June 2017 – Astrological Forecasts
This month your thoughts and words really do have the power to create your life!
We made it through Venus retrograde! Hopefully the transit helped you dive deep into weak links in self-esteem, finances, and relationships and you have been able to strengthen all of these areas of your life. The June 2017 horoscope shows that we continue gliding through our open window, free from retrogrades of personal planets and their shadows. This open window continues through July 24 and although there are some spots to watch out for, there is much support for bursting your ambitions and new creations out into the world.
Lots of energy in Gemini brings much movement and momentum whilst a match of abundant energy in Cancer brings lots of emotion. Both of these energies bring great support to moving full speed ahead. Mars, the burly God of War, ruling action, moving through the introspective and emotional sign of Cancer makes me think of a really big and muscular guy with huge hands trying to sit comfortably at a kid-sized table and have a proper tea party. This image also shows the tremendous power of Mars sitting behind the emotions at this time. Keeping emotionally-centered and using emotions as forces for productive forward movement is the key this month.
Even with the awkwardness of this placement and the many conflicts between thinking Gemini and feeling Cancer this month, there are excellent aspects (some of the best in the whole year!) for forward motion in general and much support for travelers, writers and artists.
Look forward to sweet and supportive energies on or near:
June 1, 3, 9, 13, 18, 20, 21, 24, 26, and 28.
Expect some high and challenging emotions and other challenges on or near:
June 4, 15, 16, 23, 25, 27 and 29.
The Full Moon on June 9, 2017 at 16:09 GMT falls in the optimistic and buoyant sign of Sagittarius. This Full Moon brings events and situations to a culmination from the start of its cycle at the New Moon two weeks ago. What intentions did you send to Spirit during the New Moon time? New Moons and Full Moons are cosmic portals which pierce through the veil of time and space allowing us to expand our perception beyond the constraints of material 3D reality. The three days prior and three days after a Full Moon are especially potent times for releasing physical, mental and emotional blockages.
During any Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs. This month, Sun is in the Air sign, Gemini, and the Moon is in the Fire, sign, Sagittarius. The Fire/Air polarity has a tendency to “speak first and think later”, but this could also trigger the response for a much needed action.
Sagittarius tends to be optimistic, adventurous, and good humored most of the time, but can become a vehement opponent when personal beliefs, political beliefs, and religious beliefs are at stake. Sagittarius asks: “Can you walk your talk without forcing others to see it your way?” The shadow side of Sagittarius is fanaticism and dogma.
The June horoscope predicts that all this intense planetary energy focused around such an expansive Full Moon makes it perfect for a celebration: gather friends together and have a fire ceremony (bon-fire); share experiences of other cultures and faraway places. This is a great night to deepen wisdom though meditation, chanting, and prayer. Have your group “moon-gaze” under the vast ocean of stars above us. This is the time to step up to the plate not just as a global, but as a “cosmic citizen”. Once again, remember what you asked during your cosmic ordering are usually “seeded” by taking action on the Gemini New Moon. The Full Moon usually bears results you are looking for.
The Summer Solstice occurs on June 21, 2017, in the Northern Hemisphere. Cancer is the primordial water sign and during this time we are subject to more intense emotions, unconscious projections and psychic phenomenon. At the Summer Solstice the forms we have manifested since the Winter Solstice in December must now be nourished and provided with supportive structures. In the Great Wheel of the Year, the Summer Solstice celebrates the abundance and fertility of our Mother Earth. It is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere with the most sunlight available. It is a time to enjoy life and celebrate our true lineage as Sons and Daughters of the Light.
New Moon in Cancer
This month we have a New Moon in Cancer on June 24, 2017 at 05.30 GMT.
New Moons are the optimal times to set new intentions. Cancer is the sign of the Great Mother, the feminine archetype par excellence- the primal water sign in charge of the birthing process (including labor pains), the nurturer of family, children, community and country.
Whether you inhabit a male or female body, whether you have a family, or live as a solitary being, you have a connection to the Great Mother. Get in touch with Her through the Earth. The June astrology shows that this month is the perfect time to spend some time meditating in nature. Take your crystals into the sunlight and listen to them speak. Smell the green grass and feel the strength of a tree against your back. Listen to the songs of the birds- their sounds hold many codes to expand consciousness. If you have a loved one, invite them to a picnic. Sit on the earth and feel Her energy move through you, as you partake of Her bounty. If you are not in relationship, invite friends, or treat yourself. Give thanks for what you have in your life at this moment, and prepare the way for “the new” to come in.
Have a wonderful month.
Love Lee x
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You will have a sense of awareness of your own limitations this month, leading up to your birthday phase, be they physical, emotional or even financial, as well as a sense of being confined and restricted. There could be some rivalry, hard feelings generated that could trigger off either of these reactions. NOT a time to go overboard, in terms of self-pity, to see troubles where none exist, or attempt to solve the world’s problems. It might be a good idea to maintain a low profile and be less vocal. A time to make special efforts to get along with others – both professionally and personally. Changes initiated now may prove beneficial in the long run, both materially and otherwise.
Forming pleasant, affectionate social friendships, possibly related to activities within an organization/society, can figure. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared. The bottom line is that sharing interests with someone is what makes you happy this month. This way you can turn good relationships into everlasting relationships. You are more peace-loving than normal, somewhat detached on a personal level and more connected to the outer-world. You will be more friendly, more magnanimous but also more extravagant.
You are able to stand your ground and assert yourself more than usual this month. You will do your best to make an impression and these attempts are either assisted or challenged by the circumstances in which you find yourself and by others. You have get-up-and-go attitude to move your plans further, and you are more enterprising. You want to leave your mark on the world in some way – however big or small – and you are excited to do so.
You may now want to stop and reevaluate your needs and desires. Physically, emotionally and financially you will want to tread calmly until this phase passes for you. You may feel quite restricted in what you do and perhaps this is why you may want to run and hide from the world. It’s a very strong time for smoothing out complications that likely arose in your relationships last month.
