October 2017 – Astrological Forecasts
Get ready for an active month of October! All signs are in the thick of new opportunities here. Autumn is underway, and the seasons are transitioning before our eyes. As we enter October, the sign of Libra reigns. Libra is known as the lover of beauty and harmony. It is as gentle as it is kind, and it encourages us to find peace in the world. Since Jupiter has been in Libra since September and will be until the 10th of this month, it influences the world to strive for balance and co-operation. Some people may feel inspired to enact social change and even become leaders for peace. Jupiter tugs at our highest desires and ability to be true citizens of the world. The Universe is aligned for great success as the scales of justice balance out. Take this opportunity to get involved in campaigns, advocacy, or volunteer work. The first two weeks of October may feel energized and persistent for most of us, followed by a more passive and gentle week, as Libra makes its final appearance. The intense Scorpio sign enters on the 23rd and dominates until next month. The last week in October will be intense for many signs, so energy must be conserved here.
On the 6th to the 10th, major planetary shifts take place. The Sun will square Pluto at a
90-degree aspect. This will manifest as a conflict between a person’s outward identity and their subconscious self. Fear not, for these internal struggles will bring great rewards! In observing our dreams, we can consider our subconscious workings. To all signs, ask yourself, who are you when no one is looking? To merge the outer and inner self is to express the entirety of the soul. It is important to feel confident in decisions and actions here. Each one of us is a powerful god/goddess warrior. Mercury also sextiles Saturn on the 6th. The symbiotic flow between these two planets predicts smooth sailing ahead. At work, this may manifest as tasks and projects going exactly as planned, with a supervisor’s utmost approval. Some signs might feel a sudden burst of clarity, becoming master planners and communicators. Others may receive admiration
or become the center of attention.
On the other hand, Mars also opposes Neptune. The difficult aspect between these two planets creates an air of competition and reaction. When a difficult co-worker may be really getting on your nerves, for example, take the high road and use this energy to focus on your own pursuits. Or, to those signs who are highly critical of themselves, you may experience a rise in negative self-talk. Remember that you are a child of the Universe and can fulfill your destiny no matter what! On the 5th, the full moon emerges, representing the peak and maturity of our efforts. We can look forward to calmer energy throughout the next couple weeks, as Earth approaches the new moon.
On the 10th, Venus squares Saturn. For those in a relationship, now is the perfect time to do something special and unique. Go for a long walk to connect with your partner, or plan a romantic evening by candlelight. The planets will assist in intimacy here, so get ready for a sexy night! For those of you who are single, admirers may come out of the woodwork over the course of the week. A potential partner is right around the corner. The rest of the week will be useful for tying up loose ends and unfinished business. At some point we could ask ourselves, what projects can we put the final stamp on? Are there any lingering conversations that you’d like to resolve with people close to you? Now is the time to clear out and let go of all the old energies. We must create the space necessary in our minds and lives for new and better things to come.
The new moon on the 19th and 20th may leave signs feeling nervous and frustrated. Water signs (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) may have particularly challenging emotions here. This might be intensified when Mercury squares Pluto on the 22nd. Don’t worry too much! Feeling restless opens the opportunity to create something new. One may get pleasure from redecorating today, especially inside the home.
Starting on the 23rd, Scorpio wears the crown. The energetic Scorpio brings with it a multitude of social events and parties. Be mindful here to schedule enough time for everything! Scorpio manifests magic and mysticism wherever it goes, so especially pay attention to psychic intuition floating around this week. This fixed water sign encourages us to be seductive and wild in our romantic pursuits. With all signs feeling the heat, prepare for some wild play time. On the 28th, Mercury sextiles Pluto, creating a symbiotic but probing connection between inner thoughts and actions. Take the time now to reflect on the bigger picture. Evaluate core beliefs and attitudes. How are they presenting themselves in life at this moment? Does anything need to be changed or revisited? The 31st will be the perfect way to end the month with Halloween celebrations and playful festivities. The planets encourage everyone to be daring and unique today. Steer clear of black cats and dark magic, but do let your freak flag fly!
