January 2015 – Astrological Forecasts

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Cancer, the leading sign of the Water trigon, will face a choice in January 2015 that will in many ways impact his further fate. Of course, this is quite a relative thesis, which in each particular case will have many individual peculiarities. For some, the entire choice will be how to name a new pet, for others it will be to create a family and perhaps give start to a lineage that will change the world someday. The Sun will cooperate its efforts with the Moon, which is the planet-ruler of the zodiac Sign of Cancer and will allow the latter to be completely unbiased. This will manifest in an abnormal sensitivity and total acknowledgment of responsibility for one’s own actions. With that, the negative influence of Saturn, responsible for the expulsion of Cancer, will be compensated by the positive emanations of Pluto, while Mars will remain fully independent. The Red Planet, responsible for the fall of this zodiac Sign, will attempt to complicate all problems facing Cancers as much as possible, at least those related to the area of feelings. However, Cancers will not be alone in this uneasy challenge, as the planet-exalt of this Sign – Jupiter is the antagonist of Mars and the latter will not be victorious in this confrontation.

In regards to the sphere of entrepreneurship and finances, the zodiac Sign of Cancer may finally start to actively implement its plans in January 2015. It is likely that you have been thinking for a long time about changing something in your life. Maybe you did not have enough time or determination to put your thoughts into action. Currently, you have everything you need. The Water trigon does not have a “celestial leader” in January, but the emanations of Jupiter will be very strong. So you do not have to be afraid of trouble. Do not doubt that trouble will come, since not only Mars, but also Neptune will be against you this month. However, this is not a real threat at all, but rather a mean prank, which can easily be stopped if you are attentive and do not lose your head. Concentrate and if you do not have your own business, then try to display maximum initiative. Currently your management will be extremely susceptible to external influence, so now is your chance. Display yourself in all your glory and act quickly, but carefully. Evaluate all risks and don’t deviate from plan, but do not doubt your strength either.

In the sphere of personal relationships, however, you should be much more careful and perhaps utilize all your capabilities – natural charisma, empathic abilities, and Machiavellian instinct and leadership traits, those confidently hidden by the pressure of circumstances until now. If is here that Mars will focus the maximum of his negativity, which will manifest in an illogical behaviour of your lover. If you are single, then the Red Planet will throw its efforts on your relatives, those whom you have a habit of listening to. Be careful and don’t even think of losing your temper; concentration and self-control are your allies. Going out of balance means the end of all hope. Ever if your lover will be outright wrong in everything, do not rush into confrontation. Time will pass and she will understand everything, but currently you cannot make any point too strongly, act softly and if you feel excessive rebellion, then move back. It is not the time to solve everything by brute force and through unyielding and irreversible decisions. Be flexible and easygoing, do not take everything to heart, just do your own thing. You have the energy to solve any task, as long as you act in accordance to your conscience and take responsibility for those around, accepting them the way are.


The zodiac Sign of Aquarius, the representative of the Constant Cross of the Air trigon, in January 2015 might be one of the luckiest Signs of the celestial band. This situation will mostly be connected with the position of Saturn and the Sun. The Ruler of the Celestial Rivers of Time is the planet-ruler of the Aquarius; however, during this month he will also assume the mantle of the “celestial leader” of the entire Air trigon, which guarantees the representatives of this sign an astonishing inflow of positive energy. In regards to the Sun, the current position of the Ruler of the Celestial Spheres fully negates the fact that during a normal situation it is responsible for the expulsion of Capricorn. In other words, the traditional solar negativity will be replaced by positive emanations that will only strengthen the positions of the Aquarius. Mars, responsible for the “fall” of this Sign, will also be reinforced significantly; however his energy will fall short of breaching the complex defence of Saturn and the Sun. Moreover, Mercury will be on the side of this sign as its exalt. The Aquarius will be practically covered on all sides which speaks for a true possibility of solving any, even an unbearable task.