Maybe a conflict or a rival that has surfaced is the reason for all of this. You tend to review your choices and options. No need to take unnecessary risks or do anything too extreme. Issues of sharing, including financial matters, can be the source of some conflict or drama. Now is definitely not the time to make ripples or waves in the water. Do not wallow or try to feel you can fix the world’s problems.
Use this time to re-evaluate your life and perhaps change what is not working well for you. Make an extra added effort to get along with others around you whether it is professionally or personally. Keeping low key and looking into what could make your life better now will lead to positive outcomes for you in the future.
During this month you will come to be more aware of your unique limitations and breaking points. It is a time of tests, yes, but do not fall into despair; though your awareness will be heightened up to and even following your birthday phase, the feelings of restriction or being confined are not going to last.
A sense or actual being of rivalry could come over you so keep your eyes on the people closest to you. This not only helps to add to your apprehensive attitude during this time but could get you into further trouble yet if you jump the gun. This is no time to go overboard or make large changes with likely large consequences. You can’t solve the world’s problems, even if you were able to help out someone in a department with some specific issue recently. Self-pity will do you no good during this time either. Perhaps the best advice for you during this month is to lay low and keep from standing out. Avoid any big meetings about budgets, spending or other monetary matters. If your voice is absolutely necessary to resolve a specific issue, say only what you need to say and don’t leave what you say open to interpretation; clear, concise communication will save you from loads of trouble.
This is a time to make real efforts at getting along with others, both at work and in your personal life. The more people you can befriend and bring over to helping you in your endeavors, the fewer people you need to worry about working against you or trying to sabotage you. For your well-being as a whole, do not hesitate to extend an olive branch even to someone with whom you’ve been feuding.
This is a very playful period of the year, when you are inspired creatively and emotionally. After a period of self-protectiveness, you are now more spontaneous and more willing to take risks. A rich, fruitful and happy phase comes to you and you’re enjoying it. The spice of life is there for you in the variety of interests, activities, and feelings that you are bound to experience this month. Don’t fly too high or too far — risky moves, rashness, over-confidence that nothing can go wrong or just foolhardy behavior. Some danger or possible mishap may be lurking. Risk-taking, speculation must be avoided. Also rashness in an affair of the heart which might leave you hurt and scattered, if not shattered.
Your presence is gracious and welcomed by everyone now. That’s because people now seem to approve of your ideas and plans. Perhaps it’s your own keenness to adjust to new circumstances and unknown situations that gets you just the right consideration. It’s a good time to plan for meetings and presentations and interviews. Flexibility is the key to success.
There is a marvelous closeness built up with parents, older people, in-laws, who might not always approve of your eccentric and strongly different opinions. This month, you are especially fond of the life of the home and family. You are more receptive and gentle on a romantic level, and tend to be sentimental or nostalgic now. Loyalty and sensitivity in your relationships are more important to you than typically. You might focus on ways to earn money in or from your home. This is a calming influence – a time when simple pleasures most appeal.
Leisure activities, sports/games, fresh interests, great times with children (your own or other people’s). Above all there is really good money to make all these activities entertaining, as well as charisma and even personal freedom. It is a phase of satisfying achievements and equally satisfying affection that is mutual. You find it very sweet indeed.
You tend to work hard and your day-to-day responsibilities will demand more attention. Perhaps you have a larger workload than usual. You become aggressive on your job or in regard to your service responsibilities. It might be hard for you to work with others in a pleasant manner, and disputes with co-workers are possible. If you are feeling particularly annoyed, irritated or impatient, it would be wise to find little projects and things to do so that you can guide excess vigor gainfully.
The desire for “play time” is certainly with you this month, and, for the most part, your powers of attraction are running high. Your creativity pours out and creates an inspiration for you that exceeds your normal abilities. Your emotions show this and everyone will see. Have fun with it and its playful attitude it gives you.
You’ve been protecting yourself long enough. Now is the time to take charge and try new things. Use your inspiration and get spontaneous. Take a chance on something you would normally pass up. Feel the desire and go with it instead of holding back. Your efforts will not go unnoticed and will prove positive and prolific for you. It is what is called the spice of life. It is there for you to enjoy to the fullest extent physically, mentally and more so, emotionally.
Do, however, be careful in overindulging. There are limits to everything you do. Enjoy the fruits of life, but do not get overly confident or feel that nothing can go wrong. Go over these limits and you’ll see just how badly something wonderful can go awry. Take a chance on love but don’t take a ‘risk’. You’ll know the difference.
Compared to other months of the year, this is one that will have you feeling playful and inspired. It seems like an excellent time for you to tackle that creative project you have been putting off for just the right moment. This free feeling may be standard for some, but others may feel out of step.
After a time when you were very conservative, this new spontaneity and willingness to take risks may surprise you. If you were looking to ask for a raise, or invite a colleague to a dinner or event, prepare yourself and make your request. There are many different things in life you could enjoy and right now you have access to them; people, places and things that interest you are all within reach. You should not ignore any strong feelings you have during this time but also remember not to let being on top of the world make you feel like you are above the world. A surplus of confidence has ruined many good people and even during this time of high spirits you are not immune.
Just to be clear, you should avoid any high-risk behaviors which you normally would avoid but find yourself interested in at this time. You are not superman even if you feel invincible right now. There are pleasures to be found close to home which you can enjoy without making any sudden travel decisions. Have a good time with people you know to be responsible.
You still need to learn to relate better with others, but now it’s more on the intimate and personal level – the exchange of ideas, innermost thoughts, personal beliefs rather than the emotions. Family ties, linkages of loving and caring now become sharing. Vital correspondence and contacts must not be neglected, or the necessary inputs, data and information for work-related projects, plans or activities. No carelessness of any kind to be made if you want to achieve your goals. You are more curious and alert than usual, and you could be quite busy with errands, paperwork, phone calls, and light socializing. Much energy is expended in understanding and adapting to your immediate environment. Siblings, neighbors, close relatives, friends, and co-workers may play a more important role than usual in your life.