With this month, full of new opportunities in the aspects of love, social, work, and home life, all signs are sure to be entertained and stimulated to the fullest. Enjoy the highs, and know that the lows will disappear as quickly as they came. We are all sparkly creatures of the stars this month, and the planets are happy to rejoice in celebration with us!
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This October is a month of self-reflection as you examine your shifting identity. You likely rediscover your values, tastes, likes and dislikes. During this process, you should embrace a certain degree of uncertainty and keep an open mind. You may find yourself with opinions that you never anticipated having. Your process of self-discovery continues into your love life and career and is likely to spur big changes and decisions. It’s important to try to maintain some balance in your health and fitness routine to elevate some of the stress that major changes can bring.
October Love Horoscope
This October will be a good month for the single Cancer to seek new romance. As you are engaging in a process of self-discovery it will be beneficial to seek out new experiences. Keep an open mind when considering potential partners. You may find yourself falling for someone you might have overlooked in the past. Those Cancers already in relationships may find that their shifting values and perspectives may put a strain on their relationships. Be patient with your partner. This October will be as much of an adjustment period for your partner as it is for you. Communication will be the key to maintaining a happy relationship this month.
October Career Horoscope
For your career, this October, look for positions that best suit your changing preferences. Are there new responsibilities that you can take on? Is there a different position that would suit you better? Are you looking to shift fields entirely? It will important to ask these questions and more to determine the right path for you. As you make career changes try to plan ahead far in advance by considering whether or not these choices will take you where you want to be in five or ten years. The career decisions you make this October will have far-reaching effects on your life and well-being.
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
Cancer, you are understandably stressed from all of the changes going on in your life. Prioritize healthy stress relief in your fitness routine. This might be a good time to take up yoga or meditation. Explore different physical activities to see what works best for you and your changing lifestyle. This October you should get plenty of rest and eat healthily. You may feel like you have less time to devote to fitness, but you should make your well-being a priority. October is a month of change but it is also one of opportunity. You will need to be in a healthy mindset to thrive during this time.
This October, your career will take up a significant amount of your time and attention. Although you will be busy and preoccupied it will be important not to completely neglect other aspects of your life. You should still spend time with your partner if you are in a relationship and you should still look after your health. You will need to find a balance between these different elements as they all compete for your limited attention. This October you will be most successful with this with careful planning and organization. Set an appointment with yourself to take care of your fitness each day and set aside time in advance to spend with your significant other.
October Love Horoscope
Aquarius, relationships are looking promising for you this October. Your romantic relationships will develop into something greater than before whether you are currently single, or in a relationship. Be open to embracing whatever changes life has in store for you in love this October. For those Aquarians who are currently in relationships, the hard work and honesty that you put into your relationships will begin to pay off this October. New and positive changes in your relationship are likely to occur as a result.
Aquarians, you will find yourself extra busy at work this October, and you may feel too tired to go on many dates or plan romantic evenings with your significant other. You don’t need to feel guilty; your partner will understand that you are trying your best. Even simple casual time spent together can be meaningful.
The Single Aquarian should take things slow this October. You will have a lot on your plate with work this month and trying to rush into a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship will only give you more to stress over. If a new or reconciling relationship is developing, it’s meant to be a slow start but that won’t stop the inevitable. A deep and personal feeling that grows and stabilizes this month.
October Career Horoscope
You will be faced with extra challenging projects and a heavy workload this month. It may feel overwhelming at first but you wouldn’t have been given these tasks if your manager didn’t think you could handle it. If you face your work with confidence you can meet or even exceed expectations. You will have to work extra hard this month but you will not go unrewarded. If you handle your projects successfully your bosses will recognize your work and the valuable skills you bring to the table. You may be considered for a promotion after proving yourself capable of handling more complex work.
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
Fitness will be key to your well-being this October. A regular exercise routine can leave you feeling more energized, sleeping better, and feeling overall less stressed. Having a regular activity that is entirely about yourself will bring a level of balance and consistency to your routine. You will need all the energy and focus you can get if you want to make the most of the career opportunities at your work. Even just a simple routine will benefit you. You won’t need an expensive gym membership or fancy equipment. If you have running shoes you can go for a quick jog.
