June 2014 Astrological Forecasts

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The zodiac sign of Cancer, the representative of the cardinal cross of the Water trigon, in June 2014 will reach new heights in all senses of that phrase. Perhaps, out of the entire zodiac it is this sign that will be the most successful one this month, for which June will have the most of positivity. Generally, the first summer month is always very positive to this life-loving sign, but in the current period the influence of celestial bodies onto this sign will be truly unprecedented. The Moon, the traditional ruler of the Cancer sign, will gift its earthly protégé with powerful flows of active creative energy, which guarantees creative people (poets, artists) an influx of unprecedented inspiration. With that, the Moon also gives concrete guarantees in terms of romance and the “love front”, though it ignores all others aspects of the Cancer’s life. In the sphere of business, Cancer will have others to rely on. Jupiter, the exalt of this sign, will “attract” Mars to its side, despite Mars being traditionally responsible for the “fall” of Cancer. Such an extraordinary alliance will invariantly provide a very powerful and in all ways positive result. The energy of these planets will be focused purely on work. Saturn, responsible for the “fall” of the Cancer sign, will attempt to somehow damage the representatives of this zodiac sign, but in these rare occasions, the Cancers will be helped by their own positive qualities.

In the end, in June 2014 the area of entrepreneurship will present Cancers with a plethora of possibilities for moving their operations to a qualitatively (and sometimes even quantitatively) new level. What is demanded from Cancers in return? Attention! The rest will happen itself. Just be attentive to people and events that will be around you. Perhaps, some of your competitors will accidentally allow you to grasp some great opportunity. There are many possibilities, while the stars predict only two possible outcomes. In the first one, you miss something important and nothing changes. In the second outcome, you understand that you are at the right place at the right time and quickly get how to turn the situation to your advantage. If you will possess enough mastery and cleverness, then you can congratulate yourself – you have moved closer to your desired path. Some will receive a new position in their company, others will open a new branch of their business. Just remember that you are not alone in your aspirations, so be mindful of those around you and try not to step over people’s heads. This usually ends badly, sooner or later.

In the other direction, the direction of feelings, emotions and relationships with close ones, you will most likely attain exactly what you want. Do you want a calm quiet life free of scandals and problems? Do you want an unforgettable drive in the company of your friends? Do you want to find your second half, one that would be as crazy as you are? Please go ahead, the stars will satisfy any of your cravings. However! Only with the condition that you will be worthy. It is not hard to define the criteria of worthiness. Honour and justice – that is the credo of the worthy ones. If you are respectful towards your relatives, if you always helped your friends in hard times, if you were honest and open with your lover, then June 2014 will be a time of fulfilment of wishes. However, if greed and hypocrisy were your guides in life, then you will receive exactly what you deserve this month.


The Aquarius, the sign that is finishing the Air trigon of the constant cross, in June 2014 should be confident in one thing – the luck is on his side. While some celestial bodies of the Solar System will be certainly standing against the energy of the Aquarius sign, most of it will be in line with the Aquarius, which undoubtedly speaks volumes about the success of this period for this sign. Mercury, the unchangeable ruler of the celestial trade paths, being the planet-exalt of the Aquarius will concentrate most of his positive energy on the sphere of business. In this respect, the Sun will also be on the side of Mercury, which is usually responsible for the “expulsion” of the Aquarius, but this month will play the role of its “celestial leader”. As a result, the solar positivity will increase the beneficial tendencies in relationship with the entrepreneurial activity and the work sphere as a whole. At the same time, Saturn – the planet-ruler of the Aquarius sign will meet in battle with Mar, responsible for the “fall” of this sign. The goal of these celestial bodies will be in the absolute energy dominance over the sphere of personal relationships of the Aquarius. In this direction, a unitary decision will be hard to make. Perhaps, the result of the conflicted situations will depend more on the Aquarius himself, rather than the planetary emanations. You should pay special attention to this fact.

