March 2013 Astrology Forecast

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The planetary momentum has been overwhelmingly forward for the past few months. Your 1st house was strong and Mars was there until February 23. This shows that you have been making rapid progress towards your goals. You think of something and it happens quickly and smoothly.

This forward momentum is still in effect this month. Events in the world move at a rapid pace and so does your life.
This is a very strong financial month as well. You are still in a yearly financial peak. Some 50 to 60 per cent of the planets are either in your money house or moving through there this month. Money and financial opportunity come from all over, from many sources and in many ways. The 26th and the 27th bring a happy financial windfall or opportunity. This could be a pay rise or the largesse of a parent or parent figure. With your love planet in the money house until the 20th, it is still a period where partnerships or joint ventures can happen. Your financial intuition is particularly good this month.

Uranus, your ruling planet, makes a major, major move from your money house into your 3rd house of communication. He joins Jupiter, which moved in on January 22. This shows a shift of interest. You are in a long-term period where you want to expand your mind, to experience the joys of learning and mental development. It is a kind of Aquarius heaven. These are things that you love to do anyway, and now the cosmos is actually pushing you in that direction. A great aspect for those of you who are involved in writing, teaching, journalism, sales or marketing. You always have a sharp mind, but now it is even more so. You inhale information. Students have success in their studies.

Uranus’ move into your 3rd house starts to test the marriage of siblings (or those who play that role in your life). They seem rebellious these days and need a lot of space. They are in a period where they want to explore personal freedom – and this is generally not good for committed kinds of relationships.

On the 20th the Sun also moves into your 3rd house -making this area even more of a focus. The only problem here is that you need to be careful not to abuse or misuse your mental and communication faculties. You are a communicator by nature, and now it is as if you’ve taken ‘communication pills’ – so you might find yourself talking too much, talking to no purpose, talking for the sake of talking – and this can deplete energy. Also your mind will tend to be easily over-stimulated (you have this issue in general, but now even more so) – thus it can spin, and spin, and spin – turning the same thoughts over and over again. This also depletes energy and often causes insomnia. So, your challenge now is to use these faculties, but under control – don’t let them use you.
Still, this is an exciting time. You are filled with creative ideas.

Singles find love opportunities as they pursue their financial goals, or with people involved in their finances until the 20th. Afterwards romantic opportunities are at school or school functions – as you pursue your intellectual interests. If you feel passionate about a subject, take a course and chances are that you will find other things to be passionate about as well.


Two main interests dominate the month ahead: spirituality (continued from last month) and personal pleasure (from the 20th onwards). You enter a yearly personal peak. And this year it is going to be stronger than it has been for many years (for Jupiter is also in your 1st house during this period). A time for fulfilling all your bodily fantasies – and the opportunities will come.
At the beginning of the month you are ‘other-worldly’, more interested in the non-carnal pleasures of the spirit, and then you become very worldly, very body-orientated – a complete reversal. One extreme seems to lead to the other.

Your birthday is your personal new year, from an astrological perspective. This is the time (especially while your 12th house is strong (until the 20th) to review the past year. Make a sober account. See what you have achieved and what is left to yet be achieved. Look at the high points and the low points. Look at the errors and ‘atone’ for them (correct them). Then set your goals for the year ahead. Write down your goals. The old is over with. You are entering a new year and a new day. Start with a clean slate.

Now that Uranus is in your own sign (since March 12) you are not only experimental with your body – testing its limits, perhaps being a daredevil – you are also experimental with personal pleasure. You are eager to explore all kinds of new pleasures that heretofore were only ‘fantasies’. Nothing wrong with that, as long as they are not destructive kinds of things.

Health is excellent this month. You are supercharged with energy. If anything, the danger here is ‘too much good health’ – too much energy. Sometimes this makes people ‘bite off more than they can chew’ – attempt things that are beyond them. Daredevil-type escapades. And these things can lead to injury. Yes, be a daredevil, but in a mindful, conscious way.

