Some of my satisfied clients..
“Lee is amazing as all of her predictions came true at a time when I really needed it”
Natalie Imbruglia
“Lee was referred to me when I was at a cross-roads in my life. Her insights were so profound and her predictions guided me straight into the West End and beyond. Thank-you Lee”
Dannii Minogue
“My own personal readings with Lee are always met with sudden amazement at the accuracy of her psychic ability and every reading proved beneficial to my personal and corporate life, leaving me with a great sense of satisfaction. Lee not only saw into my future but her inspirational advice and ideas were always spot on.”
Chelsey Baker One of Britain’s leading female Entrepreneurs
“I’ve known Lee for nearly seven years now. I was interested but sceptical about tarot and all things clairvoyant until I met her, and I’ve always found her readings to be spot on. Her comments are intelligent, accessible and illuminating. She’s made me trust in my instincts and listen to them. They’re never wrong, and neither in my experience is Lee.”
Sarah Tucker Award winning travel journalist
“I can honestly say that without Lee I would not have had the courage to set up my business on my own or achieve the success that has come from this decision. Lee empowered my choices and actions over the years by her uncannily accurate and specific insights that time and time again have proved to be precise and spot on. And when the “going” gets tough, I call Lee and I recommend you do the same.”
Arezoo Kaviani One of the UK’s leading beauty therapists
Audio Testimonials
Dear Lee,
Thank you for the email, yes indeed your work is extremely professional and I am delighted to be able to confirm that I have reported back to the Council and the College wishes to now extend their work into the email and telephone reading fields. I feel that you are just the person to represent the College in this area and I am delighted that we can begin to work together.
I know that Cheryl and Octavia have been in touch with you and have agreed a paragraph that will be in our next programme – out in March. We can monitor how it goes and make any necessary adjustments to the system if any should be needed.
Both Hilary and Logan were delighted with their readings, as was I. I am sorry that there were so many ‘hoops’ for you to jump through, however the reputation of the College works both ways, for us and for you. I hope that you will benefit from being associated with us, and that we all profit from the move.
I look forward to seeing you again in the near future,
Kind regards,
Suzanna McInerney
Principal to the College of Psychic Studies.
To Alex Hogg – Big Hand People
Just to say a huge thank you for supplying Lee last night. She was perfect and did a great job, even staying some extra minutes to make sure that the client and her husband both had a reading. I think though my friend Martin at Éclair Cuisine was the most thrilled as Lee did a reading for his chef who had been going through a really hard time and apparently been on a downward spiral for the last week, UNTIL last night.
Please pass on my gratitude to Lee. I look forward to working with her again.
Speak to you soon.
Hugo Fuller
Ultra Violet Inc Ltd
The Electricians Workshop
2 Michael Road
“Lee provided a wonderful service at our family day, that was hugely popular with our attendees.
Everyone had very positive feedback about her readings and numerology on the day. From my point of view, she worked extremely efficiently, was very flexible during the day and provided an excellent professional service that really added to our day. I would recommend her to anyone and will definitely be using her again in the future.”
Best regards
Wow, Lee, thank you. Your dream interpretation has certainly given me a lot to think about. Your points regarding my anxiety at work and more specifically with my new boss are very accurate. I don’t know if I told you that my new school is listed as the number one girls school in America… and it really is an amazing place to work. So, yes, I have put a lot of pressure on myself to live up to their reputation. I really appreciate the time you put into my dream. I will certainly let you know what life brings my way. All the best to you, Lee! And thanks again!!!! Andrea G
Dear Lee
Just wanted to say – thank you for an awesome reading, and what a fantastic way to receive the voice reading! Thought it worked extremely well.
Lots of love,
Hello Lee
Thank you so much – the voice file was great – really insightful!
Best wishes, Emma
Dear Lee,
I am writing to thank you for the reading you sent me recently.
I really enjoyed the readings and found them very insightful, a couple of striking things you picked up on were that one of the ways that I might be studying could involve learning with CD ROMs. Spooky. I also really enjoyed listening to the voice recording I thought you had a very soothing voice and it is quite true that I am on the cusp of a breakthrough in my health problems at the moment, with a major breakthrough occurring the day that I got your reading so it really was spot on. Thanks for you very prompt service, and apologies for my very slow response! I really enjoyed the reading very much.
