March 2016 – Astrological Forecasts

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“If you can dream it, you can do it!” ~ Walt Disney

I often tell my personal clients that sometimes they forget that “everything they need is already present within” it’s sometimes just a question of looking for it. And March 2016 is no exception.

This month we have a New Moon in Pisces on March 9, 2016. Pisces is a water sign and the 12th sign of the zodiac signifying the Great “Cosmic Oneness” from which we all emerge and ultimately return. This 12th and final sign of the zodiac wheel and it is all about “perception” and seeing with our Third Eye, using our psychic senses to perceive the hidden and unseen realms…the subtle realms of the unconscious: dreams, telepathy, psychic phenomena, precognition, mysticism and inspiration.

Many of us have dreams of what we’d like to be or do or have in our lives. We often think of them just as dreams or fantasies with no possibility of becoming the reality of our lives.

Yet, time and time again, we see evidence of dreams coming true – of people who can testify to their visions of their lives becoming the reality of their lives. We hear of or see people who say they always knew they’d become successes in a particular field or career, or that they knew they would marry the person the married from the moment they saw them, etc. How do people do this? How do people have their dreams become the reality of their lives?

They recognize that they are connected to everything around them…and they use that energetic connection to their advantage. They understand on some level of their being (sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously) that with clear and focused intention, the circumstances of their lives will align to bring forth all that they truly desire. Like them, YOU are also connected to EVERYTHING! You are ONE with everyone and everything around you! Once you tap into this awareness to realize that you and everything around you is all energy, making your dreams the reality of your life isn’t so far-fetched after all.

Of course, the manifestation of our dreams may not come about exactly the way we want or expect it to. This is where Pisces idealism and fantascism rears its often ugly head. There’s nothing wrong with having ideals (or standards, as some of you may call them). You do want to have something by which to gauge the fulfilment of your dreams and aspirations. Yet, sometimes our ideals are so lofty, sometimes our standards are so high, we often miss the fulfilment of our dreams or the opportunities to fulfil them.

We miss the doors the Universe opens because we are looking for the “grand vision” or the final result rather than the work-in-progress that can become our desired outcome. We get lost in the idea of the ideal rather than facing and taking the actual and factual steps to create the space for our connection to All-That-Is to actually bring forth the ideal. “If you can dream it, you can do it”. And it’s true…to a point.

Your dreams can indeed become your reality…as long as you don’t forget the reality of your life and circumstances while you are working to make your dreams real.

And that is another crucial detail! For some of us, the fantasy and our belief in it can easily become the reality of our lives. The idea of the dream or vision is so strong for us; it becomes more real for us than the factual and experiential reality of the matters at hand. Or we get so attached to how we want or expect something or someone to show up; we may miss it when the opportunity to have it actually does.
It is SO important to remember that more times than not, the payoff is in the process. Occasionally, the fulfilment of our dreams and ideals will show up “fully baked”. But most times, the fulfilment of our dreams and ideals will show up as a box of mix…or sometimes even the basic components to make it completely from scratch.

It’s up to you to recognize the potential of what is being offered to you. It’s up to you to use your imagination to create ways to do what seems to be impossible to do. It’s up to you to find inspiration or to inspire others to bring about the manifestation of your vision. It’s up to you to “go with the flow” and have the patience to allow the outcome you’ve envisioned to show up in your life. Even if it doesn’t how up exactly the way you planned, let yourself be open to receive it however it comes.
And when you take on the journey of making “your cake” (or rather, your life) from scratch, you’ll often find that it’s much more fulfilling to get your end result.






Dear Cancer, the solar eclipse from March 9, 2016 will impel you to think about the abstract elements of your life. Questions about your philosophy and how that informs how you act and what your ambitions are will become relevant. You may begin to acknowledge that your beliefs, and these are not just religious beliefs, but your general beliefs about people and life, are changing. These changes mean that your needs and ambitions are changing as well.
It is as if your internal programming is changing, and March of 2016 it is a month to reflect that your ambitions and motivations in life are changing, as well. It may be that you are turning away from a mode of thought reflected by your cultural and religious upbringing, or maybe you realize that your peers are no longer in step with the new person you are becoming.
March of 2016 it is also a month to seek out new pastures and to both re-educate and re-awaken yourself to possibilities and new avenues of thought. This is very exciting, and while it may alienate you from some people and things you once felt at home with, it is an acknowledgement that you are changing and growing as a person. Who knows, some may follow your lead – you could be the pioneer of your peers, the one that sees the light first and acts upon that, thus inspiring others.
Cancer, in March 2016, you may need to take an ethical or moral stand on some issue, you will be the one to provide leadership on issues that are contentious and emotional.
March should see breakthroughs for those Cancerians who work in law, publishing, universities and religion. It is a very opportune month for study and travel as your mind is very open to new experiences and ways of thinking.