So the sphere of entrepreneurial activity will be kind to the Aquarius in June 2014. The celestial bodies with the positive attitude will provide you with everything you require – confidence, drive and energy. You will just have to implement your plans into life. It is likely that during the first ten-day period it would make sense to “feel” the ground of the polygon, gathering not only information but also resources. With the break of the second ten-day period, the stars recommend you take active measures up to their climax with the beginning of the third ten-day period. This is the most optimal, but the most relative scheme, the secondary elements of which may be distributed absolutely disregarding your wishes, but due to the current situation. Realize one project after another and do not worry if something will not work from the first time – you will have enough time to try again. Just keep your composure and fighting attitude. You will not have a problem in anything else.

In terms of personal relationships, problems will definitely occur. The stars do not scare you, but warn you and knowledge of impeding rouble is an advantage in itself. So focus and be ready that conflicted situations with your lover and relatives are waiting for you throughout the entire month, beginning from the First Moon Quarter (June 5th). To resolve the current problems you will need to collect all your strength and concentrate on each problem, one by one. This will not be simple, as your relatives will definitely try to strongly push you. The main thing is to contain yourself, and sequentially and objectively focus on each problem. If you will contain yourself and call upon the priority of the mind over feelings, then you will definitely be successful and most of the problems will be resolved in the shortest time possible. If you give into emotions, then there is a high possibility major and serious problems will come, managing which will reach a new level of difficulty. So be wise in how you spread your resources and think thrice before doing something.


The zodiac sign of Aries will not even have to try in June 2014 to receive someone’s sympathy or to reach some material goal. It is likely that already at the dawn of the first ten-day period, the Aries will feel a truly superhuman energy and this “celestial blessing” will accompany them throughout the entire first summer month. Curiously, even if the Aries want to, they will likely fail at making their own lives miserable. The power of the positive celestial emanations will be truly protecting those born in this sign, even from themselves. With that, some negative moments are likely to show themselves, and some may even become critical. More on that below. Currently, it is necessary to point out that Mars, the planet-ruler of the Aries, will also play the role of the “celestial leader” of the Fire trigon, which will not only give those born in this sign some additional benefits, but also allow the Red Planet to unite other planets that are influencing the Aries in one way or another. For example, Venus and Saturn, which in their classical position are planets responsible for the “expulsion” and “fall” of the Aries, but this month leading an entirely different game. The Moon, the exalt of the Aries is unlikely to remain on the sidelines as well. As a result, this sign will lack a single celestial foe.

All these circumstances are evidently indicating that June 2014 will be a great month for the Aries in terms of business and entrepreneurship. It is truly so! Many of your projects, that are either long forgotten by you, or classified as absolutely without potential, will suddenly show themselves as bright and potentially profitable ones. Undoubtedly, you should not immediately reach out to all of them, since perhaps, your luck can pass on to someone else. In addition, it is quite likely that you will almost mercurially fix your relationships with management and with your colleagues too. Even if there will be some conflicts in the first ten-day period, then by the dawn of the second ten-day period they will quickly dissipate. A creation of new working tandems is possible, which will bring a lot of profit to you and your partner. However, you should take note of your emotional state. Be careful, due to extreme luck you may experience great pride, which will destroy all of your plans towards the end of the month and throw you into a bog of problems for far longer than just thirty days. Remember that luck can leave as easily as it comes, and then you will just have your own skills and abilities left.

In terms of personal relationships, you should note the same spectrum of problems. That means that since the beginning of June you will most likely fix most of your relationships that were in a hanging state for a long time. Everything will be going well with your lover and friends. It is specifically for Aries that June is a great month to conceive a child. Therefore, the stars recommend that you give it some serious thought. However, regardless of the general positivity of this period, be attentive to what you say and what you do. Currently, you can easily and unintentionally hurt someone deeply and this event will let itself show many times in the future. So just, be careful with words, respectful to your close ones, and try to forget all of the negativity of the past for the sake of your own future.


