April 2016 – Astrological Forecasts

In this month of April it is important that we are conscious of our actions, both individually and collectively. As Newton’s Third Law states, “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. Therefore, we need to be aware that the actions we choose to take will have results that match not only our deeds, but the intentions behind our deeds.

The Universe brings forth magic and miracles not from our trying to force outcomes, but from our willingness to take action to create and bring forth our heart’s desires. The Universe will generously assist us on our journey, but it will not carry us…we must be willing to take steps forward, to take ownership for what we are creating. The Universe can only assist in creation when we trust its presence and allow it to provide us with our highest good.

NEW MOON IN ARIES April 7th, 2016
With this New Moon in Aries, we are asked to move beyond our comfort zones. We develop the courage and wisdom of the “peaceful warrior”. “Choose your battles wisely”. So in this time of energy and action…what are you willing to do for yourself to allow and enable the Universe to do what it wants to do for you?

What are you willing to do to have your heart’s desires spring forth into the reality of your life experience? Where do you need to stand your ground? And are you willing to take action and apply yourself to what you want to achieve this month?

Let’s see how to make this possible….

Choose your sign below to jump to your April 2016 Astro-Forecast.

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Cancer, April is a very productive month where you can work quietly and get things done without much interference. Most of what you do will take place in the background with little fanfare, and so this is not a month for trailblazing and launching yourself onto the social scene or planning anything very daring. You should focus on consistency and enjoy the relative lull in April by tending to things you do not usually have time for. As the month continues, you will experience a groundswell of positivity within you, and you will begin to increase in confidence. April is also a month where you will become aware of certain talents and abilities which you have which are underused. Think about things that you excelled at years ago, things that bring you great pleasure – why did you stop doing those things? Now is the time to get cracking on bringing those activities back into your life either for business or pleasure.

Cancer Love Horoscope
Cancer, witty and humorous, you are both fun-loving and free-spirited in love in April. You are in the mood for variety and will shy away from anything routine and humdrum. Single Cancerians are very flirty and may have a few love interests on the go at once. This is a highly sociable and outgoing month, and you will not be short of options in love. You are, however, being coy and keeping your emotions in check as you are wanting to explore without commitment right now. It is almost as if you are surveying the scene, testing the water without diving in.

The April horoscope shows that Cancerians who are in committed relationships must ensure that the desire to flirt does not create any tense moments at parties; you may mean nothing by it, but others may not take it that way. Enjoy yourself, but don’t overdo it.

Cancer, you will attend many trendy social events in April and are sure to be at the latest movies, opening nights and sporting events as well. You have a strong desire to be where it is at in April – you want to feel part of what is going on, and you are fulfilled and energized by people, nightlife, and the art world.

Cancer, April is very much about rediscovering your youth. It’s about doing fun things that you have neglected to do for a while as you were in a rut. You are indulging your inner child. This spirit of joie de vivre will do wonders for your sex life, which is all set to be lively, stimulating and spontaneous.

Cancer Career Horoscope
Within work in April, teamwork and diplomacy are the names of the game for Cancer zodiac sign. In fact, ‘game’ is a very apt word, as you may not always be able to act and speak as you wish in April. You may have to put on an act and pretend to go along with what you do not agree with for the sake of harmony in the short run. Creative differences with your team must be overcome with sound leadership, which you can provide. Within your PR, marketing or self-promotion be subtle rather than full on as this is the way to achieve more.

Cancerians involved in creative fields may benefit from joining with others in your field to combine marketing and promotion efforts. Pooling of ideas and sharing resources can be a very good idea whatever you do in business.

Cancer, April is a positive month for those who work in mechanical fields and industries.


Aquarians are not instinctive, in fact, you prefer to act in accordance with reason and critical evaluation, but in April you can be rather emotionally and instinctively driven. Often your impulsive reactions to a situation are in contrast to what you consciously aimed to do, and the result can mean you taking a different direction quite suddenly. Emotions and irritations can flare up quite quickly from nowhere, and it will be hard for you to keep a lid on them.

You can be rather defensive and touchy right now, and this is not a good time for cool-headed decision-making. This is, however, a good month for dealing with things which have actually been bugging you for a while – it’s like you finally have the oomph to just knock things on the head and when you have done so you will feel like, “Phew, why did I not do this before!”

Family are important to you in April and you may travel to visit your family and hometown – but more than that, your visit will entail you making a practical effort towards fixing or rebuilding something, be it something physical or a broken relationship. This effort you make, whether it is a purely practical job or something more to do with repairing human bonds, will enable you to feel far better about yourself and more focused. It may be a case of having to put your pride in your pocket when it comes to an individual dispute you have within your family for the greater good of the family as a whole.

