November 2014 – Astrological Forecasts

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The House of Cancer will have a very interesting and a one of a kind time of their life in November 2014. The thing is that this month will be characterized by exclusively positive celestial environment, which most likely be a result of a very strange, but an inseparable tandem – the Moon and the Black Moon. However, let us not get ahead of ourselves. The first thing is that Jupiter, the planet-exalt of the House of Cancer, will fulfil his tasks 100%. This means that Cancers will have no problems with their life energy and inner motivation. Second, Saturn – responsible for the “expulsion” of this sign, and Mars – responsible for its “fall” will change their emanations due to their participation in the two most active positive combinations. As a result, the Cancers may count on the ruler of time and the red warrior to change their flags and move to their side. In other words, not a single planet of the classical position will display any negativity towards the Cancers. It begs the question – what can be better? However, we should consider that the Moon – the planet-ruler of Cancer, is the sister of the Black Moon, which is the astral body in a very negative attitude towards all of the earth’s denizens.

In terms of the work direction of November 2014, the Cancer will feel the full ambiguity of the situation from the very first days until the end. In other words, be ready that any venture may suddenly fail, regardless of how precisely you prepared for it and other factors. Meanwhile, some event that no one even thought would be possible to succeed will bring you astonishing results! You should expect the unexpected and accept things how they are. That means that if you cannot influence it in any way, then do not pay special attention to it either. Just work, do what you love. If you think that you have to put out as much as you can, then do so. In a situation where excessive work would be destructive, do not provide such extra work. You will have everything during this period – the strength, the aspirations, and the opportunities. By the way, if you do not have your own business, then currently is a great tie to start it. At least, think about it. You have everything you need right now. You just have to focus your will and begin implementing your conceived ideas.

In terms of personal relationships, November will be just a spectacular life period for you. Within these four weeks, you will try and experience so much that some people do not get to try in their entire lives. This is truly so and you should not be afraid of over-trying or falling too deeply into some concerns. If something, the stars will help – do not worry. Look at this situation as some type of reward. You are the one who knows for what. In either way, your friends will support any initiative of yours, no matter how risky it is. Do not worry about anything; just remember about responsibility. Anything can happen and in the end, it is the initiator that will have to answer for it. The love front will experience no less of a positive situation. Your lover will also have good regard for any initiative of yours. At least towards any of yours, since morals were not cancelled by anyone. This may sound crude, but the stars will help you this month in any machinations. Yes, yes – you know precisely what I am talking about. Whether to use this privilege or not is up to you. Just remember that you have to pay for everything in life.


The Aquarius, the zodiac House in which the energy of Air goes through a stage of a laconic declined, will face an exclusively positive set of stellar circumstances in November 2014, just like many other signs. Saturn, the planet-ruler of the House of Aquarius, will be significantly reinforced due to his participation in one of the strongest positive active combinations of this period. This means that the Aquarius should not fear committing the same mistakes twice, and the overall energetic immunity of their body will be significantly increased. The Sun, in its usual position responsible for the “expulsion” of the House of Aquarius, will redirect its energetic emanations in November, due to which I will turn from a fearless enemy into a trusty and reliable ally. Mercury, being the planet-exalt of this House, will keep his standard inclination and provide the Aquarius with a supply of life energy. Enough life energy for solving any problem. On the other side, Mars – responsible for the “fall” of the House of Aquarius, will change its inkling like the Sun and will cooperate with the unyielding king of the celestial band. As a result, the force of the red warrior will protect the last flank of Aquarius, and this sign will be under full protection.