In June 2014, the Capricorn will experience a powerful multidirectional influence on the account of several planetary combinations, as a result of which, it seems impossible to definitely determine the energy tint of the forecasted period. At the same time, it is quite evident that on the “love front” everything will be going even better than a Capricorn could have imagined. This will be the fault of the combined positive influence of the Moon and Mars. In its usual position responsible for the “expulsion” of the Capricorn, the Moon will change its negative emanations to the waves of active positive energy in June. Mars, the planet-exalt of the Capricorn sign, will on one side strengthen the influence of the Moon, on the other side it will grant the representatives of this give zodiac sign additional energy, which will allow the Capricorns to playfully resolve any current problem in this direction. In regards to the sphere of work and entrepreneurship, then everything will be going according to a slightly different scenario. Saturn, the planet-ruler of the Capricorn, instead of the traditional positive emanations will grant those born under this sign a portion of concrete negativity that will spread in full synchronization with the negative energy of Jupiter, responsible for the “fall” of the Capricorn. In light of the fact that both planets will be significantly strengthened in this period, it is quite evident that the work area of the Capricorns will be quite complicated.

In other words, in June 2014 the work sphere of the Capricorns will be the concentration of the maximum amount of problems and conflicts. On the dawn of the first ten-day period of the month you can already prepare to not finding a common language with the management, so all your initiatives should be postponed to a better time. While, undoubtedly, if you put everything on the line and collect your most convincing arguments will try to quickly prove your point of view, showing your definite wish to go to the end, then perhaps your plans will be a success. However, for this outcome you will be required to concentrate your maximum willpower, confidence in yourself, professionalism and diplomatic mastery. If you can successfully form this combination of qualities in the right moment, then you still have some chances for success. Is it worth it – up to you? In the second and third ten-day periods of the month, you should calm all of your creative impulses and try to focus on executing the tasks given to you by management. If you have your own business then do not try to overcome your competitors during this period. You may even win, perhaps, but the result of this victory will not influence you in the best way in the future.

In terms of the “love front” the planets of the Solar System will be fully on your side, no matter the problems on the work front, the family hearth will be burning well and positively. It is likely that your relationship with your current lover will be strengthened by your joint activities. Even if you are single during this time, then the stars whisper that with certain level of attention (and then persistence) then by the end of the second ten-day period of the month you will most likely meet your “second half”. In your relationships with friends, it is quite likely that a situation will arise where one will need your help. Do not deny them this help for any reason, even if it could lead to some problems. While the choice is always yours, you should remember that friendship is that something small that allows us to believe in the world no matter what.


The Gemini, the leading sign of the Air trigon, in June 2014 may count on an extremely fortunate set of circumstances in all spheres of their lives. Most of the really acute conflicts will resolve themselves with minimal effort on behalf of the Gemini, though this does not at all rule out the possibility of difficult situations, in which those born under this sign must use cleverness, persistence, and finesse. Since Jupiter, traditionally responsible for the “expulsion” of the Gemini, due to the strengthening of its emanations promises to be barbaric and unmerciful towards the representatives of this sign. Time will tell whether he will succeed. It can say with certainty that the wellbeing of the Gemini is in the hands of a powerful planetary triad, whose powerful positive energy will be able to screen out most of the negativity. The energy of Mercury, the planet-ruler of the Gemini and the waves of active positive emanations from Saturn, the planet-exalt of this sign, form a unitary front with the exceptionally powerful positive waves of the Sun, the “celestial leader” of the sign. As a result, the positivity will be evenly spread between all aspects of the Gemini’s life.

