January 2016 – Astrological Forecasts

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Regarding the leading representative of the water trine, the zodiac sign Cancer, one can clearly state the following: January of 2016, for people born under this constellation, will be a spectacular and memorable life stage. As a matter of fact, many things will depend on Mars, which is traditionally responsible for the fall of the sign of Cancer, but this month it will radically change its position and perform the role of a “heavenly leader” for the whole water trine. Unfortunately, the world is governed by natural laws and after you win, you lose. Jupiter, the exaltation for Cancer, will abandon its role and start supplying the members of this zodiac sign with negativity, which is likely to be seen in your work life from the first day of the first decade. Fortunately, the Moon, the planet-ruler of Cancer, will not forget about its wards even for a second and will be able, to a greater extent, to make up for the negative astronomical effects “inspired” by Jupiter. At the same time, Cancers will have to work harder to solve their current issues efficiently, because now all the stellar perturbations will have a reduced, though palpable, influence on their lives, which isn’t typical of this classic position.

In terms of work and career, Cancers will have to work hard in January of 2016. However, this doesn’t imply that it will be a negative stage in their life at all. Of course, due to Jupiter many things will seem tougher than you initially thought; however, everything won’t be as dramatic and irrevocable. It is enough to see clearly what you really want. January can easily become your kind of alchemical table, where you can carry out the most unusual and extraordinary experiments. If you’re careful and cunning, you will be able to minimize any potential harm. However, it will be more beneficial for you if you are able to clearly define your actual tasks at the onset of the first decade of the month. What’s more, control yourself and hold your ardour. Do not rush from side to side, from one idea to another. Never swap horses mid race, and remember that any abrupt transition from one standpoint in life to another can be detrimental. By the end of the month you will be able to implement your plans, though perhaps not on the scale you originally expected. Now it is important to make decisions that are well-thought and clearly defined.

The sphere of personal relationships won’t require such restrictions from you. In January of 2016, your ‘second half’ will dramatically change their conduct; luckily for you, for the better. It’s highly probable that you’ll be able to fulfil your dreams, implement your desires that previously seemed unattainable. However, we are not talking about sexual preferences, as some “subtle natures” might have thought. In fact, it is reasonable now to focus on your emotional sphere, which will be particularly sensitive to any changes in your environment. In general, you’ll feel free to do anything you want, as long as your actions do not harm others (otherwise, you will quickly lose the favourable position of the Moon and all that it implies). Another important point concerns your family comfort. Don’t try to put too much on your plate, as you can successfully control only as many life aspects of your loved ones as they let you. Bear this in mind, and don’t forget that everyone has their own desires and aspirations. And do not worry if in order to achieve family harmony you have to sacrifice some of your principles. That’s not a big deal.


Those with the zodiac sign Aquarius, the brightest representative of the air trine; in January of 2016 will receive a lot of exclusive opportunities in terms of work, because Mercury, which is known for being an exaltation of this sign, will be repeatedly empowered due to some general stellar combinations. The Sun, which is usually responsible for the expulsion of Aquarius, will join the Lord of heaven and land trade routes and have a positive influence on Aquarius’ life. However, people born under this constellation will face a little challenge, so to say, a stumbling block, which is vital to bear in mind while dealing with this period. Chances are that Mercury and the Sun will be unable to “share” you and as a result of their struggle for your attention you may experience a sharp decline in the influence of the dynamics of both celestial objects. Basically, there is nothing wrong with that, but as soon as you feel a decline in positive energy (and you will definitely feel it), you must immediately reduce the pace of your work in order to avoid potential misunderstandings related to the fact that at the crucial moment you may not have enough strength to complete your most important project. So be careful, but count on the best as your back, in terms of your love life in particular, will be safely “covered” by Saturn.