Warmest wishes
Dear Lee,
Thank you, thank you, thank you…missing my father is very difficult right now, I think because so much has happened in such a short time. Maybe if everything had been more spread out over a few years…
Being an adult and getting older is so different from what I expected it would be. I’m finding strength I didn’t know I had.
Your gifts are so helpful; please know that you gave me a lot of comfort today! Susan
Dear Lee,
Thank you so much for the reading – both the word document and voice file were right on the mark and I really appreciate your insights and guidance and particularly your kindness and optimism. I am sure I will be re-reading the reading to digest it fully several times over – it has really made an impression on me and given me lots to think about and for that I can only thank you sincerely and profusely.
I hope you have a wonderful year ahead and all the very best,
Hello Lee,
I have now received my e-mail reading and voice files, thank you so much.
As usual you are spot of with a lot of issues, best regards
Dear Lee!
I want to say how much I liked the e-mail reading and audio message you did for me before Christmas. I have to apologize for the delay in leaving you feedback- so much is now happening in my life at once!
Your voice was very reassuring and professional and we both liked your nice comment about both our personalities- you were so spot-on , also concerning strengths and weaknesses in our relationship! Also the assurance about the old lady who would always be near to me was very nice as she has passed over 6 years ago and I feel her very near to me quite often and just wanted proof about my feelings. Many many thanks for the work you do and your professionalism – I surely will recommend you to all my friends! Lee, many many thanks for your effort and insights
– Regards, Marina
Greetings from The Ancient One
Hello Lee
I have just had the pleasure of experiencing your personal truth . Your website celebrates your true nature and life perspective. I found your portrait of the self to be an engaging portrayal of your spirit and creativity. When we share who we are with our fellow global citizens we are swimming in an ocean of light that illuminates a path of peace and understanding for all. You are a unique and interesting individual. I wish you a journey that elevates the soul to great things that you may greet each day with brilliance. May your path be written in the stars that you may know your life’s purpose and may you deepen your understanding as you nurture your spiritual self and awaken to your divine essence.
Yours in Transcending Wisdom
Micheal Teal
Psychic, Poet and Spiritual Consultant
Dear Lee,
Thank you so much, you are really great !
I’ll definitely be recommending you (which I have already done on several occasions!) and will certainty be in touch again
Love Giancarlo
I don’t know how to thank you for helping to drag me out of the doldrums about my work situation. I was so down when I contacted you and you have now made me feel so much more positive.
Your interpretation of the situation was entirely accurate and I was starting to doubt my abilities even though I knew in my heart of hearts that it had been caused unjustly, you have shown me that there is light at the end of this very long dark tunnel.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. You have a very special gift and a great deal of kindness.
Best wishes
Dear Lee,
Thank you ever so much for this reading. I don’t think you will ever realise the importance and motivation/confirmation that this reading has delivered. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. All your communication has also been revealed to me by my spiritual mentor, Mrs Marjorie Bray over the years. She is a Psychic as well. I have had the privilege to study under her for over 22 years now. I’ve just had the urge to verify (for my own motivation I suppose) about what has been given to me before and through the times. What is remarkable is the similarity of what has been given and what will come to pass was also spot-on.
I will from time to time contact you for some more readings if you don’t mind.
Thank you so much once again!!!
Kindest regards
Dr. Chris
Hi lee. I received the CD audio and listened with great interest.
When you spoke of my father and from my father that I experienced an incredibly moving and powerful connection. what you said, the words you used, the ways in which you described him and his path have meant so much to me. I can now begin to let go, as he has asked me to, and also can rest easy in the knowledge that he is peaceful and far happier, ‘relieved’ you said to be in spirit. I can’t thank you enough for bringing my father to me in this way, and for confirming so clearly what I already believed in my heart deep down
Many, many thanks, Shivaun
Thank you for the e-mail reading with the new word file and voice attachment format. I found the numerology very uncannily accurate in many (actually loads of) places. Thank you also for the voice file, it has especially helped me look more positively on moving out of my current situation. Even uncannily too, it is very accurate in the little things such as I have been thinking about getting involved in a second income. Plus I was even thinking about more travelling in the summer. The description at the end of a lovely, joyful jolly man describes my dad exactly. He was a builder and loved working with his hands and loved working outside. I do look after my Mum, so that was really accurate. He died when he was very young 38, so its lovely to know he is happy where he is, and still laughing by the sound of it. Plus I am about to start driving lessons, so getting out in the countryside and going for long walks & picnics is something I have dreamed of. So it was really lovely to hear that he was encouraging me to do that and to be confident about changes that are happening now.