With that, the sphere of entrepreneurship will most likely be the luckiest one for the Gemini sign in June 2014. Currently, the stars recommend that you take everything upon yourself at the same time. Mercury will show you the right ways to the solution, while Saturn will supply you with the necessary energy. Sleeping six hours a night and working without rest will not be of a big issue to you. Moreover, work will bring you significantly more pleasure than before. With that, becoming a workaholic is an unlikely path for you, as everything will be stabilized by the end of the third ten-day period. This means that you must manage to finish everything within the first twenty-five days of June. You can realistically do so, perhaps you will not find a better time for it throughout the entire year. So focus yourself, create a work plan and move forward, towards the realization of your goal. Just be attentive in your relationships with the closest colleagues and partners. Due to the strong influence of Jupiter, there is a chance that you will be backstabbed. Maybe not even intentionally.

In terms of the love front, nothing foretells such slyness. Moreover, the forecasted period will be an extremely fortunate and very positive one in terms of your relationships with your lover. You can be sure that your plans and deep wishes will realize themselves during this period. However, a lot will depend on you, on your tact and sincerity. If you are striving towards greedy or shallow goals, then you should not hope for success. You will not be calling the result a fail, since you will achieve something. However, still be careful with your wishes. If you decide to further disregard the opinions of those who are close to you, then soon fate will retaliate, so don’t get surprised when things get really bad. If you will be honest and sincere, then those who are precious to you will be more open, and your opportunities will increase tenfold! Be prepared for new acquaintances, some of them will be with you for a very long time, so you should resolve all conflicting moments now. What exactly I am talking about – you will know yourself once the right time comes. Overall, June will be a positive month that will reflect on you positively, enabling you to realize the maximum of what was planned.


In June 2014, the Leo will have to mostly rely on its own intuition, as during some events even his mind will not react fast enough to the rapidly changing circumstances. Pluto, traditionally the planet-exalt of the zodiac sign of Leo, this month will suddenly change the polarity of its emanations and will crash onto the representatives of this sign with uncontrollable waves of powerful dynamic negativity. In this respect, Pluto will be joined by Uranus, which usually is somewhat negative towards Leo, softly speaking, as it is a planet responsible for its “expulsion”. However, in June Uranus will be strengthened by those same combinations and his negative emanations will focus on the work sphere of the Leos. The ruler of the Leo sign, the Sun will combine its efforts with Mercury, who will have a positive attitude towards this sign, despite being responsible for its “fall”. As a result, the energies in the work front will be compensated. In the love front, everything has a higher probability of being exclusively positive, and Mars is to blame, which during this period will play the role of the “celestial leader” of the Leo sign.

Speaking of the sphere of business and entrepreneurship in more details, I should immediately say that Leos should not hope for outstanding success in June 2014. Despite the strong positivity from many celestial bodies of the Solar System, the negative emanations of the planets with negative attitudes will be no less strong, which means that the energy will cancel out. The result of this effect will be that you will not be able to fully implement your plans. That is a fact. So even at the dawn of the first ten-day period, revise your strategy considering this circumstance. You will most likely get lucky in something, but while this will be a pleasant, it is not going to be a significant moment, so you shouldn’t count on it. What you should count on is your professionalism. Your task now (if you do not work for yourself) is proving your worth to your management. During the current period of time, this will allow to you conserve your work speed, and in the future may be a significant influence during a choice of a candidate for a new position. Those that work for themselves are recommended to keep their current positions.

In terms of the “love front” everything will be the opposite, waiting makes no sense here. All of the arising situations should be solved immediately and on the spot. During the end of the first ten-day period, there might be some problems with your lover. Even if you are alone, be ready that you will have an uneasy situation with a representative of the opposite sex. Everything may be quite prosaic, for example, you might be stuck in an elevator for a long time. Alternatively, perhaps fate will grant you something much more interesting. Either way, control yourself no matter what happens. Your self-control and demeanour will help you overcome any possible difficult situation. This is perhaps the only more or less ambiguous moment. Throughout the rest of the days of the first summer month, everything is going to be going for you in the best ways possible. Your wishes will timely fulfil themselves, and all your actions will lead to objective results. Judging from these forecasts, it is logical to plan a close trip or another event either with friends or by yourself, depending on your personal preferences.


