July 2015 – Astrological Forecasts

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A happy and healthy month ahead – Enjoy!
Last month on the 21st you entered a yearly personal pleasure peak. You are experiencing all the pleasures of the body – good food, wine, clothing, accessories, massages, etc. A physical kind of nirvana. You look good too. You have a lot of energy, grace and charisma. This is very delightful for the love life, as the opposite sex takes notice. Mars in your own sign all month signals that you look successful – people see you as productive. It also sets out the favour of bosses, elders, parents and parent figures. Career opportunities are seeking you out: nothing much of what you need has to be sought or created it simply seems to fall into your lap….

This month, on the 8th, the planetary power begins to shift once more. This time it is energizing the bottom half of your chart. Career is less important now. The focus is about you and your attention also falls to the home, family and your emotional well-being and should last for the next six months or so. Career opportunities happen, but you will examine them more closely and determine if they fit in and work for your vision of the future. No matter how lucrative they seem, they should not challenge your emotional or family harmony. This is a time where you serve your family by being there for them, in a hands-on kind of way. Rather than negotiating the next deal or angling for the next promotion, it is best to attend the soccer match or a school play or be available to your close family and loved ones.

Most of your career goals this year have been settled by now, and even if they have not been fully realized, much progress towards them has been made. Now it is time to step back and gather strength for your next career push in about six months time.

Finances are unusually fine this month. Benevolent Jupiter is still in your money house, and your money house is very powerful – 50 per cent of the planets (and they are all beneficent) are either there or moving through there. There is a cosmic conspiracy to enrich you now. On the 23rd, you enter a yearly financial peak. This is a one of many financial peaks this year. For some of you, it is a lifetime peak.

Love is good but more complicated these days. Your love planet, Saturn, has been retrograde since March. This doesn’t stop love from happening, but it slows things down a bit. Singles are always dating, but the collective confidence – and perhaps choices – are not what they should be. It would be a good idea to review the love life and see where improvements can be made. Don’t rush a current relationship, let things develop. Make use of the relationship for what it is without projecting too much on to it. Clarity will come next month between you giving a real sense of security and harmony between you.

Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25


The month ahead is prosperous in spite of Neptune’s retrograde. There may be delays and glitches, but prosperity will happen this month. You can overcome the delays and speed things up, by being as mindful as possible with your financial transactions. Make sure you have an eye on your spending and keep all receipts. Make sure bills and payments are established properly and the addresses are correct; double-check your accounts and statements just in case there are any mistakes.

Your financial planet will be retrograde for some months. So put your financial life under review. Where you can make improvements be to sure to do that? What kind of savings or investment plan will improve you and your goals? The important thing, as with any retrograde, it is imperative to gain conceptual clarity on your finances. Things are not all that they seem on the surface when a retrograde is in effect.

Love is indeed the main headline this month. On the 23rd, your love planet, moves into your 7th house of love and you begin a yearly love peak. (Mercury also moves into your house of love on the 23rd.) Your 7th house is chock-full of planets. Many of you are now in serious, committed relationships and this might be high time to take things further and to get engaged or to actually marry, and for those who are married perhaps the announcement of a new arrival is also possible. The unattached are likely to meet someone special now. If you are as yet unattached you might not actually marry during this time, but you could meet people who are marriage material – people you would be married to. This is a wonderful time for matters of the heart.

Health and energy become more delicate after the 23rd. The inner planets are influencing some stressful aspects toward you. Those of you born late in the sign of Aquarius – February 17–18 – have to really go easy with the work or social hours. Saturn moved back into Scorpio on the 15th of last month and remains there for the rest of the month ahead and on until mid-September. This is a stressful aspect for you. Improve the health situation in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. Don’t push yourself too far – if you’re tired, rest. If you’re involved in detox or weight-loss programmes, the period from the 1st to the 15th is the best time for these regimes. If you’re planning a visit to the doctor, alternative practitioner, or having medical tests, the 15th to the 31st is best.