The sphere of entrepreneurship and finances will surprise the Aquarius in January 2015 with a plethora of unexpected situations. If you have your own business or occupy a management position, then you may be confident that it is now that your business is as accepting of innovations as it will ever be. You may really multiply your profits, while your employees are ready to work hard. What do you need for success? It is likely that you knew the answer to this question for a long time, but either you just had many doubts or did not have the needed base for growth. Currently, all of the necessary strings are in your hands, so all you have to do is pull them and collect them into one so that they do not fall out of place anymore. Be attentive and decisive, pay special attention to your competitors as they will activate during precisely this time. It is unlikely that you should await a serious threat on their behalf, but being warned is being half-ready. If you are a line employee or do not occupy the most significant niche in the corporate hierarchy, then this does not at all mean that you cannot improve your positions. It is just that the methods and the degree of influence should be different.

A whole new situation will occur on the “personal front” in January 2015. There will not be a necessity to change anything or somehow influence the arising situation. Whatever should happen – will happen; and all of the current events will come to their logical conclusions towards the end of the second ten-day period. Then you will face a new branch of growth for your relationships with relatives, close ones and your second half. Nothing will be required of you, as everything will fall into place precisely the way you wanted it to. Your lover will fully and wholly trust you and any decision you make will be the rule for her. Not in the way that she will not have her own opinion, but it is just that your opinions will match 100% during the current stage. You will feel the same in your relationship with your close ones. It will be as if the whole world is breathing together with you, moving towards the same goals. Just do not try to gain a profit out of this situation. Everything will be already moving along a path defined by you, so why challenge fate for more? Just enjoy your position and remember that the people around you have their own and no less significant wishes. Do not be egoistic and do not play around, since in one great moment your views might separate and you will be faced with a choice… Just not right now, not this month.


In January 2015, the zodiac Sign of Aries will not be in the simplest of situations due to its allegiance with the Fire element. On one side, the planet in which this sign lives through its exaltation (read: energy climax), which is the Moon, will also become the “celestial leader” of this Sign. This means that Aries will receive double the support on all fronts. On the other side, his planet ruler – Mars will be in an aggressive phase and instead of positive energy will provide the representatives of this sign with negative emanations. Venus, the planet in which this sign lives through the phase of expulsion, will be quite neutral from the energy point of view. This fact will certainly reflect positively on the emotional sphere of the Aries’ lives. With that, the negative emanations of Pluto, the planet in which Aries lives through its fall, will be compensated by the general energetic feeling of this celestial body during the current time period. In other words, the Sign of Aries will have to pay special attention to the sphere of finances and the business relationships, while everything will have to be alright with their family (excluding some nuances, which will be talked about below).

In regards to the sphere of entrepreneurship, in January 2015 the Aries will have to try to make an effort to get what they want. Mercury, the main celestial ruler of this given part of life, will focus on the trigon of Earth, allowing Mars to manipulate this area freely. Mars will be in quite a negative inclination towards Aries, so do not wait for all your plans to come true by a wave of a wand. If you decided to find some rest in January 2015 and go on a vacation, then know that this is not the best decision. Of course, the vacation will go well, but once you come back you may find that your business seriously lost in potential profits, while some previously realized technologies suddenly became non-viable. Right now, in order to achieve the desired results you need to be attentive. No matter how banal it sounds, all of your working time should be allocated for work and nothing else. Do not be lazy when checking some data one more time and overall follow the principle of “trust but verify”. You should be everywhere all the time, this is especially relevant to the Aries that do not have their own business. You should not make management upset, it is best that you stay busy and stay visible.

In regards to the sphere of personal relationships, then as previously stated, Venus will be neutral towards you so you will be able to successfully avoid her negativity throughout the month. At the same time, the support of the Sun will provide you with a bright, exclusive influence, especially during the dawn of the first ten-day period of the month and the dusk of the second. However, towards the New Moon (January 20) your libido will literally reach its peak. This means that you will receive special charm this month. If we are talking about a lonely Aries, then this is a great chance to fix your relationship with the person you wanted for a long time. Family Aries will receive an opportunity to discover something new in their relationships and this may have far-fetched consequences. You should not aim to control all and everything. The world is too complicated to always consider the maximum of all factors. Just enjoy life and do what you think is the only acceptable and correct thing to do. Your conscience should be the measure of all your actions. Currently you are acquiring unique empathic abilities for a short period of time, but soon these capabilities will pass, but the results of your actions and decisions will always stay with you. So think first, before you do something.


