June 2015 – Astrological Forecasts

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Last month on the 21st you entered one of the most spiritual periods of your year. Half of the plants were in or moving through your 12th house. The 12th house is still strong this month – until the 21st – but less so, and this is a month for spiritual, interior growth. It will be a great time for meditation, prayer and the expansion of your inner life. Very nice tool to involve yourself in charities and causes that you believe in. With the financial planet also in the 12th house at this time you are giving more to charities and good causes. And, curiously, as you do this, you have more to be done. Your finances are not diminished. In February and March your financial intuition was excellent and you learned the value of it. The same is true this month.

You are located in a period of ‘inner’ experiences. The inward life is more interesting than the outer, material life. Cancerians always have a vivid dream life, but now even more than normal. You begin to experience supernatural, inexplicable kinds of things. You think of someone and they call. You want to get information from a book or phone book and it falls open at the exact page you want. Your hunches are generally accurate. You drive to a crowded store and a parking space appears just as do not leave there. The invisible world is saying to you that it is around.

We are very well more than our bodies and personal identities. This is just one fraction of who we are. We are a unit of the cosmos – the all – with a particular expression. And this is a critical period to get hold of this. Things that happen do not necessarily represent about us, as individuals, but ALL moving and shaping things according to its plan.

This period, from the 21st of last month to the 21st of this, is a very advantageous one for reviewing your past year, evaluating your progress (or lack thereof), correcting past mistakes and setting goals for the year ahead. Astrologically speaking your birthday (your Solar Return) is your personal new year and one should take that approach. A new cycle is being born and you want to be ready for it. If you are having your birthday next month, it is good to do this review until your birthday.

Health and energy are fantastic this month – especially from the 21st onwards. You have a lot of energy and can achieve anything you set your mind to. Subjective power and independence are now at its maximum extent for the year (as it is next month too). Use this power to create what you want in your life.

The month ahead is very prosperous as well. On the 21st, the financial planet crosses the ascendant and enters your 1st house. This always brings money and financial opportunity. Best of all, it comes rather effortlessly. There’s nothing special that you need to do. You are entering a multi-month cycle of prosperity, beginning on the 21st.

Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28


This is a happy and prosperous month, Aquarius. Enjoy!

Your health and energy are fantastic now and you are still very much in a yearly personal pleasure peak, until the 21st. Get the partying out of your system now so you can concentrate on work issues later on.

This month you can enhance your health even further by giving more attention to the heart (from the 21st onwards) and to the head and face (from the 24th onwards). After the 24th, your health is improved by exercise regimes – good muscle tone is important.

Love seems happy and usurious until the 21st. Many of you are undoubtedly involved in serious, committed kinds of relationships, but you’re having fun these days. It’s a kind of honeymoon period. After the 21st your love planet moves into your 6th house of health and work, and this gives all kinds of messages. For those of you still unattached (are there any of you left?) love and romantic opportunities happen at work or with co-workers. The workplace is very social these days. Love and social opportunities also happen as you pursue your health goals and people engaged in your health. Love attitudes become more intense than earlier in the month. Love is not just about fun and games but about practical service to the beloved. You show love by serving the beloved and this is how you feel loved. Emotional intimacy also seems imperative after the 21st.

Venus enters your 7th house on the 5th. The two beneficent planets of the zodiac, Venus and Jupiter, are now in the 7th house of love – a strong signal for romantic happiness. An old flame can come into the picture this month, either literally or allegorically. You could meet someone who is like the primal flame, who has a similar appearance and personality to him or her. Whatever happens with this there will be emotional healing and the resolution of previous issues. Family members want to make Cupid during this period. Perhaps a parent or parent figure is too much involved in your love life – no doubt with good motives.

Your 6th house of health and work becomes formidable from the 21st onwards. This is a wonderful period for job seekers. There are many job opportunities out there. It is equally suitable for those who employ others.

Through your financial planet Neptune goes retrograde on the 12th, the month ahead is very prosperous – especially after the 21st.

Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25


The planets are right on the nadir (lowest point) in your horoscope. It is midnight, symbolically speaking, in your year. The body sleeps (or should be sleeping) but mighty internal forces are present. And so it is here with you. Career progress is happening, but it is there behind the scenes, on the inner levels. Prosperity is held in this way too. Perhaps you don’t see it overtly but prosperity is happening on the invisible levels. This is a period for focusing on the family and for getting the domestic life in order. And it’s also a very good time for going after the emotional life in order. Those of you seeing therapists will make much progress this month.