In general, January of 2016 in terms of business and finance will be an unequivocally positive, vibrant, dynamic and successful time. The main thing here is to do everything duly. That is, if you have undergone a sudden epiphany and come up with an alternative source of energy so far unknown to civilization, don’t rush to the nearest patent office. Analyze and think everything through first, and be especially careful about giving away such exclusive information. Plagiarism and theft of ideas, unfortunately, occur much more frequently than we imagine. And remember, sometimes even family ties can’t prevent such situations from happening. At the same time, don’t sit around without doing anything. Move constantly in a set direction. If you run your own business or you are in charge of many people, do not let your subordinates idle around even for a couple of hours; what’s more, you can unexpectedly check on them to ensure that their work spirits and overall activity remain at the proper levels until the onset of the third decade of the month. By this time, your “flame” should reach its apotheosis, and you will clearly realize what and in which order should be done to achieve the maximum positive effect.

Regarding personal relationships, stellar recommendations will be slightly different. In January of 2016, all of your vital resources will be geared towards solving working moments, and it, quite naturally, will cause some problems in your family. Under no circumstances get involved in an open confrontation, nor agitate others and fly off the handle. Communication is your main weapon. Explain everything that requires explanation, giving specific facts and strong arguments. If nothing comes out of it, then you’ll have to disengage yourself, although it is likely that you will be able to find some individual solutions. In any case, avoid hasty decisions based on short-term emotions. The influence of Mars, which will generally be favourable to you, can cooperate with negative emanations from Pluto and then a small domestic quarrel can easily become the cause of a truly epic conflict. So be patient and attentive, even if this will require a lot of effort.


For the zodiac sign Aries, January 2016 will be an extremely favourable time. In the first place, it’s noteworthy that Mars, which traditionally acts as a patron-planet of Aries, will repeatedly strengthen its emanations for two reasons. Firstly, a boisterous heavenly warrior will also be “the heavenly leader” of people born under this sign. Secondly, Mars will work in tandem with the Sun, which is Aries’ exaltation that is responsible for the blossoming of its vitality. It is difficult to imagine a combination that would have been as strong. However, despite all its positivity, January will be full of its own little moments, without which, alas, you can’t get by. So pay attention to the sphere of feelings and emotions, because Venus, which is in its normal position, is responsible for the expulsion of Aries. It is difficult to say what position Saturn will take. Usually this celestial object exercises an extremely negative impact on the lives of the members of this sign, as it’s accountable for their downfall. But this month the influence of Saturn will be almost completely shielded by solar emanations, so the question, let’s say, remains open.

As far as work is concerned, Aries have nothing to fear in January of 2016. And it has nothing to do with the fact that they will be enjoying a well-deserved break from work for nearly a third of the month and be will lounging on the couch flicking through TV channels. It is important to remember that Mercury will be on our side, and it has a very positive impact on the world of business and career development. However, it is worth mentioning that people who work for someone else and don’t occupy the highest position are most likely to notice nothing unusual. For them, it means that January will present nothing but the logical continuation of their everyday routine. But business people will be on top of their game, and not necessarily through hard work, though, no doubt, it will also bring its fruits. It’s good to know that, due to the influence of Mars and other planets, you will be able to devote more time to yourself and your family. In terms of work, it will be a “slow” period, which is likely to allow you to do something really important, much more important than a monthly report for your company. So if you are suddenly confronted by the choice between whether to work or dedicate your time to something else, choose the second option, because everything in the office will go well, even with minimal involvement on your part. Of course, you shouldn’t openly “shirk” your responsibilities, but it doesn’t mean you should let your work “come up to your ears” either.

Reading your sensual sphere, January 2016 will provide you with boundless field of activity; a maze full of amazing mysteries and tricky puzzles. This is a great time to experiment! If you decide to start a new relationship with no strings attached, the results will exceed your expectations. You and your partner will get everything you need and sail, like ships at sea, without any mutual insults or claims. And we are not just talking about a one night stand. You are likely to experience a much “deeper” connection. It all depends on you, on the port to which your spiritual quest will bring you. One thing is clear: by the end of the month you will be able to finally overcome all your inner fears. You’ll have to try a little bit harder, but it will be a battle, that’s for sure. Solar positivity will be stronger than any adversity, and your will, coupled with sincerity, will prove to you, not even once, that miracles do happen. The main thing is not to hesitate about pursuing your goals, no matter what others say.