Aries, this October is sure to be extremely rewarding for you if you allow it to be a month of exploration. Self-reflect, try new things and take risks this October. By stepping outside your comfort zone, you will begin to discover what you find most fulfilling in your love life, career and health. Take chances and experiment in love and romance this October and don’t be afraid to make grand gestures. Push your newest Ideas forward at work. Even if they’re a bit out there you can have confidence that they will pay off. If you want your best fitness experience this month try new workouts and healthy meals. You may find yourself surprised by what works best for you.
October Love Horoscope
The Single Aries who’s looking for love should seek partners who share common goals. These goals will stand as a foundation for your new romance and as your relationship matures it’s expected to move you both forward together. You grow closer as you both help each other to achieve those goals instead of holding each other back.
If you are already in a relationship, this is a good month to try being more adventurous. Try new and romantic date ideas, visit new restaurants or try a couple’s activity that’s new to both of you, whatever novel idea suits your fancy. You may be surprised by what works for your relationship.
October Career Horoscope
All your plans will lead to exciting new success in your career. You feel energized by new and exciting prospects, leading to an increase in productivity throughout October. You may hit some obstacles this month and you will be forced to think outside of the box if you want to overcome them. These out of the box ideas will be immensely valuable at work. Your many new insights that will be received positively by management and your coworkers will value your creativity. You will have opportunities to work will others who will be interested in collaborating.
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
Aries, this October you will benefit from taking risks and experimenting in your love life. At the beginning of the month, you will have luck in finding new fitness activities that you will enjoy. You may also find that your taste in foods has changed this fall.
Consider trying new healthy foods, especially those that you have disliked in the past and haven’t tried to eat in a long time. Try various preparations and new dishes and you may just be surprised by what you end up liking. Adding new foods will make for an even more well-rounded healthy diet.
Capricorn, hard work will pay off for you this October. Your efforts will be uniquely effective this month and will be recognized by those around you, so set loftier goals this Month. Your hard work will be extra effective so it makes sense for you to have bigger plans.
You may set your sights on a promotion at work or you may plan on switching fields entirely. You might choose to seek a new degree. You should also set high goals for health and fitness such as running a marathon. These long-term goals will give you something to strive for.
October Love Horoscope
Whether you are currently single or in a relationship, you should feel optimistic about love this October. Single Capricorns are more likely to find romantic partners this month, so keep your eyes and heart open to all the possibilities October has to offer.
Capricorns who are already in relationships will find that their relationships will improve dramatically in response to stronger communication skills. When you are more open with your significant other this October you will find yourselves growing closer together.
October Career Horoscope
If you set ambitious goals this October then dedicate yourself to achieving them through hard work and diligence, you will make significantly speedy progress towards achieving them. If you plan on climbing the corporate ladder, furthering your education so that more opportunities are available to you or working towards any other goal, October is the month to get started.
Your hard work will not go unnoticed or uncompensated. If your goal is to rise within the company your dedication may soon be rewarded by salary increase or promotion in the near future. If you are furthering your education, your strong grades will provide you with better opportunities.
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
While it will be important to work hard this October you shouldn’t work so hard that you burn yourself out. As the weather gets chillier your risk for colds and flu will increase. These colds are typically minor annoyances, but extended time off could set you back on all of your hard-earned progress. To protect yourself from colds, make sure you are in your fittest condition by eating healthfully, staying hydrated, getting adequate sleep and dressing appropriately for the weather. These precautions will help to minimize the number and severity of colds you experience this October and throughout the fall and winter season.
This October is a month of new beginnings for you. You may have new romantic prospects or you may experience some change in your current relationship. You may have the opportunity to work on some novel and unfamiliar projects at work, and if you so chose this would be a good month to start a new fitness routine. These positive new experiences leave you feeling refreshed and energized at the beginning of the Month. With this positive mood, you set out this month well equipped to take advantage of all that October has to offer you.
October Love Horoscope
The single Gemini is in luck this month. October is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings for you. You are very likely to find someone special this month. Embrace all of the new experiences that October has to offer your love life. Those Gemini already in relationships experience a different kind of a new beginning this October. You find yourself entering into a new stage of your relationship. You should expect this change to come with unique challenges, but it will also be exciting and rewarding.