The 4th house of home and family is so powerful this month (60 per cent of the plants are to there or moving through there) there is a tendency towards nostalgia. The past calls to you. You are more interested in history, both personal and general. Old memories come forward for review. Venus has been made available for your 4th house since May 7 and remains there until June 5. Often this detects a reunion with an old romantic flame. Sometimes it is a literal meeting, sometimes symbolic. You could meet someone with the same looks or personality quirks of the ancient flame. This may or may not become a serious relationship, but the purpose is tantamount to resolve old issues. It means the world to emotional healing.

Aries of childbearing age have been a bit more fertile since July of 2013. This trend continues this month, and is all the more pronounced over the next few months.
Health is more delicate this month. Rest and relax more. If possible spend some time in a health spa, or schedule massages or reflexology treatments.

Your career planet changes signs this month. Saturn is back into Scorpio on the 15th. Again this shows ‘behind the scenes’ career development. There are internal changes in – and perhaps dramas – in the lives of bosses and authority figures. There are further shake-ups in your industry or profession.

Travel is more conducive this month.

Finances are good. And family support is to be welcomed that. Money and financial opportunities are from the family or through family connections. Your financial intuition is excellent until the 5th. Venus travels with Jupiter towards the end of the month (from the 28th to the 30th), and this indicates a nice payday or windfall. It shows luck in speculations as well. For singles, this aspect brings a delightful romantic meeting.
Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 10, 11, 20, 21


Saturn, the ruler of your horoscope, has been retrograde since March 14, so there has been much reviewing of your personal life and goals going on. Often one feels a ‘lack of direction’. Sometimes we feel that we are going backwards instead of forward. But this is really a good thing. Sometimes we need to ‘back up’ before going forward again. We have a duty to review and gain conceptual clarity on personal goals. This is what happening now.

The retrograde of the ruler of the Horoscope often indicates a lack of the usual self-confidence. Nonetheless, these days, with so many planets in the western, social sector of the horoscope, this too is a good thing that. You don’t need to assert yourself overmuch. Let others seek their way, so long as it isn’t destructive.

Saturn is out of Sagittarius and backs into Scorpio on June 15. He has been in Scorpio for the previous two years, which were such a good transit for personal transformation and renovation. These projects get ‘rebuilt’ this month and seem successful. This aspect is meant to be very effective for weight loss and detox regimes. Also it adds to the collective nature of the month ahead.

The love and community life is the primary headline this month. On the 21st, you enter a yearly love and social peak. So there is about me be more daring, more parties and more attending of weddings. It also looks like a more sexually active kind of month.
Many planets in the 7th house (40 per cent of them are there or moving through there this month) indicates an ability to move forward on all kinds of people – people of different types. Of singles this can indicate too many romantic opportunities rather than too few – a nice problem to dispose of.

The spouse, partner or current love prospers from the 21st onwards. Windfalls and financial opportunities come to him or her – without extraordinary effort.

Job seekers still have satisfactory opportunities until the 21st, and with Mercury going ahead in the 11th you have better judgement on these matters. It would be prudent to accept a job offer after the 11th than before it.

Health and energy are more delicate after the 21st. Overall health is good and this is not a trend for the year, just not one of your better periods. Improve the health of the ways mentioned last month.

Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23


You are always in a yearly personal pleasure peak until June 21. This is the place where the body gets indulged and seems happy. It is a great period to get it (and your overall image) in proper shape and order. The new Moon of the 25th seems particularly fortuitous, as it occurs in your own sign. It brings money and personal pleasure.

On the 21st, you enter a yearly financial peak. The focus is placed on financial and this tends to prosperity. We get what we concentrate on.

The love life continues to enhance this month. Saturn loses your 7th house on the 15th and Venus travels with your love planet Jupiter towards the end of the month. Singles have excellent romantic opportunities then (especially from the 28th to the 30th). The love life is still far from perfect, but it’s improved in the short term. Bear in mind that any relationship you enter into these days will get tested a few months from now. Continue to concentrate on quality rather than quantity.

This month the challenges are mostly at the job. This seems an unsettled area. Your work planet, Pluto, receives stressful aspects this month and Saturn moves into your 6th house of work on the 15th. The workplace is more restrictive. Rules are tightened; co-workers are more temperamental and more difficult to obtain along with. Patience, patience, patience.

Though your overall health and energy are effective this month, there are problems with the overall health regime. Perhaps the people involved in your health are stressed out these days. Surgery or a surgical procedure could be notified, but gets a second opinion.