This way, it is logical to assume that the sphere of business and entrepreneurship in November 2014 will be quite a productive direction for the Aquarius. In reality, this is how it will be, except that no matter how positive the interstellar combinations are, you should always remember that one itself plays the main instrument in one’s life. This is why, before leaping into the pool of your aspirations headfirst, you should consider some nuances. The main thing, as you might have guessed, is not to become a fanatic. An excessively large operation of huge masses of one-directional energy will always cause an untimely rejection of flows in the astral plane, flows that are opposite by mode to the initial charge. In other words, if you will thoughtlessly input yourself in all directions, then in one moment (which might come soon, trust me), you will realize that you have not done anything good, but probably just harmed yourself and those around you. So even if you honestly want to help someone from your colleagues, be smart about how you plan that help. This will be much more productive and will lead to far less unforeseen consequences.

The love front may be characterized in a similar fashion, though you should of course consider some exceptional moments. For example, it is certain that you should not plan any large-scale events, despite the fact that you will have both the wills and the means to do so. So try to limit yourself by what you have. Your creative energy should only be put to use in verified directions and in limited amounts, just constantly. This will allow you to significantly improve relationships with your friends and close ones. You should also not attempt to resolve an incoming conflict from your first move. You should do everything in a smart and methodical way, since large strength brings large responsibility. Remember about that and try to be extra careful around the New Moon (November 22). During this day, the influence of the Black Moon will be significantly larger on you. This means that there is a high probability that serious problems may arise. Be careful and rational with what you wish for. Do not force anyone into anything, and if needed play on their own wishes. Of course, within limits and for the greater good.


The zodiac House of Aries will live through a very positive time in November 2014. However, it is certain that there will be some moments best avoided. There will also be some nuances that should be considered while organizing this or that event. We will talk about them below. Right now, we just want to state the main space-time points that will bring only positivity to the Aries in November. Among them are Mars and Saturn. During its customary position, Mars is the planet-ruler of the House of Aries; however, during the current period the red warrior will be a participant of one of the two main positive energetic combinations. That means that the powerful, bright and active energy of the frenetic planet will grant the Aries a mass of life strength. Saturn, usually responsible for the “fall” of the Aries sigh, will decide to change his passive negative energy onto the active positive emanations due to the influences of neighbouring planets. It is likely that just Venus will try to play on the “dark” deep side of the personalities of the representatives of this zodiac constellation, but exclusively the Aries themselves will determine the success of her attempts.

In terms of the sphere of business and entrepreneurship, the Aries may count on a good conclusion to all started ventures in November 2014. It is likely that at the dawn of the first ten-day period you will feel an immense flow of energy, and what is more important – an immense wish to be productive. Yes, a workaholic attitude will be one of your essential qualities. We should say that in light of the current circumstances, this would be a much-needed trait. Management will pay special attention to you during this period and you are most likely going to be assigned something important and serious. Your future career will depend on your execution of this task. This will not be said to you explicitly, but know that it is exactly so. So activate yourself, work as much as you can and do not stop for a minute (except for lunch break of course). Being a fanatic will help you right now and you should not be afraid to dive head first into work, without noticing anything around you. Such a position will allow you to realize your own projects, fulfil the objectives put forth by you management, and show yourself in the best light positive in front of your colleagues. By the way, those who work for themselves will see no less of a productive result of this period. Your work will not be evaluated by anyone, but additional profits will certainly bring joy to you personally.

The love front will be much less positive to be honest. It is here that Venus will focus her waves of negative energetic emanations. Yet do not worry – you will be able to overcome everything and without external assistance, just if you pay closer attention to the problems of others. Yes, of course, you will have your own plans and after hardworking working days, the desire to relax would be expected. However, do not let your energy go to waste! You will see that you have truly too much. So do not relax on the couch in front of the TV too much, help your close ones instead. You will be able to accomplish many things better than they will, without even having the specific skills that may be required in the given direction. This will not only solve some potential problems, but will also stabilize your relationships. One more thing – be especially careful when talking with your lover about the future. Currently, she will be excessively sensitive due to Venus, and if you do not want to break the current idyll, then control your words with greater care.