This month the planetary power begins to shift to the upper hemisphere of your chart. By now, you should have attained a degree of emotional harmony. Family and domestic issues should be settled and in comparative order. Now it is time to focus on your career and outer goals. This is the beginning of your yearly career push and opportunity and gains are abundant.

Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 22, 23, 31


Last month on the 21st we had another shift of planetary power, when the planets began to shift to the west, social sector of your chart. This month the shift becomes even stronger. Though, as we mentioned, there is nothing wrong with self interest, nothing wrong with independence – these are wonderful qualities – now, because you are in a different stage of your yearly cycle, these qualities should be downplayed. Now is the time to be a team player; to achieve your goals through co-operation with others; to focus more on the needs of the other people in your life and let them have their way – so long as it isn’t destructive. The cosmos has its own way of pushing you into this. Since the planetary power is getting away from you, rather than towards you, it is harder to take independent action or change conditions to your liking. Hopefully, over the past six months you have made any desired or necessary changes. Now it is high time to live with your creation. You have done your best, as the saying goes, and now it is necessary to stay in it. If you have built properly, conditions will be pleasant. If there have been mistakes you will learn about them over the course of the next six months, you are capable of being able to make corrections when a further period of personal independence comes round – towards the very end of the year.

The Universe knows how at times we need to take a vacation from ourselves and to concentrate on others. Too much self concentration is the cause of problems currenty but looking after yourself is still important.

Health is still delicate, until the 23rd. Review our discussion of this last month. After the 23rd, as the Sun enters Leo, your normal energy returns and your health will be significantly improved. You can enhance your health this month by first maintaining high energy levels. Until the 7th give more attention to the lungs, arms, shoulders and respiratory system. Fresh air is a good thing if you feel under the weather. Ensure that you’re getting enough of it. After the 8th as your health planet moves into Cancer, so the right diet becomes important. You are likely this month to eat too fast. Slow down. Chew your food well. Bless the food. Also pays greater attention to the stomach. Women should pay greater attention to the breasts. Do your best to maintain a positive mood. Emotional disturbances or prolonged negative emotion have a more dramatic impact on the physical body than usual during this time so undertake some stress relievers like walking, meditation and sleeping earlier then usual.

Retrograde activity among the plants is greatly increased this month, and by the end of the month half of the plants will be located in retrograde motion. The pace of life slows down, and this is fixed as it should be. It is a great time to take your vacation. There is not anything much happening in the world and your 5th house of fun becomes stronger than usual so take advantage of this sense of well-being to enjoy yourself and benefit from the adjustments you have put into practice.

Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28


You are currently in the midst of a yearly love and social peak. Mars, your family planet, entered your 7th house on the 24th of last month and remains there all of this month. This signals more socializing with the family and perhaps socializing from home. It also shows a greater willingness to be sociable and your attitude is more open to enjoying yourself. You are more pro-active with friends and family, setting up get-togethers and being very hospitable. In your personal life, if you like someone, or are involved you will let the person know how you feel. You’re not playing games now. You seem direct and honest about your feelings and if single, your friends and family are playing cupid this month. This transit often indicates the reappearance of an “old love”. This can be actual or metaphorical. You meet a person with similar personality patterns or appearance as the erstwhile love. You are reminded of the past love. This may or may not develop into something, but it is useful in other ways – it helps to resolve any past love issues or links within yourself making you stronger and more confident with regards to your feelings. Its purpose is collective healing.

Mercury enters your 7th house on the 8th, indicating an affinity for health professionals or for people involved in your health and well-being. There are romantic opportunities with co-workers and you socialize more at work too. Mentors, ministers and foreigners become more alluring. There are romantic opportunities in your place of worship or at school gates or in parks and open spaces.

Your health and energy will improve after the 23rd, but in the meantime get adequate rest. Improve the health status in the ways mentioned in the yearly report, until the 8th. After the 8th pay more attention to the stomach and the diet. Women should pay more attention to the breasts. Avoid negative moods or undesirable emotional states after the 8th as this could have a more dramatic impact on your physical health than usual.