The “darkest” of the zodiac Signs, the Sign of Capricorn will end up in such a position in January 2015 that was a dream of its representatives for a long time. Despite that Mars, which is the exalt of Capricorn and is thus responsible for the flourishing of his life strength, will practically betray his protégé and will change positive emanations to negative ones, the people born in this Sign will have luck on their side like never before. First and foremost, this is connected with the position of the Moon, responsible for the expulsion of Capricorn. The celestial princess will provide the Capricorn with powerful aid due to the current combination of the planets in the Solar System, thus practically fully blocking the negative influence of Jupiter responsible for the fall of this Sign. Sadly, the Moon is the direct antagonist of the Sun, so the massive solar positivity will not affect the Capricorn, although they do not really need it as this sign always had its own sources of life energy. In particular, Saturn the Ruler of the Celestial Rivers of Time will lead the Sign of Capricorn to victory in the month of January. This means that time will be on the side of the representatives of this zodiac Sign.

In terms of business and finances, the Capricorns do not have to rush anywhere in January 2015. Sit down in your favourite chair, relax and think. Right now is not the kind of situation where you should rush head first, no matter what your colleagues tell you. Think over your every move, while various ventures that can only work “here and now” should cause unhidden suspicion on your behalf. Do not let your desire to hit the jackpot overcome your mind. Right now you have a real chance to change the balance in your favour and end a long-lasting stand-off. You have the desire, the time and the support of the celestial forces. It is for a long time that you were feeling that someone is beside you who shouldn’t be there. Be ruthless with colleagues and subordinates who make serious mistakes or are negligent. Remember that human resources solve everything and if you want to win, and then you should aim for perfection in everything. That means that during the current moment your goal is to find that thin line between confident and dynamic moves and cold analysis. In reality this is very hard to do, but since it is not the first time you face such tasks, you are destined for success. The main thing is to believe in yourself and pay attention to the technical side of your job.

The sphere of personal relationships will not bring you any disappointments or serious problems in January 2015. That is despite the fact that some of your friends will try to convince you of the opposite. You should not believe everything you hear, since you have your own feelings and emotions – be guided by them. To not let the echo of Jupiter’s negative emanations impede you. If need be, call upon your slyness and charisma, since it is these qualities that are under the patronage of the Moon, your current ally. Do not play in someone else’s game if you do not understand how to win. Concentrate on your lover, currently she needs your attention, as unlike you she is truly going through a difficult period. If you will be supporting and tender, then you do not have to worry about your family happiness. While with extended family you should take a firmer position, as their current wishes will be directly against yours and potentially this may cause serious conflict if you do not solve the problem at its root. However, be calm and do not rush to cut the rope. Of course, if you want peace – prepare for war, but diplomacy provides the first and the most powerful weapon. Do not rush to give others your own point of view, sometimes it is enough to just point where they are making a mistake.


January 2015 will be a quite unusual time for the zodiac Sign of Gemini. This period will most likely end up being positive and productive in all respects, however much more will depend on the Gemini themselves than they can imagine. Not the Sun, not Pluto will have any influence on the representatives of this sign, fully compensating for the negativity of Jupiter, responsible for the expulsion of the Sign of Gemini, and Venus responsible for its fall. At the same time, Mercury – the planet-ruler of this sign, and Saturn – its exalt, will end up in no less of a curious situation. The emanations of these planets will end up being blocked by the influence of Mars and Neptune. For the Gemini, as well as for any other sign, such a situation means maximum ambiguity combined with an unlimited level of freedom in making decisions and taking action. In other words, this is a unique situation which tells that your life will be fully under your control, excluding any outer influence. Whether this is good or bad is an individual matter, however, you should still consider some nuances.

For example, the sphere of business and finances in January 2015 may surprise you with the most unexpected twists and turns. The Gemini are the leading sigh of the Air trigon, which means that your “celestial leader” Saturn should have an unbelievably strong positive influence on you, as he is also your planet-exalt. However, as was stated above, everything will fall into place in a much more interesting manner and the direct of influence of this planet will be seriously limited. However, the emanations of its energetic impulses may still affect you in a way of precognition. You are going to face surprising and perhaps not the most positive situations; you will have to make decisions, evident ones and fairly non-trivial ones too. Everything is in your hands, yet do not rush into action head on without consulting your inner voice, which may suggest to you an entirely different decision. Do not rush to fire a lazy worker, do not blame yourself in that an important meeting went astray, look deeper into the root cause of the situation and you will definitely see that everything happened the way that it should have. While consequences may always be changed, especially if no one stands in your way. The way it is now.