The sign of Libra, in which the Air trigon goes through its peak of growth, will meet many situations in June 2014, which will not have a pronounced positive or a negative solution. Any path of resolving a complex ambiguous issue will be good and correct in its own right. Undoubtedly, behind every decision there will be a set of events that will be quite stable and without any sort of distinctive colouring. This situation will develop because the key planetary combinations of the celestial bodies of the Solar System, that are directly influencing the lives of the Libras, will fully compensate each other. Venus, the planet-ruler of Libra, will focus its attention on the area of personal relationships. Meanwhile, the Sun – that is the planet responsible for the “fall” of Libras in its usual position, due to certain combinations will only turn this sign its positive side and will concentrate mainly on work. Mars, responsible for the “expulsion” of Libras, and Saturn, the planet-exalt of this sign, will fully block each other’s energies. The red planet will only sometimes come out on top, but its negativity will clearly not be able to break through the shields carefully crafted by Venus and the Sun.

As a result, in terms of work sphere, the sign of Libras will go through a relatively stable period that will lack any negative moments, or especially positive ones as well. In other words, do not expect a raise. However, on the other side, with the most negative outcome you are still guaranteed to keep your spots, even if everyone around you seriously “suffers”. Undoubtedly, such a situation has its benefits and minuses. Yes, you will not win the lottery, but when you are included in some venture, you can be confident that with a high degree of confidence the deal will work. While most likely everything will not go as planned, but the situation will not end up subtracting from you. Of course, with a certain degree of cleverness you can even get some good benefit. Especially if you are not constrained in choosing your methods, meaning you work for yourself. All the aces are in your hands in this case. Those that do not work for themselves will have a slightly more difficult situation in the respect of easiness with which you can find ways to get profit in the current situation. However, in any case, a live and active mind will always find what to hold on to.

The situation on the “love front” will not be anything extraordinary either. The amount of conflicted situations will not be high, and the reasons for conflicts will not be so serious as to warrant a large amount of energy towards their resolution. So in June, the Libra sign is recommended to keep composure in all cases, limiting themselves in emotional outbursts. In other words, do not worry for any reason, especially since you will not have reasons to. Overall, any excessive events that require large energy spending are best to be avoided. No, undoubtedly, the planned camping trip with friends on the weekends should not be cancelled. However, the everyday evening trips to the nightclub will definitely not lead to anything good. Any interactions with alcohol and other “exciting” concoctions are much prohibited to you. However, to take care of your own health by signing up for a gym membership is an ideal option. The stars whisper that for single Libras there is some opportunity to meet their lover. The gym is not the worst case for such meetings, right?


The sign of Pisces, traditionally concluding the celestial zodiac band, in June 2014 may be confident that the coming period will bring about a plethora of various emotions, most of which will have an exclusively positive tone. With that, the Pisces may seriously count on the positive resolution of all issues of this period, no matter how serious or massive they are. Undoubtedly, June will be an exclusive time for the Pisces, but do not forget about carefulness, as with all of the positivity of this period there are still celestial bodies that will decide that it is unfair to grant just positivity to the Pisces. To speak the truth that will be just one planet, Jupiter – the planet-ruler of the Pisces. Curiously, Jupiter will shift its energetic emanations individually, without an interference from the external and general combinations. However, it is evident that this planet will attempt to bring a lot of negativity into the lives of the representatives of this sign. However, on the other side, it is unlikely that the power of this negativity will be strong enough to fight the energy of the Pisces’s allies – Mercury and Venus.