Finances have been a bit stressful since the 21st of last month. Earnings are improving, but through a little more work and effort. This continues to be the case until the 23rd of this month. The good news is that the spouse, partner or current love is prospering and is more generous with you. He or she seems to enters a yearly financial peak on the 23rd and your personal finances also improve greatly after the 23rd but with some delayed outcomes. Uranus, your financial planet, goes retrograde on the 26th. This indicates that it is time to review the finances, to gain conceptual clarity in this area and resolve any doubts. Earnings will happen – and they are larger than usual – but with delays and glitches none the less. Be prudent in your monetary transactions – make sure all the details are right beforehand. This will reduce any possible delays.

Last month, on the 21st, the planetary power began to shift into the upper half of your horoscope. The shift is even stronger this month. It is now time to start focusing more on the career again. You are located in the early stages of a yearly career push. Don’t be too pre-occupied with home and family concerns – downplay them – and focus on the career and outer goals.

Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 29, 30


Many of the trends we wrote of last month are still very much in effect. You are currently in a yearly financial peak (until July 23). Not surprisingly, your communication skills will also play a huge role here. Friends also seem helpful and supportive. When the money house is strong, it seems as if the whole universe conspires to bring you wealth. Mercury will be on your money house from the 8th to the 23rd, and this is another good sign for finance. The ruler of your horoscope always brings benefit. This aspect indicates that you can and should spoil yourself a bit, and this will project an image of wealth, dress expensively, etc. Personal appearance and overall demeanour are a big factor in earning power and attracting more of the same.

The problems we saw in the workplace are still happening, and the advice is to be cautious until after the 23rd. The 14th to the 17th seems especially stressful. Avoid confrontations or arguments with co-workers during that period. People could overreact leaving you at a disadvantage.

That same period – the 14th to the 17th – could bring surgery or a recommendation for surgery – not too serious but necessary none the less and in its wake bring relief and well-being. Like last month, it is desirable to get a second opinion. Computer and high-tech equipment seems more temperamental at this time too to be careful with all important data don’t forget back-ups to avoid any serious implications.

Mars will make a stressful aspect with Uranus from the 24th to the 27th. This is a very dynamic kind of aspect. Again, computer and high-tech equipment gets tested. So if you missed the prediction for this between the 14th and 17th it will be a great idea to have all your files backed up and in good order. This will not be an especially appropriate time for foreign travel either.

Overall, health and energy are effective this month. Short-term planets are either helping you or leaving you alone, and Saturn has moved away from his stressful aspect (temporarily). Detox regimes will be useful this month.

On July 23, you enter Gemini heaven. Your 3rd house of communication and intellectual interests becomes very powerful. It has been brilliant since July of last year, but now it gets even stronger. Your sharp and keen mind becomes keener and sharper. Your communication skills, always good, become even better. You absorb information like a sponge. The facts are still at your command. You are naturally and unconsciously eloquent in your speech and writing. The Muses are here with you.

The only danger for you is that all this could get too much of a good thing. Your constantly active mind can become hyperactive. The tendency will be to think about things too much or talk too much. This can cause insomnia or other nervous problems, and it may drain energy that the body needs for other things, so do your best to apply some mindful techniques to avoid any mental or physical fatigue.

Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 22, 23, 31


The planetary power is at its maximum eastern position during this month and the next. You are poised to enjoy the benefit of the maximum influence of your personal power and independence. This is time to make those personal changes that you need to make. The only problem is that planetary retrograde activity is at its peak this month too. Progress will be typically slower. So take your time, be patient and persevere as significant results are very close to becoming a reality.

Your 12th house of spirituality is still very powerful until the 21st. This is the preparatory period for your personal new year, which will start on your birthday. With some this will happen this month and others next month. The personal new year is an important time and one should start it on the correct footing. Your Solar Return is in the process of happening and the chart cast for this return will show the patterns for the year ahead. The steps you take now will have a profound influence on the year ahead until your next birthday, so it is a good idea to review the past year and see what has been accomplished, and what has still got to be done. Acknowledge mistakes and correct them. (this is the meaning of atonement.) Pat yourself on the back for the good that was achieved. Most importantly, set goals for the coming year. Review your goals every night before you go to sleep and please try not to lose sight of them, as this is such an important time for you to break through and see your ambitions become realised.

