February 2017 – Astrological Forecasts
The second winter month of 2017 will bring plenty of positive moments for each Zodiac sign, but for the sake of a “brighter future” each of us will have to work diligently and consistently to achieve goals and desires in all areas – career, business, relationships, home and family life. Venus will retain her positive energy, which favored the previous month in all matters of the heart. Whilst Saturn and Jupiter continue to take their active “vital positions”, and you will be able to rely on them if needed. However, with that said, you must be quite clear on your strategies and with a bit of planning this month, you can feel more confident in achieving your results. Although it must be said that because of your good planning in January many of your achievements in February will rely on the foundations set during the 1st month of 2017. I anticipate that for most of us the old saying “Reap what you sow” will become evident in February and this brings a sense of confidence and encouragement to continue with your plans.
If you have been working honestly and diligently, in February the prospects will open up before you to the fullest extent. However, if you have been complacent and slow to get started this year, it is unlikely that your results will be as favorable. But in any event, this will be a good time, when circumstances will be on your side, and help you to achieve what you desire.
In the sphere of work and finance, February 2017 will largely gravitate towards innovations. Being cautious on the other hand, will be unnecessary (although there will be exceptions). Experimentation and attempts at large-scale reforms (and possibly even revolutions) will be the most successful options. The stars recommend that you do not hesitate, and that you act in complete accordance with your own plans. It will be particularly good if planning already occurs at the beginning of the month, as a strategy formulated in advance will be more successful than a nonchalant or casual tactic.
The sphere relationships and matters of the heart, the planetary influences will be just as diverse and dynamic. Many will be able to find their destiny now, and some will finally break off from relationships which have held them down for a long time, in the literal and the metaphorical sense. Here the main thing is not to doubt your own intuition and desire and when adequately set out within your own capabilities, the results can surprise and delight you. You will be dynamic and charismatic but a little of the “soft-touch” will go a lot further then trying to “force their hand” approach.
The earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius) and the air signs (Gemini Libra and Aquarius) do not enjoy any additional planetary protection as the Water signs (Pisces Cancer and Scorpio) do with the Moon and the Fire signs (Aries Leo and Sagittarius) with the Sun. For the water and fire signs this month, these powerful influences are capable of fundamentally influencing your key situations to your advantage and it will be up to you to recognize and use these opportunities as and when they appear in February. For the earth and air signs these influences will be less obvious, but overall, February will be a generous month for all of us. All you will need to do is open your eyes wider, adopt a ready-for-action stance, and grab opportunities with your bare hands. The likelihood of a negative outcome is low even in the most unforeseen situation, so with confidence and a clear strategy, you don’t have anything to be afraid of. Just don’t forget that now that it is the team players, not the loners, who have more on the advantage.
Feb 1, 2017 Venus in Pisces crosses her shadow
February 1 Mercury Capricorn, Mars Aries
Feb 3, 2017 Venus enters Aries
Feb 6, 2017 Jupiter retrograde in Libra h rx
Feb 7, 2017 Mercury enters Aquarius
February 10 Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 22 degrees Leo
Feb 11, 2017 Sun in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Libra
Feb 14, 2017 Jupiter Quincunx Chiron in Pisces
Feb 18, 2017 Sun enters Pisces
Feb 21, 2017 Mercury Aquarius Trine Jupiter Libra
Feb 22, 2017 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn
Feb 25, 2017 Mercury enters Pisces
Feb 26 2017 Solar Eclipse in Pisces 8 degrees and Mars in Aries Conjunct Uranus in Aries
Feb 27, 2017 Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries
Feb 27, 2017 Mars opposite Jupiter
Choose your sign below to jump to your February 2017 Astro-Forecast.
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February’s Cancer horoscope predicts that career and worldly success is more important than domestic concerns and psychological matters this month. You may have to depend on the support of other people to accomplish your objectives. In February, the planetary power is situated in the Western half of the birth chart for the Cancer zodiac sign. So, social intelligence becomes important and your own enterprise and strengths are secondary. You have to be flexible in your approach, and use your social charisma to attain your objectives. Cancer, in February your communication skills and logical aspect of your intellect will be highly prominent and there is no place for emotional outbursts or knee-jerk reactions. If you feel that things are happening without your control, it is recommended that you go with the flow. That is the only way to succeed this month, be diligent observant and take your position strategically. Cancerians seeking spiritual knowledge and academic excellence will do well after the 18th of February. Overseas travel for educational purposes is also possible and proves very useful.