There can be some restlessness when it comes to money and spending it–you are more inclined to want more things around you! Financial security and enjoyment of the good things in life are important to you, although you also value simple pleasures. The ability to relate well with others might enhance your own personal finances during this period. This is a stable position for love matters and close relationships. You value those who make you feel comfortable, and familiarity is more important to you than someone new.
Energy levels are high. Therefore, you have the time and also the definite inclination to think of projects for future gain. In addition, there is a stroke of luck, success in ventures, and joy in both marital and domestic life. The other reason for all this is your own co-operative, caring avatar. So, you have the inclination to be good to others even as the good times roll.
You are now enthusiastic for household projects or activities. Because your actions are governed by your gut feeling, you may be particularly defensive and protective. You may have a greater than before wish to rule the roost. Family-related conflicts and disputes may arise; you may have arguments with them, about them, or on their behalf. You may also run into disagreements with career-related matters or people. You may have to get even with disturbing issues from the past that are resurfacing now.
Your life will be full of busy work such as errands, keeping in contact with others, paperwork and perhaps a bit of much needed socializing. Your energy is high so you’ll have no trouble keeping up with it all. Look to others and listen to what they have to say with open ears and an open mind. They just may be of vital importance to you and your happiness.
Your intimate moments and personal encounters are not coming to you so easily right now. You seem to have a problem in letting things run smoothly. Stop and refocus your attention and your thoughts as to what is important to you and how to better attain what your goals are. The love you lose may be the love you could have had forever.
Share your inner thoughts and personal endeavors rather than relying on emotions to attain what you desire. So, if an idea pops, act on it – for it plays a role in your continued development. If you’re hooked up, you’re ready for a new level of commitment. On your next date get personal with your lover on a more intellectual level. You may be surprised at how close you both can become. Do not ignore the ones trying to get your attention. Stay focused on sharing your ideals, personal aspects and deeper morals if you desire that deeper level of bonding. Regardless of your relationship status, you need someone who can engage your curious mind.
Improving your interpersonal relations requires you to invest quite some amount of time and effort. Right now exchanging your ideas or other, deep thoughts should take precedence over emotional exchanges. Your family and the other people you love now become most important in your life.
You can use social networking sites like Facebook to keep in touch with all the people you care about but cannot see as often as you would like. It is crucial you do not ignore your vital correspondence or other inputs. If you want to achieve the goals you have set, you cannot afford to be careless at all during this time. That means, if you do end up contacting friends or family through some social networking site, be sure not to post anything that would leave you feeling embarrassed or otherwise in the red. Know that the people around you can see what you say and it is not so anonymous as you might have thought. Errands or paperwork should be taking up a lot of time during this phase so expect to be well and busy.
It will cost lots of energy for you to understand, then adapt, to your immediate environment. Your neighbors, siblings and other close friends or relatives are about to become major players on the stage of your life. Keep yourself open to spontaneous meetings or other gatherings and keep a hold on your tongue if you feel tempted to spew something vicious.
You may be making changes in your job/profession, in your relationships with colleagues and co-workers, health and diet. There may be some mental strain, or perhaps financial difficulties, particularly relating to held-up payments that are still pending, salaries, servants, health and employee benefits or perhaps a bad debt and/or a cheque. Willingness to help and serve will pay dividends, both materially and in terms of a “feel-good” factor. Don’t expect gratitude and appreciation – just go ahead and do whatever needs to be done. This phase presents an opportunity to get rid of what doesn’t work in your life, while also discovering what does. You could seek distinction and strive towards perfection in your work. Efficiency should be your goal now.
You could be overwhelmed by a feeling of not being good enough. Lack of confidence in yourself, in others and in life itself could put a restraint on your initiatives. This is a time when others don’t seem to notice your efforts, when progress appears to be negligible if at all, when nobody seems to extend their hand to you, when you need to play it alone and you could feel resentful for it! Life doesn’t seem to be playing in your style.
Love (and lust) is in the air. It’s now innate for you to turn on the magic without even lifting a finger. More affectionate and appreciative interactions with your children may also figure now. Your powers of magnetism/attraction shall see new heights this month. At this time, you intuitively know how to position yourself in the best light in order to make a good impression on others. Any love affair begun now will be characterized by good liveliness, having excitement, and a fair share of arousing drama!
Relationships are bubbly and vibrant. Partnerships may go through ego conflicts, or adversaries may be demanding. Try to work cooperatively on relationship problems, as that’s the need of the hour. When a difference arises, you are quick to resolve it, and have little tolerance for minor issues. You may become very critical of your partners/relationships, enough to stir antagonism rather than the forming of a harmonious association and the two of you could become immediate enemies. Try to accept the differences that you see between your ideal and the reality.
Love might be complicated this month, although invigorating and certainly never boring! Now is the time to keep alert to vulnerable areas in your close interactions. Changes are on the horizon for you professionally and personally in dealing with health and diet issues. The demands of your larger goals in life may have been eclipsing your pleasure-seeking activities, and this becomes glaringly apparent now. Also possible, your children may be going through their own changes and “stages”, and need more attention now.
Volunteer your time in helping your near and dear ones and it offers a unique experience which is worth exploring. Others are bound to find you especially attractive, personable, and approachable on the job. Pressures are easing, your confidence is building, and the important people in your life are supportive. Less focus on the flaws of your relationships and more focus on the “big picture” keeps romance lively and stimulating.
Take these trying times and use them to change the bad in your life with a more desired approach to things. Seek out what makes you happy and what could create a more positive effect in your life and in reaching your goals. Be efficient and it will show through a more organized lifestyle.