The House of Capricorn may be confident not only in itself, but also in the world around it in November 2014. The current period will be such a life stage for the representatives of this zodiac constellation, when circumstances will practically form themselves based exclusively on the wishes of the Capricorns themselves. No matter how strange that sounds, the situation will be exactly that. Of course, you will have to face some negative moments, but they will be connected with the personal mistakes of Capricorns in their past. In the forecasted period, the will of the House of Capricorn will be a defining factor for its dynamic environment. This will mostly occur due to the influence of Saturn and Mars. Saturn, the planet-ruler of the House of Capricorn, will be significantly strengthened due to its participation in one of the two most powerful interstellar combinations. At the same time, Mars – the planet-exalt of the Capricorn, will also be a part of a powerful positive combination. As a result, the combined influence of these planets will be truly unprecedented. Evidently, this is in a positive light. Of course, you should consider Jupiter, responsible for the “fall” of the House of Capricorn, and less the Moon, responsible for its “expulsion”. While the influence of the Moon will be easily blocked by the more powerful astral flows, Jupiter may really wreak some havoc.

One way or another, the sphere of entrepreneurship will bring the Capricorn a plethora of positive emotions in November 2014. At a minimum, starting from the middle of the first ten-day period, you will be surprised at the pace of your own work. You will be able to accomplish everything at once and everywhere. If you are a leader, then trust that not a single action of your subordinates shall escape your eye. Your success may really reflect on your further career. Therefore, it is necessary to use this chance with maximum productivity and try to fix not only your life. Remember that you and your work environment are a single mechanism, the coherent work of which defines victory. If there is no coherent work, then the situation will not be a simple one, though in either case you should try to unite the people around you. With such allies as Saturn and Mars, this should not be hard. The issue is in the wish, or more precisely – in the motivation. If you do not see a possibility to change anything, then… perhaps you should consider changing your workplace. Seriously. Work that does not bring pleasure is not work – instead it is a problem. Think about that.

Also thing about how the situation on the love front has been developing throughout the duration of the past couple of months. If there are visible problems, then November 2014 is the best time for an unambiguous and timely resolution of ambiguous issues. If you do not see hardships, then ask of your lover – perhaps she sees them. Either way, try to be as attentive to yourself and your close ones as possible. During such a positive life stage, when you have more than enough life energy, you may strengthen any relationships, regardless of circumstances. Do not worry if someone does not understand you. All people are different, there will come a time and you will certainly find allies. Currently, concentrate on just understanding your surrounding people. Objective reasons may prevent the adoption of your views, the understanding and realizing of which may help you in your future. Just do not leave space in your soul for doubts.


The zodiac House of Gemini is recommended to approach their finances carefully in November 2014. It is in this direction that Mercury, the planet-ruler of the Gemini, will focus his attention and will decide to turn into a surprisingly fierce enemy from a true ally. At the same time, Saturn – the planet-exalt of the House of Gemini will grant his protégé doubled positivity. Saturn is part of one of the most energetically powerful positive duos of the forecasted period. This means that the Gemini have chances for success either way. This is despite that Jupiter, the planet responsible for the “expulsion” of this House, will most likely join forces with Venus, responsible for it’s “fall”, and will wreak havoc on the love front of the Gemini. Considering that the Gemini does not have a “celestial leader” during this period, such a situation may play against them so well, and that without exceptional efforts it will be beyond fixing. This will mostly depend on the Gemini themselves. What is more important for the given zodiac constellation is that there will be those among the Solar System that will be fully on their side. This is already a good start.

In terms of the work direction, November 2014 will bestow the Gemini with a plethora of opportunities. However, as we stated above – you should not invest into something too deeply. Money should be saved, as Mercury will attempt to weaken your positions. It will be hard to compete with the ruler of the celestial trade routes, which is certain. It is also certain that you will most likely be the defining player of your own fate. So collect yourself and analyze everything carefully. It would be great if at the beginning of the first ten-day period you could make a detailed action plan and only leave it under absolute necessity. If you are offered a venture, then decide yourself whether to agree to it or not, just remember that the stars are predicting a very high chance of failure. So why risk with new inputs? It is much smarter to collect forces for a confident leap later. Success is guaranteed in business not only by effectiveness, but also by timeliness. Overall, time will be on your side, so you can distribute it whichever way you want. Just always, know what you want and how to reach it. Otherwise, November will be a bad month for you in all regards.

