonstrating false subservience, then your idea will have significant chances for success. The opposite way isn’t worth trying.

With the dawn of the final third of May 2017 arrives the next stage, which will conclude approximately in the second half of August. This warm, clear, and light time of year will literally recharge the energy of Aquarians. Here all your current projects as well as life tendencies will receive maximal development on the whole. The apex will come in the middle of summer – June 2017. Here Aquarians will need to work very very hard if they want to acheive their desired results. In the area of career growth here is the very time to think about promotion, so a vacation or something like that will turn out to be a critical mistake now. Of course, summer is always a time for vacations, and in that regard you’ll have less competitors at work. So, work and strive for a well-deserved position, but by no means commit reckless deeds. You will fully be able to take risks, and at specific moments (you yourself will sense when) the Fire Rooster will help you with all his strength and all his fury. In your endeavours you won’t be alone for even an instant, and this actually is worth a lot. But now in the “Love Department” everything won’t add up so serenely. You’ll need to seriously try to preserve harmony in the family. There it is best to orient yourself toward your last experience, if you think that Aquarians wonderfully understand how to exactly behave themselves with their other half.

With the arrival of fall (or more precisely, in the final days of August) until the second third of November 2017, the Fire Rooster will ease up a bit, so Aquarians are recommended to switch their attention from the work sphere to the personal. In some parts of the sphere of relationships, a real war awaits you, dear Aquarius! First and foremost, this will affect those who already find themselves in partnered relationships. In this period everything is possible on the battlefield: love, betrayal, blackmail. If you want to emerge victorious, remember that in competition in the field of love, the winners are those who first flee the battlefield with their trophies. On the other hand, to a certain degree this time will be successful for singles, who decide at all costs to find their “other half.” Perhaps, one of your acquaintances will be revealed to you from an unexpected direction and this might shock you in the fullest sense. You need to make appropriate decisions which might play a significant role in the future, although, perhaps, you haven’t even noticed this. The stars advise not rushing from conclusions and orienting yourself to a large degree toward unclear tendencies. Although, of course, if your counterpart is objectively stupid, it won’t be worth picturing him as a true genius. Fanatacism isn’t just potentially dangerous, it’s also often punishable.

From the end of November 2017 until the middle of February 2018, when the Fire Rooster retires, figuratively speaking, Aquarius will live through a maximally peaceful and fully balanced period. All actions that took place in the past, and decisions made up until this moment have already formed a clear tapestry of events which will be consistently deployed before you. Here there won’t be any kind of exceptional situations or fateful introductions, although it needs to be said it’s frankly not worth “giving up” on your life, moving on “autopilot.” Even an airplane’s autopilot doesn’t guarantee a perfect flight, and is rarely able to handle emergency conditions. So get comfortable, but don’t let go of the reins too much. This specific time period of December-January will be especially exemplary for Aquarius. On the basis of past events they will clearly present you with the entire path which you’ve followed and which lies ahead. They will receive a unique experience which will allow them to escape from a great number of mistakes in the future, protected from potential negatives by a shield of certainty and honest, correct decisions. Anyway, the Fire Rooster will teach Aquarius much and it is very important to carry this experience through the years. But it is far from a fact that knowledge and skill, received here and there, will be useful to you in the immediate future. The Fire Rooster teaches you this – to look ahead and soar, to always and everywhere stay one or two steps ahead of your opponents. The result will be not just victory, but also satisfaction, which for Aquarius is sometimes even more important.

Finally, we’d like to congratulate Aquarius on the coming Year of the Rooster 2017! We wish you joy, fun, and happiness in the new year! Dear Aquarians, go easy, don’t worry about various nonsense, and then we’ll be sure that 2017 will definitely please you with the unpredictability of clearly memorable moments…



In 2017 Aries stand on the threshold of their future! The Year of the Rooster, 2017, is equally important for career as it is for the spheres of personal relationships, love, finances, and health. Even when things are difficult, you, dear Aries, will be unable to rest, as you try to figure out the future, and having analyzed the past, are prepared to actually alter past mistakes and to convince others and even yourself about the fading of old rules and the wisdom of your undertakings.

Can a person be absolutely happy standing on the edge of a precipice? Does success mean the inevitability of degeneration? Does a fall lead to unavoidable growth? Does despair serve as a push towards the study of the new, and thus towards creation and progress?

In the new year you will have to answer a multitude of tricky questions yourself. For many Aries, the year 2017 is a period of ups and downs — depression and disappointments, followed by success and the recognition in a roundabout way that life is more thrilling when lived on the edge — practically everything that you love, dear Aries! Whether it is a curse or a gift from the heavens, nonetheless over the course of the past years, 2017 will stand out as being an especially active and satisfying year in the life of Aries.

In 2017 people who belong to the Aries zodiac sign will certainly receive their fair portion of “bonuses.” Your element — fire — corresponds to the element of this stage in time. However, it isn’t just about this, but also who in fact Aries is, what is your nature, such that namely your internal qualities, earlier hindering you from adequately assessing a situation, in the year 2017 will help you to succeed and find answers in such situations others would be ready to shrink from.

For example, some astrologers believe that in the depths of the soul of every real Aries there supposedly lives a Little Napoleon; a poorly balanced part of your personality, emotional and badly controlled, but nonetheless in certain conditions genial in essence, and able to save you in difficult times. But the “Little Napoleon” of Aries seems like a pyromaniac who dreams at any moment of setting fire to everything around. This crazy internal essence, caring about practically nothing or no one, hungers uncontrollably for one thing: to set the world ablaze in a sea of fire!

Often precisely this part of your soul has led Aries similarly astray, making you feel even more antsy. Luckily, consequences have held you back from complete madness… and, thank God, the prison of intellect of Aries deters your craziest impulses…

So in 2017 my dear Aries, regardless of all the unique possibilities that will come your way, not once will you end up at the edge of the abyss, when avoiding the fall will be oh so difficult, yet your sense of realization of the moment of life will be incredibly clear! Precisely in such moments you are closer than ever to the truth! It is exactly in those moments when you end up in a hopeless situation, with your back against the wall, that you are capable of the most ingenious decisions and selfless acts!

And so! Obviously 2017 – the year of the Rooster – provides people born under the sign of Aries quite a few unique possibilities, but (as mentioned above) in fact it will be what we call a double-edged sword. On one side, in 2017 your traditional protector, the planet Mars, will shield against the lion’s share of potential negatives and allow you to get out of the most complex situations with honor and considerable profit.

On the other hand, he demands of you the highest exertion of energy, impeccable purposefulness, expending all your strength, and a readiness to make strong-willed decisions even in the complete absence of any apparent support. The slightest doubts in your rightness, in the truth of the “course” you follow, will lead to the inevitable collapse of plans. Inflexibility and steadfastness – these are your key qualities in this time period.

In 2017 it is necessary for representatives of the Aries zodiac sign to direct their efforts only toward their own experience and (at a certain stage) toward intuition. All remaining variants, to one degree or another, will turn out to be losers. All in all, 2017 The Year of the Rooster will be a clear and positive period which naturally divides into three steps, each of which will be distinguished by a definite collection of unique characteristics.

The first time period of 2017, which for Aries will begin in February (strictly speaking, at that moment when the year of the fiery Rooster begins) will be characterized by maximum dynamism. Now the Sun, your exaltation, will enter an active phase, and interfacing with Mars on all planes, reveals before you a maximum of possibilities and perspectives. But you needn’t think you will literally feel a surge of strength immediately or that suddenly everything will begin to work out for you. As the old saying goes: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

Dear Aries, you need to work hard, in particular on yourself. Yes, now the essential front of the battle will lie not at all in the arena of work, but with you yourself, and in this relationship 2017 should be a year of serious metamorphosis for representatives of your zodiac sign. It is very important to get rid of egoism and irrationality, which are inherent in the Rooster, but which he hates. Yes, internal changes are quite complex, and the most complex opponent is you yourself! It’s difficult to catch yourself looking at the same things with new eyes, difficult to change your inner vector of understanding of the essence of things. But no one said this would be easy. However, it is that same necessity which afterwards will give Aries the ability not simply to become better, but also to change everything around them. Having changed yourself (let’s be honest – not in a fundamental way, as it seems at first) you will change your opinion of the surrounding world, and in definite steps – and this world itself.

You will see what previously had been hidden from you. Obstacles which earlier had seemed a priori, that is, not even worth attempting to confront, you will now easily overcome. Take action, move forward, without a moment’s hesitation, otherwise you won’t succeed in doing all that you wanted. This is not the time for Aries to carry out some kind of plan, to think things through for a long time, to agree on something. Now, it is necessary to build, create, and move forward!

Of course, this again is a dependent characteristic, because in any event it will be necessary to interact both with people and to somehow form your strategy. In the beginning of 2017, the Year of the Rooster, your tempo simply must be at maximum ability. Otherwise, Mars and the Sun, your helpers and “best friends,” won’t be able to help you and will leave you without support.

The second step will begin at sunrise in the first days of May and will continue right up until the end of the summer season of 2017 (that is, before the final days of August). This is the phase of 2017 which for Aries must become practically full in contrast to the first phase. If at the beginning of the year you scattered stones, then now it is time to gather them. Hurrying here will be unnecessary, and you’ll have to fulfill a sequence of actions, which will seem to you personally, dear Aries, not to be the most positive or promising. Sometimes you simply have to do what is necessary, without delving into the reason for this necessity. This period is one of those which will have less activity and more reflection. You’ll have to turn more often to friends and colleagues for advice, and your leadership position and authority will become for a time not as firm. And this is not a forced measure, and hardly a necessity. It is a natural course of events. You yourself will understand all of this, but it’s not possible immediately.