There is something nagging in April something you know you should do, but are putting off – this may make you irritable and cranky (as mentioned earlier) – the best thing is to deal with the issue head on, or as advised, throw your efforts/energy into doing something constructive, especially if that relates to home or family to work off the tension.

You may invest in your home via an extension, redecorating or a new kitchen.

Aquarius Monthly Love Horoscope

Private and passionate is the theme in love – you are more likely to be private about expressing affection i.e. you may act cool towards your partner in public, but behind the scenes at home you are red hot and ready to go.
You can be quite snappy in April but you will be quick to apologize, which means that any argument and ill feeling will blow over fast.
This is a very good month for new same-sex partnerships – you may decide to move in together and make a commitment. Same sex couples will enter a new phase of togetherness and things will get much deeper with a firm understanding that defies words.
Single Aquarians will feel a strong yearning to be in a relationship, and thus they will heavily engage in social activities with the opposite sex in order to meet a potential partner. You may meet someone who already has children, and you will be ready to embrace that happily. In new relationships, this is the month when Aquarians will feel accepted and assimilated into the family of their lover.

Aquarius Career Horoscope
A strong link between finances and creativity means that there is money to be made in the arts and entertainment, and also if you are able to be creative financially, i.e. in the way you invest and the timing in which you buy/sell stocks and shares. You may well profit from stocks in mining, building and the sports industries.

You should spend most of the first part of the month travelling in order to see clients do business and make purchases – this may include trade fairs and meeting with suppliers. Logistical matters are also important to attend to. However, the second half of the month will be focused on production and working from your desk, getting everything organized. You may be able to do work from home in order to get more done and be more productive. You may have to spend time in libraries doing research and perhaps looking through archived information for research purposes.

April is a good month to deal with real estate sales and transfers, investment in real estate or investment in geological research. Take note of environmental law and regulations and make sure you comply. In some cases, Aquarians may be instrumental in paving the way for more Green Regulation or Green awareness via activism and blogging.


The April horoscope for Aries predicts that this is an opportune month for getting to grips with your financial affairs. Last month I talked about how much financial issues to do with work and home could be ‘leaking’, and now it is time to be more aware of how your money works. While April is also a good month to invest, you should be thinking about managing out-goings better. Look to find better deals for the services you pay for in business or at home. Stop doing things you could outsource for a smaller rate. Look at how you manage your time and see how you could be more productive by, for example, delegating some of your responsibilities or by re-organising your routine.

Aries, caring for someone you love is a theme in April; you may have to care for a father or someone who has been a father figure to you. This may link to a role-reversal – and you may now need to take care of or help to manage the circumstances of someone who once did the same for you.

Environmental issues are also key in April – within your work; ensure you comply with all environmental health laws. You may actively participate in a community project like cleaning up an area or doing something to promote wildlife or protect a natural beauty spot.

Aries Love Horoscope
The April astrology for love shows that this is a very sociable month, where there will be many opportunities to meet prospective partners. Single or involved, all Arians should take the lead in love in April by spoiling your partner and taking the initiative in suggesting new things to do and places to go. Novelty and surprise are key ingredients for love and sex in April. Double dates and blind dates can work well and for couples a weekend away with friends can be fun and relaxing.

Having children is a key feature in your close relationships: you may begin to talk about having another child, and if in a same-sex union, you may start to think strongly about adopting. The urge to nurture and have a family is very strong. April is also a great time to start a family too. Aries, you are very motivated by traditional values in April and that will impact on how you want your partner to behave. Try not to be domineering in relationships; you are feeling very strongly about things right now, and it is good to be passionate, but do not let passion become belligerence.

Aries Career Horoscope
Very independent-minded, you are sharp and strong when decisiveness is needed. The Aries monthly predictions for April points out that you will be called upon to defend yourself verbally, and you will be readily able to debate. Aries, the ability to think quickly and make rapid decisions is key in April. Make sure you are not caught out by having a grasp of all the issues you need to. Make sure your paperwork is properly submitted and that you stay on top of things – do not allow a distraction to cause you to have a slip of the tongue. This is a month when an angry word at the wrong moment can come back to bite you; if in doubt hold your tongue. When angry count to ten before you fire off a response: this includes all social media Facebook, Twitter etc and all email accounts, private and professional

April is a very creative time for those of you who work in technical and mechanical spheres. Science and mechanical engineering students, researchers and workers can make great strides within their fields.