Cancer, March of 2016 is a very busy and active month and can mean less time for love. You really are stretched between your various commitments on the personal, home and relationship front. In fact, you have to be selfish in March 2016 and think of your own needs and your own health. You cannot be all things to all people; your partner is an adult, and you may have to put your foot down and be firm about what you can and cannot be expected to cope with in March 2016.
There may be some rows or heated debates within your love relationships, but these are very necessary for you to ensure that your feelings and efforts are respected and that there is a fair distribution of give and take. You just have to tell it like it is, subtle hints and silent treatment will not get the message across.
Issues to do with your home, i.e. repairs, rental issues, improvements will have to be debated and talked through. Your partner will also have to respect that you are very busy at work in March 2016 and cannot commit to evenings out, social events etc. a long time in advance as things at work are fast paced and unpredictable and need your attention. Cancer, in March of 2016 you do have enough energy to keep your sex life going, and sex is actually a great way to relax in what is a stressful month. So get the arguments out the way and make love.

The Cancer March 2016 Horoscope for Career shows that your reputation is at stake – you have a chance to show that you have leadership and the ability to problem solve and take initiative in stressful situations.
There will be some long hours at the office in what is a fast-paced, dynamic month when opportunities need to be seized. Technical and computer related issues must be paid attention to, and this is a great time to introduce new technology or cutting edge science. Cancer, in March of 2016 there can be some conflict with authority figures, and you will have to fight hard to keep off competition and prove yourself – you should enjoy this challenge and will make a formidable competitor. You may feel repressed and almost besieged by authority; your goal is to cleverly find ways that you can express your opinion and act with autonomy despite opposition. Often adversity is the friend of creativity, or you could say that necessity is the mother of invention – remember this when facing obstacles in March 2016. Do not be deterred, you have within you the power to progress and succeed if you can be ingenious and strategic. Cancer, if you can feel something brewing, act now and do not wait for lightning to strike – being the first to act on a hunch can give you ultimate advantage in March of 2016.


The Aquarius March 2016 Horoscope shows that the urge to be extravagant and to buy things which make you feel good is high right now, and yes, we all love some retail therapy, and what is wrong with enjoying yourself? However, make sure what you do spend on really does make you happy, and it is not a quick fix or a rush that leaves you feeling empty and unfulfilled later. You are after quick fixes in March 2016, but you really do need to look inside and think about what you need for longer term satisfaction.

Aquarians are plagued in the early stages of this year with a need to prove themselves in ways that are not ultimately very nourishing: so what if everyone thinks you have a cool car or a designer label? When you are alone, do those same things that give you kudos make you happy? The things that make others happy and which other people value are not often the things which make the Aquarian happy – you are a maverick who must live to your own unique set of rules and values, things which make live valuable for you. So, be extravagant and spoil yourself in March 2016 by all means, but make sure you do it your way and on your own terms.

The solar eclipse in March 2016 can bring you a sense of self-belief and inner strength that will enable you to feel secure no matter what your financial outlook or stage of life. A sense of ‘I can’ and ‘I will thrive and survive’ is very strong right now, and that will propel you on with confidence. There is an ability within you right now to renew yourself at a very deep level.

Aquarius, there is a strong sense of rediscovery in March 2016 – it is as if you have found yourself and reconnected with your core values and needs. This can make you an awesome partner to be with as you are radiating a glow of self-assurance. Other people respond to strength – nothing wishy-washy inspires or motivates – your strength of mind and soul is good to be around.

It may well be that a new relationship or something that you are doing to help your partner has actually reawakened a part of you and has brought you a sense of purpose again. We are so programmed in life to go after what we want, to be independent and to strive selfishly towards goals, that often the joy of being there for someone else or forgoing something so someone else can benefit is lost. Aquarius, in March 2016 you can find happiness in being happy for your partner and in being a cheerleader for him/her rather than just being about you.

March of 2016 is also an excellent month for couples with shared goals who work as a team. If you do not have shared goals, maybe that is what you are missing – find things to strive for as a couple and set targets: lose weight, save money, get fitter, take up a hobby, but do so together.

The Aquarius March 2016 Horoscope for Career shows that if you have been struggling in your own business, this could be a turnabout month when things get better financially. There is a strong focus on resources, and if you run your own business or department, you need a root and branch review of how resources are allocated and used. It may be time to free up resources and outsource; maybe the wrong people are doing the wrong jobs and changing them about could improve efficiency. Look closely at your costs and also at how productive your assets are. Aquarius, get rid of old cars or old machines that cost more to run and repair than new ones; perhaps lease instead of buying assets. Look at your assets and think about how to get more from them. Ego and financial status or material wealth are very much connected in March 2016, and you do not want to make a bad financial decision because your ego got in the way – which is why caution is needed as some decisions may be ego not fact driven.

In careers where you work in a job, think about skills you have which you are not using and try and get your employer to give you more work in the fields you are best at or trained in. Speak to your HR department about moving within your company or look for roles where you are freer to use your initiative.
March 2016 is a very positive money month for Aquarius, and you may find a lucrative second income stream from something you can do on weekends or evening – perhaps it is a hobby or language skill you have which others want and will pay for.


Dear Aries, in March of 2016 the solar eclipse of the March 9 will have a really big effect on you. This will create a boost of energy for you and herald new beginnings. You are becoming more aware of your potentials and how to actualise these abilities you have. It is also vital in March of 2016 that you recognise your weaknesses and learn how to manage and minimise the way in which they hold you back. We all have weakness, and over-compensation can be just as much of a problem as the weakness itself – own that weakness and see it not as a weakness but as a trait that can sometimes have useful as well as un-useful consequences. Move away from self-criticism, and focus on what you have achieved, look at how you have got to where you are, and take that forward as you enter a new chapter.