In terms of personal relationships, the situation will be a little more unambiguous. In January 2015 you will not face any challenges or real difficulties. If you are alone and have long given up on changing anything, right now is the best time… to not change anything. Instead of useless attempts, just think over your position, analyze and evaluate your actions. Find the reason for your lack of success and eliminate it, do not doubt that the reason is in you. Have the courage to accept it and see things for how they are, since other influence right now is simply out of the question. Those that are the lucky ones who found their second half – the only advice for you is to be happy. Just be happy doing what you think needs doing. You can always find points of commonality and during this month you have a unique opportunity to gaze at the situation with a clear eye. No one will try to get you on their side, you will remain pure and unbiased in your judgements. If something is not right, then look the truth in the eyes and solve the problem, directly or indirectly, through open conversation or by being sly – that is not important. Your life belongs to you and you are the one who pays the price for each decision, no one else. The stars give you a unique chance to realize everything and see the truth; it would be quite unwise to miss such an opportunity.


Leo, the zodiac Sign in which the Fire trigon reaches its energetic peak, will enter a new and an entirely new life phase in January 2015. Throughout this month, the influence of the Sun – the planet-ruler of Leo will be multiplied in strength due to the general position of this celestial body. A similar situation will affect Pluto, which is the planet-exalt of Leo, meaning that it is responsible for the flourishing of its life strength. Overall, this extraordinary sign is destined to feel an incredible spectre of emotions in the beginning of the year, various positive and helpful emanations occurring due to the position of the stars. The Leos may discover new talents they didn’t know they had, they can achieve perfection in any area, but all of this is in the future – perhaps already by the middle of the year. Currently, it is necessary to focus on one’s own feelings and desires. Uranus and Mercury, traditionally the antagonists of Leo, will be fully blocked by the Sun and Pluto. At the same time, the “celestial leader” of the Fire trigon – the Moon will enter into a confrontation with Neptune and will prevent its negativity. Only Mars will maintain his strength and influence, but he will clearly fall short of exerting any influence onto the decisions of Leos. This is a very positive period that may become a quality base for a rapid fast to the top.

In relation to the area of finances, January 2015 will not bring Leo any special earnings. Everything will go the way it should in the framework of what had been planned. However, towards the end of the first ten-day period, you will suddenly recognize that your abilities significantly surpass the spectre of your current responsibilities. Do not be afraid to widen the horizons of your competency. If awareness and your level of mastery permit you do something, and then do it. Someone may stand in your way, but trust that he has no chances if you are actually right and are doing what fully corresponds to your essence. When problems arise with management, ask yourself this question – is this a place where you can realize your potential to its fullest degree? If yes, then continue on forward and you will reach success. If no, then you should probably change your place of work. This is an exit that you have been seeking for a long time, so you should not be afraid of cardinal changes. Half-measures are not what you need, not right now – not ever. You have a passion and effort, as well as the support of your celestial benefactors. You can go to another firm or start your own business – do not be afraid of responsibility, as only it defines your real importance and real capabilities

In the sphere of personal relationships, everything will be no less unambiguous. Two-three days before the New Moon (January 20), towards the end of the second ten-day period of the month, you will realize where you have made a mistake. This realization will come suddenly, as a vision, as a collection of all the combined guesses and feelings. Make a decision – what, or precisely who is more important to you. Stop running between two fires, remember the old and wise saying about two rabbits. Make a decision and see how this certainty plays out itself. With time it will bring stability, such stability that you couldn’t even dream of. Everything will come to balance and your feelings will guide you themselves to the correct course of action. Do not be afraid that you have to hurt someone, lying is incompatible with happiness. If you made a mistake once, that doesn’t mean that you can’t change it. You just need the desire and a little bravery to take a leap. Be determinate, but soft; be strong, but flexible. Talk to people, try to understand them and accept them the way they are. The world will suddenly become simpler and brighter. Concentrate on the current day, as tomorrow is its logical continuation.