In terms of the sphere of personal relationships, much less will depend on you than before, though of course every situation can be fixed. It is just that in November 2014 the total negativity of Jupiter and Venus will be far too strong; and it will be focused particularly on this are of your life. Be very careful with new acquaintances, as it is quite likely that your feelings and intuition will leave you. Many attachments that burn up like fire will also quickly extinguish. There will be far too little warmth from such fires, while the consequences will be far-reaching. Simply speaking playing with fire is a bad idea. This might sound mercantile when we are talking about feelings, but the stars do recommend that you take care of your emotions and worries. It is better to focus your attention on more everyday problems. For example, look at the situation within your family hearth. Currently there will be rough conflicts appearing between you and your relatives. The reason for that is you. More precisely your unwillingness even to try to understand someone else’s point of view. Think about that and maybe the world will be better.


Representatives of the Leo zodiac constellation, just like those of many other signs, will be at the mercy of very positive energies in November 2014. Of course, nothing is granted free in this world, but the circumstances are sometimes so great that it seems that someone just waved a magic wand over your life. November will be exactly that kind of time. The House of Leo will be at the crossroads of two exclusively positive energetic flows. On one side, the Sun – the planet-ruler of this House, will not only be fully on the side of its earthly protégé, but it will also be reinforced due to its participation in interstellar combinations. As a result, the power of solar positivity will be unprecedented. With that, Uranus – usually responsible for the “expulsion” of the House of Leo, will change his waves of negative energies to positive active emanations. Meanwhile, Pluto – the planet-exalt of this House will not be as strong as the Sun or Uranus, but will certainly contribute to the picture. In the end, these three planets will determine the life of the representatives of this House.

The work direction will bring joy to the Leos with a mass of opportunities and successes, but you should still account for some aspects of the current period. At least, do not forget about Mercury – the planet responsible for the “fall” of your House, meaning potentially having a very aggressive influence. In November, you will have strong allies, so the influence of the ruler of the celestial and earthly trade ways will be significantly weakened. Considering the sum positivity, it may end up so Mercury will be absolutely helpless in this situation. Nevertheless, you should consider that November might see various problems of the technical variety. Faults in electrical systems or imprecision in logistical calculations will not be fatal, but may suck your blood quite a bit. This is why it is best to finish all your affairs towards the New Moon (November 6) and concentrate in monitoring upcoming events. If you are a manager, then personally (this is important!) do an additional check of your production! If an employee or a boss is not willing to move in the right direction, give them a push. Some antipathy will change into respect when your diligence will bring its fruits.

The love front in November 2014 will not be anything truly outstanding, despite such positive inputs. Of course, you will be lucky. Lucky in everything. Conflicts with close ones will go quiet before even starting. Your arguments with friends will no grow into conflicts, instead ending with laughter and a decision catering to your opinion. You will feel practically in heaven with your loved one. Yes, this is quite a time in front of you! Pure pleasure, not just a period. Except you will be unable to enjoy it to the fullest. Starting from the dawn of the second ten-day period, you will begin to notice a growing emptiness in the depth of your soul. With time, this emptiness will increase and wants will disappear one after another. This will not be a depression, but a strange period of forgetting, a lack of will, a sort of diving into non-existence. What to do with it? It is hard to say. Perhaps you need help. Not a psychologist’s help… but that of Mother Nature. Turn towards spiritual self-perfection. You lacked it for a long time. For example, go to yoga courses. This will not give you the desired effect, but it will tell you the direction to go. You will realize your own way after and will not steer away from it no more.