For the zodiac sign Capricorn, January of 2016 will be an ambiguous time. Firstly, it should be noted that the dynamic of the emanations of the Black Moon will be increased and this is traditionally known as “having a thing” for Capricorns. Yet at the beginning of the annual cycle, the influence of this heavenly body will be exceptional. First of all, it implies that there will be a powerful, intense accumulation of hidden reserves going on throughout January. For what? As they say, time will tell, but now it is vital for Capricorns to focus on their sensations. The current month is unlikely to bring outstanding performances either in terms of work or in your “love life.” This means that January for Capricorns will be a sufficiently stable, a little greyish, but peaceful time, and it is ideal for devoting it to your inner quest and spiritual search. Saturn, which is not only the ruler of this sign but also plays the role of a “heavenly leader” of the earth trine at this stage, is likely to be able to fully shield the negative emanations of Jupiter; it (Saturn) will also take control of Mars, the patron planet of Capricorns. Such a position of the celestial objects will bring about partial “peace and quiet” in the coming months.

In January of 2016, Capricorns are unlikely to make really important and fundamental decisions at work. If you don’t run your own business, you might get a feeling that your bosses have forgotten about you, at least throughout the second decade of the month. Whether it’s good or bad is up to you to decide, and based on your judgements, act accordingly. Although, in general, there is no need to change anything radically or to act too fast. Firstly, your efforts will not be appreciated, and secondly, you risk engaging in monkey business. So leave it as is, and do not act until early next month. Even if you have huge plans that require immediate implementation, set them aside, as they say, for better times. As a matter of fact, your accumulated resources will really come in handy, so try to avoid wasting them throughout this extremely “dry” interim at a bar with friends. Be restrained, and try not to get involved in any financial adventure, as now the consequences can be fatal, either personally for you or for your business. It also makes sense to refrain from signing all sorts of contracts; otherwise you might fall into a trap, which, eventually, you (unconsciously, of course) set up yourself.

In your “love life” things will be, to put it mildly, as uneventful. There will be slight dynamics observed in this direction; however, such events as going to the theatre to see a spectacular performance will bring about just a little positivity. But there’s no need to blame anybody for a slow turn up of events, including yourself. This is not a negative moment for you; on the contrary, it’s a time of well-deserved tranquillity, stillness and stability. Despite the fact that little progress will be observed during this stage, you shouldn’t confuse this peace with stagnation. Your current relationships with people will develop harmoniously, although slightly slower than you expected. But by no means try to speed up the process, otherwise you’ll just spoil everything and will have to “build bridges” again from the very beginning. So try to suppress your irrepressible craving for action. However, this warning might be unnecessary for Capricorns, as they are, in general, better planners than entrepreneurs and they prefer meticulous planning to “spur of the moment” decisions. This is a very valuable feature that you’ll find extremely useful in January of 2016.


Those with the zodiac sign Gemini will experience a strong though quite negative impact of two objects in the solar system in January of 2016. The first one is Jupiter, and this is not surprising, because this planet has traditionally been responsible for the expulsion of the zodiac sign Gemini, and its negative emanations will be repeatedly reinforced by the general position of the stars this month. While Pluto won’t be as strong, its influence shouldn’t be discounted, especially given the fact that the two “enemies” will focus on your personal relationships. At the same time, work and financial spheres will be under the “supervision” of Mercury, which is the patron planet of Geminis and not only supports the representatives of this sign, but also periodically “cleans up” their mess. It is certainly worth noting the presence of solar positivity, which will obviously try to ease the fate of Geminis in terms of their sensory-emotional spheres, where Pluto and Jupiter will run the show. It is unlikely that the Sun will be able to fully tip the scales in its favour, but you can definitely count on certain bonuses.