The representatives of the zodiac Sign of Libra will find January 2015 to be quite an ambiguous time, despite the fact that all complicated situations will be solved in their favour. Throughout this month, almost the entire zodiac will be in the so-called light strip and the general positive emanations of the solar system will have a positive effect even on the toughest moments of life. This fact has a special importance for the Libra, because the Sun is the celestial body responsible for the fall of this Sign. Of course, during the current moment the Celestial Ruler will not bring the Libras any negativity – due to its special position, while Venus that is the planet-ruler of this sign will remain entirely neutral. This might have had important consequences if the exalt of the Sign of Libra – Saturn will not be strengthened by its position as the “celestial leader” of the Air trigon. As a result, everything will go the way it should, and just Mars will remain on the “dark side” as one responsible for the expulsion of the Sign of Libra. However, since the Celestial Warrior is not an antagonist of any of the planets mentioned above (except Venus), his negative emanations will not be strong enough to bring you real problems.

The sphere of finances will bring you several opportunities in January 2015, ones that are quite real and with potential. Your task is simple – do not miss them. The celestial forces will be on your side, but through your earthly environment you will find a couple foes through which Mars will seriously try to ruin your hopes and plans. It is impossible to say whether this is a real danger, but you don’t want to miss your Bird of Happiness – isn’t that right? So concentrate and be attentive. Do not jump ahead about new acquaintances, even if the person fully likes you. Try to consider the situation by staying a few steps ahead and see the most possibilities of how the situation can develop. This will give you the understanding of who might be interested in your victory and who in your demise. Be especially attentive to the colleagues of the opposite sex, as it is them who might let you down during the most inopportune moment. You should know how to trust, as accepting everyone in your circle of trust would be a serious mistake. This is especially true if you occupy a management position or you have your own business. If you are a line worker, then this does not at all lower the level of your responsibility.

A similar situation will arise in the matter of your personal relationships. Venus, that supposedly should have brought you an onslaught of problems, as mentioned above will stay neutral and provide priority to the restless Mars. Yet do not worry, the maximum that the Red Warrior will have strength for is two-three arguments throughout the entire month. As surprising as it sounds, your relationships to those around you will be practically ideal, as you will start to find common points even in the most complicated and provocative of situations. Even when everything will start to fall out of balance, your second half will remain tender and kind. The untold magnificent atmosphere of light and warmth will surround you not only within your household, but also outside of its walls. However, in all this there is one nuance. As soon as you lose your foothold, get stuck even for a second in the spider web of your own thoughts, you may forget about harmony. All your doubts are your worse enemies, do not doubt for a second and do not lose confidence in yourself and others. Sympathize, love, be amazed, “feel” the world around you. Then you will be able to maintain this atmosphere towards the end of the month, while the end of the third ten-day period will reveal a small surprise, one that may possible change your life forever.


For the representatives of the zodiac Sign of Pisces, January 2015 will be quite a neutral time. This given sign does not have a planet responsible for its fall and this is already a great plus. However, during the current moment the Pisces will not have a “celestial leader” either, a source of additional support. So the absences of influence will compensate each other. A similar thing will happen with the relationship between Venus and Mercury. Venus is the planet-exalt of the Sign of Pisces, while Mercury is responsible for its expulsion. No one single planet will receive support from other celestial bodies, while they will not be antagonistic either as their influences will also cancel each other out. Fully keeping its strength in full form will be just Jupiter that is the planet-ruler of Pisces. However, he is the antagonist of Mercury, so it is quite likely that he will help Venus weaken her enemy and then the Pisces can wait for a seriously large inflow of life energy. However, this is a likely, not a categorical situation, which will not be defining during the current stage either. It is important to understand that the Pisces can wait for a sort of calm before the storm, or perhaps before a dynamic and quick growth – that is another question.