March 2016 is a terrific month for Aries to move on and leave stuff that has affected you behind in the past. You may literally move, i.e. by moving home, school, office or job as the new moon heralds a whole new cycle beginning for Aries especially.

Aries, in March 2016 put your energies into activities that contribute to your self-development and stay clear of things and people who bring you down. Self-doubt is self-defeating right now; be who you really are, the driven, energetic go getting, entrepreneurial Arian, who never gets down for long.

The Aries March 2016 Horoscope for Love points out that the eclipse also heralds new starts to relationships; it is a very good time to meet people. You will be meeting many new people in March of 2016 and as these new folks enter your life, so will many prospective partners. Actual love may not blossom immediately, but there is a sense of excitement and anticipation within you and a readiness to put past bad experiences behind and give love a wholehearted try again.
Aries, if you are in stable relationships, your partner will sense a spring in your step and a positive vibe, and this will enhance your love and romantic life. If the relationship has been going badly, or if your partner has been draining you emotionally or being difficult, March is the month to turn that around, and it is up to you to take the initiative. You have to set down some new boundaries, and you have to talk about how the relationship can change for the better. While talking does not always lead to anything in relationships as both parties tend to slip back into old ways soon, you are definitely ready for some changes, and your partner will feel that you are different. If you can communicate that well, then your partner will have to adapt.

There is great promise for a new chapter in all relationships in March 2016, dear Aries.

The Aries Horoscope for Career shows that you have no shortage of initiative in March of 2016. Your energy may lead you to lock horns with your boss or colleagues as you have a very clear idea of how things should be done.

Headstrong actions and impatience may not go down well, and so try to be mindful of this. In March 2016 is ideal for Arians who have a fair degree of independence or who work for themselves as they can take a few gambles and use that intuition to make quick decisions. March 2016 is ideal for tackling problems head on i.e. supplier problems, employee issues, client disputes. You are decisive, strong and very quick-thinking, and that will allow you an advantage in any negotiations or discussions.

Aries, if you are unemployed or not happy in your job, March is the month to do a CV blitz. Go for everything; go for that dream job that you think is unattainable. Whatever it is you want, go for it without reservations. The advice is to try out for a wide range of different careers/jobs as opportunity is the name of the game in March 2016, and you never know what can happen.


Learning is important for Capricorn in March 2016, but what you do not want to do is think you know something and then go on the hunt for people who agree with you or look for facts which support what you already think. True learning is about challenging our ideas, and in March 2016 you should not cling to any opinions or theories which are outdated. Information is coming at you quickly, and you need to be adaptable in your thinking – old methods of dealing with things may not work, and you need to widen your options.

If you have been putting something off, now is the time to tackle it – it may be an essay or letter you need to write, a form you need to fill out, or errand you need to run. You may actually be putting something off for no good reason at all – the best way is to tackle it and get it sorted out before the thing you are putting off becomes an even bigger hurdle in your mind. If this thing you are putting off involves telling someone something difficult, be very tactful, the longer you leave it the harder it will be, and so act now because delaying may well be harming the other person, as well.

Capricorn, March of 2016 it is a nervy month where you can feel anxious and then suddenly excited for no reason, being quite jumpy you may overreact to certain small occurrences and say something you later regret. A decision made in haste is a bad one, and there is a big difference between doing something in a timely fashion and rushing it. For Capricorn, March 2016 will be filled with variety, and you will meet many new people. Communication is a theme in both business and your personal life – but focus on quality, not quantity.

As a Capricorn, in March 2016 you really need to make an effort to listen and that does not mean saying, “Yeah honey, I’m listening!” while you are simultaneously scolding the dog, making dinner and looking at your phone. Quality communication means giving someone your undivided attention, and while you cannot always understand or agree with someone, you can at least take time to take their concerns and thoughts on board.

Capricorn, love and relationships can be difficult in March 2016, not due to major disagreements, but due to stress, workload and logistical issues that leave you with no time for each other. It is also hard to get what you want from your partner when you do not know what you want either – you can be very erratic emotionally in March 2016, and that is sending out mixed signals to your loved one leading to general confusion. You also have a tendency to make too much of something that is very insignificant, and you can also be rather dismissive of anything you see as unimportant.

The Capricorn Horoscope for March 2016 shows that the best way to enjoy in March 2016 is to get out socially with your partner and go somewhere totally new to you both – somewhere stimulating and exciting where you can get away from everything mundane and stressful. In day-to-day life, try not to be snappy and explain when you are tired and stressed and need time to yourself. Most people understand better when you explain why you are acting in a certain way, so communicate about your stresses and worries – a problem shared is a problem halved in March 2016.

Be aware of a certain passive aggression in March 2016 which is driving events in your relationship without you really being conscious of it.

The Capricorn March 2016 Horoscope for Career shows that the tempo at work is fast in March 2016, and you will have to deal with more information, people and paperwork than usual. If you are studying now, the intensity of learning will go up a notch, and you will need to focus on your studies. Capricorn, avoid distractions in March 2016 and keep your eye on the ball – it is one of those months where with so much happening and you being pulled in many different directions with competing responsibilities, things can get overlooked. Keep notes and check your diary to avoid feeling out of control. A sibling or retired close relative may be able to help you with some tasks at work or home to help you cope.

