Using Crystals

A Guide to Healing and Gemstones

Healing crystals are those that bring therapeutic value to the areas of your life that bring you discomfort or suffering. These could be minor physical ailments, such as headaches, through to emotional matters such as stress. Healing crystals can help you to unblock your negative energies and allow positive ones to flow through you again. Here are some examples of how to work with crystals and some of the best ones to use.


Chakra can be translated from the Sanskrit word for wheel, which illustrates the movements around these points. Energy doesn’t like to stay still! There are 7 chakra points, starting with the root chakra at the base of the spine and going up to above the top of your head. The energies within these chakras vibrates at various speeds and it is important to ensure that this does not become blocked. If this happens, the individual will feel an imbalance and possibly a range of symptoms to go with it.

Healing crystals can help to unblock the chakras and restore you to a feeling of balance and calm. A full list of which crystals can be used for each chakra is beyond the scope of this article, but here are some suggestions:

  • 1st Chakra – red jasper
  • 2nd Chakra – tiger’s eye
  • 3rd Chakra – citrine
  • 4th Chakra – rose quartz
  • 5th Chakra – sodalite
  • 6th Chakra – clear quartz
  • 7th Chakra – amethyst

My Favourite Healing Crystals

There are other ways to use healing crystals however. Here are my favourites with some suggestions of what you might use them for:

  • Amethyst
    This gemstone is a wonderful talisman and so to gain its protection for the whole day, it is very effective worn as jewellery.
  • Citrine
    I love the freshness that just the name of this healing crystal seems to summon! It is a very tough stone but a lively one, raising your spirits when you’re feeling low and giving you pep when feeling listless.
  • Clear Quartz
    “The all-singing, all-dancing crystal” Good for just about everything. Mind, body, soul. This crystal disperses all negativity in the environment and in your own energy field. Especially good if you work on computers, as it neutralises the electro-magnetic energies created by them, which can have a disturbing effect of the aura. It amplifies, activates, contains and transmits energy. An excellent aid to healing and a good friend to meditators, this crystal enhances communication with the Higher Self.
  • Bloodstone
    Bloodstone is as strong in its characteristics as it is in colour and appearance. It encourages fairness and justice so can be used for those times when you feel that you need a little help in your corner.
  • Tiger’s Eye
    Traditionally used to ward off curses. However it can also be used to help you to recognise your own potential.
  • Rose Quartz
    Such a pretty stone, how can it be for anything but love!
  • Green Aventurine
    Green aventurine is even soothing in its appearance. It helps to bring clarity in decision making and enables you to access your innate wisdom.
  • Carnelian
    A galvanising force to get you out of a rut. Particularly useful therefore worn as jewellery as its influence is then with you over a long period of time.
  • Red jasper
    For this gemstone, meanings range from bringing stability into your life if you’ve been through a time of upheaval to encouraging a calmness of spirit and even to bringing harmony to mind and body.
  • Sodialite
    Sodialite can bring harmony and trust back into your heart so this is particularly good for if you are having relationship problems.
  • Hematite
    To encourage the flow of energy through the chakras, it unblocks you and helps you to regain your strength after a difficult time.

Gemstone meanings can be very flexible and so can the ways in which you use them. You can place the crystals in a corner of your room while you sleep, carry them around with you in your bag, or wear a gemstone as a piece of jewellery. I also prefer to work with a crystal pendulum to increase the power.

So don’t be afraid to experiment to find out how the different gemstone meanings, benefits and effects work for you. The essence of the crystal will remain the same but be creative in finding new ways to draw out the therapeutic powers.

If you want to know more about crystals and how they could work for you spiritually or psychically or physically then pop along to my website or send me an e-mail with any questions you may have on Crystals – Their Virtue and Vibration…

All my love,

This article was produced with permission from Francesca Ashcroft

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