In several instances all of this might be a highly irritating factor for Aries, so you’ll have to take yourself by the hand and learn how to control your own emotions, and your uncontrollable urge for extreme action. Have no doubt, the fiery Rooster will be on your side, but now (after a short-lived period of frustration) he will help you to turn your impatience to good, to overexert energy waiting, and to dispel internal tension. Try during this period of 2017 to devote more time to personal relationships, and not in the direction of work, as you did in the previous period. Work on yourself, on your own goals and problems, but don’t forget: you are not alone, and sometimes the opinion and position of those closest to you will now have decisive meaning. Probably, at this exact time someone will find your “second half” and although far from the key moment of this period of 2017, who knows what might be the prospects for these relationships?

The third stage of 2017, which will begin in the first days of September and conclude at the beginning of the next yearly cycle, at last will bring Aries that which he has long awaited. Here will be mad dynamism, and minutes of blissful peace, and personality growth, and successes in the sensual-emotional areas. You can justly call this time period balanced in every sense.

At this moment, dear Aries, you probably will take in basic lessons, which the fiery Rooster will teach you, becoming considerably stronger and wiser. Of course, everything will depend to the largest degree on you personally (however, as always) surrounding circumstances will also play a considerable role in this “play.” Let’s say second in meaning, but not in significance. In this stage it’s necessary for Aries to be maximally flexible, in so much as your clear, and not so clear, opponents (Don’t mistakenly assume that you know them all) will turn out to be more cunning than could be shown to you at first glance. Quite likely, this will affect not just your work. At the end of 2017 the romantic sphere of Aries will also be in sight. There might be ups and downs, and intrigues on a massive scale. In particular, if there is a person in your life whose attention you are now actively fighting for, then be prepared that your relationships may not stand the test of time. But even with such a development of events, it’s not worth it for Aries to fall into despair in this regard. If nothing similar happens, then very soon you will understand that you were mistaken from the very start, and maybe all blame was passion or blindness of another type. But one way or another, the finale, which at first glance was not the most positive, will turn out to be more productive than you could have imagined. Remember, when 2017 comes to an end, you will absolutely be ahead.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all Aries happiness and good luck in the new year of the Red Rooster, 2017. Remember that for you 2017 will be active and clear, and this period will be a turning point in your life. The day which could become the starting point for the most important events of your life is hidden somewhere in the course of the year of the Red Rooster. So, be ready for an extraordinary development of events in 2017, and most importantly, be careful!



They say everything new is actually well-forgotten old, but others say this is all an illusion and that the spark of the new will soon go dark. So what are we left with? Perhaps, to take joy in the present! On the eve of the new Year of the Rooster 2017, a new period promises many changes for you, dear Capricorn, together with a new perspective and possibilities, which will bring a new stage in your lives in the coming year. And nothing will repeat itself; everything that happens with you in 2017 will be a first!

What is clear right away is that 2017 will be the Year of the Red Rooster for the element of Fire. At the same time your element – Earth – at first glance won’t go hand in hand with a favorable confluence of circumstances overall. This is partly true. For Capricorns, 2017 won’t be a bed of roses. However, nor is it right to say that 2017 will be a failure. In fact, in 2017 Capricorns have a chance to achieve really significant success, to get something significant which might turn your lifestyle around in the future, bringing you to a new, more comfortable, or higher level. Although Fire and Earth interreact directly and indirectly, in certain circumstances and with tenacity they can forge iron! Nothing is completely new; a substance with such qualities doesn’t exist in nature. But, as in our example, such a transformation demands more external impact, control, and tenacity on the part of the individual himself toward the achievement of targeted goals. From this one can infer that “chance” is truly a key word in this equation. As is known, “Lightning only strikes once.” And this means that not all Capricorns will be able to realize their potential in 2017. It’s possible you will find yourself in inappropriate situations, too early or simply not ready to complete your large-scale projects. Somehow, the heavens will be supportive of Capricorn in 2017, giving them the rare opportunity to reverse the flow of time, to change and rig surrounding circumstances for themselves. Everything else depends on you. But don’t worry, even if, as it may seem to you, nothing depends on you in this time period. As said in the introduction, everything comes back around at some point, and when you are ready, such a possibility will appear again.

So, it must be mentioned in any event that the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 will be a crucial period for Capricorns in some kind of context dividing your life into before and after. Clearly, 2017 will be memorable for you, dear Capricorns! However, that isn’t to imply that in this year you yourself will change, going through a range of internal and external transformations. You needn’t fear this or worry too much, but somehow at a specific moment in 2017, Capricorns may feel empty and marginalized. This moment in the destiny of Capricorn can be described as the end of your old life, but at the same time, not quite the moment when your new life will begin. In fact, this simply means that you are beginning to change, your ship of fate having lifted its anchor and heading toward the open sea into uncharted waters.

The Year of the Red Fire Rooster 2017 will turn out to be ambiguous for all Earth signs. In this sense, Capricorn will hardly be the clearest member of your element. And here it’s important to understand one factor: The less influence various astrological tendencies have on a man’s life, the more independent his decisions. This is an elemental question in the sphere of responsibility, but if you fulfill the instructions of a leader and the instructions turn out to be wrong, then the responsibility doesn’t at all lie with you. The same here: 2017 will be a challenging time for Capricorns because you’ll need to think twice as much before making one or another decision, and analyze the situation twice as well. Here, in general, an intellectual factor comes to the fore. That is, as it concerns the Capricorn sign in the coming year, you’ll need to heavily emphasize reflection, analysis, planning, and systemization. This might seem surprising, since the Rooster, specifically the Red Fire Rooster, clearly tends toward activity, in particular, the physical. This is true, but here one needs to understand that Capricorn, an Earth sign, is an element that has perhaps the most indirect relationship with Fire. Of course, you’ll need to work on your muscles, no one would argue this, but there’s no need to take any chances without adequate preparation. Here adaptation is not the most important, as much as analysis of the situation, maximally open-minded and independent. That’s why Capricorn, who traditionally has no problem with planning, will actually turn out to be in his element in 2017. With that, the general burden is divided to an equal degree between the spheres of work and personal relationships. This distribution is to a certain degree a significant plus, without counting some side factors, which, naturally, are individual and possess their own characteristics in each situation.

The first half of 2017 up until approximately the second or third part of June will turn out to be the clearest and most active in relation to the zodiac sign Capricorn. In the first months of this yearly cycle you will find that new contacts will bring you new possibilities that it would be a sin not to take advantage of. But don’t rush to make decisions, even if everything indicates that time is working against you. Especially, you should treat different type of adventure with caution, where a minimal proportion of risk is present. Your guideline now is responsibility. The more responsibility your partners take on themselves, the more personally favorable it will turn out to be for you in this or another project. And this isn’t a standard situation, which those who have their own business well know. Of course, “potholes” always exist, but now it will be necessary to orient yourself toward obvious factors. In this period of 2017 there will probably be significant changes in the realm of personal relationships.

Many Capricorns most likely worry about a breakup, but this won’t necessarily be a relationship between loved ones. This might equally be a friendship or a long-standing partnership. It’s not worth getting especially worried in this regard. It’s possible, of course, to worry to the end about missed opportunities, but it’s unlikely that someone will return those possibilities to you. Only if you yourself try. And it’s necessary to occupy yourself namely with this: Capricorns need to try to realize their own potential within some new directions and concepts. In general, be prepared to need to survive many new emotions, and here a large number of events will relate to the “Love Department.” This won’t turn out to be a priority, but as we know, the Rooster is a very emotional creature, meaning he will most likely emphasize this arena.

From the beginning of August begins the second step of 2017, which for Capricorns will turn out to be a bit less bright, a bit less dynamic, and anyway not at all passive. It is a fact that here dynamics will be enough, and priorities will remain the same. That is, the attention of Capricorns will likewise be spread out into all spheres of their lives. Perhaps the Red Rooster would advise you to decide on a hobby, if you don’t have one. Especially in the autumn period of 2017, sensible relaxation, a time suspension from pressing problems with a whole emotional weakening, will become a very important factor, which might to a significant degree influence success. In other words, workaholics will end up the clear winners. Dear Capricorns, you will definitely run into situations which will demand from you exceptional strain on all your life reserves. That is, there will be time and possibility, but they will “boost” your objective parameters. You can lament and worry about this for a long time, but it nevertheless won’t return lost possibility. So it’s better to solve problems as they come and to a certain degree listen to prophecies the stars give, especially that directions are fully concrete in the current situation. Closer to the end of 2017 the intensity in the rise of tense situations will fall significantly, and priorities will begin to move in the direction of the sphere of personal relationships. On the work front, you will probably be able to find a maximally effective strategy that will automate all processes to a certain degree. So it will be natural if you receive a new position or open your own business by the beginning of 2018. The Year of the Fire Rooster concludes in the middle of February 2018, and by that time Capricorn will have ended up in an absolutely stable position, prepared for new achievements and feats.

In the end, we’d like to wish all Capricorns happiness and success in the New Year of the Red Rooster 2017! Be yourself, dear Capricorn, but don’t stop dreaming, and most importantly, don’t fear to go for your dreams! Happy New Year of the Rooster 2017!



As always, the coming year 2017 will be highly varied for members of your Zodiac sign. Oh, my dear Gemini, at the heart of your personality you are so bright, flashy, and diverse in temperament! How interesting, scary and unclear it is with you… Take a look at all that happened and your eyes will well up with tears. How much stupidity did we accomplish? Strangest of all, no matter what approach one takes — it’s completely unclear what to do with you! How can a person remain themselves and not go mad being with you? Answer honestly, at least to yourself: what, in fact, are you looking for? In what is the true sense of your life, ideas, deeds, plans? Can everything be in the realization of the moment here and now? The search for truth? Where are the sources of your strength that will drive you to craziness and action, impressing everyone around you with your daring? But don’t say that it’s all about self-affirmation! By doing this you break our heart. But even if your true goals are mundane, everyone around you wants to believe that in the deeds of Gemini there is something else, definitely something more than banal self-determination…

What then is practical for each Gemini in The Year of The Fire Rooster 2017 but to either present a surprise, or to present an important life-affirming lesson, knowledge of which will accompany you yet another year. In the Year of the Rooster 2017 it’s possible that what had until now slipped from your view will become accessible to you. In particular, 2017 will not pass by without a trace; new knowledge will surprise and enrich members of the Gemini sign. For example, it might be a surprise for Gemini that there is on this earth a shared soul able to influence even the most candid members of your water sign? But even the Devil himself can’t control you! Not only are you informed of this, but also everyone who knows you personally. One way or another, in 2017 surprises await not only you, dear Gemini, but also all those who are directly close to you or connected to you in some way. Especially in relationship to your zodiac sign, we can claim what we said at the start; The Year Of The Red Fire Rooster 2017 will be quite a diverse and varied period for those born under the sign of Gemini.