There are also some weighty spiritual breakthroughs happening this month. Your 12th house is sturdy, and, most interestingly, the ruler of the 12th house, the Moon, will be full twice this month. This is a very rare occurrence. You will receive ample revelation about your future paths now as a consequence so pay attention to the dream state as well as setting up some cosmic orders for both full moons.

On the 23rd, as the Sun crosses the ascendant and moves into your 1st house, you enter a yearly personal pleasure peak. You’ve been living the good life this year anyway, and now even more so. You have to be careful not to overindulge yourself – especially this month – as you can easily pile on the pounds. However, this is not just a suitable period for enjoying all the pleasures of the body, but it’s also excellent for getting the body and image into shape.

The month ahead is equally prosperous. Your financial planet Mercury is moving very fast, which shows fast financial development. It shows confidence, someone who covers a lot of fiscal territory, using the surplus to pay down debts or direct spending to bigger ticket items. Until 8th money comes through friends, through online activities and through involvement with groups and organizations; from the 8th to the 23rd money comes through your intuition as well. It is a time that sees ‘miracle money’ rather than ‘natural money’ appear.

On the 23rd Mercury travels with the Sun and crosses the ascendant, signalling a controlling financial period. Windfalls now come to you and there is luck in speculations. Financial opportunity seeks you out, but remember to always take good financial advice concerning all large spending, investments or purchases.

Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28


It might be a nice idea to go on holiday this month. Retrograde activity achieves its maximum for the year, with 50 per cent of the planets moving backwards by the end of the month. Even Venus, your personal planet, will make a rare retrograde on the 25th. This means that there will not be much happening in the world or in many areas of your life in July and not much you can do in order to speed things up. A holiday is advisable for other reasons too – health and energy are still stressed (especially until the 23rd) and more rest is needed. Various things in your life will straighten themselves out of their own accord in the coming months. There’s no need to force things and raise your stress levels. This is clearly a time for taking care of number 1.

One of the problems with a holiday is the fact that things are going well in the career at present and because you are in a yearly career peak until the 23rd, so you may feel the timing for a break is not that great. However, with today’s technology one can be in contact with work from anywhere. So, it might be feasible and if necessary you can keep in touch with the office. But the recommendation would be to set up the work load before you take a break so you are not overly disturbed when away.

Finances improve after the 23rd but still seem slow. The two planets involved in finance – Saturn and Pluto – are both retrograde. The important thing now is to gain conceptual clarity in this area. This is about doing your homework, getting the facts, resolving the doubts concerning money. Then your financial decisions will be sound.

Love is always high on the agenda. Many of the trends of last month are either still in effect now. The love planet, Mars, spends the month in your 10th house. The spouse, partner or current love is going well and is supportive of your career goals. In many cases, this transit signals that love-life and relationship status – is the focus and the main priority. In many cases, it helps in the advancement of the career through social means. Singles are always attracted to people of power and prestige. Like last month, power is your aphrodisiac. Like last month, office romances are also possible.
But remember try not to be influenced by convenience. Be sure to be discerning and considered when getting into a more serious romatic connection

Last month the planetary power began to make an important shift from the West to the East of the horoscope – from the societal to the independent sector. This month the shift is even stronger. It is high time to focus on number one, time to please yourself rather than trying to please others, a time to make those changes in your life that have to be done. Personal independence and power are on increase day by day. The only problem with this is the retrograde of Venus. You have to be clear on exactly what should be changed. This seems confusing at the moment. So think of and make your plans now, so when Venus moves forward in a couple of months’ time, the changes you have planned out and thought through will be easy to make.

Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 22, 23, 31


Continue, like last month, to put others first. It is nice to take a vacation from oneself every now and then LOL. Many problems in life come from too much self focus. Your self-interest is important, but now it happens through the good graces of others, so see who is in your network and cultivate good relations and amicable communications.