Capricorn, travel nationally is very possible with your work, and it may be arranged last minute. You can achieve much in March 2016, but even though it is hectic, the pace is not an excuse to drop the quality of your output or to be careless, especially when it comes to what you write, to logistics or research of facts. You must be very clear of facts and figures in your work – make sure any facts you rely on are accurate and up-to-date.

You may have to coordinate a large number of people in March: make sure you have every email and phone number for these people so that you can contact them about last minute changes, send out memos and make sure that no one can say, “I never knew” or “No one told me that!” Capricorn, in March of 2016, in speeches, presentations and essays – be succinct and to the point! You do not have to go on forever, saying something pertinent and powerful can be more effective than a long drawn out piece.


There is a great emphasis on reputation and status in life for Gemini in March 2016. You may well find yourself rewarded, especially if you are in a field like research, academia or teaching. Whatever your career, or even if you are not currently working, you will think about your status in life and how you want to be seen by others.

If your public profile is important to you, March of 2016 is a terrific month to re-launch or rebrand yourself – find a new audience or expand beyond your current genre.

You may find yourself thrust into a new role within your community where you can be instrumental in changing the lives of others – this may be a charity or voluntary role. Using your talents for the common goal without expecting a payback can be the key to changing your life direction in a positive way for months to come.

Gemini, in March 2016 will see a burst of energy and you should use that to make new beginnings, and it does not matter how small or in what area of life they are – anything new which you begin now can have a greater impact on your confidence, well-being and life prospects than you think. Your children will need you more than usual in March 2016, and you may feel torn between the urge to advise and the urge to control and protect. You simply have to let them make their own mistakes sometimes. Creative projects can be hugely emotionally fulfilling in March 2016 for you, dear Gemini.

Gemini March 2016 Horoscope for Love shows that you may want to take a few small risks in love this March – now what you regard as ‘risk’ really depends on your personality, but a risk could be anything from trying a new way to meet a partner, breaking a rule you have set for yourself, i.e. no workplace romances, asking someone you hardly know out, etc. If you are already in a relationship, a risk may mean suggesting a new sexual toy or activity. It could even mean talking about a sexual problem you have not had the ability to talk about before. Gemini, take the bull by the horns, and you may surprise yourself. Not taking risks means getting into ruts, which can be both boring and self-defeating – break the mould in March of 2016 and do something romantically or sexually that you would not usually do.

Gemini, if you are in relationships, March of 2016 may be the time you begin to talk about having a baby or adding to the family. Love can easily blossom this spring, so don’t let anything hold you back.

Gemini March 2016 Horoscope for Career shows that there is a slight conflict between work and home in March. Events and commitments at home may interfere with your work routine or your ability to concentrate on your work. Your clients or your boss will be understanding as long as you explain things and give everyone enough time.

For those Gemini who work with children, in psychology or in caring for others in some way, March of 2016 will be a month where you experience great reward and satisfaction from your work. You may find you gain an insight into your own nature or deeper needs from those you are helping. The people you help or counsel may actually end up helping you in a karmic way.

Gemini, principles and family values are at the heart of business in March 2016, and so make sure that if you are the employer you are fair and inclusive about the way you employ mothers with young children or in providing flexible working hours for your staff who have family commitments. I spoke about reputation and status – in March 2016 you want your business to have a reputation for being family-friendly and having strong principles. Gemini, if you are an employee, make sure that every decision you take in March 2016 is a principled and fair one. Stand up for yourself if you feel your values are not appreciated or considered in the workplace.


Leo, the way you approach March 2016 is very much dependent on your age and level of spiritual evolvement. They say only two things are inevitable, taxes and death: but this is not the full story; evolvement is also inescapable even for atheists. We all grow and our attitudes and approach to life matures – some people become more closed and bitter, some become grateful for every experience as an opportunity to grow.

How you handle March 2016 is very much reflective of how you are changing and in which direction you are growing. Younger Leos may see some of the events in

March 2016 as disappointing and may feel disillusioned and even angry at fate and life. Those Leos who are more mature and take a more philosophical approach will see events in March of 2016 as a chance to learn valuable lessons about themselves and others. You should see the things that happen in March 2016 (no matter whether good or bad) as happening for an important reason – a reason that will benefit you in the longer term.

“We don’t always get what we want, but we always get what we need,” as the song goes. Sometimes we do the right thing for the wrong reason – maybe in March 2016, you should not do anything if your heart is not in it, or the results will not be what you expect.

Leo, sharing is very important in relationships – in sexual matters there must be genuine give and take. March of 2016 it is not the month to keep secrets or think that you are pulling the wool over your partner’s eyes when it comes to either financial or sexual issues. Secrets will tend to backfire. Don’t make impulse spends on your motorbike or a fancy dress then hide the credit card bill, it will come out and can damage trust.

Trust and respect of each other’s values is vital in March of 2016 – when trust breaks down, so does intimacy, and the sex becomes robotic and meaningless.

There is the opportunity for truly meaningful and deeply transformative sex, but the proviso is that your level of understanding and respect for your partner is more than lip service – actions speak louder than words.

Leo, allocation of the joint resources will be an issue in most partnerships – good communication and restraint are needed. If you want to make savings, lead by example and do not be seen to have double standards.