Career February Horoscope:
The horoscope for Cancer sun sign foretells that career has a highly social touch to it in February. You can advance in your business by attending social and professional gatherings and by networking with influential persons. Your life partner will be instrumental in the progress of your career in this February month.
Cancer February Forecasts For Finance:
Cancer, your financial skills will be in use in your monetary dealings during the month of February. Family connections will be instrumental in your fiscal success. Finances are excellent throughout the month and a surprise windfall will be most welcome.
Cancer February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
The February horoscope forecasts that family environment is extremely harmonious this month. All your career and financial activities are well supported by family members. Your mind will be more on your job than love relationships however, but do not take your loved ones for granted as they are supporting you in a very understated manner. Be appreciative and vocal in your praise. Pregnancy related decisions might be delayed in February for the Cancerians.
February Health Astrology Predictions For The Crab:
The monthly horoscope forecasts that health shows remarkable improvement this month in February for the Cancer people. You can boost it further by cleansing your body of impurities and considering a detox or better nutritional plan. There is more emphasis on augmenting your emotional health. The month is ideal for kicking addictions and unhealthy habits.
The Cancer horoscope for February predicts that this is a month to concentrate on your health and career rather than intimate relationships as the relationship area is steady and balanced and supportive of you.
Aquarius, February forecasts that career issues take a backseat, and family matters and relationships will dominate this month. You cannot ignore your profession responsibilities tho’ and will have to juggle between career and relationship areas very carefully. You will get an opportunity to streamline the strategies for improving your career prospects this month. Aquarius you should focus on paying attention to all domestic matters and family relationships during the month and try to “keep the peace”. So, if you encounter any obstacles this month, then you have a steady and balanced domestic base to withdraw into for comfort and safety. Most of the planets in February are in the Eastern sector of the chart and so, in the career, self-interest dominates over the interests of others during the month. You can design your life the way you want and proceed taking into consideration the timing of the choices and decisions. The Water Bearers will have the encouragement of the family members and friends for their actions. Aquarius, forecasts shows that life will be full of fun and pleasure this month despite a few uncertainties.
You will spend money on special occasions and outings as well as buying personal luxury products, but only with a careful budget in mind.
Aquarius Career February Horoscope:
The career horoscope predicts a stable and favorable time in the work place.
Career and business will be good, but remember that this month family and domestic matters are more important this month.
Aquarius February Forecasts For Finance:
The horoscope foretells that monetary and business influences are superb in February. Family members and social contacts will help your financial projects to improve. Investment in real estate/location and premises will be profitable. Money can be made by giving more in kind as whatever you give will be come back in multiples. You will become more prosperous towards the end of February.
Aquarius February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
Aquarius, your personal charisma is strong enough to recover a lover or to attract some-one you like a lot. Love is chasing you this month. Be open, calm, loving and emotionally available. However, you do not like being controlled by your partners and any sign of that approach could create a reaction you may later regret, so a big spoonful of patience will be needed as you build you hearts and minds. Married Aquarians will seek more flexibility when dealing with their romantic partners. Cheating on your spouse is a big no-no. Pregnancy and children related issues will be on your mind in February.
February Health Astrology Predictions For The Water Bearer:
February Aquarius predictions suggest that your health will be superb and you have abundant energy and vitality. Too much energy will make you impatient, however so do your best to manage this adequately. You may have a challenge to face in your health, which is temporary, but it will create impatience and frustration. Practicing yoga or some form of stress-management will help you have your nerves in control. The horoscope predicts a month of taking care of your health together with prioritizing your relationship, all else is working smoothly, but matters of the heart and family are your focus this month.