This way or another, the sphere of business and entrepreneurship in June 2014 will be an exclusively positive one for the Pisces. This speaks of Mercury, regardless of his classical position as the planet responsible for the “expulsion” of the Pisces sign, will change the vector of his emanations – partly due to the influence of Venus and partly due to the general combinations. Take the most complicated and biggest projects without a shadow of a doubt. The confidence in yourself and the wish to work – those are the components of your success. You will have luck coming out of your ears, colleagues, management will fully support any of your initiatives, and the overall atmosphere of this period will be extremely positive. If you suddenly encounter a problem that will seem to serious for you to find a sudden fix for it, then do not hurry breaking your head over the cleverer and smartest way of solving it, considering all aspects of the situation. With a maximum possibility, this will just be an illusion, which will dissipate at your first attempts to resolve it. Jupiter is most likely incapable of meddling with this sphere of your life, so do not worry about all the possible risks.

However, in terms of personal relationships, the mean-hearted planet (we are of course, talking about Jupiter) is quite capable of wreaking havoc once it breaks through the energy defence of Venus. However, you should not worry too much about it. If there is no doubt about the confidence you have in your feelings, then you will not have any problems. Not a single one. Everything will fall in line with your aspirations, or with the joint wishes of you and your lover. By the way, in the relationship to your lover, there is one very important nuance: if you want for your relationship to have due development, then during the first ten-day period of the month, try to put all dots over the “I”. Otherwise, some misunderstandings will plague you until the end of June, or perhaps even longer. In other words, if there are some confusing past moments, then you should fix them during the first days of the month through direct communication, heartfelt talks. This will at once alleviate all of the potential problems and the entire June will be in your hands. Nothing will cast a shadow on your mood, and most likely you will be able to organize your time in such a way that it will be remembered as one of the most positive stages of your life.


For the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, June 2014 will be in all terms a positive time. The representatives of the given zodiac sign will receive powerful allies even among those celestial bodies that have previously been quite negative towards this sign. For example, Mercury, which in its usual position is responsible for the “expulsion” of the Sagittarius, meaning it takes energy away from the representatives of this sign, in the current period of time will change its preferences due to some general combinations and will grant the Sagittarius with quite powerful active positive emanations. Mercury, most likely will focus its positivity on the sphere of work, while the love front will be protected by Venus, the planet-exalt of the Sagittarius, meaning the planet responsible for the blossoming of its life forces. You should also note that the strength of the celestial priestess will be significantly strengthened by the general planetary and celestial combinations, which will provide the Sagittarius with yet another benefit. You should also not forget about Jupiter, which is traditionally the planet-ruler of the Sagittarius. The positivity of this celestial body will be even and methodical in terms of all life directions of the representatives of this sign.

As a result, the work and business sphere might be a very successful one for the Sagittarius in June 2014. While with that, in light of the influence of the Black Moon you can note some difficulties, especially in the beginning of the month – particularly June 13th, when the regular Moon is during its full moon period. This day (plus/minus two days) should not have any significant events planned, like signing important work deals and agreements, or hiring a group of very high-class specialists. No matter how good everything is, do not rush, wait just two-three days and on June 16th you can bravely head towards the implementation of your plans. This way you will minimize your risks, and definitely do not lose anything. In the rest of the time, you do not have to doubt, the stars will be on your side. If you do not work for yourself, then most likely you can forget about conflicts with management or colleagues for the rest of the month. At the same time it would be logical to use this situation – currently any of your initiatives will be accepted positively or at least neutrally. If you have your own business, then no competitor will be able to catch up with you. Draw conclusions and formulate an optimal strategy on their basis.

In terms of the “love front”, in June you have all chances to solve each one of your everyday problems once and for all. No matter how big the problem is, leave your doubts behind you – you have enough strength to resolve it. Take your willpower and just make the decision. You may have known the answer for a long time, perhaps you just do not want to confide this in yourself. However, eternally running away from your problems will be fruitless, while June, according to the stars, is a great period to resolve all problems. The stars are on your side and in any case, they will help you, in need distracting the negativity of the situation by external circumstances. So if you wanted to leave your lover for a long time – now is the time. The opposite is true, if you have long wished to fix your relationship with someone, but just “did not get around to it”, then you have the most chances to resolve this issue positively this month. In terms of the relationship with friends and close ones there are no foreseen conflicts, everything will run its course on the far-determined path. Perhaps in this direction, June will be a calm month that will allow you to collect yourself emotionally.