This is a period of change for you and it does not look like small, insignificant changes; the way you deal with your colleagues and co-workers could be changing because of a particularly good or bad recent occurrence. Changes in your health and to your diet which will ultimately have strong effects on you, for better or for worse, also look to be right upon you. There are strong indications for other changes as well.
Some mental strain or financial difficulties will give you greater stress during this time than you would like. Late or delayed payments, checks, benefits or salaries will leave almost everyone involved feeling hostile. Do not be late in making your payments to others and you can expect to be paid on time for your services rendered. By sending out positive energy and making the lives of others easier by doing what is right in your own, people will usually do something to make your life easier down the line. You shouldn’t expect this, as it may be no great amount of gratitude when the time comes. That doesn’t mean you should make the lives of your dependents or others more difficult than need be however.
This phase presents an opportunity to excise the things in life that are not working for you. When you cut away the chaff, you have a much easier time hauling the grain; that is, when you get rid of the bad things, you can identify the good things in your life much more easily. Learn who you can rely on for more than small favors as you strive towards perfection. Be efficient in your work and dealings.
It might be a good time to make a thorough scrutiny of the real you, an honest assessment of your face, figure, health and assets and seek to implement a make-over where necessary. The truly intimate and personal you, needs to be examined minutely and where there is room for improvement, positive action be taken. You’ll need to establish good working relationships with colleagues, subordinates and bosses as well. It’s NOT a time to challenge the system! Stress and neglect both need to be guarded against too. A time for introspective self-assessment with a degree of honesty and objectivity. That way lies contentment, success, happiness – any or all of them, and it will come from your own changed attitude.
You have a tendency to act and reflect automatically, and you could come across as an “open book” now. It’s a favorable time for solving problems and to work on improving your skills. Circumstances are such that you need to become accustomed to communication or travel. You tend to say what you believe now. Keep in mind that what you say or write now has impact, for better or for worse!
Your affection is expressed behind closed doors. Attraction to secrets and whispers characterize this month, although for some, it can also be a time of endings, relationship concerns, and vagueness. You are likely to throw caution to the wind, and where boundaries between fantasy and reality can be blurred, so tread carefully. Avoid secret dealings and behind the door activities, especially the ones that are not clearly legitimate and justifiable. It can be better to be motionless and still, so you can feel the wind changing, than to row in the wrong direction.
Financial conditions and related areas may see advances, with a boost in both resources and possessions. You have more oomph at your disposal to make money, but also to support your ideals. This can be a very creative time, when you make the most of what you have. You might embark upon new projects, or renew existing ones. The work you do may not be as profitable as it was earlier, or there may be unexpected expenses. Some routine expense may come to an end at this time; however, actions are required by you to make this happen.
A perfect moment in time to step out and share yourself with everyone around you. You’re attracting admirers, some of whom may take a romantic interest in you and in fact, you are most visible during this period of the year. Strengthen the weak spots and mend the cracks, perhaps even change a few variables to make the overall ‘you’ a better and stronger one. Don’t just live your life, do whatever that makes it genuine and whole.
Your sensual being is within you and if you look close enough you may find that you could use the element of change to your advantage and spice up your relationships with near and dear ones. Get more personal with a lover, show a close friend or relative just what you can accomplish for them, or for yourself. Get closer and strengthen bonds that are necessary within your profession as well. Your best bet would be to go with the flow of things while doing this.
A challenge or a confrontation is definitely not in your best interest right now. It will only add to unnecessary stress and neglect toward more important matters. Be honest, be objective but be adamant about reassessing your life. It will prove to be very positive for you in near future.
Your friends and family often warn you about being too critical of yourself but the stars tell a different story; now is an excellent time to make a realistic assessment of yourself. Your appearance, especially your face and figure; your health and the things you have should all be considered. Introspection is a keyword for today but don’t forget about the people outside of your own little world.
Identify specific job functions in which you could improve performance then take the positive actions needed to become a better you. By improving your own performance, you will have an indirect effect on the performance of those people with whom you share a work relationship. Colleagues, bigger and smaller fish in your business all can improve through you, as any organization or collective is really only as strong as its weakest member. Do not interpret this as a call to challenge your current system! Just do what you must to smooth out any differences in your business relations. Be wary of stressing yourself out and don’t neglect to take personal time when you need it. There is nothing more taxing on a friendship or partnership than one of the members being too tired to meet.
This is a time to assess yourself and you need to be honest about it; even if it would drive you crazy to admit a certain something to someone else you have to face the facts when dealing with yourself. This is the only, sure way to contentment and success. One who gets away with lying to oneself will often repeat this process, to sad results for that person. Ultimately, your attitude is what will determine your altitude in life.
Widening the vistas of your very existence is what this month makes you do. You still extend warmth and friendship, as well as cooperation at work. All the trends – which started last month will now gain momentum, focus and direction. You reach out to people in a rare show of warmth, connubial bliss and friendship. This is a rather happy, goal-oriented month. A lively agenda is promised, you’re attracting quite a bit of interest, and your energy for making contact with others is high. This is a time to follow your dreams and ideals, and to plant a seed in the form of a wish for the future.
Your responsibility and authority are likable qualities now, making this an encouraging period overall for schmoozing with those in a higher position than you, as well as for negotiations or social activities related to business. You are most charismatic and well-received on the job. You are socially go-getting right now, and success may come through your good managerial qualities or some form of artistic talent, or, indirectly through your spouse. People who turn your head are those who come across as especially competent.
This is the time to research and reflect upon your objectives. It could also be a time when much of your efforts are channeled into private/secret matters. Unconscious behavior patterns could manipulate the way you assert yourself. Some may experience sleeplessness, especially if they are not allowing themselves the chance to recover and if they are not letting their instinct serve them. Others may enjoy a more dynamic dreaming life (this includes day-dreaming), and, if permitted to run free, the imagination can serve them very well, particularly with regards to new concepts.