February’s Aries horoscope predicts that you will be more enterprising and motivated to get things done in your profession or career this month. The Aries personality will put in more effort to accomplish their career targets. Aries people can use their natural independence and liberty to act strategically and assertively to achieve their goals this month. It makes sense to make yourself more of a team player than usual. However, any opposition that is tricky can be settled diplomatically. The monthly horoscope predicts that planetary momentum is also very strong with most of the planets surging ahead in February. But the aspect of Mars is not very beneficial for the Aries this month as this energy places restrictions on the speed of your achievements and could generate some conflict. It will be sensible to move ahead with some caution to accomplish your objectives.
Career February Horoscope:
The predictions forecast that career prospects for the Arians will be excellent in February.
But it will be less challenging compared to the previous month. All your job targets will be met successfully and this month you can expand your ambitions and elevate your goals. Whatever you attain in your career or business will satisfy your emotional needs as well this month.
February Forecasts For Finance:
The Aries astrology foretells that you will achieve financial success this month by investing in or upgrading your technology. You will have the support of your social connections and technical associations. You can upgrade your work place/business with new equipment and with more people. Financial intelligence will be every powerful. You will also be assisted by your intuition and spiritual guides in making good investments.
Aries February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
The Aries love horoscope predicts that romance is very much in the air during the month. You will have plenty of opportunities to make new and loving partnerships. But initially you are looking for flexibility in love and may not be looking for a serious relationship now, so be thoughtful and considerate with others.
You might even indulge in online dating and flirting. Love can be found in social gatherings for the rams. Love is more spiritual than emotional this month, but will be highly gratifying sexually. Married couples might start thinking of pregnancy in the month of February.
February Health Astrology Predictions for The Ram:
Health will be fabulous throughout the month of February without any problems for the Aries sun sign. Energy and vitality levels will be low due to planetary positions however. Pay attention to energy giving nutrition to boost your levels. The Aries February horoscope predicts a fabulous month on your career front with good support from your family.
Capricorn’s February horoscope predicts that planetary aspects for career indicate that your focus must be balanced between career and personal life during the month. Domestic and emotional issues need your attention and should be prioritized over career and professional matters. You can take more time next month to work out professional strategies for the remainder of the quarter. Your free-will and choices are more important the circumstances this month. Understanding that action can be taken in planning is one thing but recognizing where your attention is required is the key to a successful month. You can follow your goals with diligence and overcome any opposition you may face. It is your way – all the way. However, you do require the help of others to attain your success. If you are looking to expand your knowledge base, you will have a learning opportunity towards the end of February.
Capricorn Career February Horoscope:
The February horoscope predicts that your office environment will be full of politics. There may be drastic changes at the top in the organization where you are employed. Watch the situation from the side lines, analyze it and take some serious consideration on whether to move away from the present organization is both viable and practical. Capricorn people employed in sales and marketing will do well in their jobs this month.
Capricorn February Forecasts For Finance:
The forecast predicts that it will be a momentous month for your finances. Planetary positions are extremely favorable and you have some luck or divine intervention to prosper financially. Your financial instincts are strong in February. You may have some very inspirational creative thoughts and ideas and/or messages which will help you to accumulate a very powerful opportunity to grow your wealth.
It is predicted that everyone including family members, friends and your investments will play a part in your monetary success. You have financial assistance from your life partner. Money can be made from social networking, and your investments will yield strong returns. Along with earnings, expenditure will go up naturally, but you can handle the situation wisely.
Capricorn February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
Capricorn, you will be oozing with personal allure and magnetism this month. Your attention will be focused on maintaining and expanding your goals and these qualities will certainly help. You are very much attached to your family and keeping them settled and happy whilst you pursue higher goals. You can put off any restorations to the present residence for the time being. Pregnancy and sexual relationships between couples will be blissful.
February Health Astrology Predictions For The Sea Goat:
The horoscope predicts that your health will be admirable this month and your energy levels are zooming. This will help you in your work and financial dealing. You will also pay serious attention to your physical and emotional fitness. You will enjoy your walks and meditation/relaxation sessions. The predictions forecast a month to be spent in the company of your loved ones but at the same time feeling very pleased with progress and achievements in work, business and finances.