When defending your beliefs and ideas in the work environment, stay cool and professional, and do not take any disagreement or criticism as a personal insult. For those of you in politics and law, April is a very favourable time for making arguments and debating; as long as you remember to listen and do not rush to the wrong conclusions.

A stressful, but productive, stimulating and challenging month at work. Aries, expect changes in April embrace them and make sure you adjust first to get an advantage. Remember Arians love to be first.


You may feel the need to put on a brave front in April as you are feeling vulnerable and quite touchy inside. This is not a month when you will be able to take criticism on board easily, and you should shy away from situations or people where you are likely to be put down. What you don’t need in April is negativity – stay away from the Debbie Downers, who seek to cast a shadow over everything. Sometimes you just need positivity around you, and you need to hear some compliments, and so make sure you surround yourself with upbeat people who are encouraging and who focus on the glass half full. Constructive criticism can also be a bad thing if there is too much of it without a balancing dose of encouragement.

In April, recreation and entertainment are very important – they say work is the rent we pay for life, and yet very often we end up paying that rent and never living. In April it is essential for you to get to work on having fun and letting your hair down. If something is not going your way, just drop it and forget all about it – this is not a month when plugging away gets you anywhere, mental breathers and a change of environment are what you need.

Sports and also mental games i.e. crosswords/Sudoku are an ideal outlet for you. If you have creative hobbies or work in an industry where you are artistic, you should have a large amount of energy to put behind new projects. Fresh air and the outdoors is very important right now – you need sunshine and to be active for your overall health. Children’s parties, organizing children within something like a sports team, scouts/guides or teaching children sports and life skills can be a big part of the month. You may be instrumental in helping a child you know gain confidence or hone a skill.

Capricorn Love Horoscope
Children are very important for Capricorns in April and you and your partner may become closer in the way you both educate and support your children. But it is not only the children who are important, it is rediscovering the child within yourself and learning to accept and love that inner child. In April it is very important to re-examine the negative messages you may have received from adults about yourself as a child and how they affect you today. Sometimes even a careless or un-factual comment about ourselves we heard as a child can stick in our heads and plague us later in life.

Perhaps something your own child is experiencing now or a phase they are going through will allow you to relive your own experience and thereby put a positive spin on it and consign any neuroses that stemmed from it to the past. Maybe helping your own child (or a child in your family) overcome something you suffered with can help you get resolution. These events to do with children can have a very positive effect on your own self-esteem, and that will help relationships.
There is an issue in April with identity and self-love – the stronger your identity, and the better you treat yourself, the better love life and sex life will be. If you are too hard on yourself that may be feeding poor self-esteem, which is damaging your relationships. Focusing on pleasurable activities that reaffirm who you are and what you love about life, is the perfect way to put yourself into a positive frame of mind which will certainly aid both new and old relationships. Do not be afraid to have fun and have lots of it!

It is vital that your partner is supportive and loving in April – if he/she is negative, you need to make a stand and chastise them for being judgmental and not understanding.

Capricorn Career Horoscope
Cultivating good relations with co-workers is vital to smooth running of affairs – be tactful, be helpful, and go the extra mile to get along with others.
Bargaining and negotiating are a big part of April’s work effort, and you will have to be creative in coming up with new plans and new ideas until you can reach agreement – prepare for meeting with plans A, B, C and D.

You may be called upon to deal with difficult customers or clients and use your skills with people to take a strong yet fair approach and get this resolved.

Your analytical skills are excellent in April 2016, and this can enable you to find solutions to problems by examining figures, trends, anomalies and research. You can also use your intuitive business powers to suss out new opportunities.

Your work may bring you into contact with children via social work, legal work or human rights work – you can make some very valuable progress here by taking a strong leadership role to ensure something does get done rather than talk talk with no walk walk. :>)


Gemini, you are courageous and decisive in April. You will be called upon to provide moral leadership on issues at home, work and within your social life. You will have a surplus of energy and will be able to work for long periods without becoming tired and drained. You are the Alpha Male/Female in April, even if that is not a role you usually take on. You can be successful in leadership roles as you are encouraging more than bossy, and that wins you respect. You are likely to take up sporting pursuits in April, but more for the enjoyment than the competitive aspect – you are enthusiastic, not fiercely competitive right now.

Gemini, April is rather a lucky month, when things will tend to flow and where you can be more productive than usual. Even the humdrum routines will be easier to bear. As you are feeling confident in April, use the time to tackle anything you would usually shy away from. Take some chances in terms of applying for new jobs or new positions, entering a competition, etc. I am not suggesting you initiate major changes right now, but this is a great month to test the water with a nothing ventured, nothing gained attitude.