Let us try to analyze the tendencies of 2017 in detail; everything that in the coming year will provide you, dear Gemini, with assistance, bring benefit, or, conversely, cast a pall over your existence. Let us begin with the elements of 2017. The thing is, the current element of this time period is Fire, at the same time as Gemini — whose sign is Water. And how does Fire interact with Water? To a highly relative degree, if you ignore a simple physical fact: Without air (in particular, without oxygen), the process of burning is impossible. This tells us that at this life stage Gemini will hardly receive from the representative of 2017 any exceptionally useful indications; rather they (Geminis and the Fire elements of 2017) will coexist in parallel, intersecting on only the rarest of occasions. Nevertheless, you don’t live in parallel universes, so the connection is preserved. Intersections will have a place and it’s necessary for Gemini to clearly understand what to do in those moments. Besides, in 2017 it’s necessary to take into account that Saturn, the exaltant of Gemini, will now turn out to be not as strong as you wanted, and Mercury (steward of the so-called zodiac house of Gemini) will be the opposite, controlling the reins. Each of these nuances individually carry no substantial high-quality characteristics, one way or another defining a life of heroes of this horoscope, but in sum all of this paints a fully concrete picture, which vividly divides 2017 into four successive stages, each of which will bring a certain unique trace into the life of Gemini.

The first step will begin with the arrival of The Year Of The Red Fire Rooster (let us remember, that this is not at all January 1st, but February 28th) and will last on average until the end of March or the beginning of April (but in total might constitute no more than one week). This interval of 2017 might be characterized by an intensification of situations in the sensual-emotional arena, so this claim might to an equal degree concern extremely varied situations, but by no means in a negative way.

Lonely Geminis can now look more “soberly” at their life and realize that in reality they want to strive for something (or, more precisely, for someone). Married people will have the unique ability to look at their relationships from another point of view, although, of course, not everyone will experience positive emotions. On the other hand, if we rid ourselves of frankly disastrous relationships, which bring you no creative impulses, but only cause suffering, then wouldn’t it be fair to get rid of such relationships, no matter how difficult it might be? The question to a great degree is philosophical; nonetheless, it is necessary for Gemini to answer it in this stage, and, truthfully, not just once.

The next time period, which begins with the arrival of April and concludes approximately in the second third of July, will be more dynamic for Gemini. However, it is highly curious that here the decisions which were made in the beginning of 2017 will have practically no meaning. This doesn’t mean that they weren’t important in principle; they are important, but we will talk about this later. Now it is necessary to focus on work, although you needn’t think that this will be an especially “technical” question. Communication, personal relations — the emotional sphere — will also have great meaning in this very high quality stage. The Red Fire Rooster may try to “buck” and for this you especially, dear Gemini, must be ready, so that in a negative situation it may be easy to lose the position you had earlier gained. In this time period not everything in the work arena will be smooth, so don’t rush into initiatives. Focus on what you consider the most important for yourself at this moment in time, but make decisions only when it is objectively necessary, and not when you feel like it.

From the end of the second third of July and right up until the end of October is a time period which will have as special a significance as those decisions which Gemini made at the beginning of the year. In general, for those of your zodiac sign The Year Of The Fire Rooster 2017 is like a chessboard in the sense that moments when it is necessary to emphasize the emotional sphere will alternate with periods when it is better and more productive to focus on work. In fact, the third step in many ways will repeat the first; only here you’ll have to work with old material. You will strengthen specific tendencies related to the personal realm, while others you will abandon like something unneeded and already obsolete. Remember, however, dear Gemini, that it is important for you not to become too absorbed in play. Despite your desire to rise, it’s necessary for you to try to remain yourself, attempt to adequately evaluate and measure your own abilities. This also concerns the spheres of relationships with close friends and family members. Here it is true the Fire Rooster will help you greatly, pointing out your weaknesses and shortcomings. Instructions won’t be very obvious, because unfortunately some Gemini’s, especially those who don’t understand hints, may present themselves in an unfavorable light. Remember, not everything revolves around you, and it isn’t especially worth it to “bite off more than you can chew.” You need to be smart and bow to the needs of other people. There are no other options. But if you do everything right, you will find those relationships you always dreamed of.

The two final months of 2017, along with all of January and up until February 15, 2018 (this is the end of the Year Of The Red Rooster in the Eastern tradition) will be the closing stage of the current time period for Gemini. For many zodiac signs these months always embody the harvest, figuratively speaking, taking stock of the year. That is, we gather the fruits of our labors, delight in our successes, bemoan our misfortune, but in particular we don’t yet undertake any dynamic action. This is natural, and in this sense 2017 is no exception for members of the Gemini sign. At this time you need to focus to a large degree on work because it is namely there that some especially meaningful events will occur.

Mercury advises you not to lose faith in yourself under any circumstances. Yes, quite simply, be yourself — this is now the most successful and, shall we say productive, strategy. In the love department a frank peace will become clear, although it must be pointed out that for the majority of Gemini’s all of this is quite relative. But this same “peace” might be like the lull before the storm, or like natural harmony or repose. Naturally, little will depend on you here due to all the key decisions you already made. And here in the career area certain nuances still remain in the realm of potential. It makes sense for Gemini not to slack off at work. In this period of 2017 certain important decisions are possible which will significantly influence your future career. If you act correctly, the Fire Rooster will undoubtedly be proud of you, and you will receive substantial satisfaction.

Dear Gemini, in summary I would like to wish you a happy 2017 and the start of a period in which many roads open for your zodiac sign. Remember, in The Year Of The Fire Rooster 2017 you will be able to achieve much. However, avoid being friends with a certain person, do what you want, but don’t be trite in your undertakings! Your nature is such — you are fickle and unique in essence — that only in such a way can you be happy!



Hardly any of the people in your circle understand your real goals and yearnings. Oh, dear Leos, what notions you have that everything must prevent you from enjoying what you have! The Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 will be no exception to the rule. You are now where you were before… however your thoughts and dreams are far in the future. Nevertheless, this fact, that Leo is perpetually disconnected from reality, is not that important now. Now the important dynamic is the development of events, and how you will comport yourself as a whole in 2017. At the same time, it’s not about the fact that you need nothing more, but that you already have everything you need. It’s not about desires or gains, but about realizing and understanding your life’s path. We understand that excessive philosophizing is not about your honor, but that overly esoteric phrases will more likely mix up your deck of cards than help adequately analyze the accumulated questions.

You, dear Leos, are like an uncontrollable fireball able at great speed to leave inerasable marks behind you. Like no one else you purposefully achieve your intended purpose, not retreating even an inch from norms of honor and morals. Moreover, the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 corresponds almost ideally with the vectors of development of your zodiac sign. In the physical, energetic, and spiritual levels Leo will be able to manage any available resources in 2017. In fact, the only thing that can weaken you in the coming year of the Rooster is the disharmony of your inner and outer worlds, which often accompanies many members of your zodiac sign. Dear Leos, in 2017 we wish you well-earned success, but also to find harmony in your inner world, which above all other things will help you to be happy.

So, let us now analyze wherein lie the advantages in 2017, specifically for your zodiac sign. First of all, it must be mentioned that the zodiac sign Leo will end up winning for two reasons in the Year of the Red (Fire) Rooster. Firstly, the current element of this yearly cycle is Fire, and Leo is in fact related to this element. Secondly, the Sun, the patron of the sign Leo, will be especially strong (energetic) in 2017, and here will naturally receive certain “bonuses.” In other words, in this year it makes sense for Leo to initially and justly count on sufficiently positive time, fruitful and unbelievably successful in the areas of personal relationships and professional successes. Of course, in practice, not everything will turn out to be as smooth and cloudless as in theory. In part, although all the above-mentioned astrological tendencies will have a place, nonetheless, based on them, Leo will not receive a full picture. Everyone knows that any situation is like a two-sided coin, and in your case dear Leos, here you need to honor the fact that the patronage of the Red Rooster is not constant, but rather intermittent. Over the course of 2017 the Year of the Fire Rooster, general support of your zodiac sign will alternate with periods of stagnation, or by support only under certain circumstances. Considering this, 2017 as it applies to people born under the sign of Leo, can logically be divided into several tentative stages; more precisely into five full time periods, each with its own unique characteristics. Naturally, we will start off from this in our astrological prognosis.

The first stage will begin at the end of January (in the eastern tradition, the year of the Rooster begins on January 28, 2017) and conclude at the end of February. Yes, this is just one month, or perhaps a bit longer, but what an incredibly important month it will be! During this time it is better for Leo to take a break in the sphere of work. It’s not worth pointing yourself toward the highest positions. You should hold off with initiatives, and it is better to “freeze” your current projects, if possible. This is a very important moment. If you don’t do this, there exists a great risk of losing the position you have achieved. Dismissal (or bankruptcy for those who work for themselves) isn’t in the cards for you, however excessive activity in this period might bring a heightened workload, and as a result, difficulties with unpredictable consequences. Therefore, there is every indication that if you do everything correctly and on time, in the future you will receive a considerable advantage against your opponents. By the way, on the “love front” everything will be calm, without any significant events or unconcealed excesses. Naturally, it’s not worth forcing a situation, as everything must take its normal course… You yourself will feel when it is necessary to step into the fray!