Finances are also good this month, but there are some short term bumps along the road. With Mars in your 5th house of fun and enjoyment all month, there is luck in speculations here, but remember take good advice with all financial matters. Money is earned in favourable ways. You are spending on leisure and fun-type activities. You are enjoying the wealth that you have – and everyone can see this. Be more careful in financial matters from the 14th to the 17th however – as extravagance during this time of the month can be a problem. There is some short-term monetary disturbance from the 24th to the 27th – perhaps an unexpected expense or turn of events. Avoid speculations during those two periods. Your financial intuition needs verification from the 24th to the 27th too but good planning and advice will bring the rewards you expect.

Your financial planet in the sign of Cancer all month is basically a harmonious aspect for you. Nonetheless, there are some down sides to it. Your mood may be affected by this strong Cancerian influence at this point in the chart so be careful not to make any decisions with regards to money based on your mood especially where spending and investing is concerned. If your mood is negative mistakes can be made. If there are major decisions to be carried out, sleep on things more. Make decisions when you are more in a state of peace and harmony.

On the 23rd, the Sun moves into your 6th house of health and work. This is a wonderful period for making doctor’s appointments for check-ups or having tests or screenings done, as well as for getting involved in health regimes. This will stand you in good stead next month when the health becomes a little more delicate. If you employ others, this is a great time for interviewing and hiring workers. Piscean job seekers have excellent prospects during this period as well with luck opportunity and synchronicity assisting you throughout this month.

There is still some residual retrograde activity which increases this month. We are at the maximum level for the year from the 25th onwards. Things are slowing in the world. Nevertheless, in your love life, things are moving fast. Your love planet Mercury is moving very fast, through three signs and houses this month. This signals social confidence – someone who makes rapid social progress. Until the 8th Mercury is in your 4th house of home and family, and you are drawn in by emotional intimacy and the sharing of feelings. From the 8th to the 23rd emotional intimacy is still important to you, but you want more fun too. You are drawn to the people who can show you a good time. If you are in a relationship, you are having more fun in that relationship. From 23rd onwards, you seem more practical. Service is love in action. You are attracted to those who will serve your interests in rational ways.

Be more patient with the beloved from the 15th to the 20th. He or she should keep out of harm’s way that period. Avoid risky or stressful activities or hobbies during this time as well.

Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25


Your 8th house of transformation became powerful on June 21 and remains influential until the 23rd of this month. The spouse, partner or current love is in a yearly financial peak. He or she is more generous with you. You are more sexually active than usual, and your love- life is certainly more physical then usual. This is what inspires you most (especially after the 8th). but even in the midst of this activity you will be required to remain balanced and appreciate that there are also other important areas during this period.

Physical intimacy is important. Nonetheless, so is emotional intimacy. You gravitate to people who are easier to share feelings with. After the 27th, mental compatibility becomes more important too, so colleagues and work mates feature. You gravitate to people you can learn from – mentor types. Religious and philosophical compatibility is also important. The best sexual chemistry in the world will maintain a relationship if you do not appear on the same page. Your love planet moves very fast this month, signalling confidence and the ability to connect on all levels spiritually, mentally and physically with your special other person.

We see a strong libido in other ways too. The Moon, your sexual planet, is full twice this month – a rare occurrence. Full Moon in your horoscope, in particular, is the height of libido so I guess the last word here is to enjoy yourself on all levels.

Health and energy are good this month, but especially after the 23rd when the Sun enters Leo. You enter Sagittarius heaven. Your 9th house is the most powerful house. You are drawn to do the things that you most love – travel, as well as the desire to do some study or learning a new skill. For a Sagittarius an excuse to travel is enough for you, and in the month ahead this is even more accurate than normal. So you are travelling now, personal spiritual and philosophical breakthroughs will happen. For students a compelling 9th house indicates success in their studies, and those applying to college / university or graduate school should hear good news. If you are associated with legal issues, there is also good fortune now.