Many Many Thanks, God Bless
Dear Lee
Thank you so much for the CD which arrived this morning and it is spot on
Bless you for all the work you must have put into it. It is really appreciated.
Your healing thoughts came with it I could feel them. Thank you.
With much thanks
Dear Ms Lee,
Thank you very much for your reading concerning myself and my partner, it has been very nice and impressive. I will take into account your advices for this year.
Hello Dear Lee
Thank you for the wonderful postal reading you did for me in December – it was so much more than I’d anticipated and such a boost on so many levels
With love
Hi Lee,
Thank you for the reading you provided. You provided me with some great messages and the delivery of the whole reading was very professional. Thank you for this insight as it opened up a number of different ideas already as to what I can do. Many people I have seen give readings (either in development groups, psychic fairs or demonstrations) are not of your calibre and I thank you for giving me a bar to reach towards.
Again many thanks.
All the best
Dear lee,
Thank you so much for the loving care with which you have done my reading.
you gave me comfort, and I’m looking forward to the good things to come!
All my very best wishes for the New Year.
In love and light,
Hello Lee,
Thank you ever so much for the reading. It was very informative and deeply personal to me. You are indeed extremely perceptive – I feel like you know me inside out 🙂
It’s definitely been food for thought and it’s good to know I’m starting to head in a direction that’s right for me. Once again thank you so much for your insight. Your advice was very constructive and I will be putting it your advice into action ASAP.
I will be sure to let you know how it all turns out.
Love and best wishes to you
Jonathan x
Many thanks for your reading & voice file which I’ve now read/listened to twice. I found your reading very helpful and insightful and you picked up a lot of what is going on for me – especially moving into a new cycle of my life. I have felt really strongly that this year is the completion of one cycle and that next year is moving into something quite different and which takes me much closer to fulfilling my potential.
I will certainly recommend you (I came across you through the College of Psychic Studies website) and will no doubt be in touch again at some point.
All the very best
Dear Lee,
I hope you’re having a great day? Thank you so very very much for this, I am totally amazed how spot on you are in every aspect of me, my persona, my life etc.
Your reading completely resonates with me on every level. After leaving England and travelling for 20 years, ending up in Cape Town, I am preparing to come home at the end of the year – no particular reason actually just a gut instinct pulling me back for growth and to explore new horizons, so your reading truly helped me gain clarity.Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to meeting you.
Love and light,
Pete 🙂
Hello Lee
Thank you for your time last night and all the information. you turned things round for me and I’m beginning to look at things in a different way now. you have enabled me so much in my life and I trust you as you’re always honest, even though at times it’s been difficult to hear – not now, but in the past.
You are one of the rare people along the way who make a difference.
With love and eternal gratitude
Dear Lee,
Thank you so much for sending that through last night. I don’t know how you get people so “spot on” (incredible) or continue to talk with a tickle in your throat! Mainly, I am just relieved that to learn that you are not unwell or have put aside doing the readings you are so good at. I have a friend who is very interested in contacting you so now I know for sure you are still there I shall pass on your internet site to her.
Warmest regards
Sandra J
Dear Lee,
I received your CD reading yesterday. I think you connected with me very well and with the type of person I am. You were very specific and accurate in seeing my desire to change home and my experience of my work environment. I am encouraged by hearing so many positive things and I hope to have some positive outcomes!!
Thank you and all the best,
Mary K
Dear Lee,
Thank you so much for my reading, it made a lot of sense to me!
The numerology for the children was really interesting, I had their birth charts done a few years ago and a lot of the aspects were the same. In my son’s numerology a karmic debt was mentioned, this also appeared in his birth chart.
Everything you said made perfect sense to me and helped me understand myself a bit more and thank you for your advice, I have given your website details to friends whom I think it will be of interest to!