Now is the time to reevaluate what makes you — YOU. How can you create a happy aura that will fulfill your desires for what you crave in life? Keep that warm and friendly quality about you and keep that teamwork ability you possess in your professional lifestyle. Your magnetism revolves around an element of mystery and fascination rather than outgoing charm.
There is positive momentum that you carry forward from last month. These aspects will only grow stronger for you now, stimulating your own creativity and pursuits. Your warm qualities are intensified as you feel the need to stir up your chemistry with your lover. You feel closeness with friends that mean so much to you and you have a wonderful sense of belonging and caring. You are looking for excitement, adventure, and immediate feedback from partners and lovers.
Your goals seem to be easily attainable with the encouraging support from friends and family. Attitude is positive, energy is high and the overall quality of life is at its best. The interest from others is intense and you are noticed in almost everything you do. Follow those dreams and make a wish. You will be happy that you did.
This month will make you want to expand your horizons. You don’t want to reach for the sky, you want to widen the vistas of your very existence. People around you at work will notice your all-encompassing attitude during this time and may work with you either to help you achieve your goals or to better their own positions. Your warmth and friendship at work will guarantee cooperation from others, regardless of their own agendas.
You will reach out to people in a variety of ways, either by one-on-one contact, a phone call, email or wall post. Your friendly hand will be met in kind and you can expect the people around you will do more than nothing at all to help you in your quest. This month will focus on your goals and you should become goal-oriented now if you were not before. There are things you need to do in order to advance your career and you know what those are; now take the steps needed to put you where you want to be. Your own agenda will be strangely lively during this time and you will have many meetings, gatherings or parties to attend. It is imperative you show up at these events and mingle with the people in your field. Because your energy for making contact with others is high during this time, it should not be a difficult thing to do.
This is the time to pursue your dreams, and use the people around you to help you get where you want to go. People may be willing to help you for some consideration in the future and you should not snub these offers without some thought. Plant seeds now to reap what you wish in the future.
Long-distance and foreign connections, exchange and trade will be favored. You’ll travel a fair amount and may strike up a chance acquaintance who shares your views, ideals and ideas. Also, you deal with a kind of weariness, even disillusionment, that sets in. A month of exaltation, true spirituality, intellectual and moral growth – a truly cosmic gift comes to you. The preceding month had lots of highs and lows for you to reckon with. This month reorients you to your lasting values, and greater idealism is the result, in conjunction with heightened consciousness and conscience, that come hand in hand with true and sincere spirituality and faith.
You may feel that you’re in the grip of a force beyond your control, since it is a time for great, perhaps even radical or drastic, changes in your material as well as emotional world. This month, a financial boost is likely, or you may expand money-wise all the way through your partner/associate. You are more tending to even differences in a partnership/relationship regarding the sharing of authority, intimacy matters, finances, and other emotionally-charged topics. Close relationships are intensified. Either you or your partner shall demand a deeper unification.
Your ambition and/or your desire to be acknowledged for your achievement comes to the forefront. Whether it’s professional or personal, you are likely to have an increased desire for others to notice you. This can be a good time to become self-employed or start a business if other factors are favorable. Events taking place now will have a great bearing on your future and will be long reaching in their effects. It is a time when great progress can be made and personal recognition achieved.
Love is in the air and you will want to make most of now. There is a basic drive to appreciate and taste life. You’re in a loving, passionate mood, and if you have no lover at the moment, make/wear something beautiful, luscious, and attractive in whatever arena you most enjoy. All creative acts are favored now. Dancing or some other vital and sensual self-expression would be especially fulfilling.
Do not put your travels on hold any longer. Now is the time to utilize any long distance connections you may have. It will prove positive in creating an acquaintance who will share in your ideals and views and you have an enthusiastic and exuberant appeal. Exchange of heart and thoughts is stored for you this month. Sexual exploration and freedom are important, as well as a need for sexual honesty.
If you are feeling wary and disheartened these days, do not waste time brooding about past. Redirect what you have left of your energies and focus on the unique experiences of your life and things that make you special. You’ll feel a sense of rapture, an intellectual and moral growth take over. Let it absorb into you and you will feel a renewed sense of desire for life again.
Your immediate past has had a lot of highs and lows that you have had to deal with. It is no wonder that you tend to feel the way you do. Hold tight though. Your immediate future holds a brighter light for you. As you redirect your attitudes, you will feel your values becoming stronger and your ideals more inspired. Your eyes will open wider and brighter as the bad passes by you and extinguishes itself and your new sense of attitude comes to light.
During this time, you may be surprised by having closer relations with people half the world away, closer than the relationships with the people right next to you at home or work. Long-distance and foreign connections are favored during this time and can do much to help advance you on your chosen path. A fair amount of business travel is in the cards and these trips will give you many chances to meet people who share your views and ideals.
Because you are going all over the world, a world-weariness has the potential to set in and turn you sluggish. A certain disillusionment, with your peers, superiors or someone else close to you may keep you up at night. Do not let these things distract you from what should be a month of exaltation! Grow spiritually, intellectually and morally while the time for growing is ripe. It is as if the cosmos are aiding you in some indecipherable way. Spending time with your spiritual adviser or a teacher from the past would be rewarding. The preceding month had lots of highs and lows for you to handle, but this month is going to be different. Your priorities will be set straight by coming to understand what the people around you need from you every day.
Expect some travel, expect to meet new people and expect a whole new list of demands from each of them. Be diligent in your work and have faith that you will survive any tests. Though your maker may not put more on your plate than you can handle, your employer very well might, so be ready for arduous work.
House or office may require renovation, refurbishing or expansion. Perhaps even a shift for either the office home factory/workplace. You want working conditions that satisfy you in every way, physically, technically and in the prevailing atmosphere and will take pains to achieve just that. You may also decide to invest in labor-saving devices/ gadgets to streamline your efficiency both at home and in the office. At the same time, there is a desire to retrace your roots and origins, to go back in time. This is a time to do what you can to build trust in your family life and a strong foundation within yourself, so that regardless of what you meet in the outside world over the next months, you have a secure place to return to.