With the onset of March begins the second stage of the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017, which for Leo will turn out to be much more dynamic than the previous year. During this period for Leo’s horoscope, the Sun, located in projection to your sign, will cross into a more active phase, which will specifically give us the go ahead toward more active behavior. It may begin to gradually act, moving in a given direction. The goal could be anything, but now the means and methods will have a special importance. Don’t shy away from experimenting because this comment concerns the personal sphere to a large degree. The Red Rooster is an assertive, violent, strong-willed image. To put it bluntly, now success will favor “impudent” Leo. But, of course, it isn’t worth losing yourself in playing; rather you can, so to speak, get used to this image, which is not characteristic of you. Moreover, in the future you won’t need any kind of mask. This spring-summer stage is justly called a time of certain growth — in career, personality, and, we hope, spirituality — so for members of your zodiac sign in 2017 it is no less important. Let us remember that if Leo can analyze his feelings and desires this year, then he will achieve a lot more, possibly even substantially more than you had planned for yourself for this year and the subsequent surveyed period.

The third stage will begin in the middle of June (at the beginning of the second third). This period of time in 2017, which will come to a close in the first third of September, will possibly be the most dynamic for Leo. On one side, the work sphere will move off onto the back burner, but will not stop being an important part of your life; simply, everything in it will go along as usual, especially if you heeded our advice at the beginning of the year, and were able to rein in the horses a bit. Besides, in this period of 2017 all the preconditions exist for some significant changes to occur in Leo’s career exactly at this moment. Specifically, the heavens are more than favorable for you. Nothing in essence will be demanded of you, dear Leos, besides attentiveness. It’s important for you not to skip this necessary moment and end up in the right place at the right time. Naturally, you will independently come to this gradually; simply be ready for any situation and then nothing will be unexpected for you. But in your personal life in this period you may strongly offend someone close to you. Luckily, discord in relationships will quickly come to naught because you will be able to make a clear, strong-willed decision, adequate and dictated by conclusions. So, we hope that the person close to you will heed your arguments… However, for the couple only beginning to build their relationship, the likelihood of a breakup in this period will be high. Fortunately, this doesn’t concern “family.” With them, everything will be the opposite; their union will become only stronger, and from emotional ups and downs feelings will “burn” with a new strength.

From the beginning of the fall of 2017 the Year Of The Red Fire Rooster the work front will advance forward. Then, like the sphere of personal relationships, relations with children and relatives will again move onto the back burner. From the first third of September 2017 until the end of October 2017 members of the Leo sign must again roll up their sleeves, tackling problems with tripled strength. This time will be not so much dynamic as strenuous. But again, you will be completely ready for it. We don’t think that the Red Rooster will present you with any kind of surprises in this period, but if unforeseen situations should arise, they will hardly succeed in taking you by surprise. By the fall of 2017, people born under the zodiac sign Leo must be armed, ready for a protracted battle, clearly understanding who is who on the board game of life. And although this isn’t characteristic of you by nature, the important thing for you, dear Leos, is not to doubt your own strengths. Now, a mistake may consist of a reassessment of the abilities of opponents and in your own indecision. Thus it must be noted at this time that Leos shouldn’t ignore the signs of attention in relationships with relatives. The fall of 2017 is so important for you in the field of fulfilling your chosen projects that there will barely be enough possibilities to spend as much time with relatives as you had in the summer. In order not to be distracted by negatives, dear Leos, it is important not to lose balance between various directions in life. You’ll need to seriously sweat in order to have time for everything – to go fishing with friends, visit with family, and finish current projects at work on time.

Completing the Year of the Fire Rooster (which ends on February 15, 2018), needs to be done in short order. For reasons independent of Leo, you won’t have time to conclude certain important things on time (possibly we’re talking about one certain thing, but everything is extremely individual). There’s no value in being afraid and panicking, even if they exert pressure on you (this might be like the terms of a contract, or other circumstances, however more likely the pressure on you will turn out to be your direct leadership). As in the previous stage, here it’s very important not to doubt yourself for a second. Otherwise, all your work will go to the dogs! Therefore in the sphere of personal relationships the end of 2017 the Year of the Fire Rooster will be, perhaps, one of the best moments in your whole life. Absolutely idyllic family happiness awaits you, or the harmony of mutual understanding with a partner, hand in hand with adventures – yes, such things as you couldn’t imagine! It’s not important who the initiator is – you, your “second half,” or circumstances — what’s important is that as a result you definitely receive a mass of positive and clear understandings, which will stay in your memory all your life.

Be happy, dear Leos! Once again, in 2017 we hope you find the missing part of your personality, which is like a piece of a puzzle which finds its place in the general picture, bringing you and your inner world to perfection



Dear Libras, I’d like to wish you lightness, unconcern, and harmony in 2017, the Year of the Fire Rooster. I’d like to wish you the ability to cast aside all your cares, to sail along with the wind, and most important, not to fill your clear head with the various arcane nonsense which has withered you like a leathery fall leaf in the wind. But of course, our world isn’t made like that. It’s a shame that our world is made differently… a bit of a shame that you, dear Libras, are made in such a way… a shame that even such surprising and unique people like you need to spread all over the world in order to understand that now you really need to stay there, at the starting point of your journey! Unfortunately, or luckily, our world is made exactly like this; it is woven from contradiction! Just like you, dear Libra… the whole world is you in a microcosm! Now and then you want to realize that it’s a miracle! And how could this not seem strange, in spite of everything, that the whole world works like a well-oiled watch.

For people born under the sign Libra, The Year of the Red Fire Rooster 2017 may turn out to be quite clear, or it might not stand out at all in the background of the current stage of life. Naturally, specific fateful situations in 2017 will have a place in any event (and we will dwell on them), but it’s also necessary to understand that as a whole the Fire Rooster will have a very indirect relationship with Libra (in particular, to the element of your zodia sign – to the element of Air). That is, of course, specific astrological tendencies which are characteristic in this stage and typical of all of 2017, will turn out to have an obvious influence on the life of the heroes of this horoscope. Nevertheless, it’s not worth it for Libras to wait for any particular instructions, or “signs from above”! Dear Libras, now is clearly not the time when the Universe will reveal to you its secrets or suggest in which direction to move.

Conversely, in the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 it’s all about the time for active preparation, active waiting. To a high degree of probability this year will become a threshold of something truly significant for you, and it would be foolish not to prepare for the war (figuratively speaking, obviously), if the hour of your enemy’s arrival was already reported to you. In its most general features, 2017 will be a good time for Libras, in large degree because it’s about a balanced phase in which the sensual, work, and spiritual spheres will interact harmoniously, having an equal priority with each other, that will be an ideal variant for members of your zodiac sign.

On the other hand, dear Libras, in the process of solving critical problems in 2017, there may arise before you a dilemma of an ethical nature. You will have to be able to forsake certain feelings and more, such is already the distinctive feature of this year. Because of this, in 2017 Libras will have to get used to adjusting to a lot, but some changes are not worth putting up with in any event. Here much will depend on your steadfastness, on your ability to resist your own “demons,” which as we all know, everyone has.

The first phase of 2017 will start in the beginning of January and will conclude in the second third of April, at the very height of spring. This active stage of time for Libras will be characterized by the heightened intensity of energetic streams from Venus, the steward of your zodiac sign. However, because of this, Saturn, the exaltant of your sign, will turn out to be in a losing position, so it’s not worth it for Libras to especially count on reserves. Then again, all of this strongly simplifies the process. If it’s necessary to act, then act here and now. This is a very important factor, which the Fire Rooster teaches members of the sign Libra: it is not worth relying too strongly on the opinions of others, even if this “professional” opinion to a great degree came from reliable sources. In the end, all the aspects are unknown to anyone besides you yourself, and even your own opinion is subjective in any event. This means that approaching the solution of the next question, it isn’t necessary for you, dear Libras, to learn open-mindedness and objectivity in this phase. You need to learn how to make informed decisions, keenly aware of the consequences and and taking responsibility to the fullest degree. We understand that you are not accustomed to this… it’s true, it is in fact much more difficult to do this than can be shown at first glance. But over the course of all of 2017, the Fire Rooster will “palm off” these situations on you time after time, so long as you don’t learn. It’s difficult to say on which sphere it makes sense to make a specific emphasis. The Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 is a period of multi-directional tendencies, but this definitely be a clear time, because neither work nor family will take up a dominant position in the fate of Libra. Ambiguous situations will frankly dominate, in this there is no doubt. And in this is the complexity of the phase. On the other hand, there is still a dominant aspect: allies. Dear Libras, you will now not simply find those who actively value you and are prepared to help the most critical situations. You will learn to identify those people with unique experience who can help you in the future. In the life of every man are periods in the course of which he gathers knowledge and experience, and as a consequence he uses them for the realization of his plans. Dear Libras, in your life this period of 2017 will reveal just such a lucky moment.

From the second half of April to the first third of September 2017, quite a few questions will arise for Libras. Here the Fire Rooster takes a back seat with his “sermons” and a time of dynamism enters. Actions take the place of reflection, which was not always completely perfect with you. If you want to achieve significant success in the area of work, don’t feel sorry for yourself; work like you’ve never worked before. In the words of the Black Queen from Alice Through The Looking Glass, “Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”

However, don’t overexert yourself, this doesn’t make any sense now. Learn how to time the right moment, especially if you’re not in a leadership position. It’s recommended that leaders and businesspeople take a wider look at the situation; when the goal is in clear sight, don’t dilly dally. Don’t be afraid to give something up or to lose something when you are close to solving the riddle. Remember that you have to pay for everything in this world — that’s a truism which in many aspects exists at all levels of our lives and very existence. In other words, you needn’t fight with what you can’t cope with; just fight where there is a chance for victory.