Leos in new relationships may overlook the great things that are happening as you are so focused on the sex – that is also pretty good. Don’t take anything for granted in promising new relationships – reassure and compliment your lover and be generous.

The Leo March 2016 Horoscope for Career and Money shows that two things are in focus for you to do with money: one is financing. You may have to renegotiate loans or apply for extra financing. You should be successful, and this is a good time to switch loan provider or negotiate a better rate.

If part of your financing involves taking on a partner or going into partnership, make sure you think long and hard about the splits and arrangements and get everything well tied up. Leo, in March of 2016 you may decide to invest in a project – this can be a good plan if well researched.

Trust funds and stewardship is another issue – there may be important decisions and responsibilities to do with money you are entrusted with or money that you manage on another’s behalf. If you are a stockbroker, accountant, fund or investment manager, be especially prudent and diligent in March 2016.

Leo, if you are in charge of petty cash or the treasurer or purser, do be on your guard. Even in jobs where you do not handle money, you may have extra responsibilities with money in March of 2016 – if you succeed in this role, there can be more financial responsibility and opportunity on the way.


The focus in March 2016 for Libra sign is very much on health. If you are looking to start a new diet or health diet to improve your overall well-being and fitness, anything you start now can be very successful, and you will stick to it.

Libra, in March of 2016 look for local Zumba, Yoga or exercise classes or join a weight loss group – this is a great way to be social and increase your motivation and staying power this month. Quit smoking or quit sugar, but whatever you do, think more about your diet and your lifestyle and switch bad habits to more healthy habits – a habit either good or bad is hard to break, so start good habits and improve your long terms health.

If you have been unwell, this can be a turning point when trying a new treatment can help you immensely. Remember to take a holistic approach to health: mental attitudes and knowing how to switch off from stress can be just as helpful as a good diet. Libra, in March 2016 support your mental health and reduce stress by supplementing with vitamin B complex, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Get more fresh air and take moderate exercise.

Librans are known for their sweet tooth – too much sugar depletes minerals and vitamins and adds to stress, so do your best to reduce the sugar habit.

Libra, in March of 2016 pets and animals may play an important role in your life, and you may get a new puppy or kitten or a rescue dog/cat.

The Libra March 2016 Horoscope for Love shows a very grounded month in relationships, where you can calmly look at your needs and decide how they can be better fulfilled within the partnership. You may shun other social activities and friends to spend quiet time alone with your partner.

Relationships will take on a realistic, mature feel where things can be discussed rationally, and where you can work as a team, contributing equally. It is a very good time to broach joint finances and debate how to curb expenses or invest in your home. A good time for joint decisions about children, money, the home, the in-laws, etc.

Librans will look to cement new relationships and take them to the next level. You may decide to move in together or get engaged. Any decision you take relationship-wise right now will be a well considered and reasonable one – not a knee jerk reaction to something trivial. Libra, March 2016 is a good time for mixing business with pleasure – business associates you meet may have romantic potential.

The Libra March 2016 Horoscope for Career and Money points out to look at ways to improve your productivity at work by either making the environment safer, organized, clean, etc. – get your employer to take your rights at work more seriously and to make the workplace fit for purpose. Try and engage with colleagues and participate with them socially to ensure that you bond and can thus have better working relationships.

March of 2016 it is also time to ask yourself seriously if your work situation is having a detrimental effect on your psychology and, thereby, your health. If you do decide that your work is having a negative impact on you, it’s time to take action. Look for a new job with a more supportive and positive work environment, or look at how you can (perhaps with others) revolutionize the way you work so that you all work better together – this can benefit your employer as well, so he/she should be willing to help you achieve this. Know your legal rights at work, and make sure they are respected.

Libra, if you work for yourself, reduce your stress by looking at how outsourcing and delegating can maybe reduce your load. Perhaps you can employ a temp or use an online service to take care of day-to-day activities that take up your time and are not especially difficult to get someone else to do. Many Librans may have an opportunity to move up within their company or move to a different department in March 2016.


March 2016 is a very important month for Pisces as the solar eclipse is giving you a boost of energy and personal power. This is a wonderful time to start new projects and initiate new activities that can take your life in an exciting new direction. March 2016 is also a month of health turnabouts – take your health in hand and look into new diets, fitness regimes or lifestyles that can improve your energy, the way you feel about yourself and your vitality. I know we often do what I said in the last paragraph and fail, but this time you can succeed and really make a difference to your mental and physical states, becoming more motivated and happier too.

Pisces, March of 2016 is a month when you feel a greater sense of self and of the power you have to direct your life – it is a time of decisions and of taking the reins into your hands. It is also a phase in your life when by being more assertive and insistent on following your callings, you can develop better inter-personal relationships. Passive aggression is not an issue right now as you feel able to express yourself and take centre stage in your life, not playing second fiddle to any person.

You are able to shine a spotlight on any aspect of your life that you feel needs change or more focus, and by working on this aspect of life you can strengthen your personality and project yourself into the world with more confidence. March 2016 is all about drawing on inspiration from within and realizing what resilience and power you have deep inside.