Gemini Love Horoscope
The April Love Horoscope for Gemini shows that give and take is the theme in relationships. Your partner may accuse you of being selfish and demanding, which is not really fair; you are both just not on the same page. Sometimes our loved ones want tangible evidence of our commitment, and that is the case in April; you really need to put in extra effort to show him/her that you care. This means listening more, helping out, taking an interest, going the extra mile.

Often we do not realize how we take those we love for granted, and so it is not a bad thing to reaffirm that commitment and love by making some extra effort.

Gemini, it is possible that you may have some arguments at the start of the month – try and hold your tongue as you are likely to regret saying things later on. Do not jump to conclusions and try and be as fair-minded as possible, even in heated debates. Arguing and getting angry will not really get either of you anywhere, especially as you will tend to get stubborn and more entrenched in your views. Drop the arguing about small issues and think about ways to constructively balance your needs. April is not a month where an argument clears the air, it’s a month where you need to keep trying and keep remembering what each of you said in the argument in terms of what you need and expect from each other.

Gemini Career Horoscope
Gemini, cooperation is key in April – even if you have to put differences aside to cooperate with a competitor or a colleague you really cannot stand. Be diplomatic and do not be intimidated. Teamwork and compromise may be very much a part of what you have to do work-wise in April. You are full of strength and courage right now and should not shy away from any challenge at work as you can do it. Be positive as this is a really fortunate month when things should fall into place. In business, issues wider than your usual frame of reference will have to be taken into account, and you may need to seek legal advice or even hire a translator.

Gemini, in April be fair in everything you do, and you will be beyond reproach. If you encourage others to be fair and committed to the end result, things can be very productive despite differences.


Expansive, optimistic and positive – yes, for Leo spring has sprung with a vengeance. You have a surge of energy, and your health will be excellent – we all get a little run down after winter (or even after a long hot summer in the southern emisphere), but you are now feeling revitalized.

Leo, generous and forgiving, your relations with others are excellent in April and so this is a really good time to network or start new projects, especially if those projects rely on teamwork, cooperation and require a good spirit. You are very motivating right now – so in any aspect of life, you can inspire others and together create a successful enterprise whatever that happens to be. As you are giving off such a tangible positivity and are vibrant and vivacious, this favours you in all aspects of life where you have to make a positive impression on others.

You have the oomph this month to get the ball rolling on many ideas and plans that were waiting dormant – this period is especially opportune for activities involving promotion, publicity, international trade, publishing and study.
Leo, the theme in April is opening doors for yourself by trying something new and creating an opportunity that did not exist before. Opportunities rarely come knocking, but they are not like diamonds, they are far easier to find, and in April 2016, it’s easier than ever.

Leo Love Horoscope

Leo, in April your general optimism and fun-loving attitude bode well for starting relationships and for existing love relationships. Eager to let bygones be bygones, you will not dwell on trivialities and will be eager to smooth things over.

Very much with the big picture in mind, you will look to move your relationships forward i.e. if you have been dating for a while you may begin to think of marriage, or moving in together if you have not done that. Married couples may look to renew vows or perhaps add to the family or even take a second honeymoon.

Whatever you decide, being stagnant is not an option, and you are looking forward and wanting to explore new avenues and new possibilities in the relationship.

Single Leos may begin dating someone who has been in your friendship circle for a while, and who you have suddenly realized is kind of cute. Friendship and shared experiences and goals are very important in all love relationships in April – those who play together, stay together as they say. If you have experienced some difficulties getting on with your partner and if things feel stale, look to what drew you together, look at the social activities, political interests or dreams you once shared and reignite the interest in those.

Leo Career Horoscope
Leo, planning and promotion are keys to your business in April. As I said previously, April is a fertile one in terms of opportunity, and so go for it.

Leos in employment should seek leaderships roles and display that you are more eager for responsibility – offer to do work for free to help out the boss; volunteer yourself on a busy weekend; get involved with colleagues outside of work; get more involved in out of work team building activities offered by your work. Putting in that extra effort and showing some initiative can go a long way in April. Often it can be hard to get noticed in a large firm, but doing something a little extra that no one else thought of or bothered to do, can get you credit and you will have stood out from the crowd. Leos always excel at standing out, and you guys are very creative: use that sparkle you have and be inventive at your work; go the extra mile and see how that can open doors. April is a very productive and enjoyable month for Leos in teaching, academia and sports management. As a coach, teacher or mentor you can make a very big impact in terms of life development and confidence of those you teach. You can make a difference.