Last month the planetary power began to shift from the upper to the lower half of your horoscope. It is time to de-emphasize career and outer goals. Your career planet, Neptune, goes retrograde on the 12th, which reinforces what we state here. Career issues will only be addressed in time. There are not any quick answers now. This is a time for a wait-and-see attitude – a time to gain conceptual clarity about the career situation. Things are not that they appear to be. Thus it is ready to focus on the home, family and your emotional well-being at this time. Without a sound psychological foundation, career success won’t happen – at least not lasting success anyway.

Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25


Venus pleases enter your sign on the 5th, bringing both career and love opportunities to you. You look and dress ‘successful’. People see you as profitable and you have this image this month. With Venus joining Jupiter in your sign, it’s party time – very good for both finance and fun. Technically this is no longer part of a yearly personal pleasure peak, that will happen next month, but it’s a prelude.

Venus in your sign takes this an exceptional month for clothes and accessory shopping. Your sense of style is very competent. Aside from blue and gold, green is a nice colour for you this month. After the 24th, you might want to accessorize in red too.

Though Saturn moves back into Scorpio on the 15th (a stressful aspect for you), overall health is right and you shouldn’t be impacted too much by this transit. Short-term plans are either in harmonious alignment or leaving you alone. You can improve the health status in the ways mentioned in the yearly report.

Your health planet in Scorpio for the next few months re-emphasizes the power of detox regimes for your health. Mild emotional health is important because well. If there is discord at home resolve it as quickly as you can.

Your 11th house of friends and groups is still influential until June 11 and you should review last month’s discussion of this. The 11th house is a happy house. It is the home where fondest hopes and wishes come true. And this is happening these days. As they happen, new hopes and wishes will rise – it is a never-ending process.

On the 21st as the Sun enters your 12th house you enter into a more spiritual kind of period. Many of you are positioned in the creative arts, and this period brings great inspiration. Leos don’t especially like solitude, but at this time you might crave it. Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with you. There are situations where we need to be alone and feel our own energies – and connect with our true selves. A vacation from the world is no longer separate a bad idea. A spiritual-type retreat would be appealing.

Your financial planet moves forward in the 11th bringing financial clarity and confidence with it. It’s keen to buy that new iPad, iPhone or latest software now. Online activities improve the bottom line. Friends are also extremely helpful financially.

Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 10, 11, 20, 21


The principal headline this month is your career. It seems very active and successful. You enter a yearly career peak on the 21st and this will go on until July 23. Family is important, but now you need to focus on the career. The demands are strong. You’re making an effort. There is competition to be taken up. A promotion could have happened last month, but, if not, it can happen this month too. The spouse, partner or current love is also profitable this month and seems supportive of your own career. Friends are also supportive.

You are always good on the social scene; this month will be effective to achieve career goals through social means. Nice to attend or host the right parties and gatherings. You are meeting (especially after the 24th) just the right people who can assist you. This will not replace hard work and performance, but it opens doors for you.

Career is wonderful this month, but finances are more challenging. Your financial planet Pluto has been retrograde since April 17 and receives stressful aspects after the 21st of this month. Saturn retrogrades back into your money house on the 15th. You’re not yet finished with reorganizing your finances. Extra expenses and financial delays force you to rearrange. If you shift things around a little, you will get what you need. These problems are short-term things. They will pass.

The love life is appropriate this month. Your love planet spends most of the month in the 9th house and you should review our discussion of this past month. On 24th Mars crosses your Mid-heaven and enters your 10th career house. This appears in a change in your love attitudes. You are attracted by the power and prestige now. You mix with the high and mighty. You are attracted to people who can help your career wise. Romance can happen with bosses or with people involved in your career. You have the aspects for an office romance now. The Mid-heaven is the most powerful point in the chart – even stronger than the ascendant. Thus the love planet’s position there shows that your social magnetism and allure are unusually powerful – another positive love.

Health and energy become more stressful after the 21st, so ensure that you get enough sleep and rest. Improve the health status in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. Yes, career is hectic and demanding. It is very crucial, but you can approach it in a calmer way. Alternate work with rest periods. Delegate tasks wherever possible. Let go of lesser concerns and concentrate on what is really important to you.

Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25


Health still needs watching, but we see improvements over last month. Saturn is temporarily getting away from his stressful aspect on the 15th, and on the 21st the Sun also stays away from his stressful aspect. By the 24th, you should sense a resurgence of energy. In the meantime, enhance health of the ways mentioned last month. Until the 21st regular arm and shoulder massage will be powerful. Fresh air and breathing exercises are useful. Reflexology or acupressure treatments of the lungs and bronchial tubes are advantageous. From the 21st onwards gives more attention to the stomach and digestive system. Women should pay more attention to the breasts. Right diet becomes important then.