With Uranus in your own sign (and 90 per cent of the planets in the East), you want your way and are getting it. You have a passion for personal freedom. Anyone involved romantically with an Aries needs to understand this. Give your Aries lover as much freedom as possible.

There is a short-term conflict with parents, parent figures, bosses or authorities – this probably has to do with your personal independence now. This will pass, but compromise is key now.

Singles find love opportunities in organizations and group activities from the 2nd to the 27th. Friends might want to be more than that. But friendship and a peer kind of relationship is important in love during this period.


Spring is coming and the pace of events are speeding up. Some 90 per cent of the planets are in forward motion until the 30th. There is rapid progress to your goals. If you are launching new projects or ventures, after the 20th is the time to do it.

Until the 20th it is good to launch mass-mailings, marketing or advertising campaigns. Also, like last month, good for communication – catching up on all the letters, phone calls or e-mails that you owe.

The main headline now is the power in Aries and your 4th house of home and family. Jupiter moved in on January 22. On the 9th Mercury moves in, and on the 12th Uranus makes a major – once-in-85 years – move into your 4th house. He will stay there for the next seven years or so. On the 20th, the Sun moves into this house. So, though career is still important, you have to shift a lot of energy and attention to home and family. There’s a lot of change going on here. There can be moves, renovations and shake-ups in the family pattern. Emotions run high at home. Family members have severe mood swings; you need to be very patient in dealing with these things.

Perhaps the main issue this month – from the 20th onwards – is health. With Uranus’ move into Aries there are four long-term planets in stressful alignment. Two (and sometimes three) short-term planets also join the party. So you really need to watch your energy now. You need every ounce. You don’t have any to spare for unimportant issues, for emotional tantrums, worries or anxieties. Enhance health by maintaining high energy levels by paying more attention to your heart (all month), feet (until the 9th), head, face and scalp (from the 10th onwards). Rest when tired. Schedule more visits with healers or health professionals. Have people pray for you (and you can do this on your own as well). Spiritual healing is always powerful, but especially until the 9th.
Health is delicate next month as well, so this is a long-term concern.

After the 20th there are more challenges to your self-esteem and self-confidence. You seem under the gun, under attack (not physically, but psychologically and emotionally) after the 20th. Very important that you know who you are -a child of the most high. No human attack can ever change that fact.

Finances will be strong this month. Uranus’ move into Aries shows that you are starting new ventures and becoming more risk-taking – more speculative – in finance. This is a bit uncomfortable for a conservative Capricorn – but bold moves are necessary. As mentioned earlier, you are spending more on the family and the home, but can also earn from this. Family businesses and family connections are important financially – this month and for the long term.

Love is more or less status quo. Your social magnetism will be strongest from the 4th to the 19th as the Moon waxes.


The planetary momentum has been overwhelmingly forward all year so far and this trend continues this month. Until the 30th, 90 per cent of the planets are forward. On the 30th, Mercury (your ruling planet) starts to retrograde.
This forward momentum shows that you are making rapid progress towards your goals. World events – and the events in your life – move at a faster pace.

Mercury retrogrades three times a year, so you have been through this many times in your life. You go through it three times a year. There is nothing to fear. It is merely a time when you should be reviewing your body, image, self-concept, personal appearance and family issues with a view to upgrading or improving them. All the various glitches that arise when Mercury is retrograde are merely the cosmos’ way of nudging you towards these activities.

For you personally, the retrograde of Mercury is a call to personal perfection. Avoid the short-cuts. What seems like a short-cut can actually be the long way round. Be perfectionist and meticulous in all that you do – though it seems to slow you down – and you will go through this with flying colours.

Your 10th house of career is still very powerful until the 20th. By the end of the month, career goals should have been attained (or satisfactory progress made) and you are ready to focus on other things. The new Moon of the 4th occurs in your 10th house and will clarify, as the month progresses, your career status and issues involving the career.