Gemini February Horoscope forecasts that this month promises to be a highly positive for career and business. Family will be encouraging in your career objectives. Your family will also be benefited by your accomplishments in your profession or career.
Gemini, your creativity and intelligence will be very high and active, and you can indulge in fine arts and literary activities in February. Whatever you want to achieve, you will be able to accomplish successfully due to the favorable disposition of planets during the month.
Till the end of February, it is advisable to seek the support of others and go by some strong gut feelings and intuitions, as well as using your determination and effort to achieve your targets in life. The communication skills of the Gemini will be at its peak and will be helpful in effective completion of your goals.
Gemini Career February Horoscope:
The February horoscope for Gemini shows that your career goals will be prominent during the month. You will receive recognition at the workplace in terms of monetary rewards and enhancement of official status. Foreign travel to promote your business products or for professional purposes is indicated in February. Gemini businessmen/women will be successful in solving their conflicts with government authorities. Educational opportunities to improve your career skills are also indicated in the month of February.
Gemini February Forecasts For Finance:
The horoscope for the Gemini predicts that your monetary position will improve this month. There will be steady flow of money from mid-month. It is the right time to analyze your financial strategies and make necessary alterations to money saving strategies such a pensions and savings accounts.
Gemini February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
The Gemini predictions for February foretell that single twins will find romantic opportunities in social gatherings while partying, in academic environments and in spiritual seminars. Love opportunities could initially be a little complicated, but you should allow love to develop gradually and naturally. Commitment for permanent partnerships and pregnancy should be postponed by the Gemini in February as planetary aspects are not favorable. Married Gemini people have opportunities to go abroad for romantic getaway with their lovers/spouses.
February Health Astrology Predictions For The Twins:
Health will be excellent for the Gemini natives till the 19th of February 2017. After that proper care should be taken by adding some relaxations or alternative therapy. Your energy and intelligence levels will be extraordinary during the month. Eating papaya and oranges daily will prove to be beneficial. The Gemini February horoscope forecasts a favorable month for both your career as well as your love life.
Leo’s February horoscope predicts that this is the right time to forge ahead with your career plans and attain success. Psychological issues and family concerns can be on the back burner for the time being. The February predictions foretell that personal will power and independence characteristic of the Leo sun sign should be rolled back and the energy presented nice and stable. Social charm and compromises are required to accomplish your targets in life. You can achieve your goals by socializing and by active networking and professional gatherings. Also, delightful and unexpected events will happen in February for Leo’s. You will be able to take advantage of these pleasant experiences to further your goals. Your sense of some limitation can be forgotten for the time being and you can freely engage yourself in romantic activities and social partying.
Leo Career February Horoscope:
Astrology forecasts for the Leo’s foretell that career success can be accomplished by diligence and through social networking. Lions seeking employment will have a favorable and successful month. They should take up jobs or start businesses in line with their aptitude and skills.
Leo February Forecasts For Finance:
The February monthly predictions for the Leo show that financial situations will be enhanced this month compared to the previous month. Money can be made through family support, social connections and social meetings. Planet Mercury is favorable for all communication requirements, interviews, presentations or sales and consequently have a direct effect on your monetary success this month.
Leo February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
Leo, you will be busy with parties and social engagements with your spouse during this month. Single Leos will have plenty of opportunities to make new love connections as you are selective in your social diary. People already in a serious relationship will feel very settled as they commit their love through marriage and pregnancy in February.
February Health Astrology Predictions For The Lion:
The Leo fitness and health will be slightly “off” till the 18th of February. Health can be steadied by undertaking some fitness exercises and relaxation. This restores your energy levels and peace of mind and consequently your libido will be higher, so it is wiser to control your sexual activities for a time. Overall the February’s Leo horoscope forecasts a month of career achievements and social networking which achieve results.