Thank you again,
Best wishes, Sharon x
Thank you so much for your in depth and detailed reading, you have been accurate about me so I feel sure that the future predictions will also be right. My intuition guided me to you and I shall keep you posted with feed back.
Love and Light
Dear Lee,
Just wanted to say thank you so much for my reading, it is very informative. I found it fantastic!I read your story in a magazine and you’re quite an amazing lady.
You picked up on my life very accurately, and that of my husband. Once again thank you so much Lee, I will inform you of developments
Love and light
Dear Lee,
I’d just like to thank you for your reading on 25th April. My mind has been very troubled and you have helped me find some peace.
I’d like to also thank you for your reassurance and encouragement for my career aspirations. You raised so many things that concerned me and you turned them around into a ‘positive’ in such a succinct way, that I’m going to replay the tape and note down your words.
Your kindness and compassion shone through in the reading. I had no idea I had been talking so long, yet you did not charge me. I’m so very grateful and appreciative of your kindness. I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help and guidance. Thanks so very much
Hi Lee
Thank you so much for this reading .I am very impressed with what you have said and will certainly provide feedback as things unfold. The timescales you mentioned also make a lot of sense and I will certainly be guided by your words. I am sure I will be in touch again!
Brightest blessings
Hi Lee,
I just wanted to drop you a line to say thanks very much for the reading that you sent me on tape. I received it this morning and am very very pleased with the result. It was much more in depth than I expected and was very encouraging.
Thank you again for your time in doing this and for sending the tape out to me. I really appreciate it.
I hope to use your skills again in the future and value your words and expertise.
Thanks again.
Dear Lee
Forgive the delay in sending this. What can I say? I was totally transformed by your tape. It has been a time of much confusion and loss of direction for me lately, the best way I could describe this was to use the word ‘overload’. In listening to my reading only once, it has lifted me from this pit of chaos straight out into the light once again. I will be eternally grateful to your beautiful gift and I stand in respect of whatever force that led me to your website. I hope through my facilitating healing with others, I can send more people to you so that they too can share your divine gift.
Thank you Lee from my deepest self for shattering through the illusion of my thoughts and allowing my truth to come shining through.
Dear Lee
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for my reading. Thanks for putting it on tape as I got a much better idea and understanding as a result. You were very accurate in regards to my personality and some of the issues I am tackling at the moment. I have just started working with a life coach in regards to confidence and unlocking the emotional side of my character. I am really determined to work through past issues and have been feeling very positive over the past few weeks as a result.
Thanks again, take care
Jo xx
Dear Lee
Yes, I’ve received my reading. Sorry didn’t reply sooner. This is one of the best readings I’ve tried! I’m so thrilled with the reading, I decided to read it word by word to understand fully, so haven’t finished reading. I promise I’ll send you the feedback once I’ve read it all.
Many many thanks & kind regards
Hello Lee,
Yes I received the readings and am very impressed with them. They are extremely detailed, accurate about my personality and circumstances and provide sound advice which I will explore to achieve the goals identified in my questions.
Thank you very much for your help and advice and an uplifting reading which in itself is a confidence booster
Dear Lee
Thank you so much for my reading. I can not believe how accurate it was. You have given me the extra bit of confidence I needed to follow my heart. Thank you. My outlook now is very positive and you have taken away the doubts that I have had about my recent actions. Thank you. Very Kind Regards Karen.
Dear Lee,
Thank you so much for your analysis. It is all very fascinating and I am exited by the whole experience.
Thanks ever so much for your time!
Hello Lee
I just wanted to thank you for the reading you have done for me.
A lot of the information that you have come up with fits my current situation exactly, even down to something I was thinking yesterday before you sent me the reading.
It has actually calmed me down a lot, to read your guidance.
Thank you so much, and i will definitely be coming back to you in the future for further readings.
Thanks Again
Dear Lee
Thank you very much indeed for the reading. It was very accurate about the job that ended so badly. Helps a lot to validate, as it were, my view of this thing.
I loved the description of my guardian angel.
Your comments about my husband are very comforting. Thank you.