Friendships have been important since January 22. This month they become even more important – 40 to 50 per cent of the planets are either in or moving through your llth house. You are meeting new and important friends. Your social sphere is expanding – and in a significant way. But how long this will last is another story, as Uranus moves into this house on the 12th. This will bring dramatic change – re-alignments – of current friendships – now and for years to come. Some of these re-alignments are not your fault -they come from personal changes and dramatic experiences that happen in the lives of friends. But many friendships will get tested now, and not all will survive.

There is a very happy romantic meeting from the 14th to the 16th. You seem the pursuer and you catch what you pursue. Love is still at groups, group activities and organizations. Online love also seems interesting.

Health still needs watching until the 20th.

There can be job changes this month, but with your career so strong, it seems like a good thing. Those who employ others can see employee turnover now.

The 11th house is the house of fondest hopes and wishes. Thus this is a month where you attain these things – in love, with the family and family members, and in your studies.


The 8th house is still very powerful this month. A sexually active period. No matter your age or stage in life, sex is more on your mind than at other times. But power in the 8th house has other, perhaps more important, virtues. This is a period when you have more power to transform yourself and your body along the lines that you want. It is a time when you can go more deeply into the mysteries of resurrection. We all have areas in our lives that need ‘resurrection’: the health of an organ, a business, or relationship -perhaps a creative project. Anything can be resurrected when we understand the laws behind it. The cells and organs of the body do it all the time. It is a matter of clearing out the things that obstruct this process. This is a good period for detox regimes and for doing a deep housecleaning – physically, emotionally and mentally. Get rid of the old baggage that is clogging up the works.

Love still seems happy and exciting. Venus moves into your 7th house on the 2nd and spends most of the month there (until the 27th). This brings love and social opportunities with ‘higher ups’ – those above you in status. You are mingling with the ‘power people’ during this period, too. You have their favour. Career can be furthered by social means right now. You are attending more corporate or business gatherings. You are meeting the people who can help your career. These are also the aspects for an office romance.

Your love planet changes signs this month, too, as mentioned. This is a long-term trend. Always headstrong in love – always quick in your affections – you are even more so now. Your challenge will be to maintain the intensity for the long term. Not so easy. The Sun travels with your love planet from the 20th to the 22nd and this brings happy romantic (sudden and unexpected) love opportunities for singles.

The venue for love is now changed as well. Now love opportunities happen in educational or religious settings. At school or church. Ministers and professors like playing cupid now.

Health has been good and gets even better after the 20th. You have energy, confidence and optimism. There is nothing that you can’t do. Nothing that you can’t overcome. It is marvellous how a boost in vitality opens up new horizons for us.

Launch those new projects now (after the 20th). Keep in mind that Mercury goes retrograde on the 30th – so launch them before that. Mercury’s retrograde counsels caution in financial decision-making. You are once again a free spender and quick to make decisions. But when the retrograde starts, slow down a little and do more homework.


Continue, like last month, to focus on your health. Probably you are scheduling more appointments with health professionals, and this is good. Anything you can do that builds strength and resistance is good. On the 9th Mercury moves into Aries, on the 12th Uranus moves into Aries and, on the 20th, the Sun joins the party. Between 60 and 70 per cent of the planets are in stressful aspect with you now. So your job is just to get through the month with your health and sanity intact. Never mind conquering the world or making millions. Just getting through will be a great victory.

Months like this (from the 20th onwards) are called ‘character-building’ periods in life. We never really know what we are made of during the easy times, when the Sun is shining and the wind is at our back. It is in the tough times, when the wind is howling and whipping at your face, when the snow is falling, the ground is slippery and you need to climb uphill – that you learn who you are. You learn your strengths and weaknesses. Knowledge of your strengths will delight you and change the course of your life. You can do more than you ever believed.

My experience has been that the best way to go through these kinds of periods is to be at your highest personal vibration. To live in the highest truth that you know. Keep your connection to the higher power within and let that guide you.