Concerning personal relationships, in the summer of 2017 you will finally be able to gain the certainty which you have lacked for so long. Be prepared for openness, answer honesty with directness, even with cunning… Also, forthrightness will put you in a winning position and allow you to understand which relationships in fact have perspective and make sense for you personally. The situation at this time of 2017 in general may develop suddenly, and thus quite violently. Don’t worry; if you need to split up with one of your close acquaintances, this is an inevitable event which you simply need to accept.

Besides, new relationships will very soon take the place of old ones, and it’s hard to say if the old adage “An old friend is better than two new ones” is true or not. In any event, new tasks will not arise which you can’t solve. Moreover, in general you won’t be experiencing any really difficult times, at least not in the current period.

The final phase of the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 (which lasts all the way up until February 15, 2018) will stand out for its frenetic activity in the “love department.” Then, like in the business arena, everything will move as before. The Fire Rooster says there’s no need to be ashamed of your desires. He urges you toward impudence, confidence, and vigor, but at the same time teaches serenity and a broad vision. These are not mutually exclusive and you need to understand this very quickly if you want to be the victor in the situations that await you. This won’t exactly be an uneasy moment, rather a kind of conflict of interests. This is a particularly important situation which will identify itself in this time period, and you will immediately understand that it is namely this that will turn out to have a significant influence on your future (personal) life. To a certain degree this will probably be the culmination of all that you learned in the past year. And, as always, everything is in your hands.
Dear Libras, happiness to you in the coming year 2017!


Wow, what a wonderful year 2017 the Year of the Rooster is! Always moving forward! Dear members of Pisces, don’t believe that 2017, a year of the element of Fire, isn’t correlated with your zodiac sign. This is not so. Of course, according to the horoscope, 2017 doesn’t clearly match the image of an ideal period when the heavens themselves will favor any of your undertakings. This is partly true, because when Pisces fall into depression in 2017, and take an easier path on the leash of your natural passivity, in this case, dear Pisces you can fall into a bunch of unresolved conflicts. And although even false hope is better than nothing, it can’t feed you or warm you… What is left? The bottom line: only that which you need to work long and hard for with all your strength and ability. The Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 will favor confident and motivated people, clearly envisioning their goal, knowing exactly what they are supposed to get in the end! In the Year of the Red Fire Rooster, it won’t be simple for the zodiac sign Pisces. This is a fact, although along with that, in order to go with the flow, Dear Pisces, you will need to roll up your sleeves and take on the realization of plans which you have long put off. If you are able to overcome the first organizational difficulties, then by the spring of 2017 the first rays of hope will bring happiness, and an exactness of calibrated goals in this battle will provide you with the confidence and certainty in your chosen path and pay back your undertakings with the fruit of results!

And so, let us analyze in detail what difficulties members of the sign Pisces will encounter in the Year of the Red Rooster 2017. We need to mention that we’re talking about fully surmountable difficulties, which in addition, will become a real necessity. From the start of 2017, Pisces will feel that not much will happen the way they had planned, but, along with that, that will hardly be upset, considering the personal characteristic of your zodiac sign. The vast majority of Pisces will most likely become more persistent, while others might change tactics, which in this situation will be partly justified. In any event, in 2017 you’ll need to learn a lot, so you’ll need to be ready for the fact that flexibility of thinking will now come to the forefront. 2017 is a dynamic period, forgiving toward bright, ambiguous events. Therefore it’s very important that Jupiter, the manager of the Pisces sign, will now be strong enough. Of course, you’ll need to do the lion’s share of all the work alone. In the coming year, “manna from heaven” won’t exactly fall from the skies, although workaholics, fanatics, as well as unadventurous people (or lazy bums frankly) won’t end up in the winningest position. For the achievement of success, Pisces will need to take action, but your actions must be proportionate to needs. That is, after working more than you need to, you will be surprised, realizing that this is far from the best variant. They say that good taste is characterized by an exact sense of proportion and is rarely seen, so you will probably understand where you will be ashamed. Now initiative will turn out to be punishable, and especially for Pisces with creative habits, will need to be delayed. This is an extremely important moment, which defines a general philosophy of the current yearly cycle. Don’t hurry. In 2017 everything in your life should happen naturally and with your full physical, aesthetic, and moral satisfaction.

For simplicity of perception, the Year of the Red Rooster 2017 more accurately will split into three stages, each of which is characterized by specific qualities and tendencies in relation to your zodiac sign.

From the beginning of 2017 right up until the final third of March (inclusive), a quite unambiguous period will come for Pisces. On the one hand, this time will be characterized by a true, high-quality dynamic which will allow you to obtain very significant results, both now and in the future. Besides which, in this stage Pisces, acting deliberately and consistently, will be able to lay down a solid base for projects that are not even planned yet. In short, in spite of quite a high level of activity which is demanding of you, it’s not worth hurrying, striving to the fullest degree to use only visible possibilities. If you are offered something new, or advantageous enough, don’t say no, or at least don’t do it right away. No one talks about the fact that now it makes sense to risk with every step, and let’s say the likelihood of winning the lottery at this stage of life isn’t higher than usual. However, the Fire Rooster, who in terms of his energy is antagonistic in relation to Pisces and the element of Water as a whole, simply won’t allow you to obtain results with minimal efforts. So you need to approach this situation philosophically, especially when the question concerns the “Love Department,” although in this time period one sphere of life won’t clearly dominate another. Dear Pisces, odds are in the first months of 2017 you’ll need to work on the future. In this time period it’s important for you not to allow a deterioration of your situation.

From the first days of April until the end of the second third of August many key tendencies will change significantly. The period of summer-fall is always quite an active time, however this year it promises to be especially active and full of surprises regarding your zodiac sign. Clearly, this stage of 2017 will become a milestone and very exemplary in terms of the spheres of personal relationships of Pisces. Probably, quite a few new contacts will appear for you at precisely this time, but the important thing is not to distance yourself from people, even though in the depths of your soul just such a desire will arise, more inherent in your hardened misanthropy. You yourself will understand why it’s necessary when information received during a totally random conversation will literally save your life. You’ll be able to emerge victorious from whatever unbelievably complex situation, bluntly put, because of randomness. On its own, such a situation can change your worldview, and don’t doubt that new priorities will turn out to be true. Put more specifically, those relationships that somehow ended in this time period will resume again, but much later, so there is no sense in worrying in this regard. But several of these new contacts will end up being quite short-lived and here it’s not worth being especially upset. More importantly, you’ll be able to achieve the position that you were aiming for. Although specifically now single Pisces will hardly find their “Second Half,” and breaking off or suspending relations with someone qualified for that role won’t experience optimism in relation to prospects for their personal life.

From September 2017 until February 15, 2018, the conclusion of the cycle of the Fire Rooster, it’s logical for Pisces to emphasize the work arena. In this time period, support of the professional sector will be maximal, so let “affairs of the heart” move to the back burner, particularly since the current tendencies of this area won’t demand any especially active deeds from you. And yet, in relation to your zodiac sign, everything isn’t so literal. For example, if you are a performer, don’t forget that initiative will be useful to you to a minimal degree now. You will get more help from promptness and skill quickly adapting to changing conditions. Anyway, it seems that a new position isn’t right around the corner! Although it’s difficult to definitively say what you need to do in order to get one, members of the Pisces sign need to act according to the situation, we can only assure that the stars will be on your side during this period of 2017. For the self-employed, entrepreneurs, and managers of various levels this will be quite a concrete and definitely successful time. You’ll be surprised to discover that your abilities are significantly greater than they had seemed to you, so a heightening of dynamism, activity and life tone will be very appropriate. At precisely this moment the Fire Rooster will be maximally loyal to you, dear Pisces, so it’s justified to act boldly and aggressively at this stage. True, as we once warned in this prognosis, everything must be done gradually, in moderation, so as not to scare off the “bluebird of happiness.” You should come to the end of 2017 not only with a feeling of achieved responsibility, but with fully defined concrete plans which will demand significant efforts in order to be realized. But that’s for later. Now it’s important to understand that the near future brings only very positive tendencies.

On the whole, 2017 will end up being successful in all relationships. As was said earlier, single Pisces will hardly enjoy their emotional-spiritual quest. Nevertheless, you’ll clearly succeed in improving your financial position, making new friends and good (useful) acquaintances. Act according to circumstances and take responsibility on yourself only when it’s necessary. Stay out of trouble, as this will be an obvious mistake now. Give priority to risky yet promising and objectively realistic projects. Don’t be afraid to take chances, but don’t risk anything if you’re not prepared for the consequences. These are the simple rules that will help you in the Year of the (Red) Fire Rooster 2017. We wish you happiness and joy in the coming new year 2017!



How many of our hopes are connected to the beginning of a new period. And again on the threshold of the Year of the Red Rooster 2017! And somewhere there… beyond the high peaks of arrogance, beyond the endless river of fiery rage, beyond the thorny bushes of egoism, everything is the same as before, that rare species Sagittarius is lurking, with whom anyone can truly fall in love! What a shame that he is almost unreachable, and so rarely steps out from his hideout… but anyway, the times are changing! Whether you want it or not, in 2017 someone is once again on a crusade in search of a legendary mythical beast. Will someone really be so bold as to reveal a world that had been hidden under a thick layer of pompous alienation, tucked in a shell of dogma and rules not understood by anyone (except you)? Why not… Sagittarians are so used to getting what they want regardless of anything, so why can’t desirable things come to Sagittarians regardless of them ?!

