Ding Dong Merrily on high……..

The Winter is drawing in and Christmas is coming…and although the Season is beautiful we can be caught up in the increasingly long nights, dark mornings and cold days. When I start to get drawn in to the melancholy that generally accompanies Winter, even though I have lived here out of Africa for years, I like to switch my thoughts to the joys that underlie Christmas. What better way to make that change in thought than by settling down with a great Christmas story.

Christmas stories transport me to a happy place, a place of magic. In my inner world where I am captivated by the beauty and purity of freshly fallen snow, by the brightness of warm log fires and steaming hot coco. Fairy lights, Christmas trees and candles. Woolly hats, scarves and gloves protect me from the cold, but I am free to run and play, feel the excitement of a changed world.

If snow falls, it transforms the old world of cares and worries to a new unfamiliar world, a world of excitement and magic that is created by the amazing transformational power of snow.

Remember last February when we has a huge blanket of snow across the country, the rules of the old world no longer applied. The London buses and trains came to a stand still. Lots of people couldn’t get to work, and consequently felt no responsibility only the excitement and the urge to run out and explore and play. They created snow men, ice sculptures, threw snowballs and pulled out their dusty sleds for an afternoon of fun and frolics. I stood and wondered at the breathtaking beauty of it all. Walking in this unfamiliar landscape I think about all my childhood stores about those wonderful mystical creatures, unicorns, flying reindeer, Santa’s elves and of course angels.

Then when my hands and nose became icy it was time to head home to the warmth and soft light of my home to enjoy good things to eat and hot things to drink.

At this time of year when I get home then it’s time for the Christmas stories, whether it’s a book or a movie it doesn’t matter. A great Christmas story puts things into perspective. It invokes gratitude and optimism instead of complaints. With songs of joy and good will filling the air, the magic starts and the hero of the story overcomes against all odds. He or She learns that what seemed like insurmountable troubles were of little consequence in the face of Love.

Finally it comes down to this – each Christmas story reminds us that Love matters more than anything and nothing else really matters at all. With this knowledge our energy is renewed and we can rejoice in life with a new determination. We can take more time to live our lives t and to really experience what matters rather than to just blindly go from one moment to the next.

I particularly like Christmas films. . They feel like a quick sugar rush and uplift the Spirit and remind us of all things that can and should be good in the world. Relax this Christmas and think about how truly magical life is and what magic you want to weave into your NEW YEAR. Look out for my 2011 Astrological Forecasts and come along to my Facebook pages where you will be very welcome.

Love and Light


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