A burst of pro-active positive energy that will inspire you to initiate changes and get cracking on ideas. Not much will get you down in April, and when something goes wrong, you will bounce back with more determination.

A cheerful, bubbly persona will also help you to make new contacts in whatever new venture you choose to pursue. Libra, you are very outgoing and are giving the impression to others of someone who can make things happen. Events will help boost your confidence, and you are likely to attract people who can be of help to you in the new plans you are making. April is a month of good karma, and where the power of attraction can be used much to your advantage. Don’t let the good vibes lull you into a feeling of complacency, things will come to you if you take chances and take control of your life, they will not just fall into your lap with no effort.

Libra, you are rather adventurous in April and may try new sports or activities or perhaps weekends away to places that challenge and educate you. You want to stretch yourself this spring, both physically and mentally, which is great, but don’t overdo it.

Libra Love Horoscope
The Libra prediction for Love suggests that you are feeling healthy and vibrant and have far more energy than usual, and that bodes well for your love life as you have more zest for both sex and giving your partner more moral and practical support. If your partner has been feeling low, this is the month when you can jolt him/her out of the blues and give him/her some valuable advice and encouragement. In fact, you are not in short supply of advice to give right now, and you may put your money where your mouth is by using your extra energy to help out in a practical way too. Your libido is high, and you are always up for new sexual activities and games.

Single Libra will as with last month be the one to initiate new relationships: you will be attracted to bold, adventurous types who like risk and who seem carefree. What you should not do is pretend to be what you are not just to attract the guy/girl you have set your heart on, i.e. don’t pretend you love rock climbing if you have never been near a cliff before and hate heights. Do not be inclined to exaggerate to gain the approval of a prospective lover – let them love you for who you are.

Libra Career Horoscope
Libra are not always overtly competitive; you prefer co-operation rather than competition, but in April you are very competitive and eager to beat off competition. You are able to instil teams and workmates will energy and enthusiasm.

Librans who teach or coach can be especially effective in competitions or in helping others to achieve. April is a good month to take a chance on doing something differently as it may pay off in a big way.

If you work in partnership, this can be a difficult month with disagreements over finances and resources – it will take time to find a solution to accommodate you both, and it may get heated. Be very clear on all tax issues and ask for advice sooner rather than later. Libra, the April Horoscope shows that if you are applying for a loan, you must be persistent, forceful and willing to put a lot of energy into the process as there may be some hoops to go through. You must show that you are well organized.


Pisces, this month moderation is the key in April: you are highly motivated and enthusiastic, and yet you may attempt too much to prove something to yourself. It is a time when you are driven to take chances, and you want to challenge yourself, but you are not always wise in the way in which you go about this.

Advice can be very useful, but you need to know which advice is helpful and which advice is just a pessimist who envies your optimism talking. Did you ever hear, “I only want what is best for you?” Never believe this as only you know what is best for you and to find your own destiny you must follow your heart. However, in April you are not seeing things in sharp perspective, and you maybe want to heed the advice of those you genuinely trust and who have given you wise advice in the past. Select your advisors with care.

You are very competitive and physically vital in April and so this is an ideal time to train for something or undertake a sporting challenge. If you have a deadline or are working hard to complete on a goal, this is a month when you can make great strides as you are highly productive and capable of directing your energy and that of others towards the end goal. You can be very motivating and encouraging to others.

This is another good month for health, and your body will feel stronger. An inner optimism, as well as a burst of energy, can help you overcome physical problems. It is important to recognize the link between mind and body and how much your mental attitude impacts on your health and ability to recover from illnesses. A stronger mental attitude may be what you need to work on rather than your body – this can be in terms of fitness or indeed recovery from illness.

Do not underestimate the holistic nature of health – it is possible that you have become too focused on one element, i.e. fitness or diet or medicating at the expense of the other elements. Be more balanced in your approach, and pay attention to mind, body and soul.

Pisces Love Horoscope

A need for peace and quiet in April is countered by a need to take a firm stand on everyday matters. Yes, Pisces are easy going and you like to be hands off in terms of mundane everyday affairs, but in April you can be rather irritated and feel as if you do not do something, no one else will. You may have to initiate some strongly-worded discussions in order to set the record straight and make sure your partner respects both you and the household rules. Love is great, but respect is pretty crucial as well, and in April is about you getting that respect and about making sure that you are not in a double standards relationship.