Demands and responsibilities in professional work as well as financial ones are likely to increase very suddenly and rapidly. You are confused about what future directions to take. You want both absence of worry, and at least some, if not all, the good things of life. You may have to wait longer than you thought because that’s how situations are shaping up now.
All your mental activity will be intensely personal, subjective and even egocentric. You are mostly cheerful in your approach to others, and perhaps somewhat intellectual this month. As a result, fresh acquaintances and friendships come to you, giving pleasure, inspiration and ideas. This month, you are most attracted to wit, cheerfulness, and verbal rapport. You are especially good at mediating conflicts. Try smoothing over differences using your diplomacy skills.
Some of you may feel like escaping from day-to-day realities for a while. You can appreciate an imaginative approach and may value communal or futuristic ideas. Some element of mystery, glamour, illusion, or spirituality in the current circumstances will afford an opportunity to introduce changes within yourself. Strange and whimsical fads in fashion, behavior and attitudes may arise.
This is a very expansive time when you have lots of liveliness, but not necessarily self-discipline to match. Now such a careless attitude may lead to undesired troubles. You take much more interest in play and pleasure! Your love life may step up a notch, and you could be excited and passionate, more than ever. Try being patient in delicate moments, as impulsiveness can ruin yours and someone else’s life. Also, watch out for an inclination towards gambling, stock markets and betting. Be careful not to burn the candle at both ends.
Your imagination is stimulated, and you need activities and entertainments that are colorful, out the ordinary, and definitely not mundane. You may wish to travel unknown places, uncover the mystery and tell this story to the world. You may also be attracted to strangers. You’re enjoying your expedition to dream lands and fantasy kingdoms. As a result, you tend to procrastinate in your duties and responsibilities.
Your home life is a bit chaotic at the moment. You now tend to make much more changes in your personal life in order to feel happier and contented in your life. This will be no easy task given the state your life is currently in, but if you work hard enough at something, anything is possible.
Investment in the way you spend your time with loved ones is not a bad idea either. Effectiveness and priority is always a good thing in reaching your goals and desires. These days, security and maturity are especially appealing to you in a partner, and this is a trend that is likely to last for some time. While romantic overtures remain intriguing to you, you are more interested in proof than talk.
On a romantic level, there are likely to be some challenges, intimacy problems, and certainly a more serious tone. Lack of intimacy or other flaws in casual relationships may seem glaring right now. Use this time wisely to get close to family and strengthen ties among them. Build your emotional foundation of who you really are so that as you venture out into the world, you will always have a wonderful place to fall back on if need be.
Your house or office may require some renovation or even refurnishing to help you out of your current slump. Changing your surroundings can have a big impact on the way you look at life and how you act. This is a fine time to consider picking up some new furniture.
You want a stimulating work environment that will satisfy you in every field; physical and technical satisfaction are important parts of the workplace to you. You will make plans to attain that status and to be truly happy with the work you do. Labor-saving devices or gadgets can boost your efficiency at home or the office. To make contracting your work easier, consider hitting up Facebook to find skilled people you never thought were there. At the same time, a strong desire to get in touch with your roots and origins could be overwhelming you. To find yourself can be a fairly daunting task so don’t be afraid of the likely confusion which you’re in line to feel.
This is a time to do whatever you’re able to do in order to feel closer to your family and friends and build or maintain your own, strong foundation. Regardless of who you meet out in the world over the next few months, you will have a secure base of operations at your home if you can keep the people you live with happy.
Now the focus shifts on people and relationships, ranging from personal to platonic to just professional. You will realize that to help you achieve success your people skills need to be honed. You will need to be sharp-witted and alert in order to identify potential (or even actual) threats to your welfare/progress. It may not happen but it is good to be prepared. In spite of all this, this month brings you caring and sharing, that is, fine companionship, close ties with loved ones and an overall feeling of both togetherness and contentment. The emphasis is on “us” rather than “me”. This may be an especially busy time for people who consult or work with clients one-on-one.
Your personality, psyche, attitudes will show-growth, expansion and development. You will grow/develop/emerge like a butterfly from a chrysalis in different ways. Optimism and confidence make the big news during this period. Enthusiasm runs high, and assistance comes easily. This is generally a good time to schedule new beginnings in business, education, personal relationships and so forth.
Closer to home, you will concern yourself with the welfare of bosses and superiors, older relatives and of course, parents and in-laws. Relationships with servants, employees, colleagues and subordinates, payments made, salaries and handouts, even giving to charitable institutions are the important aspects of the money scene. Establishing a happy and harmonious work environment through friendly relations with co-workers or tidying up your work area comes into focus. You could find that your talents or skills are especially appreciated. Romantic and social activities may revolve around your working environment.
Sexuality and intimacy are stimulated. You are likely to be more planned in your actions, as you become aware of the subtleties of human relations. This is a time when your best course of action is to recognize that you need, or rely on, others for support. Cooperative efforts revolve around making the most of all the resources belonging to two or more people. Arguments with partners over values or belongings are possible. Try to be patient and adjusting in critical times, as this will help you reach new heights in coming months.
You are way too obsessed with your style, passion and ego. One meaning of this is ‘over-confidence’, and other meaning could be ‘being irrational’. You could make some bad decisions, be too openhanded, or squander your resources. You are inclined to take physical risks, gamble, speculate, and to act on faith and belief in yourself. This can, in fact, be a very productive time for you if you can keep your expectations within reasonable bounds.
Your attention will be more on your romance, your friendships and perhaps even professional relationships this month. Now is the time to be social. Check in with contacts, make those necessary phone calls and get a hold of those you’ve been putting off. If you want to see success in your personal life, this is what must be done now. You now enjoy the social “game” surrounding making connections with lovers, and they can be quite seductive.
