August 2014 Astrological Forecasts

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On July 23 Sun joined Jupiter in your money house and you entered one of your yearly financial peaks. Indeed, this financial peak should be a lot stronger than those of previous years. There is much luck in the financial realm now. But your work will create the good luck. The money that comes to you now is welcomed in happy ways. You are spending more on leisure activities too. You are enjoying your wealth, and not everyone can say this.

This month the planetary power shifts from the upper to the lower half of your Horoscope. Uranus began to retrograde on the 22nd of last month, in your 10th House of Career. This is a very clear message. Career issues will only be resolved in time. Now it is good to shift your attention to the home, family and your emotional well-being. Your career is still important to you, but not as much as it was. Now is the time to work on your career goals by interior methods such as meditation, visualization, cosmic ordering, prayer and goal-setting. This too is working, but not the physical kind. Try to enter the ‘feeling state’ of what you want to achieve. Imagine that you have already achieved that goal. Feel it deeply. Then let go. Repeat as needed. Now it is important to find and function from your personal point of emotional harmony. Up until now it was all about ‘doing good’; now it is about ‘feeling good’.

You entered a yearly financial peak last month and this month it is even stronger. Almost half the planets are in or moving through your money house. This is a lot of financial power, signalling a prosperous month ahead. You have a lot of help from all sorts of sources from the job, the family, parents or parent figures, bosses and siblings (or sibling figures). Financial intuition is also very good especially until the 15th.

Love is more problematic this month, but there is no major crisis, more like short-term disagreements or conflicts. Your spouse, partner or current love needs to be more cautious in financial matters and it would be wise that they do not try not to keep up with you.

Health is good now. It is even improved over that of last month as Mars is now making harmonious aspects to you.

There are some bumps in the road ahead, but nothing that you can’t handle. Many plants are re-activating earlier eclipse points this month and this tends to create ‘mini disturbances’. Sun’s transit over an eclipse point on the 1st and 2nd signals financial changes, but overall finances (as we mentioned) are wonderful. Mercury’s transit over the same eclipse point on the 5th and 6th shows a need to drive more carefully and be more careful in communications, while Venus’s transit between the 18th and the 20th shows a need for more patience with family members.

Mars’s transit from the 10th to the 14th indicates career changes and dramas with a parent or parent figure.

Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31


Mars crossed your mid-heaven on the 18th of last month and is now in the 10th house of career for the entire month. Not only that, but the planetary power shifts this month from the lower half to the upper half of the horoscope. You are ready for your yearly career push. Home and family issues, though important, can be put on the back burner for now. Now is the time to succeed in the outer world and you will do it by objective, physical methods. If you have allowed the cosmic ‘stagehands’ to do their work properly over the last few months your actions will be natural, powerful and well choreographed.

Mars in the 10th house indicates that the career is hectic and action filled. There might be much conflict and competition happening, or at least more than usual. You can enhance the career with good PR, advertising and good use of the media. Siblings and sibling figures seem successful this month and seem helpful to you. It is good to enhance your career and public image through involvement with charities and good causes this month.

Career is complicated this month, however, due to the wonderful love and social life you’re having, it seems to distract you from your career focus. You are still in the midst of a yearly (and sometimes lifetime) love and social peak. Your 7th house of love is even stronger than it was last month, with up to 50 per cent of the planets either camped there or moving through there this month. Half of the Cosmos is conspiring to bring love to you or to deepen what you have.

A hectic social life and hectic career can be a drain on energy. Thus health needs watching, at least to the 23rd. Be sure to get enough rest, especially on the 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 10th and 14th. The problem this month is that you might be ignoring health issues. You have to force yourself to pay attention if any niggly issues arise.

Finance takes a back seat to love and career this month. Neptune, your financial planet, is still retrograde, so earnings can be happening more slowly. Lack of focus is also an issue. You might not be paying enough attention here. You are in a period of financial review. So see where improvements can be made. Get as much information as you can. Make plans. When Neptune moves forward, you will be able to implement these plans.