Issues that may arise could be to do with the time you spend with your family/friends relative to your partners, or it may be to do with your opinions being heard and taken more seriously, or perhaps it is the way you spend your time. You need to ensure there is more balance, and that your ideas, family, friends and opinions are not always taking a back seat. These issues should be easily resolved, but must not be neglected.

April is also a wonderful time to spend together as a family, and you may undertake home decorating or improvements which make your home more comfortable, cosy and reflective of you as a couple.

April is a fun month for single Pisces as you are mingling and meeting many new people – you may meet up with someone from your past and realize there is a connection you may want to explore.

Pisces Career Horoscope

You are mentally sharp and highly resourceful right now. You can do well in any pressure situations in April i.e. exams, high power meetings, nailing deals, stock market trades. It is a month of high intensity, where you will sometimes rely on gut feel to make a decision. You can be very effective, and you will excel.

Those who work in medical fields especially will find this a month of fast-paced activity and a steep learning curve; you can deal with long shifts and have good concentration.

In any career, you should not let in April go by without tackling something – use the energy you have to make an impact and excel at what you do. You may try and learn some new technique or about some new software or perhaps take a crash course in a new language – whatever you decide to do, make a pro-active choice for the better and get stuck in. In creative careers, stand behind your choices and stick with your decisions – defend your way of doing things and have total faith in yourself. Do not give up or give in!


Dear Sagittarius, during April you may feel a touch insecure. It is a year where the pace is fast and the events are sometimes confusing; there is not always a lot of concrete data or solid information that you can fall back on. You must rely on your wits and trust your instincts. In your heart, you feel positive and buoyant and yet your head is sometimes a little bewildered and craving of more stability and consistency. Advice and past experiences may not be very useful in helping you make the decisions you need to make, either at work or personally; this year it’s all new and you will have to navigate some unchartered territory, and while this can be very exciting, it can also be a challenge.

This year is certainly full of change and variety. What there is a lack of, however, is routine and routine no matter how much we hate it can be a vital structure for us, which can give us an emotional or psychological anchor. This year and in April especially, you may feel as if you are on a ship trying to get your sea legs; you may even feel a little ‘rootless’ i.e. you need to get back to your roots, but they are not there, and there does not seem to be much to fall back on.

Being self-reliant and going with the decisions you make without looking back and without self-criticism is vital – hold your breath, close your eyes and jump.

While you should accept some constructive feedback in April, you must not take it personally, view it dispassionately and make use of it if you can. Sagittarius, you are very sensitive right now, and certain criticism may feed into your self doubts and insecurity – you must repel any feedback that is negative. Your overall outlook is very positive; however, emotionally you are adapting, and that is what is causing some of the doubts and worries.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope
Sagittarians may be non-committal in new relationships as you are trying to find yourself – this can be frustrating for your new lover who will find it hard to read you and know how to please you.

Sagittarians are rather enigmatic in love relationships this April – internally you are feeling rather vague and disconnected and, as a result, you are giving out mixed signals that are very confusing. In fact, your internal state of confusion can be projected onto the relationship, creating misunderstandings and a mis-match of needs. You feel more vulnerable than usual and are craving closeness and yet you are acting almost flippant and even evasive. Your insecurity may make you withdraw, which can isolate you from what you really need, which is a strong partner to take you in hand and hold you tight and tell you everything is fine.

April is a month when Sagittarians who have strong partners will draw from that strength and allay their self-doubts because of it; this will bring you both closer together and result in a wonderfully loving and sexually fulfilling month. If your partner is weak, this is a month when the relationship will struggle and where there can be arguments and silences. If your partner is a critical and bossy person, it can also be an awkward month for you.

Sagittarius Career Horoscope
April can be a very successful and productive month for Sagittarians who use their hands in their work, i.e. artisans, physiotherapists, chiropractors, carpenters, jewellery makers, potters, etc. You are nimble and skilful and can make use of a more sensitive feel for your materials or the body. It is a good month for those of you involved in healthcare, pharmaceuticals and alternate health fields. You are more sensitive to feelings, touch and emotion, and this is helpful for diagnosis and psychological support to patients.

April is also a very important month for those of you who rely on inspiration for their job. You can draw on a rich emotional fabric in April as you are feeling your own deep-seated and often neglected emotions more deeply and what’s more, you are able to give concrete expression to those feelings in words, art or music.

You may find yourself mothering someone at work, and while your positivity can provide great comfort to them, it could become awkward if you do not know where to draw a line, and they could become overly dependent on you.