The heart is especially vulnerable now. Those of you who have a history of problems should take more care now -whether it be through conventional or alternative methods. Again, don’t sweat the small stuff … avoid anxiety and worry – said by many spiritual healers to be the root cause of heart problems. If there is something positive that can be done about a situation, then of course do it. But if not, stay in a place of faith and trust. Worry will not help you one way or the other.

The main headline is your love life: It is positively electric. Uranus joins Jupiter and Mercury in your 7th house on the 12th, and the Sun enters the 7th house on the 20th. You are in a yearly social peak. Librans, because of their social genius, enjoy being risk-takers in love. Like the expert mountain climber, they will dare peaks that the average person wouldn’t go near. But now you are even more of a risk-taker. Love can happen any time, at any place, through arny condition. You leap into relationships with careless abandon. And if you’ve made a mistake, you trust your genius to get you out of it. Either marriage or divorce could happen now. You like commitment but you also like freedom. And you feel that if this doesn’t work out, there are always more fish in the sea.


The planetary power is now at its maximum eastern position. Thus you are in a period of maximum independence for the year. This is a great opportunity to create conditions as you desire them to be, so don’t waste it. Take the necessary (and bold) moves now to perfect your happiness.

Though you have many interests this month, the main headlines are the power in your 1st and 2nd houses. On the 19th of last month, you entered a yearly personal pleasure peak; this month, until the 20th, it seems even stronger than before. So this is still a period for enjoying all the pleasures of the body. Of course, if you overdo this you will pay a price later on. This is the main health danger. Indulge, by all means, but in moderation.

Health is wonderful. Personal self-confidence and self-esteem are at a yearly high. Personal appearance is at a yearly high. There is one thing that high-end beauty treatments and fashion, though they help, can’t do: they can’t supply the cosmic energy – the innate charisma – that shines through whatever you wear or however your hair is done. And this is what you have going for you right now – a tremendous influx of cosmic energies – mostly benevolent.

Mars is still in your sign this month, so keep in mind our discussion from last month. Mars brings personal courage, physical strength, boldness and confidence. It enables you to perform athletically and in exercise regimes at a ‘personal best’ level. There is more than usual sex appeal to your image. You get things done in a fraction of the normal time. But this energy nust be used ‘just so’. If it is abused – not channelled in the right way – it leads to temper tantrums, conflicts (and sometimes even violence), haste and impatience. Haste can lead to accidents. So, yes, use this Mars energy, but always in a mindful way.

Since Mars is your financial planet, we have a continuation of the financial trends of last month. Windfalls and opportunities come to you. Money is seeking you out rather than vice versa. You dress expensively. You acquire expensive clothing, accessories and personal items. You ‘look rich’, and this of itself draws wealth to you. (Of course wealth depends on more than just personal appearance, but it is a help.)

On the 20th you enter your yearly financial peak. The period of peak earnings for the year. Enjoy. Job-seekers still seem successful this month. I like the 1st to the 20th better for job-seeking than afterwards – for in that period job opportunities just come to you, like iron filings to a magnet.

Love has been pursuing you since last month, and this is the case until the 9th. Afterwards, singles find love opportunities as they pursue their financial goals and with people involved in their finances. Business partnerships or joint ventures could form after the 9th as well (the opportunities are there).


This is shaping up to be a very prosperous month. It is said that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. But financially the reverse seems true now. March will come in like a lamb (so-so, reasonable financial aspects) and go out like a lion (very beautiful financial aspects). For many of you, money is being earned the old-fashioned way – through work. But the job situation has been bright since January 22 and gets even brighter now. Very nice job opportunities – well paying – are out there for you. There are pay rises and promotions in store for you as well – after the 20th as the Sun starts to travel with Jupiter. (Next month is good for this, too.) You have the financial favour of elders, bosses, parents, parent figures and those in authority over you. Even the government seems supportive on a financial level -there can be payments from them (benefits) or opportunities to work or contract out for them. Your company could receive a nice government contract, too. If you have financial issues with the government, try to schedule them for after the 20th.