The retrograde of your financial planet doesn’t mean that you stop all financial activity. This would be impossible as Neptune is retrograde for many months in the year. But do your best to avoid major purchases or important financial decisions until he moves forward again. If something has to be done, make sure it is considered thoroughly.

Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 10, 18, 19, 28, 29


Though this is a basically happy month – your 5th house of fun is full of planets and you are still in the midst of a yearly personal pleasure peak – there are a few bumps on the road. Technically there are no eclipses this month. But because many planets are reactivating the eclipse points of April, it is ‘as if’ the month is filled with ‘mini-eclipses’. Things not dealt with at the time of the actual eclipses are being dealt with now. Happily, with much fire in the Horoscope and mostly harmonious aspects, you have the energy to deal with these things. The Sun transits an eclipse point (in Square aspect) on the 1st and 2nd of the month. Thus children can be more temperamental.

They should avoid risky kinds of activities. Sometimes this transit brings power blackouts. You are basically lucky in speculations this month, but it’s probably wise to avoid them on the 1st and 2nd.

Mercury transits this same eclipse point (the Solar Eclipse of April 29) on the 5th and 6th. Be more careful driving. Communications can be unpredictable and equipment is more prone to malfunction. There can be disturbances at the job. Sometimes there are health scares – but health is basically good.

Mars transits this point from the 10th to the 14th, affecting you more personally. Avoid risk taking, confrontations, rush and haste. Spend more quiet time near home.

Venus transits this point from the 18th to the 20th. This can bring short-term financial upheavals and testing times in love. Be more patient with the beloved during this period. Finances and love are actually very good this period but they are more stressful than usual – and good things can be just as stressful as bad things. Finally, Jupiter transits this point from the 24th to the 31st. Avoid gratuitous foreign travel. Many of you will be travelling this month, but try to schedule your trips around this time.

Aries loves adventure, and risk is fundamental to every adventure. Thus this month, with all its ups and downs, is probably exciting and enjoyable for you. There’s never a dull moment.

Last month the planetary power shifted from the East to the West – from the sector of independence to the sector of relationships and other people. Thus personal independence is lessened. This is a cycle for developing social skills and not for personal initiative. There is nothing wrong with personal initiative and nothing wrong with consensus. It is all a matter of what stage of the cycle you’re in. Now your goals are more easily attained through the co-operation of others, not through purely personal effort.

Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24


Pluto, the planet of transformation and personal renovation, has been in your sign for many years now, so many of you are involved in these kinds of deeply personal projects. You are in the midst of giving birth to yourself – your own ideal self. These things don’t happen overnight but tend to be long term, multi-year (and sometimes multi-lifetime) processes. With your 8th house of transformation

Unusually strong this month, these personal projects are ever more interesting and very successful. There is great progress happening. Some of you are transforming yourselves through mechanical means plastic surgery, eye tucks, stomach tucks and the like. Others are doing this through meditation and diet and spiritual methods.

The 8th house is strong on detoxification regimes of all sorts which are powerful, especially until the 15th. This is a good month for liver and kidney detoxes specifically. The aspect is not only good for physical detoxifications but for mental and emotional detoxes as well.

Health is good this month, and you can enhance it further in the ways mentioned above, but also by giving more attention to the heart and chest until the 15th (chest massage is good) and the small intestine afterwards.

Uranus, your financial planet, went retrograde on the 22nd of last month, and will remain so for many more months. This won’t stop earnings, but it will slow things down a bit. Perhaps you should be slower and more methodical about your finances now. You won’t be able to stop your financial life for all of the Uranus retrograde, but you can aim to be more careful in your financial dealings, investments and purchases. Dot the ‘I’s’ and cross the ‘T’s’ pay attention to detail. Avoid financial short cuts. In other words, be your true Capricorn self in financial matters. The Sun’s trine aspect to Uranus from the 7th to the 10th looks like this could be a nice reward period. Debts are easily paid or made. There is credit available if you need it. Venus’s conjunction with Jupiter from the 17th to the 19th brings luck in speculations. Children or children figures in your life seem more prosperous during that period.