In regards to business affairs, January 2016 will be highly harmonious for Geminis, and, in general, very successful. However, there are some subtle details, as usual. Firstly, if you want to achieve your goals as quickly as possible, it is necessary… to wait and take no further action. In fact, you will be bestowed with qualitative support from the stars, but the circumstances, frankly speaking, will refuse to work in your favour. To some extent, this may be blamed on your karma, although in general this is typical of this time period. Thus, don’t start up new projects, and don’t try to get everything at once; as the old saying goes, slow and steady wins the race. Stay focused and balanced; if there are pending goals; move towards them, but slowly. And another tip: try to avoid “grand gestures”, as well as large-scale events. You are most likely to accomplish everything you planned, but not to the extent that was expected. Now is a good time for laying foundations, which will later come in handy. As far as contracts and transactions are concerned, it is better to give them some time.

The sphere of personal relationships for Geminis in January 2016 will turn out to be less stable and unambiguous. This doesn’t imply that you will go through total negativity and constant quarrels. Some minor arguments and friction with your “second half” will definitely take place, but you need to take into account the fact that although the influence of Jupiter and Pluto will be exceptionally strong, it will be seriously limited, at least, by your own abilities. Therefore, pull yourselves together, take a deep breath and begin to solve the pressing problems one at a time. The main thing is not to lose your temper, avoid raising your voice and try to rarely use the “weaknesses” of your opponent. When dealing with friends, control yourself and learn to forgive other people’s weaknesses. Eventually, we are all too different to ideally match each other, like gears in a clock mechanism. Have no doubt that by the end of the third decade of January you will certainly be able to stabilize the situation. This will happen with high probability, even with mediocre efforts on your part. But your current actions may affect some situations that are waiting for you in the future, so it’s still worth using all your available resources and refraining from sitting around and doing nothing even for a minute.


In January of 216, Leos, one of the most dynamic signs of the European zodiac world, will be able to realize their full potential, regardless of their own desires. The Sun and Mercury will play a key role in the lives of the representatives of this zodiac sign. The unchallenged ruler of the celestial sphere traditionally plays the role of a ruler-planet of this sign, which means that the dynamics of its influence will be exceptional. Mercury’s usual position is responsible for the fall of Leo, but now, on the contrary, it will dramatically change the modality of its emanations and create a pretty non-standard situation in business and career spheres. In general, we are talking about an exceptionally spectacular and bright stage of life, which will be characterized by the advancement of Leos in all areas of life. Keep this vital point in mind: Leos will need to “work tooth and nail”, because now their every action will always be a reason for the occurrence of a number of amazing events. Taking into account the specifics of the current astronomical combinations, it should be noted that this statement will mostly apply to the sphere of work and finances.

Thus, the sphere of entrepreneurship and business in January of 2016 for the zodiac sign Leo will be a real testing ground. However, it won’t be nuclear; the dynamics, though, will clearly be equally exceptional. In the current period, you can take on as much as you want. Don’t question your abilities; you will be able to accurately and duly complete two, three, five or ten projects. Clearly identify your target and move to it, no matter what. People in your working environment will be surprised by how much you’re able to accomplish, and this is a key feature of this period. Subsequently, the pace of your work will go down a little, but not because you’ll start working less; it will be preconditioned by a set of external reasons, including those related to the position of the stars. But there’s no way to explain this to your boss! It is highly probable that in the upcoming months people will keep expecting from you the same results you show in January. That’s a dilemma, isn’t it? On one hand, you are capable of accomplishing many things now, but at the same time you have to limit yourself in order to avoid problems in the future. You’ll need to find a fine balance between your capacity and the imperfection of the world. Of course, it will be much easier for those who are self-employed, because they have to report to no one.

As far as personal relationships are concerned, this time the situation will develop in a non-standard way. Therefore it is actually very difficult to predict what will happen to Leos in January of 2016. The celestial objects of the solar system will find themselves in a quite unusual combination; that’s a fact. So, in any case, you’ll have to adjust to the situation. In this area, it is unlikely that you will come across the similar dynamics we saw in the area of work. However, the intensity of vital energy flows is bound to happen. In other words, sex will get better, relaxation more rejuvenating, and problems will be minor. This is a good time for going somewhere on vacation; unforgettable experiences are guaranteed. It also makes sense to pay more attention to your significant other and your family hearth as a whole. This will instantly help to solve arising dilemmas and maintain harmony with all of your household members. If need be, try playing the role of Judge Dredd; fair, but uncompromising. Just don’t doubt your abilities; it’s your time, so act without regard to the envious opinions of others.