The sphere of finances will not bring any spectacular results to the Pisces in January 2015; however there are no serious problems on the horizon either. Currently, as a true representative of the Water trigon, you should calmly flow through existence; flow around and with time soften the edges of barriers like a quiet spring in the forest, making its path without open conflicts. If the management does not listen to you and is about to make a large mistake, do not cause a scene – people will learn from their mistakes. If colleagues do not understand you and your attempts to change their mind are unsuccessful, then stop doing what you are doing and just move in the needed direction, while they will soon realize that they were wrong. Just in no circumstance be mean or get into an attack position, such actions never bring anything positive. Remember that there is no better ally than your previous enemy. The Pisces that have their own business should pay special attention to this. Currently you have a real opportunity to get one of your most serious competitors on your side. Think before you act and act according to circumstances; do not rush into making decisions and consider your every move.

The direction of personal relationships will end up being even calmer for you in January 2015. Overall, such a situation will go well with your natural state, your inner world, and your emotions. This means that now is the time to go into art, dedicate yourself to something greater than just solving day-today problems. It is likely that you do not have a tendency for a romantic mood, but think – what could have been the reason for that? Perhaps, it is all just circumstances? If that is not so, then try to separate yourself from everything trivial and dive into yourself, who knows – maybe there is still as park there that may turn into a whirlwind of realization. The main thing is not to doubt your strength, move where you really want to go without paying attention to those around you, who might not like the way things are right now. It is your life and you are responsible for every action. Do not judge harshly those that are close to you, pay more attention to those dear to you. During this month you can await for peace and calmness, so why not help others reach harmony? Or even better, you should spend this time perfecting yourself. The decision is up to you.


The representatives of the zodiac Sign of Sagittarius will receive plenty of opportunities in January 2015; however none of this says that they will not have to apply effort to reach their goals. Quite on the contrary, the position of Mercury responsible for the expulsion of the Sign of Sagittarius will be very much reinforced, partially because Mercury appears as an antagonist not only for Jupiter – the planet-ruler of Sagittarius, but also for the Sun that will be supporting all signs without exception this January. As a result, serious barriers will stand in the way of the Sagittarius, many of which will truly be hard to predict, as the representatives of this sign will have too little time to prepare. At the same time, the exclusively powerful positive influence of Venus, the exalt of Sagittarius, together with the emanations of the “celestial leader” of the Fire trigon – the Moon will provide this sign with a quality all-encompassing aid. As a result, the Sagittarius will have enough strength to overcome any problems, but the main nuance of the situation is that the result of the January effort of the Sagittarius may be an unbelievable rise to the top, one that the representatives of this sign couldn’t even dream of.

January 2015 will be indeed a complicated time for the Sagittarius, especially in regards to work, business, and finances. Already by the dusk of the first ten-day period you will feel the negative influence from those around you. It is likely that your colleagues will suddenly develop a passionate disdain towards you, while management will not rush to value your achievements with all due justice. Such a situation may easily throw someone off balance; however you should not forget that you have enough life strength to easily fight back any pressure. You will feel so yourself, the main thing is to believe in oneself. No matter what, do what you think is right. If you occupy a management position or have your own business, then do not be afraid to innovate; assess the risks and realize what you planned. The Sun, Jupiter, and the Moon are all helping you right now. This influence will be especially strong from January 13th to 27th (in relation to the Moon phases). It is during this period of time that you should activate yourself and direct all your talents to implement the plans that should have been thought of from beginning to end until this moment. Negligence is not acceptable, a misstep will cause failure, and an insufficient analysis of the situation will be a mistake that may cost you dearly. Otherwise, if everything will be a success then you will gain so much that it will probably change your life.

In regards to personal relationships, the main front will fall through your friends. Everything will be okay with your family, no arguments, scandals, or conflicts. However, in January 2015 you will discover one among the ranks of your friends who will stand against you at all costs. He will be successful only if you occupy a passive position. Do not be afraid to say the truth out in the open, no matter how sharp the truth might be. Do not be afraid to be victorious, even I you think that the situation could have been handled more softly. Half-measures will not be able to help you right now, only a full submergence into the situation and playing all the cards in your hand will allow you to come out a winner. If you will be successful, then you should say goodbye to your friend. No matter how close that friend is, because betrayal should not be forgiven to anyone. Of course, everything is affected by your choice only and the stars have the right to give advice, but not to make decisions for you. You heard their opinion; the rest is in your hands.