Take a nice easy schedule on the 1st and 2nd and from the 10th to the 14th. Sun and Mars transit eclipse points. Your spouse, partner or current love prospers this month (and in the year ahead), but he or she can have some financial drama on the 1st and 2nd.

Your dreams and intuition need to be verified by more action on them from the 24th to the 31st. The message can be accurate, but your take on it could be amiss so think about your actions carefully.

Love is more or less stable this month, and is not such a big issue as it was over the past two months. I read this as contentment in love. There’s no need to make major changes or moves.

Best Days Overall: 8, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27


You are now approaching the midnight hour of your year. Outer activity is lessened, but dynamic inner activity is happening. Career is much less important these days (though last month brought success and opportunity from the 17th to the 20th). It is time to recharge the batteries, to deal with the home and family, and to get the emotional life in order. This is the time to shore up the psychological foundations for future career success. Work on your career by the methods of visualizing where you want to be; dream-time controlled dreaming. Actions will grow out of this visualization in due course in a very natural way. Your Career planet Neptune has been retrograde for some months now. Thus it is safe to let go of the career (relatively speaking) and focus on the home and family.

This is a month for inner psychological progress rather than outer progress, although one is related to the other. Inner progress leads to outer progress and outer progress leads to inner progress. It is just a matter of understanding your place in the cycle.

You are still very much in Gemini heaven until August 23. Read, study, takes courses and build up your knowledge base. Writing will go very well this month, and sales and marketing people will enjoy success.

You are still in a period of personal independence, but this is soon to end. If there are still personal changes to make, now is the time to do so. Later on it will be more difficult.

Love is good this month. A very happy romantic meeting happens between the 1st and the 3rd. If you are already in a relationship, this can indicate a happy social opportunity.

Health needs more attention after the 23rd.

There are no eclipses this month, but because many planets are activating eclipse points from previous events it will feel as if eclipses are happening. There will be many sudden and dramatic happenings. Sun an eclipse point on the 1st and 2nd. Be more careful driving. Communications can be disrupted. On the 5th and 6th Mercury will be transit, this point, which means you should make sure you have a nice easy, relaxed schedule during this period. Jupiter will be a transition at this point from the 24th to the 31st. This tends to bring dramas in love. Be more patient with the beloved during this period.

Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 10, 18, 19, 28, 29


Life is good. There are some bumps in the road, but bumps on the road are experienced differently in a tropical paradise than in the trenches of the battle. The overall psychological climate changes the perspective. The present is good and the future looks even brighter.

You are still in the midst of one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks. In some cases, it is a lifetime personal pleasure peak. You are enjoying all the pleasures of the body, of food, good wine, physical well-being and travel. Sometimes this gets overdone and there is a price to pay as you need to watch your weight this year.

The love life is even better than last month. Your personal attractiveness however could work against you. You have so many love opportunities that the current love could feel threatened. Sexual flings could erode a current relationship even though the love is still there. Infidelity is the greatest threat to love at the moment. So be cautious.

You are a star in your world this month and people see you that way. You are having things your way. You are in a period where you should have things your way.

The planetary power shifts to the lower half of the horoscope this month. Even so, happy career opportunities come to you after the 12th. Now, however, you can be more choosy. You need opportunities that don’t violate your emotional comfort zone. An especially happy opportunity comes between the 17th and the 19th. A new car or communication equipment (of high quality) could come to you during this period also.

The good life that you lead could upset some of the more conservative people in your life or could perhaps violate your own personal spiritual beliefs. There could be some conflict here, so be careful when handling these situations.

Finances are excellent this month too. Mercury, your financial planet, is in your 1st house until the 15th. This brings financial windfalls (there is a really nice payday from the 1st to the 9th) and financial opportunity. It shows that financial opportunity is seeking you, rather than vice versa. There is nothing special that you need to do, just show up. On the 15th Mercury will enter his own sign and house, making him stronger on your behalf. On the 23rd the Sun enters the money house and you begin a yearly financial peak.

Health and energy are at a yearly high. Not bad. Enjoy!

Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24


Your health improved after July 23, and it improves even further after the 12th as Venus moves away from her stressful alignment. You’ve passed through the worst of things. If you got through January, April and July you will coast through the rest of the year ahead. Give yourself a pat on the back. You still have your health and sanity, so, you’ve done very well!! :>)

Last month was a strong career month. You were in a yearly career peak until the 23rd. On the 18th of last month Venus crossed the Mid-heaven and entered your 10th house. This showed career success and elevation. You were on top and in charge. Venus is still in your 10th house until August 12th. One of the perks of career success is the people you meet at the top. And this is what’s happening this month, Be prepared to confidently promote yourself, it’s worth it.

The main headline this month is the power in your 11th house until the 23rd. Nearly half of the planets are there or moving through there. The month ahead is very social. But the social activity of the 11th house is different from the social activity of the 7th house. In the 7th house, you are involved in friendships of the heart romantic kinds of friendships. The 11th house is about friendships of the mind platonic kinds of friendships, friendships with people of like mind and like interests. These friendships are uncommitted. The attachments are not personal but based on the mind or self-interest. It is not particularly romantic kind of month. These friendships can, however, be more enduring than romantic ones.

This is an exciting and happy area this month. You are making new and important friends. You are more involved with groups, organizations and group activities. Family connections are playing a role here.

Be more patient in love this month. It is not one of your best romantic months. You don’t seem in agreement with your spouse, partner or current love. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll break up, but it will take more work and effort to keep things together.

Though there are no eclipses in this period, the month will feel ‘as if’ there were many eclipses. Many plants are re-activating previous eclipse points so there will be more turbulence and perhaps some shocking events. There’ll be nothing that you can’t handle though.

Avoid risk-taking activities from the 18th to the 20th. Be more patient with the beloved from the 10th to the 14th (and he or she should stay out of harm’s way that period too). And be more patient with family members from the 24th to the 31st at Jupiter transits an eclipse point.

Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 10, 18, 19, 28, 29


During this month and the next, the planets will be in their maximum western position. Moreover, your 7th house of love becomes very strong on the 23rd of this month and you enter a yearly love and social peak. Personal merit and personal initiative matter, but these days it’s not about that. It’s about developing ‘likeability’, the people skills, the ability to get others to co-operate with you. This ability extends and multiplies the personal skills. More gets done with less personal effort. When you put others first, which is what the Cosmos is calling you to do, it’s as if you have access to all the limitless resources of the Cosmos. Not just your own but those around you. Your own needs will be amply taken care of. The planetary power is moving away from you, and it seems, at the moment, far from you. It flows towards others d so should you to achieve your goals.

Health needs more watching after the 23rd. There’s nothing seriously wrong. It is just that the short-term planets are in temporary stressful alignment with you. The page you were maintaining easily over the past few months could now be problematic. Make sure to get more rest. You can enhance the health by giving more attention to the heart (always important for you) and to the small intestine (from the 23rd onwards). Discords in love, friends or your current love may impact on your health. If problems arise, restore harmony as quickly as you can. Beauty is a powerful healing force. If you feel under the weather go to some scenic spot and just sit there and absorb the beauty. Listening to beautiful music or viewing beautiful art will also be good.

There is an important and happy love meeting between the 1st to the 13th. This is a good career period too. A new car or communication equipment comes to you from the 17th to the 29th. There is also happy career opportunity then.

Sun transits a previous eclipse point on the 1st and 2nd, which can bring disturbance at the job, while Mercury transits an eclipse point on the 5th and 6th. Be more patient with the beloved and family members over those days.

Mars transits an eclipse point from the 10th to the 14th, bringing financial dramas and changes, and you should be more careful driving between the 18th and the 20th, as Venus transits an eclipse point. Finally, Jupiter transits an eclipse point from the 24th to the 31st, bringing dramas in the career and in the lives of bosses, parents, parent figures and elders.

Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31


Your 9th house became very powerful last month. It becomes even more powerful this month especially until the 23rd.