In January of 2016, the representatives of the cardinal cross of the air trine, the zodiac sign Libra, will feel an abnormally powerful effect from the Sun, a celestial object, which is in its usual position responsible for the fall of this sign. However, in the current period, solar power will be extremely positive, and the reason for it will not only be the general stellar position of light, but also the status of a “heavenly leader” of the air trine. Especially for the representatives of this sign, this situation will result in a total success in the working sphere. Everything will most likely develop in a more positive manner than one might have imagined. And despite the fact that many of Libras’ plans can suddenly turn to dust, the finale of any action will be extremely positive. Mars, responsible for the expulsion of this zodiac sign, will replace the modality of its energy flows and cooperate with Venus, which serves as a planet-ruler of this sign. As a result, your sensory-emotional sphere will be entirely protected from any outside influence.

In terms of work, January of 2016 will indeed be particularly successful for Libras. Do not get discouraged if the first ten days of the month bring nothing but boredom and if they don’t go according to plan. Perhaps you failed to take into account some little things, but now your success will be a matter of time. In any case, nothing terrible will happen; in fact, everything will be better than you have planned, so there is no need to lament your fate and get depressed. There is a clear need to channel the lion’s share of your resources into the implementation of new projects. And do not be afraid of the fact that you’ll have to work in a fundamentally new environment with fundamentally new material and, possibly, under new management. For Libras who work for themselves, all the above mentioned points hold true, except for the latter one. Anyway, if you’re cautious and a little bit interested in changing the current situation, this will really happen, and of course, for the better. Contribute to this as much as you can, with no superpowers being required from you; your competitors will show their weaknesses and new partners will not keep you waiting for long.

The “love life” of the representatives of the zodiac sign Libra in January of 2016 will flow much more harmoniously, and, so to speak, will be in slow motion. You will be long “hung-over” from the New Year’s festivities, at least until the end of the first decade. Then, finally shaking off this “festive touch”, you’ll quickly realize that nothing has changed around you, except for a couple of little things. In fact, January will bring you incredibly harmony; there won’t be any need for you to do anything, with the exception of lounging in your favourite armchair and occasionally nodding to others. Actually, only minimum involvement might be required from you. If you are asked to help resolve a dispute, use any excuse to avoid such “honour”, but firstly unobtrusively push someone towards the decision you personally feel most suitable. Try to take less responsibility, but don’t be careless and negligent. Pay particular attention to your significant other, and if you don’t have one, then maybe it’s the right time to change the current state of things. No significant or formidable events will be expected in this sphere, so maybe it’s worth focusing on laying the foundation for a spectacular and powerful start next month. Give this some thought!


For most zodiac signs, Jupiter in January of 2016 will play the key role of antagonist. However, in the case of Pisces, you will observe a radically opposite situation. For you, Jupiter, even in its traditional position, acts as the ruler-planet, which is your main defender that shields you from the most dangerous astronomical emanations. At this moment, its protection and patronage will be reinforced, as a result of which you will go through a quite dynamic and unambiguously positive time. You will receive a huge influx of positive energy, which will increase due to the traditional benevolence of Mercury, which is your exaltation and is responsible for the blossoming of the vitality of your sign. As a result of such a powerful impact, it is difficult to determine to which degree the life of Pisces will receive more advantages. This positivity is more likely to be evenly distributed, but this does not suggest that Pisces will not have to put some effort into this process. On the contrary, representatives of this zodiac sign will stay moderately active at home, but they will act strategically rather than going with the flow. Many people will discover new talents that will turn out to be very useful on their way to success.