April is also a very exciting month for those of you who work in conservation, especially sea life and also oceanographers. Sagittarians are known as adventurers, and in April nature is calling you – your affinity with nature will be tested in pursuits like sailing, climbing or flying (i.e. gliding, parachuting) where you are almost at one with the elements and must use you judgment and your innate oneness with nature to navigate and make decisions.


Scorpio, April can be a great month, where a burst of optimism and confidence can help get you over a hurdle, or it can also be a time when you throw caution to the wind and act unadvisedly, confident that you can get away with it – do not fall into the latter category. Temper some of your optimism with caution and do not make hasty decisions. You are impatient and prone to act rashly on the spur of the moment, take a step back and a deep breath – do not assume arrogantly that you have the answers. You can do yourself more harm than good by rushing into things. April is a good month to tackle issues head on, but not without thought and timing.

Scorpio, impatience is a big problem in April as is frustration and boredom; you must find constructive and positive ways to burn up all your energy. Again, this is a good month to try new things, especially physical exercise and sports, as long as you heed the general advice of the month not to overdo it. Try not to exaggerate anything, and do not promise more than you can deliver; you have big plans and the benefit of foresight right now, but you are not very good with details and are prone to overlook anything which does not fit into your vision. Don’t shun advice from others and try and take the ideas of others on board as they may have more value than you think.

You are keen to be seen as someone with influence and to be respected in your field/community; you can indeed win that respect as long as you are not too keen or over eager. In trying to stand out from others, you may alienate those you seek to gain respect and cooperation from – Scorpio, cooperate with and respect others, and you can achieve far more in April!

Scorpio Love Horoscope
Passionate and energetic, you are amorous and sexual in April. The Scorpio horoscope for April shows that there may also be battles of wills with your partner, and you will fight your corner hard; you are feisty and not willing to back down. Your red-blooded attitude is great for your sex life but may not bode well for general household harmony with arguments breaking out.

You need your freedom in April you may grab the keys and storm off enigmatically after an argument to clear your head. Things are not that serious, you really just need to let off steam and clear the air – partners of Scorpio are best advised to let you go and cool off and not try and reason too hard with you.

Scorpios often like to have their say and then slam the door and simmer down for a few hours. Scorpios don’t always want to hear the other side until later when they have calmed down. Lovemaking and calm should resume quite quickly after an outburst.

Single Scorpio want to be challenged in April – Scorpios love partners who push their buttons and test them, Passionate arguments may be a sign the new relationship is actually going well.

Scorpio Career Horoscope
Again, caution is the keyword – over-optimism may lead you to take a risk or make an unwise choice in April, especially financially.

This is a very good month for forward planning where your vision, ideas and leadership are key. However, you need to work better with others who can help flush out the details of the plans and see things that you have overlooked.

Scorpio, this is a month where you care deeply about what you do, and you have the power to inspire your colleagues and get them more involved and committed.

You may quickly lose patience with workmates or clients who are lacklustre and unresponsive, and you need to withdraw from these people or try and ignore them as they can get you very wound up.

You may be the driving force behind recruiting new staff or tendering for new services. Things at work may be quite cutthroat with some hard decisions having to be made – you can make these decisions, and you can also help with the adjustments.

Scorpio, changes in your field or within your firm are good for you in April and these changes are actually what you need to help you progress and find more fulfilment at work.


Taurus, in April, at times things will seem to be going backwards: certain events and reactions of others may cause you to take a step back and reconsider.

April is a period when you will pause to take stock and perhaps re-think your strategy. Certainly not a month to push ahead regardless, you need to take some time to stop, listen, investigate and plan again. This does not represent a major hitch at all, just a chance to re-adjust and rethink the way you are going about things. Taurus, it can be really helpful to look at how you are feeling on an emotional and intuitive level about where you are at – this can help you take an insightful approach forward. This is not just about practicalities, it’s about you.

So much of this period of your life (not only this year) is about growth, personal power and achievement, what is going on internally is just as important as what is going on, on the outside. In a way, the external changes in your life are a mere reflection of the changes within you and so, problems that do arise should be analyzed in terms of your internal development.

You must feel 100% right about what you are doing, it must mean something, and it must contribute to your journey – whatever does not contribute must be dropped and your life may need some readjusting to get it 100% back on the right track.

It’s by no means a train crash; just a re-routing in April 2016.