Warmest regards
Dear Lee,
Thank you so much for the reading. One of the first things I did was pass it on to my lifelong friend to read and she was so impressed that she will be ordering a reading from you also. You hit the nail on the head when describing my personality and how I act in social circles, and one of the things you advised I do is find a life coach…..I had just done that a week before and after 2 sessions find that this is already helping. You are very right with regard to my restlessness, and am really trying to take your advice on board. Thanks again for your insight, I shall recommend to others that they have a Reading and shall keep you posted on any further developments.
Thanks, Vicky
Hi Lee,
Firstly, a big thank you. On first glance, this is truly INCREDIBLE.
Astoundingly spot on. You have hit the nail on the head in so many, many ways. I look forward to reading this at leisure tonight, and will of course let you know of any developments as they relate to the reading. I have the feeling that everything you have said will blow me away! I have NO hesitation in recommending you to my friends and colleagues – and in fact, will do so at every opportunity.
Many, many thanks again!
Best wishes,
Dear Lee,
I have to say that the reading was incredible! BRILLIANT.
I would like to do the same for my friend who has a birthday this week. I have let her know that I shall set it up for her and wonder what the best way to do this might be – I shall pay for her email reading, but she will need to go online and fill out the form herself. Any advice on how best to do this would be gratefully received.
Thanks for the quick reading. It is amazingly deep into details.
It is surprising some details describe exactly what I am, although we’ve never met, you don’t know me at all.
I will read again to absorb what is written. I surely will recommend to my friends.
Thanks again and best regards,
Dear Lee,
Thank you so much for your careful analysis and painstaking work for me. I am most pleased.
Best wishes
Dear Lee
Thank you very much for your long and detailed reading.
The information about my past life in Egypt was particularly enlightening and helpful, confirming the Isis connection and giving me more pieces to the puzzle of what is happening to me in this lifetime. It made a lot of sense.
I appreciate the advice on future spiritual development.
The tarot reading has given me strength in that it seems to confirm that I am on the right track and things are beginning to turn round for me.
With best wishes
Dear Lee,
I want to thank you because you said that negotiations concerning new contracts in work will be evident during this phase and it seems that through April some significant opportunities arrive which have merit, re-train or specialise your skills will be met with success.
I am amazed because, did happened at the exact time you predicted!
I feel now less anxious and a lot happier because i thought that it will be impossible to happen. I will let you know of the other developments as when they occur.
Best wishes,
With all my love
“I want to thank you for giving me a lot of very helpful guidance, and to congratulate you for being very good at what you do.I wrote to you in August of last year, for an emailed reading. I also checked out several other folk’s readings. All were good, yours was superb. Thank you very much indeed. The guidance you gave was spot on, and the tone of your reading was right for me. ” LB Scotland.
Dear Lee,
Thanks very much for such an excellent reading. I have read over it a few times now, there is so much information in it that it will be a fantastic reference over the year. Thank you for the time that you spent working on it.
I will let you know how the year works out!
Thanks again,
Dear Lee,
Thank you very much for a long report. I was so surprised that you mentioned about many things which I did not tell you. I wander how you understood our situation well.
When other questions come up, I may ask you Email reading again.
Many thanks,
Dear Lee
Just to say thank you so much for my compatibility reading, it is so spot on about us and also told me a lot about how we can be as a couple. This relationship is in the early days. I do hope to have a full reading from you again in the near future sometime as I’ve done before in the past.
Many thanks,
Love and light
Anne x
Dear Lee,
Many thanks for the reading, it was much more in depth than I had hoped for. I found the numerology section spookily accurate, good points and bad! The rest of the reading I found to be of great comfort. The tarot and clairvoyant section sound really positive, and I hope it all comes true, and yes I do worry too much!
Overall the reading has been really uplifting, and has made me think that there may be better times around the corner. Thanks for all the effort, I will be recommending you to others and am sure I will also be back.
Kind Regards,
“Thank you for taking the time to do an online email reading for me. There is so much to read and it is very constructive food for thought – thanks very much! I will definitely be recommending you to friends and work contacts who may be interested in your services – there is no doubt that people find your readings fascinating.”
“Thank you so much for the most incredible, extraordinary and fascinating experience on Tuesday night – I really enjoyed meeting and listening to you. I’m still getting used to the fact that it actually happened, that it wasn’t a dream.”