The zodiac House of Libra, being the brightest representative of the Air trigon, will not receive a “celestial leader” in November 2014 and so will be left without additional aid on behalf of the stars. However, if any other sign would experience serious negativity in such a situation, the Libras may forget about worrying. Why? Well because practically all planets of the classic order, meaning those planets that have an influence on this House in any circumstance, will be strengthened due to the general interstellar combinations. For example, Saturn – the ruler of the celestial rivers of time and the planet-exalt of Libra, will get an additional portion of active creative energy during this period, which he will not hesitate to share with his earthly protégé. The same situation will happen with Mars, responsible for the “expulsion” of the Libra, and the Sun – responsible for the “fall” of the House. These two planets will change the direction of their emanations and will be true allies for the Libra throughout the entire month. Only Venus will remain without additional energetic stimulation. However, her status as a planet-ruler provides her with exceptional strength a priori. Her influence will be certainly positive.

In terms of the direction of work, November 2014 will be a very good month for the Libra. Any project that you will attempt will come to life in the best way possible towards the end of the month. Although it is quite likely that a situation will arise where you will be able to cut the execution period in half and finish early. This fact combined with your increased productivity will allow you to get good profits, receive a bonus, or increase your authority – depending on where and for whom you work. Yet there is one fact to be considered in this situation: far from everyone will be as lucky as you are. Not everyone will have such energy and not everyone will experience the same work satisfaction as you do. This means that envy will be especially relevant. Your competitors will rush to use it against you. The stars can help you with any problem, but why do you need extra negativity? Try to act naturally, do not get ahead of yourself and help others if they ask for help. Do not let success ruin you.

In terms of personal relationships, everything will develop quite differently. In the very beginning of the month, some old and powerful conflict will be resolved. You lost sleep because of it for far too long (and not only you), but now that it has been resolved, you can finally relax emotionally. What will also contribute to your total relaxation is that either you will find a new lover that will understand you fully, or your current one will change. Do not search for reasons behind this change; just accept it as is. Why ruin the harmony with silly and meaningless attempts to find a caveat? However, it is likely that you will not be allowed simply to enjoy this situation. You have not been in a calm state for far too long and your nerves have probably forgotten what rest is. You will constantly search for some loopholes and some between-the-line messages. However, they will not exist! In the end, you will try to interpret the situation as your own incompetence, which will only give rise to new problems. You will not be capable of getting rid of this immediately and you will need more time. However, you will already step onto the path of light. Learn to trust people and believe in them no matter what. A human to a human is not a wolf, but a friend. Perhaps you learn the contrary far too often, but fate is giving you a chance to re-evaluate your views of the world. It is worth it, since you will reap what you sow and thoughts can be self-fulfilling.


The zodiac House of Pisces, the representative of the mutable cross of the Water trigon, in November 2014 might feel some difficulties in interacting with people in November 2014. This is the fault of the Black Moon, which will suddenly focus her attention on the given zodiac constellation. The result of this interaction with the ambiguous astral body will be the total destruction of the communicative property of the energetic body of the Pisces. In the end, precisely in the personal interaction with people the Pisces may experience some complications. As for the rest, Jupiter and Venus will try to resolve any problem. Jupiter, the planet-ruler of the House of Pisces, will not leave the framework of his responsibilities, but his energy will be enough to create an energy barrier most likely capable of blocking all negative emanations of Mercury. The ruler of the celestial trade routes will try to bring some amount of negativity into the lives of Pisces, which will of course be focused on the work sphere. Venus being the planet-exalt of Pisces, will certainly help its earthly protégé, and not only on the love front.