Taurus Love Horoscope

April’s love horoscope for Taurus shows that single Taureans can win over or impress a potential lover or new love interest by impressing them with wit, conversation, knowledge and skill. Show off what you know and show what a fascinating and
well-informed person you are. Take a fresh approach to looking for a partner by engaging in new social activities, including pub quizzes, charity runs, fetes, film clubs, etc. You are in a rather flirty mood and should have no shortage of potential partners to impress – that does not mean you will immediately settle for one, you may even keep a few on the go while you decide.

In marriages and permanent partnerships, you may annoy your partner by seeming erratic. You are in a playful mood and are not erratic at all, just restless and inclined to inject some much-needed fun and spontaneity into the relationship. Taurus, in April you will do your best to avoid conflict and heavy emotional conversations, it’s all about enjoyment and having fun again and rediscovering what it was like when your relationship was new. Your partners will need to respond to your need for fun and variety right now, as well as to your experimental needs. If he/she cannot respond, then he/she will have to give you some space so that you can fulfil these needs with your friends: not in terms of being unfaithful, but in terms of being with others who share your need for light-hearted, carefree fun.

Taurus Career Horoscope
The Taurus horoscope for Career shows that you may attend a course to improve your skills or to learn new ones. Versatility is essential within your job, and you must respond to changes quickly. You may be called on to devise plans and a new strategy for your team or department.

Taurus, there is a strong emphasis on adjustment and learning in April 2016, with the necessity of quickly applying the new skills you learn in a practical way. Within your business, you must focus on being more innovative in the way you process information and the way you communicate with clients. Think about how you can resolve client/customer problems quicker. How can you communicate about your new services and products with your clients/customers more effectively?

Can you generate new ideas and products faster than the competition?

Taurus, it is the month to be inventive and also very progressive in the way you communicate and interact at work with customers. Whether you run your own business or work for a boss, use your people skills this month to improve all aspects of customer relations and get a reputation for being a person who can deal with people and satisfy their needs quickly and efficiently.


Virgo, April is a period where your enthusiasm and boldness will allow you to take up challenges that you may usually shy away from. You are restless and unlikely to be passive and let life control you; you want to shape things in April and will not take a back seat and let others or circumstances dictate events.

You may book a spontaneous break away – perhaps a camping, walking or sporting trip with friends or a partner. You are very active and want to make every second count. April is not a month for lazing about; you are motivated and can use your positive energy to bring enjoyment and fun into your life. Virgo, do not waste your increased mental and physical energy in April – this is an ideal time to begin new studies, brush up on skills, start a course and/or learn a new sport. Use April to improve your skills and fitness, then the month is more about fun with purpose than just fun. Restless and assertive, you will rebel against restrictions and limits which you feel are unreasonable and restrictive.

Try not to get fired up and get into arguments over religious or philosophical issues as these are likely to become contentious and unpleasant with no real purpose.

Virgo Love Horoscope
Opportunities for both success and social networking can come via your partner in April– perhaps an opportunity to change job or get new clients can come via a social event arranged for your partner’s work.

The April horoscope for love shows that you are very romantic this month and also compassionate and flexible – you are willing to adjust to the needs of your partner and this bodes well for love. You are more relaxed in general during April, which means that sex will flow naturally, and nothing will need to be forced.

There is a new sense of devotion within your relationship; the longer you have been together, the more you will appreciate each other in April as there is a sense of shared experience and warmth of emotion stemming from what you have been through and shared over the years.

April is a very positive month for couples who work together, either in business or some form of venture. Events will push you together as you are required to focus on some shared goal of mutual importance.

In-laws may be a problem in April – be firm with them, and do not let them interfere.

Virgo Career Horoscope
The Astrology for Career shows that this can be a very opportune month to make a good impression on your boss or those of influence at your company – accept all positions of organizational and managerial responsibility, do not turn up a chance to do a different role due to modesty. Unlike what the CEO of Microsoft said, April 2016 is a good time to ask for a raise or to negotiate a better pay deal or superior benefits – don’t leave it up to karma as good karma also favours those who are not passive. Be bold and put in for a transfer or promotion or get a conversation going with HR about your career development.

April is also a very good month for those Virgos in modelling and careers where beauty and grace are important, i.e. dance, ballet, acting.

Diplomacy and bridge-building are very important career-wise and so be the one to put out an olive branch to colleagues or perhaps business rivals with whom you have clashed in the past. Virgo, in your job or business, structure your month so that you get cracking on new deals, new initiatives and promotional activity at the start of the month, leave admin work, organizational work and financial work until the last third of the month. The first third of April is best for taking chances and being proactive, while the last third is better for playing it safe and getting back to basics, i.e. ensuring the most important facets of the business are running smoothly.


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