October Career Horoscope
You have entirely new experiences at work this October. New projects challenge you and keep you engaged and interested in your work. You likely find yourself being given more responsibilities. The nature of your current position will likely increase in scope and complexity, or you may be offered a higher position that is completely new. This may make your work a bit more difficult, but the extra effort it requires will be rewarded financially.
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
This October is an ideal month to start a new health and fitness routine if you do not already have one or update the one you already do. For the best chance of success in sticking with your routine keep stick to the classics. Workout fads and trends can be fun and novel but jogging is popular for a reason. It’s cheap, it can be worked into any schedule, and you don’t need a gym or a trainer to do it and it is effective. The same can be said for push-ups, sit-ups, and other similar exercises. This gives you some flexibility in your schedule and makes it easier to keep up with the routine.
Leo, this October can kick off a period of growth and maturity for you. Take any opportunity to learn something new this month. If you are experiencing relationship challenges, turn to family members for their advice. At work take advantage of continuing education opportunities.
To achieve your optimum health and fitness you will need a well-balanced diet. Consider taking a cooking class to gain new cooking skills so you can make yourself healthy and delicious home-cooked meals.
October Love Horoscope
If you have been experiencing relationship problems this September you will benefit from turning to your family and friends for advice. They will be able to see your predicament more clearly because they know you and your needs well but also have a fresh outside perspective.
The advice of your family members or close friends will be especially valuable if you are progressing to new stages in your relationship. They will be excited about your happiness but will still be able to provide that valuable outside perspective. They can help prevent you from rushing into things too quickly if you heed their advice.
October Career Horoscope
Further education will play a significant role in your career progression this October. Your workplace may offer courses for continuing education. You may have set your sights on a particularly interesting university course or you may need further education in order to be promoted or to change your career. This month will be an ideal time to begin seeking out further education. You may have difficulty achieving your career goals if you don’t take this important step. This is why you should take advantage of any educational opportunities that come your way this October.
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
For your best health and fitness this October, consider taking a cooking class to learn to make healthy and nutritious meals. Health starts in the kitchen and you won’t feel your best this month, no matter how effective your workouts, unless you eat well too. Even if you are already a good cook, it will still be a positive change to have more variety in your diet.
Knowing how to cook healthy and delicious food will give you control over your diet that you can’t get from eating out. Whatever your fitness goals, whether you want to train for a competition, lose weight or just feel your best, embrace simple nutritious home-cooked meals instead of superfoods and fad diets this October.
Libra, for a productive October, you will need to organize your life. You should start by figuring out what your priorities are. No one can be and do everything all at once, and by accepting that you can’t give a hundred percent at all times, you will have some peace of mind.
Reflect on what is most important to you right now. What do you what to work on the most this October, your career, your health, and fitness, or your relationships with family, friends and romantic partners. Whatever you choose to focus on, you will find yourself making more progress when you focus narrowly on a few key things.
October Love Horoscope
The single Libra will have little luck in love this October. While you may have a few potential romantic encounters towards the end of the month, not much will come out of them. Consider focusing on your friendships and other aspects of your life in the meantime.
Those Libras who are already in relationships may find themselves with less time to focus on their relationships. Your partner will understand if you need to devote more time to other things this October, but be sure to set aside at least some quality time to spend with your significant other.
October Career Horoscope
Your workplace will be less predictable than usual this October. Changes in management, new company policies, or changes in your specific role at your company may all cause unexpected challenges for you at work. If you are ready for unusual events you should be able to adapt to these changes by the end of the month. You may have good luck in the workplace if you are proactive about getting organized. Figure out what your essential tasks are that you need to complete this October and work on these first, then work on other projects that you personally find interesting.
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
You will have a lot on your plate this October Libra and keeping your fitness routine simple can help you to manage your busy schedule. You don’t need an expensive gym membership, equipment or trainers to be healthy. If you have a pair of running shoes, jogging makes for a cheap and, more importantly, effective workout. You should treat your diet in the same way you treat your exercise routine this October. Aim for simple yet effective practices. You don’t need superfoods or any fancy low carb, gluten free, paleo, low-fat diets. Cook healthy meals at home for yourself, make sure you get your five a day and enjoy sweets in moderation only and you will have all you need in a healthy diet.