The Pisces March 2016 Horoscope for Love shows that love and relationships can really succeed and move to a more fulfilling level of communication and intimacy due to the strength and self-knowledge you are gaining as a person. We all know that learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all, and yet we all often seek the validation of another person in terms of love and marriage in order to convince ourselves that we are lovable.

You are surer of what you want, and that means you are sending out direct messages to your partner that are easy for him/her to interpret. Communication is excellent, and you can diplomatically broach sensitive subjects and get them into the open and cleared up. As you are in a conciliatory mood, you will find it easy to put aside differences and focus on common ground.

March 2016 is not a month of putting yourself second; it is more a time when you can cooperate and negotiate to get more of what you want out of the relationship.

New relationships are flourishing in March 2016, and Pisces are not holding back. While you are sometimes shy in romance, at the moment you are sure of what your heart is telling you and ready to go with it, even making the first move if required.

The Pisces March 2016 Horoscope for Career and Money shows that this month is very lucrative for those Pisces who have unusual talents or who have the courage to go with an off the wall or unorthodox idea. If you have had an idea in mind, do not let convention and any conservative thoughts from those around hold you back. This is a time when something outlandish can come off and where lateral thinking must be applied.

Pisces, March 2016 can be an up and down month for finances, and so do not commit to large outgoings beforehand if you can help it – keep financially flexible in March. This is a good month to get some advice on financial planning – try and free up resources, adjust gearing or change the way you make pension payments or make use of tax credits. A certain scattiness over the finer points of your finances could be losing you money whether you are self-employed or an employee, so get on top of this. Your partner may be able to help if they are financially minded.

Pisces, your Horoscope shows that financial independence is very important to you in March of 2016, and so if you are a student, you may take a part- time job to get more independence from your parents. If you are a stay at home mom, you may decide to go back to work, or you may leave your current job for something that offers more prospects financially or benefits. Organizing your finances both personal and business is vital in March 2016 so that you can pay down debt as a priority to gain more financial flexibility as the year goes on.


For Sagittarius, in March 2016 the focus is very much on the home: this may be the month you decide to move home, convert the loft, build a garage, an extension or even a pool. Your impetus to change your home could come from a few places, i.e. a new baby, a parent coming to live with you, a child coming back home after university or maybe you are changing a room into an office or workplace so that you can work from home.

Family matters may be the driving force for you moving home as well. If you moved a long way away from home in order to get a job, you might begin to think about moving back to your hometown. March 2016 it is certainly a month when your home will change to adapt to your changing needs. Improvements made last month may help you sell or may give you the drive to make the bigger changes now needed.

Sagittarius, family relationships will also demand your attention – these are mainly parental relationships. The way you relate to and communicate with your parents is very important in March of 2016 – changes within your parents’ lives may bring you closer to them or previously unknown information about your parents or your background may come to light. You can find the issues to do with your parents rather disconcerting in the short run; however, in the longer term you can grow from the changes that happen now and healing and new starts are possible.

More generally, emotional issues attached to your childhood may resurface and since you are in a very positive frame of mind where you tend to be forward looking, what a great time to re-address these issues and finally put them to bed. There are things we all suppress, and they often resurface in very negative ways; however, in March 2016 the things that resurface can be dealt with very positively and effectively, marking a new chapter.

The Sagittarius March 2016 Horoscope for Love shows that you are very vital and energetic in March 2016, and this favours your sex life and love life. Lack of time, lack of motivation and lack of energy are big problems for love relationships as what we all need to do is pour ourselves into close unions to make them work. What is wonderful for Sagittarians in March of 2016 is that you do have that extra oomph and spark to place the vibrancy and excitement back into relationships. This is an especially good month for relationships where there are children and where you both work – you will have more time and energy than usual to spend on each other and a can-do attitude will replace a more defeatist, gloomy outlook.

March of 2016 it is a positive month of doing things together, getting out and having fun as a family – a feel-good factor will imbue all that you do. You are less stressed and, therefore, feel healthier, you are more tolerant and easy-going, you have your priorities straight and a good perspective on life; you are far less likely to fuss about minor issues. Being your 100% laid back Sagittarian free-spirited lover of life, what a better frame of mind to be in to ensure all relationships both new and old go well. Relationships with in-laws can be very good: smoother and more hassle-free than usual.

Sagittarius, March 2016 is a very good month for long-distance relationships and ones where there are cultural and religious differences – compromises are easily reached, and you are both able to gain understanding from each other.

For Sagittarius March 2016 is a very good month for those studying at university or working in academia – you can take onboard a great deal of information and will achieve a lot as you feel stimulated by the relevance of what you are doing.

The Sagittarius Horoscope for March 2016 shows that success is highly probable in all business and financial matters as plans are coming together and things are falling into place.

Economic events and events in wider society will have an impact on the way in which you work and on your business, and you need to be highly adaptable – this suits Sagittarians down to the ground as change and variety are what you are in the mood for. Events in March 2016 at work should give you an opportunity for travel, meeting a diverse spectrum of people and getting the chance to learn completely new ideas. International trade and new markets are very much in focus and may provide opportunities. Reaching new markets via your advertising and promotional strategies is essential – find ways to cross language and cultural barriers to expand.

If you are in employment, take any opportunity offered to study or learn new skills, even if it’s a subject you have no previous interest in, you may be surprised.