For the zodiac sign of Scorpio, June 2014 will be a relatively successful period. Of course, there is some possibility of conflicts and ambiguous situations; however, you should remember that there are no ideal time periods. However, in comparison to other zodiac signs, Scorpios will be much luckier this month. The thing is that most planets that are influencing people of this sign in one way or another are sympathetic towards the Scorpios. For example, Saturn, the planet-exalt of the Scorpio sign, meaning the one responsible for the blossoming of its life forces, will not only be able to grant its sign many positive emanations, but will also attract Venus to its side. Venus, traditionally responsible for the “expulsion” of the Scorpio, this month will be its true ally and will focus its positive emanations like Saturn – on the sphere of business and entrepreneurship. Just the Moon, responsible for the “fall” of the Scorpio, will remain with its negativity.

Nevertheless, the work direction in June 2014 of the Scorpios will most likely go uninhibited. If you do face a problematic situation, then the Moon or any other celestial body is not at fault. Most likely you will be the one to blame. The planets and stars will do whatever possible to prevent you from being in trouble. Saturn will remind you of your past mistakes so you do not repeat them again, while Venus will aid you in receiving the most worthwhile projects and deals. In other words, currently you can take complicated tasks upon yourself and be confident that you will complete them in time and well. Of course, unless you relax yourself, since the stars are the stars, but your actions are the key determinants of your life. So just, focus on work. Do not worry and do not fuss, no matter how hard it gets (though it is unlikely that anything will get hard). You have everything that is needed to reach your coveted goal. Do not doubt yourself. Better to doubt others, and do not delegate the most important tasks to others. It is much easier, better and calmer to do them all yourself. This should be your main rule during this period.

In terms of the “love front” this is the time to move your own perception of reality to the background and think about something very important: if different people tell you the same thing over and over, then maybe there is truth in their words? Maybe you have been mistaken for a long time, and your “fight against the system”, your desire to listen to just yourself has long ago became a senseless mission and you have ceased to objectively evaluate the surrounding reality? Most likely you have understood all this long ago, but you did not have the strength to change anything. In June 2014, Mars will provide you with such strength. Use them with good sense and do what had to be done long ago. Separating will free you from unnecessary relationships, that are binding you and do not allow you to spread the wings on your back and fly to unreachable heights. Confidence in yourself will allow you to make the right choice. Friends and close ones just want the best for you and do not aggressively fight them. Best to direct your efforts towards a positive direction, the direction of love and creation.


For the Taurus, the first summer month may be an exceptional time in terms of luck. It is strange, but this month will be extremely positive for practically the entire zodiac and the Taurus is a living evidence of that. In June, Venus – the planet-ruler of Taurus, will strengthen its positive emanations due to some general combinations and with a great probability will combine its energy forces with the Sun, the exalt of Taurus. The combined energy of these celestial bodies will focus on the area of personal relationships of the representatives of this zodiac sign. Due to an extremely fortunate set of circumstances, Pluto will focus its sight on this area as well, being responsible for the “expulsion” of the Taurus and being practically its only foe this month. Should we even say that Pluto does not have a single chance against the Sun-Venus duo? At the same time, Saturn – responsible for the “fall” of the Taurus, due to general combinations will change the vector of its emanations and the positive waves of his active energy will slowly fill the side of the Taurus’s life responsible for work.

In other words, in June 2014, in terms of entrepreneurial activity, the Taurus will have a real chance to acquire unheard of profits. This is especially relevant towards those that are just starting their business. Those that work for someone else are urged to consider having their own business as soon as possible. This is a great period for such a beginning. One way or another, June will be good to you. It is just that entrepreneurs will receive bonuses that are more substantial. Nevertheless, those that work for someone else’s benefit are threatened by luck to have your management always take your side in conflicts. As a result, your authority among the top dogs and colleagues as well will definitely rise. With that, it would not hurt to activate your full attention – who knows; maybe you will receive a new and a more profitable position. Businessmen should forget about their competitors for the time being and pay attention to the technical aspect of their production, which may multiply your revenues if you modernize it well.