In terms of work, it is worth mentioning that Pisces, in January of 2016, will be faced with a number of not very standard situations. Your competitors are likely to take some quite unusual actions against you at the onset of the second decade of the month. Do not be afraid of it, nor pay attention, because all those feeble efforts will be absolutely meaningless, as Jupiter will protect you with its immediate, let’s say, pivotal defensive reaction. If you do not run your own business, then at the beginning of the working year set the bar as high as possible, regardless of sarcastic remarks of your colleagues. After all, they aren’t aware of your new potential! Just don’t “turn up your nose” too high, because all those latest “bonuses” will be possible only in the event that your own actions prove extremely positive and constructive. Respond swiftly, but reasonably prudent, to the events happening around you; you’re ready for anything, no doubt, but don’t forget to reflect on your actions. Generally speaking, a competent analysis will be far more important now than anything else, including the speed of your reactions.

Your “love life” will develop in pretty much the same way. In January 2016, your primary antagonists will demonstrate their capabilities in all their glory. However, they will gain nothing from it, whereas it will allow you, as they say, to face the truth. You will probably be very surprised after some of your friends, who you may have considered your best ones, will prove to be “disloyal”. But even this scenario will bring nothing terrible, and you’ll face all this gracefully. Thus, if there is no reason for concern, then you will be able to take it easy and respond competently and extremely sensibly. With regard to relations with your significant other, this harbour will be peaceful and tranquil with no apparent storms. Even ordinary minor household quarrels will be almost nonexistent. In general, January will be an excellent time to once again (even for the hundredth or thousandth times) demonstrate to your “second half” the depth of your own feelings. Finally invest in yours spiritual development! Go to the theatre or, at least, to a concert. This will not only bring diversification into your life and fill your heart with new experiences, but it will also seriously strengthen your psychological health. As has already been mentioned, January of 2016 will definitely be successful for you, regardless of the undertakings to which you dedicate your time.


A key feature of the current interim phase for people born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius will be determined by the specifics of the influence of Jupiter, which traditionally serves as the ruler of this zodiac sign. Although many other signs will view this warlike planet as a real stumbling block on their road to success, Sagittarius has nothing to fear. Moreover, Mercury, which is usually responsible for the expulsion of Sagittarius, will play in their favour in January of 2016 and decide to dramatically change the dynamics of its emanations. Mars, which is a “heavenly leader” of the fire trine at the current stage, is also noteworthy, although the influence of the Red Warrior is nothing compared to the dynamics of Jupiter’s emanations. As a result, we face a particularly interesting situation. As one well-known character used to say, it’s getting more and more interesting. But nothing really special is going to happen this month; Sagittarius will just have to wait. And what exactly they will have to wait for is a very individual matter, which will depend on many factors. However, this little necessity of waiting may cause Sagittarius a serious problem. So you should gather all your strength and try not to destroy your own plans with a “wrong move”.

Regarding work, in January 2016, there is no need to involve third-party resources to solve current problems. In fact, we are talking about your ability to cope with any problem, absolutely any, regardless of its complexity and scale. And if you feel that you won’t survive without outside help, then you are seriously mistaken and in urgent need of reconsidering your attitude. As a matter of fact, you will have a good deal of resources and opportunities, more than enough. But the problem lies elsewhere: there won’t be a real need to undertake anything. Relax and enjoy your life, stay away from working overtime; at the moment internal balance and good planning will be much more important than permanent benefits. The stars don’t suggest that January will be an overly “stale” time, characterized by a low level of dynamics (although, given the specifics of national mentalities, after New Year’s, some people tend to “stay hung-over” at least for a month). It will be an absolutely ordinary life stage, which requires no serious or radical decision making processes.

In terms of personal relationships, follow similar recommendations. In January 2016, pay more attention to your family members. Be patient with them, in particular to your significant other. You may experience minor quarrels, which are unlikely to develop into a real fight, even if you choose to completely ignore them. The situation won’t get exacerbated if you decide once again to “turn” those who are dear to you onto your favourite hobby. You are unlikely to succeed, as before, and you are guaranteed to have a great time. Try to be a little more relaxed than usual around your friends, because there is a high probability of conflict, triggered by a completely insignificant trifle. But if you don’t prevent this from happening, the consequences can be dangerous for your friendship. All this will apply to part of the first and all of the second decade of the month. As for the third part of this period, you’ll have nothing to worry about. The best option is to dedicate this time to drawing up clear and precise plans for the future, because very soon you’ll go through a time of bright and dynamic change.