You are always in a period for emotional healing until the 21st. Review our discussion of this last month. After the 21st, you enter one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks. Now it is fun and games; it’s about recreation and recharging your batteries. Look at how your health improves when you are enjoying yourself. A night out on the town is not just fun in its own right, but it improves the overall health.

Job seekers find job opportunities as they are having fun, or when they are associated with leisure pursuits. Those who already have jobs are enjoying their work more – figuring out a way to enjoy their work. A very nice job opportunity comes at the end of the month.

Previous month, planetary power began to turn once again. The Western, social sector of your chart became powerful. Your period of rude independence is over with. You are placed in a different stage of your yearly cycle. With the planetary power now moving towards others and away from you, your approach is unlikely to be the best approach. Others have better ideas now. Your personal attainments and merits are less prominent now: it’s your social skills and like ability that count. Downplay self-interest and pay more attention to the needs of others. Your individual needs will be fulfilled naturally and easily by the army law.

Personal creativity will become very strong after the 21st. And those of you in the creative arts will find your work more marketable from the 24th onwards.

Finances are effective this month. Until the 24th the family and family connections are of importance. Many of you will be working longer from home, earnings from the home. Investors should explore residential real estate, restaurants and hotels. The telecommunications and transportation sectors of the market also seem fair.

Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28


Last month on the 21st the planetary power made an important shift – from the lower to the upper half of your horoscope. This is high time to start making your career push. This is now time for making those dreams, visions and fantasies, concrete realities. Now you pursue career goals in the ‘regular’ way – through tangible actions on the physical plane. If you used the past six months properly, found your point of emotional harmony and did the emotional healing that needed to be done. Your actions will be powerful and successful. Now, emotional healing will come from doing right. Now the family is best served by having successfully the world.

For the astrologer, a successful career and a successful home and family life are equal. We don’t make judgements as to which is better. For us, it depends on the stage of the cycle you are in. Now you are in a career cycle.

Health still needs attention until the 21st. Until the 5th enhance your health through the right diet and by paying more attention to the stomach and breasts. Detox regimes have been influential since May 7 and will be powerful for the rest of the month ahead. After the 5th, pay greater attention to the heart. Examine your beliefs about health and disease too. These play a huge role in wellness and the ability to heal and be healed.

Health and energy should dramatically improve after the 21st. Saturn moves away (temporarily) from his stressful aspect on the 15th and the short-term plants later on. You should end the month with much better health than when it began.

Finances are much improved after the 21st as well. Saturn, your financial planet, is receiving better aspects. However, he is still retrograde, and your financial review should continue. Job seekers have fantastic opportunities from the 28th to the 30th. Friends seem financially help from the 5th to the 7th. Over the past two years you have made wonderful progress learning about the spiritual dimensions of wealth, and it would be good to review your knowledge for the next few months. It seems very significant on the financial level these days.

You are always in a yearly love and social peak until the 21st. This period should be better that last month. Mercury, your love planet, now begins to move forward on the 11th. Social judgement and confidence are much better after that, and love choices and decisions should also be much better.

Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 10, 11, 20, 21


Saturn retrogrades back into your sign on the 15th, but for most of you the effect will be slight. However, if you were born late in Scorpio – from November 19 to November 22 – you will feel this very strongly. You might feel pessimistic, older than your years, and you might seem distant and cold to others. You will just have to consciously project more warmth and love to those around you.

Health and energy are influenced by Saturn’s retrograde, but the short-term planets are easing the stress and health should be good this month. Until the 24th, are still paying greater attention to the lungs, arms, shoulders and respiratory system. Make sure you are getting enough fresh air. Detox regimes are still very good. After the 24th pays greater attention to the stomach. Diet will become then too. Women should pay greater attention to the breasts. Moods and emotions always play a role in health, but this period more so and more dramatically. Work to maintain your mood positive and constructive. There’s plenty of water in the horoscope from the 21st onwards. So moods and emotions – positive or negative – are more powerful and have more impact than usual.

Career energy is getting stronger day by day and you haven’t yet reached your peak. Continue to concentrate there and let home and family issues go for a while. You probably can’t completely ignore them, but you can downplay them for a while. On the 5th Venus crosses the Mid-heaven and enters your career house. Thus, the two beneficent planets of the Zodiac – Jupiter and Venus – will be part of this house. This signals success, but also happiness and satisfaction. Success happens in favorable ways.