Uranus makes a major move into your 6th house on the 12th and will be there for seven more years – a long-term trend. This shows job changes – perhaps a few of them -now. You upgrade your job the way people upgrade their computers. Every time you think you have the perfect job, a new and better opportunity comes along. Whatever is happening in the outer economic sphere, jobs seem plentiful for you.

Professional investors should look to the health field -especially new start-ups – for profit opportunities.
A family member is coming to work for you. (The reverse could also happen: you could get a job in your family business or with a family-type business. The people you work with seem like family to you.)

Health is still good this month and yet you seem very focused here from the 12th onwards. I presume you are more involved in preventative measures than in dealing with actual physical problems. You are spending more on health – perhaps investing in this field – and can earn from this field as well. Health professionals seem important in your financial life.

Love is in a bit of lull right now. A status-quo kind of situation. There is nothing against it, but nothing especially for it, either. From the 2nd to the 27th your love planet is in your 4th house. Thus there is more socializing with family members and with those who are like family to you, and more entertaining from home. A romantic evening is just as alluring at home as out on the town (this will change after the 27th, when you are more in the mood for the night life). Often with these aspects we meet up with old flames from the past to resolve old issues. Family values, emotional sharing and nurturing are important in love during this period. Physical attraction is always important, but you need more than that. You tend to be very moody in love – and anyone involved romantically with a Scorpio would be wise to learn to discern his or her moods.


This is shaping up to be a very prosperous month. It is said that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. But financially the reverse seems true now. March will come in like a lamb (so-so, reasonable financial aspects) and go out like a lion (very beautiful financial aspects). For many of you, money is being earned the old-fashioned way – through work. But the job situation has been bright since January 22 and gets even brighter now. Very nice job opportunities – well paying – are out there for you. There are pay rises and promotions in store for you as well – after the 20th as the Sun starts to travel with Jupiter. (Next month is good for this, too.) You have the financial favour of elders, bosses, parents, parent figures and those in authority over you. Even the government seems supportive on a financial level -there can be payments from them (benefits) or opportunities to work or contract out for them. Your company could receive a nice government contract, too. If you have financial issues with the government, try to schedule them for after the 20th.

Uranus makes a major move into your 6th house on the 12th and will be there for seven more years – a long-term trend. This shows job changes – perhaps a few of them -now. You upgrade your job the way people upgrade their computers. Every time you think you have the perfect job, a new and better opportunity comes along. Whatever is happening in the outer economic sphere, jobs seem plentiful for you.

Professional investors should look to the health field -especially new start-ups – for profit opportunities.
A family member is coming to work for you. (The reverse could also happen: you could get a job in your family business or with a family-type business. The people you work with seem like family to you.)

Health is still good this month and yet you seem very focused here from the 12th onwards. I presume you are more involved in preventative measures than in dealing with actual physical problems. You are spending more on health – perhaps investing in this field – and can earn from this field as well. Health professionals seem important in your financial life.

Love is in a bit of lull right now. A status-quo kind of situation. There is nothing against it, but nothing especially for it, either. From the 2nd to the 27th your love planet is in your 4th house. Thus there is more socializing with family members and with those who are like family to you, and more entertaining from home. A romantic evening is just as alluring at home as out on the town (this will change after the 27th, when you are more in the mood for the night life). Often with these aspects we meet up with old flames from the past to resolve old issues. Family values, emotional sharing and nurturing are important in love during this period. Physical attraction is always important, but you need more than that. You tend to be very moody in love – and anyone involved romantically with a Scorpio would be wise to learn to discern his or her moods.