Polish up on your people skills and work on redefining them. There may be potential hiccups and sharpening your people skills helps you realizing where these threats lie and in extinguishing them before they reach you and affect your life. Even if there are no dangers that concern you, you will be better to be prepared for such antics just in case. You will now seem to ignore your own sexual needs as you are focusing on those of your partner.
It will be good for you to look forward to your lover for a permanent/stable relationship. There is plenty of compassion and sharing waiting for you this month. Close ties with family, friends and even romantic relationships are all prospering. It would be wise to think of situations in your life in terms of “us” instead of “me”.
Your focus in life is shifting to the people around you and your relationships with those people. Your significant other, children or parents should be given at least the same amount of time you give your co-workers, superiors or subordinates, if not more. They are the ones who really matter in your life after all. To do the best you can for them though, you need to be the best you can be with that latter group of people.
You must have your wits about you and be alert at work during the majority of this month. If you have good people skills, use them to build relationships and if you don’t, get them. Your need to communicate with others is greater now than most times and to communicate effectively, you need to learn how to deal with others. A potential, or actual threat may exist, coming between you and your position in your business. You must be vigilant as ever during this time to overcome the negativity which may be hurtling toward you even now. In spite of what looks like gloom and doom, you have those people you love to fall back on when this time becomes difficult. Close ties with your loved ones will leave you feeling content to say the least, so let them ease your suffering if it does come to you.
Now is a time to focus on “us” or “we” instead of “I” or “me”. You have needs, yes, but all the people around you need something from you as well. If you do a lot of work with clients one on one, such as going to meet them at home or elsewhere, you will be especially busy during this time.
Once again, you’ll have to focus your attention on money matters (legacies, trusts, loans or fund-raising) even though there may still be some physical problems nagging at you. Pending matters may come to an end; there could be a loss of some sort, You may have to deal with legacies or be connected to matters of this nature. Clearing out psychic “junk” or ridding yourself of bad habits may be part of the picture now. You are more willing than usual to explore life’s secrets. This is an especially introspective month during which you have the chance to truly uncover your personal strengths and talents.
One-to-one linking appeals to you more than group activities or more casual associations. If single, you are more eager than usual to enter into a devoted relationship. In general, you are flexible when it comes to your affections – very willing to negotiate and make harmony. Smoothing out your close/special affairs is what makes you pleased. Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
Suddenly you desire something a little different. You want to raise your own self-esteem and, at the same time strive for recognition of your true worth in others’ eyes. Further realization comes to you, along with this. Advancement or making your mark is not just a question of getting the right breaks. These ”right breaks” have to be in accord with your own desires, and above all your conscience.
This month, you are more than ever passionate and daring. Some agitation and desire for exciting activity is experienced. Essentially, you are looking to expand your activities and opportunities for higher studies, travel or simply new subjects may be presented. You become aggressively involved in expanding your basic beliefs and your philosophies about life. You may find someone that you are willing to follow; this person may be a spiritual guru or a business mentor. Creative projects can flourish with enlarged focus and redoubled efforts that somehow don’t tire you out.
You can now be addicted to the thrill of getting to know a person inside and out, and to the power of love and sex. Intensity is especially important you now. It is time to move on to issues that relate more to others than you, that are about to arise. Past issues will resolve themselves or will dissolve enough to need less of your consideration.
Be prepared for an ending (as in end of a problem or a relationship) that will cause you both pleasure and pain at the same time. Work on ending awful lifestyle and junk that you think can bring upon a significant change in your personal life. This is a perfect time to do so. You feel the need to keep passion alive, and when it settles in a relationship, you can be addicted to flirting with other people in order to feel alive and potent.
Your desire for exploring the secrets of love and sex increases as you feel more alive than usual. Reevaluate yourself and what your intentions are. You will surprise yourself and perhaps others around you in how much you can actually change for the better. Unveil your strengths and romantic talent. It will prove positive for you in the end.
The time has come once again for you to demonstrate your skill in the handling of financial matters. Legacies or trusts, in which people you know are involved, will come to involve you as well. This is the time to make a small loan to a friend or ask for a loan yourself if you happen to need a little extra money.
Though you know how to run your money and make it work for you, your health is another thing altogether. You may be experiencing some persistent physical weaknesses right now or some health issues could be nagging at you. They need to be addressed immediately and not put off any longer. Make an appointment with your doctor and check this out properly. Certain, pending matters may come to a conclusion. A legacy could be causing you mixed emotions of sorrow and relief could occur during this phase. Pay close attention to the people you see every day and do not be afraid to administer CPR or the Heimlich if you find yourself in a position to save the life of another. If this is completely out of your comfort zone, call the emergency number and look for help.
Now more than ever, you are willing to explore the secrets of life. The time to dwell on yourself and do some serious introspection is now; you may uncover a personal strength or talent of which you were unaware. You know what you need to do in order to perform better and get recognized for what you do.
A time when you will truly need to “walk the talk”, stand by your beliefs and convictions. You will have a lot on your plate and most of it will pertain to money – both for immediate needs and future gains. Financial matters become important or at least the main focus, but good moves have to be thought out. Property and possessions, rentals, funds, investments, and even cash transactions. There may be profits or income from property, land and real estate. Don’t try for fast cash or the quick buck. That doesn’t last and can give you a sense of false security. In fact, you might just be barking up the wrong tree in terms of career or personal gains through sheer pride or ego. Back your own judgment, but do so with caution and restraint. You know instinctively what works best for you. Just go ahead sensibly, keeping your own counsel as far as possible.
You could find it hard to deny yourself anything this month. There is a certain determination building up within you to alter not just your life or circumstances, but practically cast yourself in a new image. This image needs to connect to the way you want to see yourself, in terms of appearance, health, physique, attitudes and mindset – all adding up to the quality of life plus lifestyle. Others find you agreeable and cooperative. People could literally approach you and appreciate you for who you are. You now know what works best for you and you have great wisdom inside you.