In the coming year 2017 everything will work out for you, dear Sagittarius. Sagittarians, members of the zodiac house of Fire, will even feel quite positive about themselves in the Year of the Red (Fire) Rooster 2017. This is a forward-looking time, which will allow you to realize your greatest plans to the fullest extent. And in fact even more! In 2017 Sagittarians will have to discover for themselves what is really necessary for you, discover something or someone that will allow you to become better, demonstrate those qualities of your personality which were normally hidden… only don’t be so defensive, there is nothing to fear! We perceive everything with caution and with a degree of wariness all changes in our lives, despite the fact that changes are a part of the life cycle. Yes, there will be a huge number of changes in the lives of Sagittarius in 2017, and these very changes may be so large-scale that they will overturn your lifestyle and possibly even your perception of life. Despite the fear, moving forward is necessary. Remaining in the past will be equivalent to going to the “dark” side, from which you won’t be able to soon emerge. Dear Sagittarians, fear of change is the major enemy for you in 2017! Always move forward, take all that the world has to offer, or wait until all the events happen on their own. But the important thing is to savor life by welcoming change, and then 2017 will be one of the most successful and memorable stages of life in your bright future!

And so, the Year of the Red Fire Rooster 2017 corresponds to the element of your zodiac sign, which clearly supports Sagittarians with a certain patronage. Along with this it is important to note that although the general tone of life strengths of Sagittarius will now be higher than usual, internal circumstances won’t totally support your aspirations. So, dear Sagittarians, it’s not worth counting on the fact that everything in 2017 will happen as if you waved a magic wand. And although some spheres will really not demand close attention, others will lag behind and demand your focused attention and participation in solving current tasks. Looking at 2017 as a whole in relation to your zodiac sign, then one can deduce that in the current phase of life it’s logical to emphasize the sphere of personal relationships because the rage, power, and violence of the Red Rooster are to the fullest extent embodied and expressed in the element of Fire, and will be concentrated to the greatest degree exactly in this direction. In other words, in this sphere characteristic tendencies for all signs in general are active in 2017. The communicative aspect is at the forefront, and it is necessary to meet all challenges as promptly as possible, not really “drawing it out.” Venus, the Exaltant of Sagittarius, will turn out to be in a maximally dynamic position, and this will become yet another incentive to emphasize the “dating scene.” On the other hand, of course, it wouldn’t be right to completely forget about work and its related issues. So, in a certain sense, a measured pace will be appropriate. Besides, 2017 for Sagittarians will turn out to be both uneven and logical. And here every stage of life will be characterized by its own nuances. Considering this, Sagittarians will be able to achieve maximal productivity in any arena, and in the process attain any targeted goal.

The first stage, which begins with the arrival of the Year of the Red Fire Rooster, will conclude at the end of the second third of April. Here the intensity of Venus’ influence will turn out to be a bit lower compared to the general yearly measures because Jupiter, the steward of your Sagittarian zodiac house, will emerge at the forefront. Bearing this in mind, significant problems aren’t expected, but conflictual situations will take place, and this is perhaps the only period in 2017 when Sagittarius will need to emphasize the work arena. You’ll need to concentrate, especially if you work for yourself, are an entrepreneur, or have your own business. Sagittarians who are purely executives or don’t have especially high leadership duties, will honestly be able to get through all the coming tests without significant efforts. Dear Sagittarians, if you quite attentively monitor your surroundings, the paths of development of situations will be obvious to you. Furthermore, there will possibly be new contacts, a great number of contacts, but not all will come in handy. Here lies a small challenge in the beginning period of 2017, when it will be necessary in the truest sense to separate the wheat from the chaff. In other words, to understand which of your new partners is sincere, and which are liars. Doing this won’t be simple; nevertheless no exceptional efforts will be demanded of you. Attentiveness and time will work for Sagittarius.

With the dawn of the final third of April 2017 and right up until the middle of the fall season (the middle of October), this year’s master, the Fire Rooster, will dramatically shift priorities. During this time Sagittarians will need to devote a large portion of time to work and personal problems, which won’t be great, but will need to be clearly dealt with nonetheless. If you suddenly intend to go against the flow, then contradictions in this sphere of life soon will create a certain problem you won’t be able to simply ignore, nor will you be able to solve overnight. On the other hand, in the period of spring/summer of 2017, if they think it’s necessary, Sagittarians will be able to truly focus more on the process of earnings and career growth, and no one will contain them.

There it is important to understand that success in personal development consists in adhering to astrological currents that truly don’t demand much. The Fire Rooster himself will prompt you what is necessary to do at certain stages, not to mention, Sagittarians’ intuition is in good condition. But this very intuition, a certain emotional reflection, will now come to the forefront, allowing you to mobilize resources in order to be victorious with minimal losses. In the love department in this period of 2017, Sagittarians can prepare themselves for a really serious battle. Of course, for Sagittarians who already happily possess a “second half,” this period will be significantly calmer than for singles. However, in the “married camp,” significant developments and rearrangements are possible. Anyway, Sagittarians will sense in themselves the main effect of the influence of the fickle goddess of love Venus, finding themselves in an active search for a partner. Sagittarians who long ago strived to gain someone’s affection will finally be able to do so. However, in your case it will be necessary to compete with rivals whose existence will appear suddenly. At the same time the fact of the existence of rivals won’t be a shock for you, but will help you approach situations more deliberately. In no case should you “flex your muscles” right off the bat. Even though the Fire Rooster often doesn’t mind “having fun,” nonetheless to a large degree he emphasizes communication, and after that everything else. This means that strong-arm tactics should really be a “last resort,” otherwise you risk creating an even bigger problem and not getting what you wanted. And this restraint will become your benefactor in the above-mentioned case. In other situations it isn’t necessary to control yourself so strictly, but sometimes even the opposite; a powerfully “thoughtless” onslaught may turn out to be the most productive choice.

The second half of the winter season, the winter of 2017-2018 right up until February 15, 2018, when the Fire Rooster yields the laurel of victory to the next patron, will continue under the sign of even clearer and more unambiguous tendencies for Sagittarius. Here again, “matters of the heart” will not be at the forefront, although it is already difficult to give any concrete advice there. One thing is clear – here Sagittarians will need a heightening of flexibility and adaptability, otherwise they won’t be able to effectively solve their current problems. In your case it will more likely be necessary to act instead of think; In general, this is (truth be told) the very soul of the Fire Rooster. Of course, a certain assessment of the situation must be present, maybe even absolutely subjective. For the decision to be yours, the important thing is that it not be imposed from without. It’s important for Sagittarians that you like the decision and that it satisfy you in all parameters, even though some of them you can’t explain logically. In other words, make decisions quickly, but at least base them on something, on some kind of barely tangible instinctive factors. This will give you more possibilities for maneuvering, so you can more quickly “clear” territory where you can realize your daily plans. At the end of 2017 in the career arena, everything will take shape exceptionally calmly, and as a whole, the end of the Year of the Fire Rooster for the zodiac sign Sagittarius will turn out to be smooth and harmonious, without any excesses worth paying any particular attention to.

We congratulate all Sagittarians on the coming year of the Rooster 2017! We hope in 2017 you retrieve the appeasement and harmony missed by your rebellious soul. Dear Sagittarians, we truly hope that all of 2017 will be happy, joyful, and carefree!



Does a calorie-free pastry exist? Or chocolate? Never mind! Even if pills for greed existed, dear Scorpios, you would certainly demand these pills and even more… for some reason unknown to others, in 2017 you will get the lion’s share of favor from the heavens. In the Year or the Red Fire Rooster it’s important to honestly declare that miracles exist, and this very fact will guide you in the right direction toward the realization of your intended dream! For you any imaginable possibility is open, so the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 will be possibly one of the most successful periods for members of the Scorpion zodiac sign! It’s true, people who didn’t succeed in the past year can disagree with us. So, everyone has a chance for missteps, although we’ve got to say that for you, dear Scorpios, in the horoscope for 2017 the Year of the Fire Rooster, the chances for success by all indications are quite higher than anybody’s. You’re like a missing link, staying ahead of any of the zodiac signs by all indicators. Let us cross our fingers and hope that success won’t change you! It’s important not to change yourself. Be yourself and don’t betray the ideals which for some reason or another you believe in, and then, for people in your group, everyone born under the sign of Scorpio, the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 will possibly become one of the clearest and most unforgettable stages of life.

Right away we need to point out the obvious fact that the element of 2017 Fire is in contradiction with the water element of your zodiac sign, thought for its part a priori predicts specific advantages in your arsenal. At the same time, the demands on the part of Scorpions in this time period will turn out to be higher than in relation to many other zodiac signs. In other words, dear Scorpions, in 2017 you will need to clearly work harder than you probably planned to or saw yourself doing in the future. In the opposite event, you risk ending up on the curb, just enviously observing other successful people casually walking by… when you get lucky – you need to take from life everything you’re supposed to, using everything that the world can reward you with. Don’t let any of the small stuff get in your way.

And so, let us analyze in earnest what will have the largest influence on members of your zodiac sign in the coming year. First and foremost, it must be noted that in 2017 Scorpio’s exaltant, Venus, will end up being in quite a powerful position regarding the sign it’s controlled by, which, by the way, cannot be said of Jupiter, the steward of Scorpio. And although in many situations it is customary to perceive Jupiter as a harbinger of success, the strong support of Jupiter in 2017 would be frankly extra, namely because for Scorpios it’s all about them. For all of 2017 Scorpios will probably have to do something, go somewhere, and strive for someone. And this is good, in part, since Scorpios, although sometimes frankly workaholics, are all accustomed to a time of frenetic activity interspersed with times of open rest. This is still better than complete idleness and relaxation, when free hours can be dedicated to what you really really want to do, and not to what is objectively necessary (This is not just work, but also working out and family and many other moments). As a whole, for members of this zodiac sign, 2017 will turn out to be a clearly positive time, which will be literally full to the brim with meaningful events, positives, and (where would we be without them!) conflictual situations. But most important, Scorpios will always have the significant chance not simply to emerge the victor from subsequent “battles,” but also to outsmart all your current opponents once and for all.