Career still seems very successful. Venus, your personal planet, crosses your midheaven from the 2nd onwards. Thus you are on top, in charge, above everyone in your world. You are looked up to and respected. People want to be like YOU. You are something of a role model this month. Aside from this, many of the trends that have been in effect are still in effect this month. Family is still supportive of your career goals. And the family as a whole is elevated – family members also seem successful. Your career planet, Uranus, makes a major move into Aries on the 12th. This only reinforces the spiritual trends which have been going on for some years now. Even if you are in a mundane, worldly type career, you can enhance it by getting more involved in charities, causes and selfless kinds of activities. Many of you will have career opportunities in non-profit types of organizations. Continue to focus on your career and let family issues go for a while.

Health is much improved over last month, but you can enhance it even more by paying more attention to your ankles and calves from the 2nd to the 28th. Regular massage will work wonders. Give your ankles more support when exercising. With your health planet in Aquarius most of the month, you are experimental in health matters, allured by new technologies and therapies – and they seem good for you. After the 28th, pay more attention to your feet.

Your financial planet goes retrograde on the 30th, so try to wrap up important purchases, investments or financial decisions before then. Though you are a very down-to-earth, practical person, this month your financial intuition is very strong and you should pay attention to it. Also this is a period where you learn that wealth is spiritual – that your own efforts are often futile – your wealth comes from the grace of a higher power, which actually owns all the money in the universe.

Love seems stable early in the month, but after the 20th gets more complicated. A marriage or current relationship gets tested. Give your spouse or partner as much freedom as possible now.

Your llth house of friends, groups and organizations is still strong until the 20th – see last month’s remarks. After the 20th your 12th house of spirituality becomes very strong. (It has been active and strong since January 22, but now even more so.) You are in a period of exploring the invisible side of life, of making spiritual breakthroughs and gaining insights and knowledge. Often these things will come in dreams or through the direct intervention of the spirit – through supernatural kinds of experiences which you know are special. A good month for going on spiritual or religious-type pilgrimages to holy places or spiritual retreats. With Uranus now in your 12th house you are breaking out of outdated, restricting spiritual paths and experimenting with new ones.


The shift to the upper half of the chart, which began late last month, is now established. The upper half is now the dominant half. This doesn’t mean thai ycm ignore le family responsibilities, but that you shift your focus to your ‘outer’ goals.

Your family planet moved into your 8th house on January 22. This month, your 8th house becomes powerful after the 20th. This suggests a good house-cleaning is called for – spring cleaning. This applies on the physical, material level, but more importantly on the subtle levels. Go through your home – ruthlessly – and either sell, or give away to charity, the possessions that you no longer need. Don’t get rid of things that you still need – just the useless and effete. This same procedure should be applied to your emotional and mental life – but this is a more complicated process. Old emotional and mental patterns that are no longer useful to you (perhaps at one time they were) should be eliminated. These things ‘clog up’ the works and prevent the new and better from coming in.
With your health planet moving into the 8th house on the 12th, detox is good on a physical level as well. This trend will continue for many more years. This is a time to explore this method of healing.

Health still needs more looking after until the 20th. Rest and relax more. Your challenge is to maintain high energy levels. Chances are if you do that, you will sail through this period with few problems. Health and vitality improve after the 20th.

Like last month, you are still in a yearly social peak and your 8th house is strong. Still a sexually active period. With Uranus moving into your 8th house, there is a tendency to sexual experimentation these days – you crave the unorthodox and unconventional. So long as your experiments are not destructive, this is a wonderful thing – you gain new knowledge never written in any book.
Your spouse, partner or current love is having an excellent financial period. It began on January 22, but now accelerates even further. He or she is making dramatic financial changes and becoming very experimental in finance, but these changes seem to work out. A prosperous month in a prosperous year.

Strange supernatural synchronistic experiences happen from the 20th to the 22nd. Their import will be clear later on.
Be more careful driving from the 13th to the 14th and avoid conflicts or confrontations. Even if you are right, confrontations should be ‘postponed’. They will not have the desired effect. People tend to over-react under these aspects. This applies to parents and parent figures as well.


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