Libra’s February horoscope predicts that the predominance of domestic concerns and emotional aspect of life is seen this month because the House of Family is full of influential planets at this time, however, with careful consideration your family matters will eventually become harmonious towards the 3rd week of February. Consequently the career and professional life will be supported but a little later in the month. In early February, the interests of others will come first and you can achieve mutual goals through cooperation and collaboration. This is exactly what the Libra personality likes and feels more comfortable with. February happens to be one of the excellent foundations-building months in your year, Libra and with patience and good relations domestically you will begin to see the tangible outcomes by month end. You will get opportunities to enhance your skills and communication abilities. These talents will be recognized and highly appreciated by others. It is advisable that you should prepare any presentations and, interviews or pitches very carefully to make the best impression. You should concentrate on achieving the necessary objectives quickly and succinctly.
Forward motion of more than 80 percent of the planets during the month of February will make life somewhat hectic but a lot of things can be accomplished to your satisfaction.
Libra Career February Horoscope:
The February astrology forecasts you will match your diligence with fun and entertainment in your professional field. People seeking employment have exceptional opportunities to get jobs. These opportunities may happen while playing a game or having fun in a social gathering in the month of February.
Libra February Astrology Forecasts For Finance:
Monetary matters for the Librans will be superb in February. You can make money by using your imagination and by sales pitches and/ or promotion. You can earn money by making calculated investments and by dealing in property. This month is fabulous for Librans in the fields of academics and creativity. Family members will help you become prosperous. However, you should exercise caution while lending money to others in February.
Libra February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
The horoscope for Librans forecast that you will get ample opportunities to enhance all love partnerships. Existing love relationships may face some challenges early in the month, but socially life will be exciting. Family life will be full of partying and fun. Pregnancy might also be discussed in February.
February Health Astrology Predictions For The Scales:
The February predictions foretell that health/energy will show remarkable improvement this month. Your interest in activities to boost health will yield beneficial results. Energy levels will be higher and you should take steps to conserve energy by relaxation and entertainment. Use some good nutrition to boost concentration and focus. The horoscope predicts a month of complete action both in your professional and personal life.
February the Pisces horoscope shows that this will be a month of professional commitments. Your attention will be centered on career. Family issues can be tackled as and when they arise.
Majority of the planets are in the Eastern part of the birth chart for the Pisces born in February. Self-interest is more important than trying to keep everyone happy. This is the time for personal enterprise and motivation to succeed in your ventures. You can create your own happiness by attaining a few short-term goals this month and this fuels your confidence to maintain your course. You can dictate your terms to others and go your own way.
The horoscope predicts that spirituality and your inner spiritual world will be of importance this month and you may also seek out and find some very significant guidance and advice. If are on a path of spiritual or psychic development, then working with a good teacher or defining your skill will become a strong foundation for the year. You like to decipher the meaning of life and the connection between the human and the divine then you are sure to discover a clear and powerful breakthrough which brings a sense of enlightenment and joy. Past Karma and present actions come under your scrutiny, but again this adds to your knowledge and understanding. This will naturally lead you to humanitarian and charitable endeavors. You will be happy to allow the Supreme Power to guide you and support you without surrendering your free-will.
Pisces Career February Horoscope:
The horoscope predicts that career and business ventures will be excellent this month for the Fishes. There will be a dollop of spirituality attached to it for personal joy and enhancement.
Pisces February Forecasts For Finance:
Planet Mars is not favorable to you this month, Pisces. So, financial ventures require sufficient caution and careful consideration. You may wish to formulate your monetary plans more carefully to maintain balance and may even seek the help of spiritual masters for enhanced personal development and understanding of all areas of life.
Pisces February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
The predictions foretell that love will be easy and natural this month. Single Pisceans look for spiritual strength while getting into love partnerships and seek a deeper connection with their partners. Love is to be found in spiritual places and whilst learning or practicing your spiritual path. Married people will have a harmonious family life based on spiritual and emotional compatibility rather than sexual. Pregnancy related matters will need to be discussed with your spouse.
February Health Astrology Predictions For The Fish:
Health will be fabulous in February for you Pisces. Your energy levels will be very high. You look beautiful and will dress attractively which will enhance your personal appeal. People, not involved in spirituality, may over-indulge in drinking and sensual activities and so a word of caution for you to be moderate and mindful otherwise you may feel the consequences in your health and energy levels. Pisces February is a month in which indulgence of any kind will need to be kept under close watch.