The work direction will be quite successful for Pisces in general throughout November 2014. However, as stated above, you should not bet too much on diplomacy. Currently, you will receive only half of the forecasted results from verbal contracts – that is in the best case. So be careful with your expenses and always consider whether the situation is worth your energy, as in the end you can count on only half of success. However, what relates to the purely technical side of the issues will be in a pristine state. That means that you should just start some work for it to go through its right path. You will not have any technical malfunctions (which cannot be said about your competitors, thanks to Jupiter). Just enjoy whatever you like to do and… do it! Management is unlikely to bother you. If you are management yourself, then you are unlikely to see a reason to bother your employees. As a result, you will have some free time and free resources, which can be quite possibly applied in a new project. Just be attentive and do not forget which characteristic of yours will not provide the best results in this period.

In terms of personal relationships, a timely destabilization of the communicative component of your life will not be a serious problem. Your lover will understand you without words. The same can be said about friend, albeit not all of them, but it is unlikely that you will face serious conflict on these grounds. Therefore, the stars recommend that you pay attention to your family hearth. Currently, someone from your close ones may encounter a problematic situation, solving which will be beyond the person’s own capabilities. Your meaning (precisely so!) will be in that first, define who needs help as the person will refuse to identify themselves to avoid problems. Second, you should find the most optimal approach to resolving the issue. If you will prove to be capable of that, then trust me that towards the end of the third ten-day period you may expect something that you could not even have wished for. If you will be unable to resolve this problem within this month, then do not despair – perhaps the stars will give you a second change later.


The zodiac House of Sagittarius will feel a very harmonic and balanced influence on behalf of the planets in the classical order all throughout November 2014. This means that not a single body of the Solar System that influences this House at any time will leave their “responsibility” and join some interstellar combination. On one side, this guarantees confident stability. On the other, the absence of additional help is unlikely a positive factor. Nevertheless, during the current period, the Sagittarius should pay special attention to Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus. Jupiter, being the planet-ruler of the Sagittarius, will have a defining influence on this sign and will try to stabilize any uprising negative situation. As a result, Mercury, responsible for the “expulsion” of the House of Sagittarius, is unlikely to be capable of realizing his full potential. However, if you consider the fact that the ruler of the celestial trade ways will focus his negativity exclusively on the work direction of the representatives of the given zodiac constellation, then it can be for certain that some issues may occur. The love front, however, will be fully protected by the trustful influence of Venus.

In this way, the sphere of business and entrepreneurship may turn out not to be the most positive side of the Sagittarius’ life in November 2014. Undoubtedly, you have a real possibility to finish all your projects on time. However, first, there is no guarantee that you will finish these projects with enough quality. Second, it is quite evident that you should not take on new directions. You can try your best and most likely have enough energy provided by your exalt Venus. However, soon you will notice that performing such manipulations will seriously weaken the other flanks of your life. This is why the stars do not recommend that you take this path. It is better to focus on particular current things and try to input a maximum amount of effort into them. Do not pay attention to competitors. It may seem during the second ten-day period of the month that they are doing much better than you are. This is just an illusion to throw you off track. This is why you should not follow such provoking temptations and just follow your own path. As a result, you will maintain your balance of energy, while the expectations of your opponents will crumble and they will fall back.

In terms of your relationships with close ones, you will not have any opponents in November 2014. Venus will try to provide you and your family with enough life energy, because of which you will be able to mitigate any conflict with your own strength in the shortest time. The particularity of this life stage will be in something else. Specifically you should resolve not all conflicts. In addition, not all conflicts should be resolved efficiently and fast. Sometimes, the situation should just sit, while its participants must obtain a possibility of a mutual emotional discharge. This is not even psychology; this is a life strategy if you must. Be attentive and do not rush getting into where your attendance may not be as necessary. Do not try to get ahead of everyone and appear as a leader. If that will have real need, then the circumstances will definitely remind you of such. In relationships with your lover, remember that someone else’s soul is an unchartered area, and you should not think that you would be capable of easily defining any problem. It is enough to be attentive and caring. Empathy can sometimes create miracles.