On the love front, the Taurus will have much more important changes in June. Perhaps, without noticing, you have long ago led your relationships with your lover to a certain space-time point that will manifest itself to you on exactly June 19th (the Last Moon Quarter). It is in this day (plus minus two days) that something very important will happen in your life and the result of this event will be entirely up to you. Be prepared for the absolutely unforeseen circumstances, collect yourself and your will, as a concrete large-scale decision may be demanded from you that will determine a significant apart of your fate, if not your fate entirely. As for the rest, do not worry – just be yourself. It is for yourself that your relatives and friends love you. It is quite important to not get too proud of yourself on the background of work. Otherwise, you may lose close relationships with friends. So do not be ashamed at giving more attention to your friends. You can create a small vacation for yourself and go for a trip towards the end of the month. Even if it is just for a weekend. This will be a very positive moment, which you will remember for a very-very long time, so do not forfeit such opportunities, since we remember life for specifically these moments.


For the zodiac sign of Virgo, June 2014 will be a time that is definitely positive. While some difficulties still may arise on the Virgo’s path of life, they will all be quite solvable, or at a minimum will not present a grand danger. This situation will happen because Mercury, who is at the same time the planet-ruler and the planet-exalt of the Virgo, will be significantly strengthened in June due to some general combinations and will provide its earthly protégé a great defence against any negative manifestations of the external environment. Venus will have a similar mood, which despite its status of being responsible for the “fall” of the Virgo sign, will change the vector of its emanations this month and will bestow major positive impulses upon Virgos in personal relationships. At the same time, the Moon will handle the business sphere, being the “celestial leader” of this sign this period. Because of this multi-level defence, the representatives of this zodiac sign may truly be confident in having a minimum of problems during this period. The only enemy they have on the celestial band is Neptune, responsible for the “expulsion” of the Virgo. He will be significantly strengthened on account of other combinations, but at the same time is unlikely to pose a serious threat.

In the end, the sphere of business and entrepreneurship will be more than successful for Virgos in June 2014. The only thing you should pay attention to starting from the very beginning of the first ten-day period is the possibility of a serious conflict with your management. Pay close attention to this especially in the beginning of the month! This conflict is unavoidable, but it can be negated through your correct demeanour and practically silence from your side. This most likely will not be easy to do, but this is the only space-time point where Neptune will be able to unleash its negativity onto you. The conflict will be short lasting, but if you will not be able to contain yourself from starting an argument, then its result is unpredictable. However, since the middle of the first ten-day period of the month and until the end of the third ten-day period, everything will be almost ideal. Your projects will be implemented on time, bosses will be happy, and no doubt – bonuses will come. If you work for yourself, then pay attention to the spectrum of products (services) that you offer; perhaps, it is time to expand it? The time is now.

In terms of personal relationships, you can say with a high degree of confidence that you will not have problems in June. Venus will do everything so that complications would not bother you or disrupt your happiness. It does not matter if you have a lover or if you are single, in either way you will have a positive mood, and all of your wishes will be coming true. Undoubtedly, if you just sit at home and do not see the light of day outside then nothing will happen. Yet, that’s not what you’re going to do – right? The more active you will be during this period, the more positive moments you will have. Plan to meet old friends, parties, trips,, since the beginning of summer is a great time for small activities. Move and move others in unison, this is the most optimal behavioural strategy with which you will be able to squeeze out maximum positivity during this period. With all that, of course, do not forget about your lover. Pay more attention to her, and in turn she will not leave you without attention. With such circumstances, true happiness will be your permanent companion.


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