When the 9th house is this mighty (and half of the planet are either there or moving through there this month) a courteous juicy theological discussion is more alluring than a night out on the town. A visit to a teacher, mentor, a guru or minister is more indispensable than the visit of the rock star or celebrity.

Be more tolerant in finances after the 23rd.

Children or younger people in your life are advised to be careful and keep out of harm’s way from the 14th to the 17th and from the 24th to the 27th. If you are involved in athletics or in an exercise regime don’t push yourself so hard during these periods as you may have an injury.

Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28


Retrograde activity in your chart is strong this month – it’s at its maximum for the year if fact. Things are moving more slowly. There are delays. Many will attribute this to the summer season, but it is the increased retrograde activity that is causing this. It is nice to better understand that slow progress and delays are currently influences by the retrograde planets and nothing more.

But none the less success – both financial and career wise – are happening for you this month, but again at a slower pace than you would like. Also, much of the success is happening behind the scenes and so you might not know anything about it at the moment. Be sure that it is happening and the results will manifest unexpectedly.

On the 23rd, you enter your yearly career peak. Half of the plantes are either in or moving through your 10th house this month. This is plenty of planetary power to take advantage of. So career goals are being achieved (or satisfactory progress is achieved in their achievement). Pay rises and promotions can happen. (They could have happened earlier too, but are more likely this month.) The money people and the authority figures in your life are supporting your career goals and this is certainly adding to the “feel-good” factor.

The spouse, partner or current love also seems successful this period and he or she is equally supportive so remember to appreciate them and say thanks occasionally.

But, health and energy become more delicate – and need attention – from the 23rd onwards. Improve the health status in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. Also, like last month, pay more attention to the stomach and your general diet. Women should pay more attention to the breasts. Review our discussion of this last month. The most important thing is to get sufficient rest. When energy is low pre-existing conditions can flare up or get worse. Even if there are not any pre-existing conditions, you are more vulnerable to opportunistic infections and the like.

Venus, your love planet, makes one of her rare retrogrades on the 25th. This will not halt the progress in the love life. Singles will still date. Social invitations will still happen. But things slow down. A current relationship can appear to go backward and petty squabbles or differences will feel much more intense then usual. Normal social confidence and judgement are not fully operational here. There may be some dissatisfaction with regards to mediocre romantic choices, so affections shift. The love life should be reviewed from the 25th onwards. No significant long-term decisions should be made during this time. The important thing is to gain conceptual clarity about your needs in love and the kind of relationship that you want or about the one you’re in. Decision-making should come later when Venus moves forward, in two months’ time. This doesn’t necessarily mean the end of a current relationship, but more to do with considering what you feel needs improvement and planning ahead to make the close-time more fulfilling and harmonious.

Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25


Retrograde activity spikes this month. By the end of the month, half the plants will be located in retrograde motion – the maximum for the year. So, it is a slow month in many areas of life. Slow doesn’t mean ‘bad’, just a slower pace of life. It is, however, a critical period to review your image, your career, love life and health regime. See where improvements can be made, and when the planets start moving forwards again you can set your plans in motion. It is a period for resolving doubts and gaining mental clarity. This is the most important now. If this ‘cosmic pause’ is used properly your future actions will be more successful.

Though there is considerable retrograde movements this month, Mercury, your financial planet, is moving forward speedily. Financial progress is rapid. Financial confidence is good. It should be a prosperous kind of month. Sales, marketing and PR are still influential until the 22nd for your career or business. From the 8th onwards, you will find that your loved ones and family provide a lot of support. Family connections also seem important financially. Many of you will be earning money from home or at least considering how to generate second streams of income to supplement and raise your standard of living– and these kinds of opportunities will now come to you.

The love life has been put into the “doldrums” for the past month or so, but you should see some significant improvement towards the end of the month.