This October will be a turbulent month for you Pisces. While your health and fitness will remain mostly the same, Unexpected changes will force you to work under pressure at the office. At the same time, new and exciting changes will occur in your relationship, but they will still require more time and effort. It will be important to remain calm and collected at work and open and attentive in your relationship. With hard work, you will manage these tasks just fine. Having a stable and constant workout routine will help bring some consistency back into your October.
October Love Horoscope
Pisces, you will find yourself extra busy at work this October, and you may feel too tired to go on many dates or plan romantic evenings with your significant other. You don’t need to feel guilty; your partner will understand that you are trying your best. Even simple casual time spent together can be meaningful.
The Single Pisceans should take things slow this October. You will have a lot on your plate with work this month and trying to rush into a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship will only give you more to stress over. If a new relationship it’s meant to be a slow start but that won’t stop the inevitable deep and personal feelings that are growing and stabilizing.
October Career Horoscope
Pisces, you will be facing turbulent events at the office this October. You may be moved unexpectedly to a new department. You may have to take on the responsibilities of a coworker who has left suddenly, or Perhaps you will need to deal with a new management team.
Whatever the cause of your workplace chaos, if you remain calm and in control, things will return to normal before the end of the month. By adapting to a new and difficult situation you will be able to prove that you are capable of working well under pressure.
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
With so many changes going on in other aspects of your life your fitness routine can act as one constant around which you can frame the rest of your day. You are capable of handling change in your work and love life, but having one consistent activity can be a relief.
This October keep your schedule consistent, don’t skip any days and stick to what you know. You shouldn’t make any drastic changes to your fitness routine instead just stay with what works for now. You can always experiment with your workouts next month when your life is less hectic.
This October some of your friendships may be tested, revealing who your true friends are. At the end of the month, you will be much closer with those friends who stuck with you. This conflict will likely occur when you have some exciting success or news to share with your friends at the beginning of October. Your true friends will be legitimately excited and proud of you. They truly care about you and will be happy when you succeed, however, some fair-weather friends may be jealous and try to knock you down a peg. Don’t worry too much about these people. Your real friends will have your back.
October Love Horoscope
This October, the single Sagittarius will be very lucky in love. You will meet many potential romantic partners who would fit well with you, however only one will be Mr. or Mrs. Right, but once you find that special someone you’ll know. Don’t pass up an opportunity to be with someone who is just right for you. Those Sagittarians who are in relationships now will also have happy love lives this October. If you are willing to communicate and be more open with your significant other, you will find yourselves growing much closer very quickly. Expect your relationship to flourish this October.
October Career Horoscope
Sagittarius, you can look forward to advancement in your career in some form or another this October. You may receive greater responsibility in your current position, you may be moved to a department you prefer, or be promoted within your current department, or you may even be hired somewhere new. Whatever the case maybe you can look forward to exciting changes ahead, but be prepared for the extra effort these changes may require of you. You will likely find this work to be rewarding both on a personal and financial level.
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
Sagittarius, you should look forward to good health this October. You will be well rested and have plenty of extra energy. This is an ideal month for you to form healthy habits and routines. Consider making yourself a balanced breakfast with fruits, whole grains, and lean protein each morning. Your balanced breakfast will give you even more energy to get through the day. If you are ambitious, you might consider using some of that extra energy to set and work towards some long-term fitness goals, like running a marathon or joining an intermural sports team.
Scorpio this October you should adopt a take-charge attitude in your career you love life and in your health. You will need to assess your needs and wants first, but once you have a plan you can set to work implementing it. A confident and assertive attitude will bring your plans closer to realization. You will need to communicate your desires to your romantic partners if you want a change. You may need to seek out healthcare professionals that are an ideal fit for you. Take advantage of your free time this October by working on a personal project that you’ve been meaning to get to.
October Love Horoscope
The single Scorpio will have many romantic opportunities this October. Will all your many options this month you should let a strong understanding of your needs and desires inform your decisions about love this month. If you keep in mind what it is you really want out of a relationship you will be successful in love this October.
For those Scorpios who are in relationships, a strong understanding of one’s needs and desires will also be very relevant this October. If you want something more out of your relationship, or need something specific from your partner you won’t get it unless you ask for it.