“Brilliant thanks Lee. Things look really positive. Looks like big things are imminent. Fantastic as ever”
Tom, Julli and Jaz
” I very much value your advice. I also wish to say that you are the best reader I have ever met and, believe me, I have seen many people over the years. I shall have (and already have done so) no hesitation in recommending you to others”
“Lee …. thank you so much for the reading … it has given me a great deal of insight into my situation, and some clear areas on which to focus …”
” Just to say thank you very much for the reading you did for me on Saturday. I found the whole experience so interesting and I have felt really uplifted by it. I somehow feel it has given me hope and direction for the future which I didn’t have and I am so grateful to you for helping me to see that. I hope we will meet again but in the meantime very many thanks.”
“Thank you for your recent reading. Excited, enthused and empowered I am having read it over and over again because there were a couple of surprises in it that I did not expect at all especially around love and relationships.”
“On the strength of your reading and a high recommendation from my friend Tommy, who recommended you to me, I have ordered another personal reading by you on cassette tape this time. I have passed your name on to two of my friends who were hugely excited by your accuracy.”
“Thank you very much for your reading. I have to say I found it very good- I can relate to a lot of what you said & it’s given me great encouragement for the future”
” As ever, many thanks for your insights. What an excellent service. I have no hesitation in recommending you to all my friends.”
” Thanks for the reading. I have now had the chance to read, and re-read it. Your reading was awesome – & of course, to those ‘amenable’, I would certainly not hesitate to recommend you.”
” I want to say a massive thankyou for your wonderful reading. You have given me the courage to not sit back and observe life, but rather take appropriate action to start enjoying myself. I have already passed your name to several friends who are very interested.”
“My treasured friend, Beatrice, tells me you are a wise and wonderful soul who can help me. Any guidance you can offer me would be so greatly appreciated.”
” Just to say thank you very much as always- interesting things afoot – some a little unexpected that I will have to get my head around. I so value your help, it makes a real difference and gives me piece of mind. Thank you for sharing your special gift.”
” Truly, you are the angel with the light before my dark feet….how wonderful your words and guiding thoughts always are to me…. I know your reading is very significant and I do believe, with all my heart, its truth in my life….in the perfect time….Thank you, thank you…”
” I received the tape and would like to thank you for a lovely reading. It is very comforting to receive re-assurances, especially in areas where one feels slightly unconfident.”
“Thank you for the great experience of studying your reading. For a guy like myself, it is a bit overwhelming. Have never participated in an endeavor such as this. Appreciate the time you dedicated to preparing the reading. Many things you said were on the mark, others are a bit confusing but I’m certain things are never totally clear in this type profession.”
“Thank you so much for your kind letter received this morning. Your presence contributed greatly to the success of our evening,and I have received many compliments on your behalf, which I am delighted to pass on to you.. I would be very pleased to act as a reference point for future prospective clients,as i would have no hesitation in inviting you to our next function.”
“On a personal note it was a great privilege to meet you, albeit at the end of the function where there was precious little time to talk, but I really hope we can meet again as your reading was very close to home.”
“Just a quickie to say thank you very much for my email reading. I have been very impressed with your reading, I have found it to be very uplifting and informative and am sure it has given me guidance during a very difficult time. It has helped me focus on what I actually am looking for in my life and I know the future looks brighter.”
“I have already told several of my friends, I’m sure you will be hearing from them very soon.”
“Thanks for the reading. Flipping brilliant, and accurate! I’m hoping the relationship is me, he is an extraordinary man and we have a good friendship. Another friend, Michelle, is sending her details to you for your accurate insight and advice.”
“Thank you so much for my reading it was fantastic. Very comprehensive and from what I can see, plenty to look forward to especially surrounding work – at last. In fact you mention some form of compensation coming my way – on Saturday I received a chq from a pension fund that had recently been taken over by another company. Just as you forecast!! A prediction that occured much faster than I could possibly have imagined and very much needed!!!”
“Despite work being exceptionally quiet at the moment I have a feeling things are really going to take shape over the next few months, despite nothing being tangible at present. The great thing is you confirmed that in the reading, so that’s a brilliant sign.”
“I’ve mentioned this quick and easy way of obtaining readings to a number of friends, so hopefully you’ll be receiving a few more bookings.”
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