In all work be more aware of the law and how it affects what you do, also take note of new international trade agreements, green legislation, fair trade or environmental laws which are in the pipeline and may affect you or your business at some stage.

Sagittarius, March 2016 is not a good time to invest in mining stocks, large property portfolios, antiques or property overseas. Small businesses must be very flexible at this time, and so it is not a good period for entering into onerous contracts or long-term employment contracts – take on temps rather.


I have been writing the monthly horoscopes for each zodiac sign for years now, and I cannot count how many times I have talked about ambitions, achievement, striving, hard work, reward, etc., etc. and I suddenly realized how little I have talked about fun. I think in the rat race we live in, we work hard and often play hard, but do we have fun? In March 2016, Scorpios are rediscovering what fun means and how much fun contributes to well-being and also to spiritual understanding and evolvement.

While it’s true that our work or career does not always fulfil us, it is often via hobbies and pastimes that we can connect with our true purpose or calling and feel a sense of meaning. March 2016 is an ideal time to make time in your life to do the things that create meaning and allow you freedom to express yourself.

The solar eclipse gives an opportunity for the renewal of the life essence and enjoyment that replenishes the soul and gives meaning to your life. The emphasis in March 2016 will be on activities and spending your time in a way which is fun, and which nourishes you and renews your zest for life. Scorpio, shake up the routine, break the mould and use March 2016 to begin to live again.

Bonding with your children and finding fulfilment from your relationship with them is a feature of in March 2016. If you do not have children, you may begin to long for a family and may make plans to start one. You could rediscover your youthfulness or sense of fun via children: your own or those you work with. Interaction with children could help you to rediscover a talent or ability.

Look out single Scorpio as March 2016 is a time when a promising new romance can begin quite unexpectedly and take your world by storm. Scorpios are feeling adventurous in March 2016, and you guys are ready to embrace new relationships in a more gung ho fashion than usual. You may fall for someone who offers you something new – i.e. his interests or knowledge or where he comes from culturally intrigues and excites you. Relationships are the area where you want to expand, and so it makes sense that you will be attracted to lovers who can open doors for you in an intellectual and physical sense. This may well be a long distance relationship or one where you travel frequently together.

Scorpio, in ongoing relationships, you will be the one to initiate changes that can enhance your love life and also help you both to overcome difficulties in the relationship. March 2016 is an ideal month where your own positivity can change the course of the marriage/partnership and get it back on track to a happier and more fulfilling place for you both.

Looking at shared goals and making future plans which you will both work towards is key in March 2016 – you and your partner need to talk about your future together, your aims, dreams, ambitions, and then you need to talk about how to work towards those. Scorpio, do not drift along, bogged down in routine and drudgery – think big, think about where you both want to be as a couple in the future. Create joint goals that can re-inspire the way you work together.

The Scorpio March 2016 Horoscope for Career shows that changes happening in your workplace may open doors for you career-wise. Things are very dynamic in your workplace or industry this year, nothing can be taken for granted; however, if you are alert, these changes could lead to new opportunities for you to change job or advance your career. Look to take on different responsibilities at work; if you are asked to do a slightly different role, grab that chance and show how well you can do at it. You are ready for more leadership and more responsibility now, take every chance you have to learn new skills, especially technical and scientific ones.

March of 2016 is a very good month for Scorpios who work with technology or in enterprise development. March 2016 is an excellent time for Scorpios who work in alternate health and medicine fields to promote their business and educate the public more about your field of expertise – hold free workshops and seminars to create awareness and stimulate business. Scorpios involved in sports or art forms that are physical i.e. dance, drama, ballet, gymnastics, etc. must pay more attention to diet in March of 2016 – it is not about putting on weight, but finding a diet that suits you and helps you get more energy, more endurance and better recovery after events, i.e. Paleo Diet or Alkaline Diet.


Taurus, in March of 2016 entrenched ideas and attitudes can cause you difficulty. You need to be more flexible in your thinking and more adaptable.

Many times in life we can cut ourselves off from what we do not want to accept or deal with – it can be a case of see no evil, hear no evil, etc. Of course, it is not in the nature of Taurus to change, and sometimes when confronted with a person or system with a difference in attitude it can be quite hard for the Bull to swallow. But in March 2016, if you are a Taurus sign, you will be forced to deal with something you are not comfortable with. You may have to work in an environment or situation where you are really uncomfortable with the prevailing attitudes. You will be pushed beyond your comfort zone. Use this as a chance to re-examine your own attitudes and analyze why you feel this way. Is it your upbringing? Is it your innate nature? Is it conditioning? Is it fear? The answers to these questions could be very interesting and give you an insight into your own personality.

This is an opportunity to grow and be more open and accepting, in some cases your attitudes may soften, but this need not necessarily be true. The challenge is to be able to work with and get along with people whose views and values you oppose. You may learn to understand other attitudes more fully and thus be more comfortable with them. In March of 2016 you may have to face the fact that these ‘people’ actually make you question your own beliefs, and that is why it is so uncomfortable.

The Taurus March 2016 Horoscope for Love indicates that changes your partner or spouse is going through may impact on the relationship in March. The health or family situation of your partner may cast a shadow in March 2016 and provide cause for more seriousness and attention to obligations.

Your partner is adjusting right now and may have their own issues to get through, which they cannot really talk about, and you need to be patient and supportive.