Your love planet in the 10th house gives many messages. First, it increases the importance of social skills in the career. Your personal competence is essential, no question about that, but the corresponding ability factor might be more essential these days. It’s not just about being up, but your ability to get along with others that matter. Enhance the career by attending or hosting the right kinds of parties and gatherings. You are meeting people who can be very helpful in your career.

Venus in the 10th house is equally apt for the love life. Romance is one of your agenda (love and money seem the most important things this period) and you concentrate on it. This focus brings success. There is an opportunity for office romances. You are important to consider people of power and prestige. A very joyful love meeting happens between the 28th and the 30th. (This is also a good financial period.)

Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28


Saturn retrogrades back into Scorpio on the 15th – a stressful aspect for you. Most of you won’t feel it too much, but those of you born late in the sign of Taurus – from May 19 to May 21 – will feel it strongly. By itself Saturn is not enough to cause health problems, but later on in the month (and especially after the 24th) some short-term planets move into a stressful aspect and you will need to become more vigilant. You can improve the health situation in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. Nonetheless, there is more you can do in the coming period as well. You are to become more diet conscious. Eat foods that are easy to digest. Pay greater attention to the stomach, and women should give more attention to the breasts. After June 5 gives greater attention to the heart. Those of you of an appropriate age need to watch the blood pressure. Good emotional health is important in order to all month. Keep in harmony with the family and family members and avoid depression like the plague. Keep your mood positive and constructive. Meditation is a big help here.

The yearly financial peak continues this month and will last for longer than usual. Your financial planet will be in your money house all month. Mercury will also start making progress on the 11th which is another positive for finance. Your financial judgement will be much better. Confidence improves too. Helpful sales, marketing and PR are always important for you financially, but this month more so than usual. People need to know about your product or service. Family support was good last month and is appropriate this month as well – especially until the 21st.

Your 3rd house of communication and intellectual interests is haunting this month – especially after the 21st. This is a great time to deliver on your reading and to attend lectures and seminars, and to catch up on those letters and emails that you own. If you have a sound knowledge base or expertise in a given field, this is a great time to disseminate that knowledge.

This is not your best love periods. The beloved seems stressed out and probably needs to rest and relax more. You haven’t been in sync with the beloved that much lately. You seem distant. However, important love decisions shouldn’t be made now. Your love planet, Pluto, has been retrograde since April 17, and Saturn in your 7th house (from June 15 onwards) is not helping matters. Singles are probably doing less dating. This is no longer a trend for the year or for your life. So doesn’t panic. Love will improve in the coming months.

Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23


Continue to watch your health and energy levels early in the month. Little by minor improvements will happen. On the 15th Saturn will move away from his stressful aspect to you, and by the 21st the Sun will begin to make harmonious aspects. Health and overall energy are good after the 21st.

You are still in a yearly career peak until the 21st. Things still be hectic there. Overwork is the main problem. By the 24th things should calm down as Mars leaves the career house.

A parent or parent figure needs to be more careful until the 24th (and this was applied to all of last month too). He or she should avoid haste and watch the temper. People can overreact to this. Haste can be expected to result in an accident or injury.

By June 21 your career goals are more or less achieved, and even if they are not completely achieved, satisfactory progress to that end has been achieved. Your interest starts to shift to friends, groups and group activities. The online world calls to you. Social networking is more interesting. This is a period where you expand your knowledge of technology, computers, science and astrology.

The love life is also very nice this period. Neptune is receiving positive aspects and Saturn is moving away from his stressful aspect to the love planet. A current relationship improves. Singles have romantic meetings. Being engaged in groups helps the love life. Online kinds of love also happen.

The month ahead looks prosperous. On the 5th Venus starts travelling with Jupiter, the planet of abundance. The aspect will be most exact from the 28th to the 30th. This signals a nice payday. Financial intuition is excellent from the 5th onwards. This, as our regular readers know, is the shortcut to wealth. The financial planet in the 12th house of spirituality signals a good time to go deeper into the spiritual dimensions of wealth. A fine time to consult the supernatural, rather than the natural, sources of supply. Family members – and especially a parent or parent figure – are more prosperous this month and seem more supportive. A parent or parent figure seems less pessimistic.

Previous month the planetary power began to turn from the West to the East and the shift gathers momentum this month. Now you are entering into a cycle of personal independence and power. Make those changes that have to be done. Create happiness for yourself; take the actions needed for this. You count on the support of the cosmos. Other people are still important, but if necessary you can go it alone this month. You don’t need their approval.

Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23


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