The zodiac House of Scorpio, one in which the Water element lives through its development, in January 2015 will face a situation where the maximum flexing of all the life emanations will be required from it. In other words, every representative of this sign will have to seriously try to come out a winner out of the unfolding situation that is mostly based on the positions of Venus and Mars. The Red Planet that traditionally plays the role of ruler of the Sign of Scorpio will lose its strength as a result of opposing Jupiter. On the other hand, Venus, responsible for the expulsion of Scorpio, will be reinforced in multiples. With that, the Moon responsible for the fall of this Sign will suddenly assume a neutral position, while Saturn – the exalt of Scorpio will compensate the negative influence of Neptune and will fully lose his positive charge. So what will end up happening is that Scorpio will be left one-on-one with his foes, practically losing all of the help of his celestial patrons. This does not at all mean that the lives of the representatives of this sign will darken. This will most likely be a neutral territory, overcoming which will allow you to define the direction and intensity of your further development.

In January 2015, the sphere of work and finances will require Scorpios to have lighting reflexes and the ability to take responsibility for the actions of others. You should not think that the situation will not affect you if you have you do not have your own business or you do not have any subordinates. Responsibility is quite a wide term, which includes in itself much more than the ability to accept the consequences of your own and others’ decisions. Be attentive, focus on permanent tasks and do not take more than what you can carry. It is not time to place high bets, the extra risk will not bring extra reward, but standing on one place is also not an option. Your task during the current stage is to receive the necessary life experience and try to minimize the losses from unforeseen situations. This does not at all mean that you can avoid problems. The thing is that your enemies have a real opportunity of seriously harming you right now, so do not lose your attentiveness even for a second, especially during the dawn of the second ten-day period when the Moon starts to lose its strength. The most complicated time will be until the New Moon (January 20). You should surround yourself by your most trustworthy friends and actively take on the challenge of circumstances, that way you will have all the chances of victory.

In the sphere of personal relationships, such measures will be excessive. Here the complications of the current life stage will be displayed in its least. In terms of the emotional sphere, January 2015 will grant you several moments that you will most likely never forget. Of course, we are talking about positive situations when your wishes will finally obtain their real manifestation. However, a lot will depend on those decisions that you already made. Of course, some stuff you will be unable to change, however if previously you made the right choices by being led by your voice of conscience, now many opportunities will reveal themselves to you. Relatives will be especially nice to you, while passionate conflicts may erupt between you and your lover, such that are unlikely to grow into real conflicts. It is enough to just stop in time and the situation will radically change. Do not chop without looking and when necessary take a “time-out” and think everything over. Do not take on extra responsibility on yourself, learn to see and divide the spheres of influence. After all, people that are dear to you have their own desires and goals that you should not stand in the way of.


In January 2015, the zodiac Sign of Taurus and the first Sign of the Earth trigon will live through a generally positive period. First, this is connected with the fact that the Sun, the celestial body that is the exalt of this given sign, will be significantly reinforced through its general position on the celestial band. This way the Taurus’s will feel significant support in practically all areas of life. At the same time, Pluto – responsible for the expulsion of this zodiac Sign, will change his negative emanations to at least neutral ones due to once again his general position. At most, the Taurus’s may find double support on behalf of this planet, but only after an observance of certain rituals, the explanation of which goes beyond the scope of this material. One way or another, the Sign of Taurus will receive a powerful positive, creative impulse, which will be strengthened by Mercury in the financial sphere, as he is the current “celestial leader” of the sign. Venus, the planet-ruler of this Sign, will help in the area of personal relationships. Only Saturn will be in a negative state. The influence of the Ruler of Time may not be called defining, but nevertheless one should be careful, since it is the details, mistakes seemingly at first insignificant, that are usually the harbingers of real problems.

So the area of business and finances should be quite productive for the Sign of Taurus during January 2015. The sum influence of Mercury and the Sun will be especially noticeable starting after the New Moon (January 20), which is the dawn of the third ten-day period, and until the end of the month. During this time you can sign even the riskiest agreements in the hope of “hitting the jackpot”. Luck will be on your side and even in a critical situation you will have extraordinarily high chances of victory. Of course, the minimal risk still exists, as the stars only direct a person, but do not make his choices for him. To annihilate this risk completely, try not to dismiss the advice of your co-workers, no matter how crazy it seems. During a certain moment, such a choice may play a critical role. Also listen to your intuition, as the stars will give you advice through precisely this method. Do not worry if you made a mistake somewhere and lost something, just step back, and regroup your energy; move forward once you carefully and fully analyze the situation. Currently you have a large chance of receiving extremely large profits, so do not miss it.