In new relationships, your partner’s baggage may become a stumbling block to the relationship progressing forward. Unless there is a strong emotional bond and shared experiences, the gap in understanding can be impossible to bridge.

Sex life is inhibited due to outside pressure, but you should not allow this to become frostiness: affection, fondling, hugging and touching is essential.
Taurus, commitment is really tested in March of 2016, and you have an opportunity to show your partner that you are their rock, their confidante and the person they can always rely on. The Taureans’ desire to nurture and protect is brought to the fore in March 2016. Perhaps in a karmic way of returning the favour.

The Taurus March 2016 Horoscope for Career shows that trust and responsibility are important for Taurus sign in March 2016 within the work. You may be entrusted with a large amount of money or be handed a very important client or contract. You will be handing something over which you must exercise extreme diligence and care.

You will have to exhibit leadership and show good judgment; you may be called to arbitrate a dispute, or you may have to make a decision which could impact on another person’s reputation or future career prospects. This may put you in an uncomfortable position, and your ability to choose wisely and to be just and fair will be tested. Taurus, fairness will be an issue in all your day-to-day decisions, and it will be hard to balance the needs and priorities of people and work. That is the challenge for you in March 2016: to make tough choices with respect to the values and also financial implications for others. Work will get busier as the month goes on with more interactions with clients and customers, you may travel to promote a product or sell to a new client. Taurus, in March of 2016 you may need to take on board advice or input from various interest or action groups who lobby within your industry.


The Virgo March 2016 Horoscope shows that there is a big focus on interpersonal communication, both intimate and business. The way you see yourself is affected both positively and indeed, negatively, but those you are close to or those you associate with business-wise. They say you are judged by the company you keep and somehow in March 2016 the actions of those you are associated with will have more of an impact on you than your own actions. This is why you need to choose your business associates with care and be careful about who you hang out with socially. It is not always possible to disconnect ourselves with everyone whose behaviour may reflect on us, but do be aware and ready to limit damage when necessary.

Virgo, relationships can be a great area of learning and self-evolvement in March of 2016 – we often dislike people who have traits that we do not like in ourselves, so it is worth examining those who you take a dislike to and asking yourself what they can teach you about yourself and how you can change for the better.

We also attract people who are similar to us and are having similar thoughts to us – we are a reverse magnet where like does indeed attract like. You may well attract a person into your life that mirrors your own emotional life – this person can be a very helpful sounding board for you to confide in, although they may not necessarily become a friend.

The solar eclipse of March 9, 2016 will strengthen relationships that are solid and rewarding while it may tip relationships that are unbalanced and unsatisfying over the edge. This applies to all relationships. Harmony and balance are very important to your emotional growth, and you will strive for this in all your intimate contacts – but remember, you cannot be all things to all people.

The Virgo March 2016 Horoscope for Love shows that closeness and relationship success is linked to self-esteem more than usual in March 2016. Virgo and Scorpio are signs that are the happiest single and yet, single Virgos will feel inadequate in March 2016 and will yearn for a close relationship.

Married Virgos who feel their relationships are not going as well as they should, may also suffer from feelings of inadequacy and self-criticism. There are a couple of things to remember: Virgos have very high standards which are not always possible to meet, and Virgos are highly discriminating which can hinder relationship formation, and there is nothing wrong with that.

However, you cannot compare yourself to people who get into relationships easily as they are less discriminating. In relationships, Virgo may overlook the good and spend too much time concentrating on the negative. Number two: relationships are dynamic, they grow and one must expect ups and downs and not a flat line.

Relationships are a mirror on which to reflect on ourselves for the purpose of growth, not to be self-critical.

Your relationships are the means by which you increase your human understanding and get to grips with deep emotional complexes; they are also a way in which you can transcend your own limitations – which is often why Virgos attract the exact opposite to them (in terms of relationships) so you can live vicariously through your significant other and their experiences.

Self-worth may be experienced through helping a partner who is unwell or struggling with an emotional or physical issue. Single Virgo may be attracted to someone vulnerable or in need of help.

The Virgo March 2016 Horoscope for Career and Money shows that business partnership and alliances (other than the caveat in the first paragraph) can be a hugely valuable way of opening up new doors for your business or within your career in March of 2016. In this case teaming up with someone with very different competencies, can help you expand quickly or gain confidence. There can be a sudden turnabout in legal cases you are involved in for the better.

Virgo, March of 2016 is a good month for implementing new systems to get more organized or to track your finances more effectively. Try and streamline your payments and use this March of 2016 to look over your costs to see where savings can be made. You are clever with numbers in this month and so do the sums and see where you can arrange things to get more for your buck. Check those bank statements and use comparison sites to get better deals for insurance, etc.
March of 2016 is a very good month for those who write or teach about issues to do with health, hygiene or scientific subjects.

Virgo, be purposeful and make sure everything you do has a direct payback or function – do not waste time and money in March of 2016 on things that have an unproven value to you or your business.


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One Response to “ March 2016 – Astrological Forecasts ”

  1. Di Riddel says:

    Hi dear Lee,
    Thanks again for your foresight…you always come up trumps for me….I so enjoy your monthly forecast and take note as much as i can of what you see..

    Hope you are well and happy.

    lots of love,

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