The first month of 2016 in relation to the zodiac sign Scorpio is likely to set the pace that will continue for the coming 365 days. People born under this constellation should be prepared for the fact that they will constantly stay in the spotlight, regardless of their own desires. You are unlikely to suddenly find an oil gusher in your backyard. Rather, the circumstances around you will unfold in an unusual way, creating an ongoing chain of bright and dynamic events. In January, Mars, which is a planet-ruler of the people born under this sign, will keep a special eye on Scorpios. What’s more, Mars will also play the role of a “heavenly leader” of the water trine. This is an important point that will determine the specifics of Scorpios’ behaviour in this current stage of life. Needless to say that this is not the most peaceful and quiet sign, but the actual power and fury of Mars will allow Scorpios to find their balance and become more harmonious and ambitious. This fact, undoubtedly, provides them with particular advantages in terms of work. Regarding their love life one cannot say anything definite, but here we should pay closer attention to the position of Venus, which is responsible for the expulsion of the zodiac sign of Scorpio.

On close examination of the working sphere we should immediately point out a key feature: January 2016, in the scope of business and career, will turn out to be a gold mine for Scorpios; this will be an extremely rich time with a wide variety of possibilities. But not all of these options will suit you, and everything would be simpler if you were given more time to think. But the complexity of this moment lies precisely in the fact that starting from the second decade of the month; you won’t be left alone for a moment. In general, it is a positive situation; when you will be needed, you will be trusted and your business will definitely go uphill. But the question arises: will you be able to cope with such growing pressure? To begin with, try to calm down internally; deal with any issue without panic; clearly define your relevant goals and objectives. Don’t put everything on your plate at once, even though you are confident that now you can definitely cope with any number of projects. At the moment, quality is more important than ever, and you will be able to make up the quantity later. Do not forget about that for a moment, especially when dealing with human resources reforms.

The scope of personal relationships, as has been mentioned before, is unlikely to surprise you with exceptional events. At the moment, all the events happening in your life will be a logical result of your actions taken at the previous stage of life, probably in winter 2015. You will be very busy at work and, fortunately, your family will fully understand it. No one will reproach you even if you stay at work for weeks. But this doesn’t diminish the fact that work is only one part of your life, and certainly not the biggest. Therefore, still try to find more time for your family members, as a reliable “backbone” is more important than any career prospects. In this regard it will be easier for single Scorpios, but in any case, even they will need third-party support, compassion and tenderness, which can be obtained only by spending time alone with someone they really care for. So do not isolate yourself from the sensory and emotional sphere of your life, even if it seems to only distract you. January will be a bright and successful time, but not because the stars said so, but because you did.


The representatives of the fixed cross of the terrestrial trine, the zodiac sign Taurus, will experience a rather challenging life stage, positive in general, but mixed in terms of sensual and spiritual quests in January of 2016. In fact, throughout the current time period, Pluto, which is generally responsible for the exile of Taurus, will play a decisive role. Pluto represents a cold, dark energy, which can’t always be considered positive, especially in this studied time period. Fortunately, the moon, the exaltation planet for this zodiac sign, will stay quite strong and will be able to reflect the negativity. Saturn, which in its usual position is responsible for the fall of Taurus, in January will become a “heavenly leader” of this sign and eventually make up for its own negative impact. Venus, the planet-ruler of the people born under the sign of Taurus, will come out strong due to stellar emanations of the Sun; this will turn out to be very useful, because it is your sensual sphere that will be “under attack” from Pluto. The lion’s share of the Venusian energy will be geared, however, to the opposite direction; the direction of work and finance. Nevertheless, the influence of the celestial priestesses won’t go unnoticed by your senses.