October Career Horoscope
This month, your career will be fairly regular. You should not expect any major changes or shake-ups in policy, management or fellow employees, and the kind of work will remain mostly the same. The calm work environment will mean that you will have plenty of extra energy at the end of the day. Consider using this extra energy on personal or side projects. This kind of work could involve a hobby, side hustle, academic study or anything that you do on your own time. You will be able to make a great deal of progress this month, whether you are just starting or are nearly finished.
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
It is essential that you take charge of your healthcare this October. You may be in good health now and for some time into the foreseeable future, but having general practitioners and other professionals who work well with you and with whom you are comfortable, will make your general care much more comfortable, thorough and effective.
If you are not happy with a doctor, dentist, therapist or other healthcare professional you have the option to shop around. It may take some schedule adjustment or extra travel time, so it is important that you find the right balance between convenience and quality.
Taurus, you experience no major changes this October until the very end of the month, and if you want to make these changes happen at work, in your love life or in your health and fitness routine, you have to spend some time making them happen.
You may consider looking into different healthcare professionals if you are unsatisfied with your current care. At work, you can begin to work on personal projects or corporate advancement but you see little progress until you have the support of your co-workers.
October Love Horoscope
The single Taurus shouldn’t expect to start anything long term this October. You might have some smaller temporary flings if you seek them out. Feel free to enjoy some fun and safe casual romance. You most likely get to know some interesting new people this month.
Taureans who are currently in long-term relationships are unlikely to experience substantial changes in their love lives this month. You shouldn’t see much change growth or progress, but your relationship will also be relatively drama free. It’s best to just relax this October and enjoy this month for balance in your emotions.
October Career Horoscope
You’ll be full of ideas this October and understandably eager to see them through. Embrace your creativity and drive because they are sources of career advancement for you, just not immediately. You need to have the support of those around you first, especially the support of your supervisors. You should start by building positive relationships with your colleagues. Towards the end of October, you can begin to move forward with work on your new projects, knowing that you have a strong support network backing you up. Collaboration is absolutely essential to your success!
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
If you have been looking for a new doctor or another healthcare professional, your prospects look good this month. You should have luck in finding a healthcare professional who will be a good fit for you. While you search for a new doctor, consider cutting back on some bad habits. You don’t need to wait until you’ve found the right healthcare team to start managing your well-being. Your body and mind will thank you for the extra temperance, and once you’ve found new doctors, they will be happy too.
October may be a challenging month for you Virgo, especially in the beginning. You may experience loss or other challenges in your relationships, or you might have to handle a setback at work. You will be able to handle these challenges and even potentially turn them into opportunities. Managing your stress will help you do that. Avoid falling back on old bad habits and create new healthier stress reducing routines.
October Love Horoscope
This October newly single Virgos should take a short hiatus from the dating scene. Breakups hurt but yours will be a great opportunity to focus on yourself this month. Invest your time in things that make you happy, take up a hobby, spend time with friends and family. take advantage of some well-deserved “you” time. Virgos who are currently in relationships may find that a change in circumstances at work may put a strain on your relationship at home. Stress over a new project, longer hours, or a new work location may cause conflict. Have patience and your relationship should be back to normal by the end of October.
October Career Horoscope
You may have experienced some setbacks at work recently. Perhaps a sale or deal fell through, a project may not have worked out as planned, or maybe you received a less than stellar review. If so, you will have the chance to redeem yourself this October.
By reflecting on how and why you fell short last time, you will be able to adjust your actions in the future and avoid similar problems. Your Bosses, supervisors, coworkers etc., will notice how you have learned and grown from your past mistakes and you will be more likely to be trusted with extra responsibilities by the end of October.
October Health and Fitness Horoscope
Stress during the beginning of October may tempt you to fall back on old unhealthy habits. Turning to old habits may provide temporary comfort, but it’s more trouble than its worth. Don’t give in, instead form new healthy and productive routines and habits to counteract stress.
You might consider taking up yoga or going for walks in the morning. Reading a book before bed instead of browsing the internet could help you get better sleep. Making sure you eat a healthy breakfast each day would help you start the day off on a positive note. Find what routine’s help keep you stress-free this October.