The zodiac House of Scorpio, where the energy of the Water element lives through its climax, will meet the final month of fall in an excellent spirit. November 2014 will turn towards the Scorpio with a smile and everything will be a success at first. However, with time, the positive energy flows will grow weaker and the representatives of this zodiac constellation, which get used to powerful celestial support very fast, may finally relax their positions. The fault will be strictly on the careless and honestly disorderly behaviour of the Scorpios themselves. As a result, everything will turn out to be much worse than it could have. However, there is another option where the Scorpios will see victory at the end. Victory mostly over themselves. Saturn, the planet-exalt of the House of Scorpio, will provide his earthly protégé with a lot of energy, and will also remind him about some past events, which might help the Scorpio surpass the most dangerous moments. Mars, the planet-ruler of this House, will fill the hearts and souls of the Scorpios with enough perseverance and bravery, while also correcting some events towards a more positive conclusion. The combined power of Venus – responsible for the “expulsion” of Scorpio and the Moon – responsible for his “fall” will not be on the side of this sign. Nevertheless, not a single upcoming situation can be described as hopeless.

In terms of the sphere of business and entrepreneurship, November 2014 will be an unusual time for the Scorpios. On one side, you will meet success everywhere. Your current projects will conclude even faster than you hoped, while new ones will promise you far greater profits than you hoped for. This is positive, as you must agree. Despite the fact that towards the end of the month the positive influence of the stars will weaken, you still have great chances to maintain the pact of work you have defined at the beginning of the period. You just have to be attentive to yourself and to those around you. Do not let your colleagues be negligent towards their jobs; this can bring serious problems upon you. You should also always remember about such things as safety, optimization management, a competent human resource policy… We forget many things while in the work routine (especially if we are successful at everything). However, when circumstances lower the speed of the positive dynamic, it becomes apparent that there are many problems. These problems should be resolved when they appear, so that their sum amount would not exceed revenues in the future. Never forget about the fundamental principles of business, even while at the top of your plans.

On the love front, however, just theory will not be sufficient. It is quite likely that everything will be okay, but you will not have satisfaction from what is occurring. Venus and the Moon (with them also the Black Moon) will try to leave you without a spark of life’s adventure, which gives birth in every person to new obsessive wishes and dreams that change not only the person themselves, but also the world around them. Without this spark, even the most successful life does not bring pleasure and only eats a person inside. So collect yourself and give yourself a promise that will never let sloth, melancholy, depression, or sickness to dictate their rules. Your will is the main motivator behind your life. Act, even if the final destination is not yet clear. Help your close ones; do not leave your friends in harm. In your relationships with your lover, define everything once and for all.


Taurus, the leading sign of the Earth trigon, can count on a very productive conclusion to all current projects in November 2014. However, building new foundations is not recommended right now. This warning has equal strength both in terms of relationships and in terms of business. The fault of that is a very curious combination of planets that have a direct influence on the lives of this sign during the current period. The Sun, the planet-exalt of this zodiac House, meaning the celestial body responsible for the blossoming of his life strength, will also be the planet-ruler of the entire Earth trigon in November. Moreover, the Sun is the leading point of one of the key planetary combinations during this month. In the end, the positive influence of this celestial body will be tripled towards the Taurus, which promises large victories and coveted achievements. Saturn, responsible for the “fall” of the Taurus, will side with this House and will create quite a powerful energy shield around it that will only strengthen solar emanations. Pluto, however, responsible for the “expulsion” of this House, will shamelessly lure Venus onto his side. The sum negativity of these celestial bodies will have quite a special coloration, which will be discussed below.