Sagittarius’ February horoscope foretells that the House of Family is very dominant this month. Hence domestic issues and emotional matters will take precedence over career and ambition for Sagittarians this month. It is a great time to consider a renovation of kitchen or bathroom or a complete re-design or redecoration of a room in your home. The focus for Sagittarius in February will be on their home and the surroundings, as well as their love relationships and family matters.
Sagittarius, you can design your own life and work towards the attainment of your goals in February. You can use your determination and diligence to create your own world. There is no need for advice or the assistance of others or their opinions. Planetary aspects are favorable for scholarly exercises and improvement of knowledge for you this month. Your communication skills are also excellent and you can combine your intellectual and communication talents to create works of excellence in the academic field.
You may be drawn towards different foreign cultures by study or by attending meetings involving foreigners. You may also satisfy your curiosity by seeking out more social contact with people within that culture. It could be because of a new friend or colleague who you encounter during this month and your desire to know more about their language, culture or beliefs. Travel is on the cards too, but it will be mainly inland this month.
Sagittarius Career February Horoscope:
The zodiac predictions forecast that Sagittarians will be focusing on improving their skill-set required in their career which will come in handy in future. You will be interested in enhancing your technical and innovative capabilities by technical studies and by attending conferences in February.
Sagittarius February Forecasts For Finance:
The February horoscope foretells that finances will be sound during the month. Opposing planetary aspects will cause some confusion in your money matters. You have to properly analyze your whole financial strategy and take a cautious approach to avoid financial mishaps.
Sagittarius February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
The love horoscope predicts that romantic opportunities for single Archers are to be found in your local area and in close quarters. Love can also be found in an academic environment or you might fall in love with a friend, acquaintance or colleague.
Family members and neighbors may help here and create introductions or small social gatherings where you encounter them. You are looking for both intelligence and emotional compatibility in your partnerships in February. Married Sagittarians might even want to have a child this month.
February Health Astrology Predictions For The Archer:
The health of the Sagittarius personality will be sound till the 18th of February. After that you have to take enough rest to remain fit. You will lay emphasis on improving your emotional health in addition to physical fitness. Be sure to maintain an ideal body weight and work on weight loss if required. The February horoscope predicts a blissful month spent in the company of your family and friends.
Scorpio your February Horoscope forecasts that the house of family is wonderful this month while the house of career is not as favorable. Hence you should operate from emotional comfort and keep outer ambitions in the background for the time being. Use this period for formulating future career targets and strategies required to accomplish them. February is ideal for shifting to new residences for the Scorpions. Existing residences will be renovated and improved this month. If you are looking to buy a new house, then again this month is auspicious. There will be plenty of fun and entertainment in the family environment in February. You may invest in personal luxuries such as planning a dream holiday or buying a new car. Scorpio, this is not the right time to assert yourself career-wise to push your ambitions, diplomacy and patience is key this month. You should allow things to take a natural course and follow the “lead”. Collaboration, flexibility and compromise are more important than personal ambitions this month – take heed.
Scorpio Career February Horoscope:
If you are looking for a job, you will find an opportunity which removes a lot of stress especially due to travel or transport issues and these opportunities may come to light with the help of family and/or friends. Better job opportunities for the employed Scorpions exist during the month too.
Scorpio February Forecasts For Finance:
The monthly predictions foretell that monetary situation is very stable and prosperous during the month. You can use your financial skills to accomplish new fiscal success. Money flows from dealings in property and with the encouragement and advice from family members.
Scorpio February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
The horoscope for Scorpions predicts that matters of the heart, domestic environment and emotional needs change rapidly during the month. Single Scorpios will be looking for intelligence and good communication in their love prospects in February and happily this is in evidence.
Committed or married Scorpions will be looking for emotional strength and caring in love relationships. Socializing and fun will be important for most Scorpions this month so plan your social diary and take a few wonderful date-nights with your partner. Love and sexual opportunities are plenty and exist throughout the month. Family planning and pregnancy could also be discussed.
February Health Astrology Predictions For The Scorpion:
Health will be complicated for the Scorpions till the mid of the month. Enough rest is necessary during this period. Professionals using alternate healing therapies and home remedies see some benefits of course, but any persistent weakness should be looked at professionally. You could also consider a change in your fitness regime to improve energy, concentration and overall well-being. The horoscope predicts a month of good health and family bliss along with good professional achievements.