In the first days of 2017 until the end of August, a fairly lengthy time period awaits Scorpio, which will turn out to be very meaningful. In that sense, the basic part of the dynamic which the Fire Rooster prepared for you will happen exactly at this time. It’s difficult to say how ready you will be for this, but already in the winter it’s necessary to partner up, and on the work front to take upon yourself the “brunt.” It’s possible that several projects will turn out not to be as successful as was shown to your bosses, however the situation might be corrected in any event. Scorpios must act. Now initiative will become your winning ticket. Don’t be afraid to take upon yourself more responsibility. You have been ready for this for a long time, so don’t doubt yourself. Naturally, there exists the possibility that your opinion here is not needed; the relevant tasks are simply put before you. For high level leaders and for those who work for themselves (freelancers, for example) this area will be a bit more complicated. Simply because you’ll need to independently choose your priorities. But, agree, more simply, when someone does it for you. Yes, responsibility always lies with those who make decisions. On the other hand, in the event of winning, you don’t need to share well-deserved laurels with anyone. In general, here everyone has their “issues,” but this should make Scorpios happy because, firstly, it predicts enviable prospects. And secondly, certain difficulties, though you won’t encounter them in your path, in business will all turn out to be several times simpler than was shown at first glance. However, of course, it isn’t worth relaxing. In the beginning of 2017 it’s vitally important that Scorpios remain in the thick of things all the time, only don’t miss that moment which will have to bring you to success. It’s also worth saying that in the sphere of personal relationships you’ll need to solve a majority of problems which are pressing on you in this period. Not right away, but at a specific moment it might seem that there is no end to this stream. Don’t worry, there is a limit to everything, but not to your possibilities! Use the entire arsenal of your natural abilities. Manipulate people, if need be. In the end, if they give you such a possibility, that means it was necessary for them. Here the important thing is to be victorious. “It’s not if you win or lose, it’s how you play the game” is here not a current slogan for Scorpions. Naturally, you always understood this well. This stage will turn out to be especially “interesting” for family members of your zodiac sign. In a literal sense they will be able to take their relationships to an entirely new level.

With the dawn of the first third of September 2017 and right up until February 15, 2018 (the conclusion of the period under the patronage of the Red Fire Rooster) comes the next phase of the current annual cycle concerning the Scorpio sign. This phase may seem to you a bit more complex, although the intensity and burden of events will fall exponentially. But Scorpios will need to think more often, and delve more deeply into the heart of what has happened. Big problems (or rather, complex situations) will be connected with kids (naturally, this concerns only those Scorpios who have children). In the majority of instances, Scorpios will not need to show their offspring how they need to behave by personal example. The time for this most likely has passed. Better to demonstrate an active life position, but with this be flexible in making decisions, especially if it involves a first love situation for your rapidly grown-up child. For lonely Scorpios closer to autumn of their lives there will appear quite a few possibilities to change the flow of the status-quo. Don’t be shy, there is something to surprise and impress – the important thing is to do it more often. At work, everything will get better, level off, and move along a singular ascending vector. But for Scorpios, resting in the second half of 2017 won’t work out. For some reason or another the surrounding events will continue to drag you into endless concerns, demanding regular and constant attention from you. Dear Scorpios, of course you will rest (possibly), but only when the Fire Rooster finally “goes off into the sunset.” But in 2017 you will need to strike while the iron is hot, in every sense. It’s true, in relation to your sign there is one small, but extremely important factor: In no event should you try to use your new possibilities for purely materialistic interests, at least before the conclusion of the current stage. Naturally, here there are also nuances which won’t be a surprise for you, but this is an individual feature which demands its own consideration and formulation of a personal prognosis. Now it’s important that 2017 brings Scorpios a mass of possibilities and prospects which you can realize quite soon. And in all of this, Scorpios will be fully successful in that event, if you are ready to use your strengths, not just for yourself.

Be happy in 2017! Dear Scorpios, may the new Year of the Rooster 2017 bring you the success and joy which you really worked for! If Scorpios are happy and content in 2017, then everyone around you will be happy and content!



In 2017 Taureans have grandiose plans and an absolute certainty that the future will develop according to their scenario. Nevertheless, if you, dear Taureans think that you know everything about yourself, then in 2017 this may become your biggest mistake, and if you go along this path, you won’t be the first. For Tauruses, The Year Of The Fire Rooster 2017 may turn out to be a period of great accomplishments, and the beginning of a fruitful new period, as well as a time of great disappointments depending on your preferences and the baggage (material and immaterial) which you found yourself with at the beginning of the year. It’s all about the fact that for your zodiac sign the coming Year Of The Red Rooster 2017 has no defined outline through which the events surrounding you will develop over the course of the entire current time period. Everything is very unsteady and vague. In this year the wheel of history may unspool in any conceivable direction and in the final analysis completely lead you, dear Tauruses, not to the place you had heretofore considered…

But whether this is bad or not is hard to say! Everything depends on how you look at it, and much now depends on you yourself and your perception. But still, as it seems to us, such an undefined period is exactly what you need at this moment. Speaking honestly, a certain stagnation emerged long ago in the lives of people with the Taurus zodiac sign. Your relationships or family situation (or lack thereof), finances, position in society or career long ago became fixed and have remained at a certain level over the course of several years. This is not to say that there are no changes in your lives. Change comes in many spheres and there are quite enough that one can definitely claim the life of Tauruses is not static! But these are more like consistent evolutionary transformations which keep you toned, without bringing you any kind of fundamental change.

Yes, my dear Taurus, this position is more than satisfying for you. But the universe is the opposite, and has different plans for you… akin to someone in the sky considering you should never put plans aside indefinitely. However, everything shouldn’t be taken literally. It doesn’t mean that what awaits you in 2017 is getting fired, getting divorced, and other similar things. Of course it could happen, but these are singular events, and we are trying to convey that key moment in The Year Of The Red Rooster 2017 that will become for Tauruses a period of change in orientation, life priorities, goals, and values.

In spite of a general tendency, and of course compared to other Zodiac signs, your sign is known for its emotionality and at the same time for a tendency toward contemplation, appeasement, and a philosophical relationship toward misfortune that has fallen on your shoulders. According to the claims of several astrologists, members of the Taurus zodiac sign are tentatively divided into factions that are more active and creative, and those that are more passive. And namely from these postulates we claim that every Taurus will experience 2017 in his own way.

Changes come in time to anyone at all, but not to Taureans who prefer a wait and see approach. Any changes in The Year Of The Red Fire Rooster 2017 will be perceived by them to be something literally cut off from reality, something not at all expected.. however only due to these changes can there be any kind of development, understanding that active Taureans will meet 2017 fully prepared, building prospective projects and laying the foundation for future success. There is no clear positive or negative in either the first or second case. But anyway, we can suggest that that by choosing the passive strategy in 2017 Taureans more likely will preserve or even consolidate their position. At the same time, active deeds are more complicated and dangerous, and in 2017 they might put the resources of Taurus under threat. However, in the final analysis they can lead you, dear Tauruses, to a new stage of development.

And so, let us analyze the year 2017 in more detail. We repeat yet again that it is hard to say regarding The Year Of The Red Fire Rooster 2017 if it will turn out to be productive and positive as it applies to the zodiac sign Taurus, which is connected to the element of Earth. It isn’t hard to guess that one of the reasons is that now 2017 will be governed by the element Fire, which as a whole doesn’t relate to the element of Earth in any clearly expressed relationship. Along with that, we still should mention certain nuances. First of all, it’s worth pointing out that the Fire Rooster will promote the aspirations of Taurus that are connected with personal life. In other words, it’s necessary to act independently in the area of work and finance, to the fullest extent feeling in oneself the potential negative of Pluto, the planet responsible for the banishment of Taurus. However, your exaltant, the Moon, in 2017 will end up, shall we say, at the peak of her possibilities, therefore you shouldn’t expect any special problems. Rather, there will be misunderstandings that will require Taurus save face. That is, in the direction of work you will hardly have to wait for any substantial transformations, although there will be a place to possibly improve your financial position. And anyway it is necessary to emphasize, as was already said, the sensual-emotional sphere. At a minimum, this is alluded to by the Rooster, the patron of 2017, with whom in fact it is better not to argue about such things, for this, you know, is fraught with consequences. So, all of 2017 as it applies to the zodiac sign Taurus represents the possibility to divide (quite tentatively, it should be said) into two stages, each of which demands a special strategy of behavior, having its characteristic features and key nuances, which we shall now try to emphasize.

The first step will actually begin with the arrival of 2017, the Year Of The Fire Rooster, and conclude with the last traces of spring, approximately in the final third of May. Here it will be necessary for Taureans to focus all their attention on their knowledge of human nature, no matter how zealous and ambiguous it might sound. On the whole, Taureans are distinctive and versatile enough, but their insight into the details of the human soul has never stood out (It is true, even if you always thought otherwise, that next to you there is definitely someone more analytical than you in this regard).

However, in this stage communicativeness in particular will be highlighted; communicativeness and diplomacy. Yes, you will have to learn something, but there is nothing scary about this. At a minimum it will be new possibilities, and at a maximum it will be your future. Focus on what you already know, look into the area of the unknown and simply try to construct a projection of your future path. Don’t be shy about asking for advice. There, where you lack in knowledge, it is necessary to solve problems, not with guessing, but with facts. Here you will need new contacts, new connections! So, the Red Rooster draws for you more or less such a perspective in the first months of 2017. Naturally, you can fully ignore similar revelations and follow your own path. They say the heart is never wrong, but why take risks, if it only demands you become stronger? But in this case it will be hard for people with different zodiac signs to understand you; in the end you have your own path! And everyone in this period of 2017 will be particularly attentive to who you find yourself with. This concerns not just family, but also work colleagues, fellow hobbyists, etc. As a whole, it will be quite a calm time, a time for creation and understanding, and the most active deeds will come in the following period.

With the arrival of summer and until the very end of 2017 everything will change to a very great degree, but gradually, and not all at once. The dynamic of change will step up the tempo day by day, so you must not miss what is most important. The Red Rooster, as has been said, recommends you focus on sensual moments, but don’t forget about the especially practical (everyday) nuances because, in the words of that old saying, “Love alone is not enough.”