The 9th house (and the sign of Sagittarius) has three levels of meaning. The first and most basic level is that of the jet-setting traveller: the person who has lunch in Paris, dinner in Vienna, and then scoots to London the next day. Nothing wrong with this, but this is only the most basic characteristic of the 9th house. The second level is that of the Academic or Professor keeper and dispenser of higher learning. This is a very important function. The third level is that of the Priest. This is the person who not only teaches the Higher Knowledge, but acts as mediator between the Divine and the mundane worlds. If we analysed the charts of the Priestly class (and by this we include priests, ministers, rabbis, imams, monks and swamis) I would wager that we would see a disproportionate influence in the sign of Sagittarius and/or power in the 9th house. Sagittarius has a natural inclination to these things.

So aside from all the travelling, you’ll be doing. There is going to be a keener interest in higher learning, religion and philosophy. This is a wonderful month for the study important texts (of whatever religion you belong to). Spiritual and philosophical revelations and breakthroughs will happen. There will be happy educational opportunities. College students do better in their studies and college applicants receive good news.

Sagittarians enjoy their night life as much as anybody, but this month a juicy and significant discussion, or the lecture of a visiting important figure, might be more alluring. Behind every jet-setter is a closet spiritual guru or professor.

The other headline this month is your yearly career peak. This begins on the 23rd. Travel seems involved here too. In fact, it is your willingness to travel and willingness to mentor those beneath you that are a major factor in your success. (knowing the right people and attending the right parties won’t hurt either especially after the 15th.)

Finance is a bit more stressful than usual until the 23rd. There’s nothing seriously wrong, but you need to work harder to achieve your financial goals. It could also be that your focus on travel, religion and education distracts you on the financial level. However, you should see much improvement here after the 23rd.

Health needs more focus after the 23rd too. Until the 12th, enhance the health by paying attention to the stomach and the diet. Women should pay more attention to the breasts. After the 12th, give more attention to the heart and overall circulation.

Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24


Your 10th career house was strong last month and becomes even stronger in the month ahead of 40 per cent (sometimes 50 per cent) of the planets either in that house or moving through there this month. A very successful month. In many cases, this is not just a yearly career peak but one of your lifetime career peaks. We can only imagine what the success would look like if you full power and concentration were placed on it. As it is, it is very nice.

Health still needs watching until the 23rd. After that you should note big improvements. Happily, like last month, your health planet is in your own sign, so you are paying attention here. Like last month, avoid rush, haste and temper tantrums. People around you can over-react these days so try to maintain your perspective.

Your love planet, Venus, crosses the Mid-heaven and enters the 10th house on the 12th positive move for both the career and the love life. It shows social success as well as career success. Venus travels with Jupiter, your financial planet, from the 12th onwards, but the aspect is most exact from the 17th to the 19th. This brings happy romantic meetings and nice paydays. There are opportunities for business partnerships or joint ventures too. There are romantic opportunities with important people and people of high status – the money people in your life.

Romantic opportunities happen as you pursue your career goals and with people involved in your career some-how. You can enhance the career by social means from the 12th onwards. It will be advantageous to attend or perhaps host the right kind of parties and gatherings. Your spouse, partner or current love also seems successful this month and seems supportive of the career as well. He or she is prospering too and is very generous toward you. In general, you mix with people of high status this month.

Singles are attracted by power and position. The danger here is that you can enter relationships of convenience rather than of real love. Love seems like another career move during this period.

Finances are good, and there is a prosperous month ahead. You have the financial favour of bosses, elders, parents or parent figures. Even the government is kindly disposed to you on the financial level. Money can come from the government, directly or indirectly, or through favourable government policies or rulings. If you have issues with the authorities and need their favour, this is a good month (especially from the 17th to the 19th) to deal with this. You will get ‘best case’ outcomes.

The financial planet in the 10th house often indicates pay rises more the overt or covert. Sometimes it is not an ‘official’ pay rise, but the effect is the same.

Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31


Like last month, you are delicately balancing between home and career. Both are demanding much attention. Both have to be handled properly. Normally at this time of the year you would be letting go of the career and focusing on the home and family. You should be gathering the forces for the next career push. However this year has been frustrating. But many exciting and happy career developments are occurring this month. It is like being woken up in the middle of the night by someone saying ‘get to the office, you’ve been promoted’. You are happy and will probably get up, but you’ve lost a night’s sleep. There is a price tag attached to this. The good news is that the family seems understanding and supportive of your career goals. Career progress could be behind a coming move.

Health needs more attention this month. A lot of planets are in stressful alignment with you. Do whatever needs to be done, but try to schedule more rest periods into your day. It might be good to invest in massages and spend some free time at the health spa. It will also be good to enhance your health in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. You can add to this by giving more attention to the stomach and diet until the 12th and the circulation and heart afterwards. Women should give more attention to the breasts this month. Venus, your health planet, spends the month in the sign of cancer until the 12th and in the 4th house on the 12th onwards. Emotional harmony and equilibrium (which come under the domain of Cancer and the 4th house) is thus ultra important to health. Keep your harmony at all costs.

This is a tumultuous kind of month with many shocks and surprises (many of them good, but good things can be as stressful, and time consuming, as bad things). This month Solar Eclipse Point of April 29 is getting re-activated by many planets. It is ‘as if’ we are having many ‘mini-eclipses’ plays of the previous eclipse. The main re-activation for you is Venus’s transit from the 18th to the 20th. A nice easy schedule is called for (as far as you can manage). Mercury’s transit on the 5th and 6th affects finances and children, but this is a short-term disturbance. It follows a nice financial windfall during the 1st to the 3rd.

Family support is good all year, but especially from the 1st to the 3rd. Family connections are helpful this month too. Real estate seems like an interesting investment. On the 15th Mercury moves into Virgo and the financial aspects get much easier. There is luck in speculations and from working to bring profits. This is a period for ‘happy money’ that is earned in happy ways. (working can sometimes be fun too.) You are spending on fun kinds of activities, and are generally enjoying your wealth. Love, what can I say here? Just try not to make things worse than they need to be. Things should improve after the 23rd.

Best Days Overall: 8, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27


Your 12th house of spirituality is easily the strongest in the horoscope this month, with at least 40 per cent and sometimes 50 per cent of the plants there or moving through there. It is really the hub of your world this month till the 23rd. Strong elements of a spiritual awareness emerging will come to the forefront of your thinking during this month. The battles of life are fought, and won or lost, in the chambers of the heart and mind. What happens ‘out there’ is purely incidental. If an interior battle was won, the result is the winning of some exterior battle. The result is not the cause. This is a month where you go deeper into these things. Until the 23rd don’t try to solve a material problem by material means. Solve it spiritually and it will be solved on the material level.

This is also a good period to review the past year soberly and honestly. Acknowledge what you achieved and what was not achieved. Look at the successes and the failures. If there were mistakes, resolve to correct them and form ideas of what you want for the remainder of this year and your year ahead. This way you start your personal new year (your birthday) on the right foot.

The planets are now in their maximum eastern position. Thus personal power and personal independence are at their strongest. Use your independence in a positive way. Create happiness for yourself. Design your life to suit yourself. You don’t need anyone’s approval. The world will adapt to you.

You should have things your way these days. But personal independence can stress the love life or a current relationship. The beloved wants his or her way and you want yours. Neither of you is wrong. Your beloved needs to understand that if you’re not happy you won’t be able to make him or her happy. Allow some time for adjustment.

Love is not the focal point this month anyway. Your personal happiness is. On the 23rd, as the Sun enters your sign, you begin another one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks. It’s good to give the body what it craves, to pamper it and get it in the shape that you want. You will find that if you work spiritually you will have all kinds of power over the body. You will be able to mould it and shape it to your will. The body is more responsive to these things this month.

The month ahead seems very prosperous. Venus will travel with Jupiter from the 12th onwards. The aspect will be most exact from the 17th to the 19th, but you will feel it afterwards too. This shows some nice paydays coming up. A family member parent or parent figure is very generous of you. Financial intuition will be excellent from the 12th onwards as well.

Best Days Overall: 8, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27


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