February’s horoscope for Taurus forecasts that the House of Career is very strong with a number of planets in it. So, the profession career/business area will be very much in focus for Taurus born individuals during the month of February. Family members also will taste success. There could be a change of residence if a move is on your mind. You have to take care of the family concerns in spite of your career focus. Taurus, you are changing from a period of flexibility and consensus to one of enterprise and personal initiative in February. You are free to exercise your will and the need for social skills will become less important. You can determine your direction and strategy based on your expertise and experience. you can also seek the help of others when required in February.
Career February Horoscope:
The astrology predictions for the Taurus shows that career will be the main arena of action this month. You can expect monetary rewards and improvement in status in your job. Your hard work will be appreciated by the management and staff alike. If you wish, you can look for better jobs or career opportunities this month and you will be highly motivated to accomplish your career goals.
Taurus February Forecasts For Finance:
Planet Mercury is highly favorable in its aspect this month for the Taureans. Monetary considerations will be fabulous and your financial intuition is excellent in February.
The monthly horoscopes predicts that Taurus will have very good earning potential and money flow will be smooth and plenty. Money will come from sources such as profession income, investments and with some help from family members. The bulls will get bright ideas for investment which will yield results in the future.
Taurus February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
The February love horoscope predicts that love takes a backseat this month as you are busy socializing to improve your career and fiscal opportunities. Single Taureans will find love at the office or in professional circles. Marital life may be volatile after the mid of February tho’ so be patient. Pregnancy needs to be planned after discussions with your spouse.
February Health Astrology Predictions For The Bull:
Health will be quite delicate this month for the Taurus zodiac sign. You should try to work smartly and save as much energy as possible. Rest and relaxation important this month so pay attention. The health benefits from good nutrition will help you in February.
The Taurus horoscope forecasts that you will need to take care of your health and at the same time not take on stress at your work place. Create a good work/life balance this month to take advantage of all the positive planetary influences available this month.
Virgo’s February horoscope predicts that career takes a backseat while emotional aspects and domestic issues take precedence this month. Domestic environment will be highly volatile for the Virgins. Traveling should be limited due to the adverse effect of planet Mars in February. You should use this period to analyze your previous career plans and formulate new methods for future success. The message for the Virgo zodiac sign for the month of February is clear. Personal enterprise and increase in career ambitions should be managed whilst attending to matters closer to home. There will be occasions when using your social charm to attain your goals is in evidence and by going with the flow and by keeping the interest of others in mind has a huge effect to your positive outcome. Cooperation and collaboration are more important than self-interest and personal desires this month.
Virgo Career February Horoscope:
The astrology forecasts suggest that despite the focus being on matters closer to home, there will none-the-less be positive changes in the career for the Virgo this month. And these will be in your favor. You may change your job profile or move to a new job or receive a promotion. People seeking new jobs will be surprised by the number of favorable opportunities to get employed.
Virgo February Forecasts For Finance:
Planet Venus is highly beneficial this month for your finances, Virgo. Monetary situation will be much improved. Money flow can be expected throughout the month and sometimes from unexpected sources. Financial strategies will be excellent and finances are boosted by creative ideas and novel methods of earning this month.
Virgo February Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts:
The monthly horoscope predicts that single Virgins will have nice social and personal chances to seek and find new partnerships in the first week of February. Opportunities for new relationships will happen suddenly and quite unexpectedly. You could be confused by the number of interested parties you are presented with. Existing commitments and/or marriages will flourish. You will be socially active by attending parties and community functions. This is also an excellent time to get pregnant.
February Health Astrology Predictions For The Virgin:
The February Virgo horoscope predicts that health for the Virgo natives will be favorable for most of the month. After that sufficient rest is required to stay in shape. You can try out new methods of physical training or social fitness classes. Your interest in health issues will be boosted by education and by attending conferences on physical fitness. The Virgo forecasts for February foretells a period of domestic bliss with excellent finances coupled with steady health and overall the month will be good.