Taureans have to remember the goals you pursued in the beginning of 2017, but with that understand that you find yourselves in unexplored territory and a new life stage demands a different approach. Now new tasks must become vital, taking shape on their own, having become the logical result of your actions from previous periods. In the summer of 2017 when everyone traditionally heads off on vacation, you must work with twice as much zeal. This will allow members of your zodiac sign to move to more long-term and large-scale projects. Lonely Taureans can count on the fact that the situation will change to a large degree. If you met a person in the first half of the year whom you could truly call your “second half” (at least hypothetically), then it will certainly happen in the summer, perhaps, a bit later — in the beginning of the fall. Passivity will lead to a loss of romantic possibilities. The Red Rooster recommends acting aggressively (of course, not fanatically). At the same time, growing passion (the natural sum of the influence of the Moon on the period of summer-fall 2017) can to a certain degree distract you from soberly assessing the situation. But here it is difficult to give any more concrete advice. Either you will turn out to be stronger than your instincts, or you will lose hold of a real opportunity to change something for the better.

In conclusion, we would like to wish all Taureans a happy new year in 2017, as well as luck, love, and the possibility to stay yourselves. For many members of your zodiac sign, 2017 may turn out to be decisive turning point in your life. As a whole, The Year Of The (Red) Fire Rooster 2017 for the zodiac sign Taurus will turn out to be, at a minimum, unusual. At a maximum, you will embrace new experience, become stronger, and eventually learn how to handle the most difficult life situations without a problem. Many Taureans at this stage find a family, and in fact this is a good time to get married. There can be no doubt it will be an interesting year. And how productive and successful it is — this depends entirely on you.



Hasn’t the time come for you to step back and take a look at the big picture? With the advent of 2017 the view out the window is the same as usual, in the glass is the same tea as before, but why is there a lump in your throat that prevents you from enjoying life? On the one hand you won’t say this; for Virgo everything in general is excellent and there are even those who envy you. Everyone except you! Virgos can’t believe in their own happiness, even when told to your face, you are fully able to dismiss what was said, that all of it isn’t about you…

Yes, it’s difficult for those around you to understand what’s going on with you, especially when Virgos themselves can’t give a clear answer. The energy of 2017 is in such sharp contrast to you, that one can’t avoid paying attention. In the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017, those born under the sign Virgo need an urgent reload! You need a breath of fresh air, which like a good gulp of hot tea in freezing weather will course through your body in a chain reaction, melting the frozen icy knots in your soul, giving you freedom and changing you from within like magic! From outside, everything is very simple and all you need to change a minus to a plus, giving hope to your seriously wounded soul… but how?

For you this is an untrodden path. It’s difficult for you to find that one way, to understand and carry out a sequence of necessary actions leading to victory. Take note, changing yourself is extremely hard, so for you, dear Virgo, such transformations will only be given with very significant effort. At any moment Virgos may find themselves in complete solitude… grasping at air in absolute darkness. You are so offended that the truth once again has slipped away from you. How did this happen? And is this even important for you? Perhaps you need to look in a completely different place? The search for a life formula might occupy the intellect of Virgo for such a long time… exactly until that moment when you are fully transformed… They say in order to change the mind, most of all you need to change the heart; that in order to change, the heart seizes a new feeling; and that in order to change life, one life is not enough – you need to meet another. And judging by the prognosis for 2017, this is what must happen with you. In other words, in the horoscope for Virgo in The Year Of The Red Rooster 2017 there is a place for hope! Someone will appear in your fate who will change your life…

But this is all just one side of the coin… on the other side, you Virgos are not inclined to dramatize. In addition, not all representatives of your zodiac sign are prone to significant change from the influence of the coming period (it should be noted, that this manifests itself more strongly with age.). You may not even notice the coming changes. For you 2017 may be exactly the same as the series of other years… for you all possible “dissonances” will vanish together with the departing joys of the last new year’s holiday. And this isn’t bad!

Anyway, the Year of the Red Rooster 2017 will be quite varied. Let us analyze in detail which aspects of the 2017 horoscope must be paid attention to for members of the Virgo sign. And so… in 2017 the zodiac sign Virgo will have to survive quite a few truly interesting moments, although right away it must be said as a whole this will be a relatively neutral time; a period when the lives of Virgo won’t undergo fundamental changes in a physical sense, whereas a reappraisal of values, self-orientation in society, the search for your place under the sun, etc. will have a place. The thing is, the symbol of 2017 – the Fire Rooster, the patron of this current time period – is logically related to the element of Fire, which is, naturally, reflected in its name. At the same time, Virgo is a sign of the element Earth, and there it is important to understand that Fire and Earth are not clear antagonists, adversaries or allies. These elements interact indirectly by necessity, so to speak. On the other hand, this is a very relative formulation. Of course there is interconnection, but it is indirectly through other elements, so for its part it means a complex chain of degeneration of energy in the Taoist system of the five first elements Yu-Shin. However, without going into details, everything may emphasize that for members of the sign Virgo, 2017 will nevertheless have a mass of multi-vectored nuances, defining both the positive and negative events of the coming year.

In the horoscope for 2017 we will try to take into account the most important of these in order to at least be ready for future events and possibly neutralize the potential negative, as it’s called, on the way. In this sense, the Fire Rooster will allow Virgo to realize his plans, although (as we discussed above) with certain qualifications. First of all, the most important factor is the fact that in essence 2017 will not be in harmony with the energy of the zodiac sign Virgo. But! And this is important! Although such a claim in fact means that for Virgo the year 2017 won’t be strewn with roses, nevertheless 2017 will not be unfavorable. It’s not even a stop before the start! Dear Virgos, you must perceive 2017 as a lyrical departure… For example, more likely than not, 2017 will not reward you with the general directorship of a company, but a raise and a promotion along the work ladder are possible. Remember, in order to succeed and not fall into a spiral of depression, Virgos must change and adjust to new conditions in 2017. Dear Virgos, in this year you must act a bit more calmly than usual, although the general dynamic characteristic of your zodiac sign will be preserved. Cunning and the ability to adapt to changing conditions will become a characteristic, thanks to which Virgos will be able to achieve their intended objectives.

In a certain sense the Year of the Red Rooster 2017 can naturally be divided into several steps and each can necessarily be characterized separately. In particular, the first step, which begins with the onset of the Year of The Fire Rooster, concludes in the first third of June 2017. This is quite a long interval of time, occupying almost half the year, but this time will probably be the most important in the career of Virgo – at least relative to the current position of things. It’s necessary to be especially attentive regarding the range of goals you are planning to resolve. If you are the executor, then the stars and the planets (in particular, the steward of your sign – Mercury) recommend holding off on initiatives at the beginning of 2017, and then slowly increasing the level of your influence. Be a bit patient, look around at what you are planning, correlate what you see with what your colleagues or opponents are doing, gather maximum information, and start the more active deeds in spring. With such a breakdown, the active position of Mercury relative to your zodiac sign will match your strivings, strengthen any creative impulses, heighten your ability to work, and increase your potential profit. Closer to the start of summer you yourself will understand that it is worth focusing more exclusively on interpersonal relationships. Here career will move to the back burner and this will be an exceptionally positive moment because at this moment your interference is not needed in this sphere. In the first half of 2017 the Fire Rooster will help leaders come up with quite a few complex solutions. The important thing is to orient yourself to your own senses, learning the opinions of others, but not putting them higher than your personal plans.

From approximately the end of the first third of June and right up to the conclusion of the Year of the Fire Rooster (February 15, 2018) work tempos will decrease a bit, then quite a few possibilities will appear for Virgo to earnestly deal with family questions. In this moment in your life there will probably emerge a few curious tendencies that will be distinguished by their ambiguity of potential. Here it is necessary to remember one thing: Now, if you don’t know what you need to do, try to stay alone with yourself. A two-three day rest in a country house will really be suitable. Solitude sometimes helps the solving of such questions, although, of course, for Virgo such a variant is not characteristic. Nonetheless, the Year of the Red (Fire) Rooster 2017 is a year of clear changes, so you must change. From this you cannot escape and it is better to accept it as soon as possible (it will definitely be simpler for you afterwards). Be smart in your decisions and measured in your actions, don’t blindly leap into the first adventure that seems amusing to you. Even if your very best friends advise you to participate, trusting in the absolute safety of the deal, don’t rush in. Listen to your own heart, in the truest sense of the word. Don’t be under the thumb of instincts and their frankly greedy desires.

This period of 2017, speaking frankly, in general will not aspire to success in business or career, however it is an excellent time to not only review your relationship to life, but also in a very clear way to change yourself. The apotheosis of this stage will come in the middle of November 2017. At this time the influence of Venus, depending on the fall of the sign Virgo, will be maximal. And this means that your relationships will survive a serious crisis, the result of which will become… naturally, this already depends entirely on you. But have no doubt there will be significant changes, and judging by Virgo’s horoscope, the most pleasing is that the heavens will grant you all the opportunities to fully satisfy you in the final analysis.

The second half of November and December of 2017, as well as the first month and a half of 2018, which are also part of the year of the Red Rooster according to the eastern tradition, are difficult to characterize unambiguously. Up to this moment all the most important events have already occurred, and all the most significant changes in you yourself have already taken root (or if they haven’t taken root, they are in your hands). However, this period is important in the aspect of contemplation and perspective. At the end of 2017 at the junction of eras, Virgos can make especially important decisions that will turn out to be the most immediate influence on your future fate. Don’t be afraid to act uncharacteristically. Surprise others. In this context the Red Rooster will turn out to be entirely on your side. The time will come and you will understand that namely in these moments you lived what is called a full life. And in order not to regret anything in the future, don’t be afraid of your desires! Dear Virgo, for you 2017 is a year of transformation! Be happy in 2017!



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