In terms of the sphere of business and entrepreneurship, November 2014 will be a very successful life stage for the Taurus. This only counts towards the current tasks. You should not start something new, otherwise you risk not only failing all your plans but also endangering yourself. This is precisely how the influence of the Pluto-Venus duo will manifest itself. Its strength will not be enough to penetrate the solar “protection”, but it will be capable of shifting some circumstances onto its side. Do not sign any agreements of cooperation, and if you are capable then have a minimum amount of talks with partners. Do so at least until the New Moon (November 22). Do not risk for nothing, as the stars are absolutely confident that the projects you have now will bring you success. By the way, during the current period you may invest additional resources into those directions that are close towards finishing. These will bring back handsome returns towards the end of the month! It is here that you should concentrate all of your abilities and all your attention.

In the love front, the situation will be slightly different. You will have to live through two shocks, one of which will be positive and one of which will be negative. Sadly, but we cannot even approximate the dates of these events. However, we can determine their overall direction. The positive one will have to do with your lover. Perhaps you will uncover some information that will change your life together at its core (a sudden inheritance or a gift from your parents would be one of the banal examples). This will be a shock for both of you. However, when you will recover from the new information, your happiness will be without limit. Just always, remember that the negative planets can change your victories into devastating losses over time. This is why you should be careful and carefully plan all your expenditures! The negative thing about the upcoming period has to do with one of your close friends. Some common venture may turn into a fiasco, because of which the hidden motives of the participators will uncover. Be ready for this and do not let any suspicious information slip by you.


In terms of the House of Virgo, November 2014 will be a time lacking harmony. On the contrary, this month will turn out to be the most polar life stage for the representatives of the given zodiac constellation. Speaking more precisely, the work area of the Virgo’s life will be radically different from the sphere of personal relationships. Such a contradicting situation will occur because the combinations of the Solar System relevant to this sign will be quite unusual in this period. On one side, Mercury, which is both a planet-ruler and a planet-exalt of the House of Virgo, will be overfilled with active positive energy, meaning that its protégé can hope for the same experience. That means an income of life strength, a raise in productivity, and an increased speed of mental reactions. In other words, you will have everything that is needed for precise and efficient work. At the same time, one of the general negative combinations will significantly reinforce Neptune, responsible for the “expulsion” of Virgo, because of which the influence of this planet will be quite large. Venus, responsible for the “fall” of this House, will not have such a strength as Neptune, but will open a path for her dark ally straight into very heart of the Virgo. In the most direct sense of that word.

Speaking about the sphere of business, we should just reiterate that November 2014 will bring a lot of success for the Virgo. The main thing is not to be shy of applying your knowledge to practice. It is likely that you have discovered many new things up to this moment, but the orthodox conservative views of those around you prevent you from using the full potential of this knowledge. However, now comes a better time when you can try something new. This month you will stay on top of the wave even in the case of failure, as circumstances will quickly overshadow all of the negative consequences of your venture. You will not sit idly either. That is why serious problems will not come your way. However, if you will succeed then unbelievable horizons will open up in front of you! If you work for yourself, then you are free to choose the scale and the direction of work, thus you will extract the most benefit out of the situation. If you work for someone else, then most likely you will not do your work 100%. Think about that. Maybe something in this sphere of your life needs changing? Just do not doubt yourself. You should consider all pros and cons and then make the decision. Either way, everything will be just great in November.

It is true; however, that such a statement only concerns the direction of work. The sphere of personal relationships will manifest itself in quite a different manner. It is likely that you will have to face problems throughout the entire month that will be so complicated and tangled that they will be practically unsolvable. If you are unable to mitigate a conflict immediately, then do not spend any more effort on it. Of course, you should not let the situation develop itself, but seriously think about the rational use of your emotional resources. In other words, do not worry. Especially since you will meet the most serious problem towards the middle of the second ten-day period. It is currently very difficult to say what that will be about. However, the situation will definitely concern your lover. We are not talking about cheating per se. Maybe not everything will be as bad, but something will radically change in your relationship. How radically – depends on your choice. Just remember that each act committed by a person has its motivations. This is why it is more important to understand the reason behind an action, not the action itself. Only such knowledge has meaning.


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