One way or another, it is the work sphere that will bring special “bonuses” into Taurus’ lives in January of 2016. Of course, you won’t become a millionaire overnight and there won’t be a blue-eyed secretary awaiting you in your new office. Everything will be more prosaic, but not less positive! It is very likely that starting from the beginning of the year you will be able to lay the foundation which in the future will allow you to soar to exceptional heights. It’s fundamental now not to question the path you’ve chosen. Under no circumstances betray your principles. You know perfectly well how to get things done and no one should interfere with your duties. If you come across some interference, be decisive. In this respect the situation will be much easier for those who run their own business; after all, your competitors are by no means your colleagues with whom you have to share your office. Of course, there’s no need to cross a certain line, but radical, harsh and, most importantly, timely actions will clearly be your key to victory. And one more thing: try to avoid investing too many resources in third-party projects. It’s better to concentrate on one or two key areas, as it will bring more fruitful results.

In terms of personal relationships, it’s noteworthy that January of 2016 won’t be the easiest life stage for those with the zodiac sign Taurus. Be ready to deal with betrayal. And if that happens, look for the culprit among your closest friends. It will be a highly unpleasant moment, but don’t lose heart. Your zodiac sign tends to endure the blows of fate easily, so let’s not make an exception. You will be able to overcome any difficulties, just make sure you get to the bottom of the situation first. There is a reason for all action, and your understanding of it is more important than the finale. Therefore, don’t give up until you have a full understanding of the situation. Fortunately, everything will be stable in your family relationships; not everything will be positive, but, at least, predictable, and not shocking. Try to solve petty household dilemmas peacefully; if necessary, give in, it will allow you to solve minor problems once and for all. In other respects, listen to your intuition, now it will be your best weapon in the fight against the violence of Pluto


The zodiac sign Virgo in 2016 will go through a lot of bright, unforgettable moments that are most likely to be related to the sphere of work. The thing is that Mercury, which has traditionally played the role of a planet-ruler of this sign, will be intensified due to some stellar combinations; this will lead to abnormal energy flows in the business sphere. Understandably so, your “love life” will get a little bit more vulnerable to external negative influences. This doesn’t suggest that Virgos will experience especially challenging moments in the sphere of feelings and emotions; however, most of their attention should definitely be dedicated to this part of their life. In general, for people born under this constellation, January will be a rather positive month, though frankly, unbalanced. With this in mind, we shouldn’t forget that Mercury also plays the role of exaltation for Virgos, so it is responsible for the blossoming of vitality of this zodiac sign. The point is that the current patron of this zodiac sign will be strong enough to almost completely shield their lives from the negative influences of Neptune, which is responsible for the expulsion of Virgos, and Venus, which is responsible for their fall.

Speaking in more detail about work, it must be noted that January of 2016 will definitely be a fruitful time. But there will be some niceties. Firstly, you must take into account the peculiarities of your work. Virgos who run their own business will be in a winning position. You will get down to work from the first decade of the month (as surprising as it may sound, given the specifics of the period) and will be able to intuitively decide what to do and when to do it. This will be your main competitive advantage, as it will take a while for your competitors to recover after their holidays. You, almost immediately, will be able to set foot in the right direction and undertake large scale activities. More precisely, you definitely should work to the fullest if you want to receive high earnings at the end of the month. The situation will unfold in similarly successful ways for those who don’t work for themselves, but hold middle positions. But the so-called ordinary employees will be in a much more precarious position. That is, they will also need to work hard, but their profits, though decent, won’t be as high. So don’t reduce the pace of your work, because now this intensity and the dynamics are vital for all members of this zodiac sign without exception.

The “love life” of Virgos in January of 2016 will be as bright and spectacular as other life spheres. Nevertheless, it is in this area of your life that you might face some significant events. Don’t try to impose your will on fate and stop manipulating circumstances to achieve personal goals. Everything will go the way you want it by itself, even though your plans seem to fail. It is definitely worth pursuing your goals, but only if these goals are objectively worthy of being achieved. Give another thought to what you’re aiming for. Maybe ask someone from your family where you went wrong. And if you feel a drop of confusion in your soul, it means that something isn’t right and that’s a serious enough reason to weigh your actions once again. Relations with your significant other will develop steadily and according to normal, but by the end of the month, due to the increasing dynamics of the solar streams, you may experience some unexpected situations. They won’t necessarily be negative, but try to be very careful to those who are dear to you.


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