Planetary power reaches its nadir (its lowest point) in your chart this month. Your 4th house of home and family is overwhelming all month but especially after the 23rd. Your career planet, Uranus, goes retrograde on the 26th. So, there are not any quick answers on any career issues. Only time and a bit of determination will resolve things. Place some more of your attention to your home, family and emotional life. Work on your career by the internal methods of night (you are approaching the midnight point of your year): visualize, dream and imagine you are where you want to be and apply some effort but be sure to balance this with your home and social life too. This builds the psychological foundations for future career success – and we could argue that the foundation of a building is as important as the building itself.

Venus, the ruler of your chart and your health planet, makes one of her rare retrogrades this month on the 25th. So you might believe that you lack direction and confidence. Self-esteem and self-confidence could be lacking for a while too, but this is why it is so appropriate to review why you feel as you do and to make the internal corrections needed.

Health is more delicate this month, and especially from the 23rd onwards. Saturn and Jupiter are enclosed in stressful aspect to you and the short-term planets are joining in the party. So rest and relax more and ensure that you get plenty of sleep. Review our discussion of health matters in the yearly report and apply the suggestions accordingly.

Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 29, 30


For the next two months, the planetary power will be at its maximum eastern position for the year. This is the period where personal independency and personal power are strongest. It’s a fantastically good time to capitalize on this. You won’t see this again for another year. And it should be on your own terms now (more or less). You have the authority to create conditions to your liking. You don’t have be obliged or depend on others for your good fortune or happiness. Your self-interest is just as important as anyone else’s and the cosmos is supporting it. The only problem with this is the case that many planets are retrograde this month – the maximum number this year. Change might happen more slowly than you’d like, but it will happen, so try to be patient and steadfast in your attitude.

Job opportunities have been abundant all year and many of you landed very respectable jobs in the past year. If not, the prospects for the month ahead are excellent, so if you are job-hunting this will be a time of opportunity and synchronicity.

Finances are good but a little complicated this month due to some left-over influences from the past. Venus, your financial planet, spends most of the month in your 12th house, signalling good financial intuition and a good understanding of the spiritual dimensions of wealth. You are more generous with your money this month, more charitable. In general, you spend more freely (you can afford to it seems). On the 19th Venus crosses the ascendant and enters your 1st house – a very sound fiscal aspect. Venus actually camps out on the Ascendant from the 19th onwards. This brings money, clothing and personal accessories to you. You spend on yourself. You feel rich and look affluent (more than usual). The only problem is the fact that Venus will start to retrograde on the 25th. So, perhaps some of this personal spending needs more homework. The financial life should therefore be reviewed from the 25th onwards. This ceases to be a pleasant period for big ticket purchases or major investments so tread carefully here. Venus will re-cross the ascendant in a few months time (on October 8) and that might be a better time to spend on those much bigger and more expensive purchases.

Venus camping out on your Ascendant promotes the best time for the love life. You look good and have an abundant sense of style. You exude more grace and charm. The opposite sex takes this into account. With Mercury creating subtle aspects to the love planet Neptune after the 8th there is harmony with the beloved, and if you are unattached there are happy romantic meetings and fun social outings and invitations.

Health and energy are strong and seems to be even better next month.

Watch your association to public transport and also whilst driving from the 14th to the 17th to avoid any complications, fines or transgressions. Avoid petty arguments as well (although this will prove be difficult). Avoid confrontations at the workplace between the 24th and the 27th too.

Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 29, 30


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Chelsey Baker
One of Britain’s leading female Entrepreneurs
Sarah Tucker"I've known Lee for nearly seven years now. I was interested but sceptical about tarot and all things clairvoyant until I met her, and I've always found her readings to be spot on. Her comments are intelligent, accessible and illuminating. She’s made me trust in my instincts and listen to them. They're never wrong, and neither in my experience is Lee."
Sarah Tucker
Award winning travel journalist
Arezoo Kaviani"I can honestly say that without Lee I would not have had the courage to set up my business on my own or achieve the success that has come from this decision. Lee empowered my choices and actions over the years by her uncannily accurate and specific insights that time and time again have proved to be precise and spot on. And when the "going" gets tough, I call Lee and I recommend you do the same."
Arezoo Kaviani
One of the UK's leading beauty therapists