The sphere of personal relationships for the Taurus will be no less significant, although it is precisely here that Saturn will focus his negativity to the furthest degree in January 2015. With such defendants as the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto (under certain circumstances), you should not be afraid of such serious problems as a break-up of a relationship. However, if you are doing something that may cause disdain from your lover, do so cautiously. Currently, your mistake may not mean anything, but in the future it might be like a snowball that turns into an avalanche and bring you many problems. It will not necessarily happen exactly in this way, but why risk for no reason? Be attentive and do not betray those who are dear to you and to whom you are dear. Your family is your strength and you should never forget that, especially during the moments of exceptional epic victories when it seems like the entire world is on your side. If you are lonely, then you should not think about giving up and putting your hands down, even if there are many unsuccessful attempts behind you. There is a large possibility that you will meet someone in the third ten-day period during the month. What will be the result of this meeting depends only on you, but you don’t have to worry that the power of the stars will be fully on your side.


The zodiac Sign of Virgo will face a number of circumstances that will allow it to form a quality and reliable base for a powerful and dynamic development. It is unlikely that during this current life stage the Virgos will face barriers that could really hold them back. The thing is that Mercury, who is reprising both roles of planet-exalt and planet-ruler of this Sign, in January will play the role of the “celestial leader” of the Earth trigon. In other words, the Virgos will receive an exclusively large inflow of positive emanations, such that even people without a tendency for the exoteric will feel this special euphoric state, which in real life does not occur that often. With that, Venus – responsible for the fall of the Sign of Virgo, will fully abide to the rulings of Mercury and will leave to the background, while the negative emanations of Neptune will be significantly strengthened. The Ruler of the Celestial Waters, being responsible for the expulsion of Virgo, will be strong enough to overcome the positive influence of Mercury, but this will require all of its strength, so the Virgos should not be afraid of the influence of this devious planet.

In regards to the sphere of finances, business and entrepreneurship, the representatives of the zodiac Sign of Virgo will have to seriously work in January 2015. Currently you will have a unique chance to make cardinal changes to the situation for your own benefit. What situation are we talking about? Well, any! The one that has a prevailing meaning to you. If you do not have your own business, then this month you will have no problems to display yourself. Be confident that soon enough the management will give you a new position, much higher than the one you previously hoped for. For that you must give off your best, the maximum of your capabilities, restructure and confidently hold the new benchmark. This corresponds to your strength, do not worry. The only caveat of this position is that you might become too “playful” while feeling the surrealistically strong support. Your life energy will be as strong as ever, and undoubtedly you should use it, but you should also not forget that the status-quo does not last forever and you will be held responsible for any actions or words. Remember about that each time when you take an unthinking step. At the same time, people say that risk is an honourable thing and if you want to check the veracity of this saying, then you will not find a better time.

The sphere of personal relationships in January 2015 will not surprise you with any exceptional events. However, at the end of the first ten-day period you will finally understand what those around you want from you. Your empathic abilities will multiply, which means that you have a chance to surpass your enemies and achieve your desired goal in the shortest of time. You will literally “feel” people and will be capable of easily changing any situation to your favour. No scandals or disagreements, currently you are capable of controlling the emotions of others like one would direct an orchestra. Of course, only if you will want this yourself and understand how to do it. The stars will give you the capability, but the choice is yours to make. No one will show you the one right path and will not provide you with a superhero costume, no matter how bad you want one. You will have to do things by yourself and only your own efforts will be able to change the situation. DO not be afraid to make decisions, as your fate is determined by your ability to act in the right time and in the right place. If you decided that you are ready, then no matter what do not stop halfway. This is especially in regards to those Virgos that lost hope of finding their second half.


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One Response to “ January 2015 – Astrological Forecasts ”

  1. Buddy says:

    Hi sweetie,So so so glad you are all ok! As you say, such a sad day – just goes to show you never know what is round the corner!! Loving the new blog header too swietie!!!!!beg hugsDawn xx

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