You are likely to have countless ideas/thoughts and plans going and you might scatter your focus as a result. If channeled well, this is an excellent time to showcase your ideas and do presentations. Avoid rash driving or impatience while performing manual odd jobs, generally with the hands that may lead to accidents. It is advised to be alert on the road or while operating machinery. This is a fine phase to work on intellectual tasks with more vigor and passion.
Love is in the air and you will want to make most of now. There is a basic drive to appreciate and taste life. You’re in a loving, passionate mood, and if you have no lover at the moment, make/wear something beautiful, luscious, and attractive in whatever arena you most enjoy. All creative acts are favored now. Dancing or some other vital and sensual self-expression would be especially fulfilling.
Now is the time to stand up tall, hold your head up high and really believe in what you have and what you want. With so much going on in your life right now it is the least you can do for yourself. If you’re with someone, your partner might very well accuse you of subscribing to the what’s mine is mine and what’s ours is mine philosophy.
Your monetary needs are coming up and the burden of what to do is close at hand. If anyone can spot a manipulative tactic, it’s you. And yet, people at home or work likely suspect that it’s you who’s making the power-play. Take your time and strategize. Hasty decisions will only result in bad outcomes. Evaluate all of your assets before coming up with a plan, including your property, rentals, investments and even cash transactions. These are all important aspects that you should look over.
Now imagine it isn’t money you’ve discovered, but a new talent within you. Now all of this could also mean you are too busy with your own personal issues and tend to overlook your love relationship for a while. Stand up for what you feel is right but do it with a humble presence. An increased ego or overly too much pride will hurt you in the long run. Step forward with a sure and strong footing, but do it with a level head.
If you’ve heard of “walking the walk” as the saying goes, then you know what you need to do now. Standing up by and for your beliefs or convictions is a good way to make yourself stand out from the people around you. Blending in is fine if you don’t want your boss or a specific peer to give you trouble but, sometimes, you’ve just got the voice your opinion on a pertinent matter.
You’re going to have a lot to deal with ahead of you and most of it will deal with money; acquiring as much as quickly as possible and spending as little as you can get away with spending without compromising your company or yourself. If you’re looking for a new way to spread the word about your business or industry, don’t shy away from popular social networking sites; they are free advertising for you. Avoid fast cash or other money-making schemes. You know these methods never work out like they are supposed to and you don’t want a false sense of security to make you complacent.
Do not back down, back your own judgments but go ahead with caution. You already know what works best so now is the time to put your knowledge into action. Go forward sensibly and keep your counsel as far as possible.
Recognition, rewards, greater power and prestige, even your assets, property, belongings are enhanced greatly. The time is being truly generous, and you deserve it. Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. Recognition is likely to come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that comes right along with it! Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this month in the year.
You have a tendency to act and reflect automatically, and you could come across as an “open book” now. It’s a favorable time for solving problems and to work on improving your skills. Circumstances are such that you need to become accustomed to communication or travel. You tend to say what you believe now. Keep in mind that what you say or write now has impact, for better or for worse!
A taste for the out of the ordinary is favored this month. Regular affairs simply don’t seem to satisfy. You will accept pleasure from anything and everything that expands your horizons, both physically and emotionally. Distant connections and places may for the most part appeal now. You have a tendency to be outgoing and liberal when it comes to love. Public relations work, promotion, and other such activities are favored. It is more about how you communicate yourself than the essentials of what you are saying that helps influencing others to you.
Group activities and joint efforts are the best way to accomplish your goals right now. In fact, you have all sorts of ideas about what you want to do. You would want to organize projects and put things in shape. Your humanitarian inclination may be stirred. The part you play for other people in your life comes to the forefront now. You may experience that your tasks list gets swarming with things to do (usually for others). You may take actions to achieve your more personal long-term goals as well.
You are sensual and earthy in your sexual desires. The libido is strong, but controlled. Things are about to take off for you. You feel a positive vibe in relationships and other aspects of your life. You have truly worked hard for these rewards so sit back and enjoy them, you deserve it all.
Stay in contact with higher ups and authority figures and this will help in reaching your goals. Whether you expect recognition or not, it will be there, staring you in the face and along with it will be more responsibility to take on. Tensions are building involving your own ability to take the lead and to manage others. Do what you feel is true and right in your heart. You are very noticeable to everyone around you in evaluation and/or in inspiration so your decisions will not go unrecognized.
Committed relationships offer you more stability, and if you’re not in one, you might be feeling a tad insecure. One-on-one relationships are becoming increasingly important to you now. Some of you will be taking on business partners, and some will be bringing more work to a romantic partnership in some way. While career matters are especially pressing this month, it will be helpful to keep that stress at the office so that you can better enjoy your love life.
Prepare for many things in your life to be heightened, enhanced and made better. Recognition for your deeds and work, rewards, prestige and even some power could be coming your way. This is a generous time but since you have been so generous with the people around you in the past, you deserve it and everyone involved knows it. Allow your peers to indulge you and do not be averse to a business dinner with the boss.
Your vision is practical right now; you know what kind of results are realistic and you expect to see tangible results for your efforts. The people around you know that you do things to get them done quickly and efficiently, and more contact with your authority figures is likely. It’s nothing to worry about though as they’re likely to be showering you with praise or recognition for your great performance. Whether you are seeking it or not, some added responsibility may come along with this recognition. That is the way business works, but some people would rather not deal with any more needs than right now. It is not a selfish attitude, but if you want to get further than you are right now you need to be more willing to give more of yourself to what you do in life.
Things are going so well for you, you may go head over heels trying to make left or right of them. Don’t worry if all the sudden activity surrounding you leaves you feeling confused. Do what you feel is right and know that during this month, you are most visible this year. Get the most you can out of small compliments and capitalize on greater ones, unafraid to take what you want and deserve.