November 2017 – Astrological Forecasts
The month of November is eventful for all zodiac signs! With Scorpio reigning the skies until the 22nd, still waters are running deep for everyone. What we see on the surface may not reflect what lies beneath or as a greater whole. Therefore, the Universe encourages us to see the bigger picture this month. Scorpio is a sign of great sensitivity and has a heightened awareness. Scorpio also brings with it immense transformation. This includes the cycle of death and rebirth, which our lovely autumn zodiac sign knows all too well! As the seasons change, the solar chart changes with it. After November 22nd, Scorpio leaves the skies to let Sagittarius reign on high. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign who encourages us to be optimistic during difficult times. All the planets are quite active this month, with significant activity on Mars and Mercury.
On the 2nd of November, Venus conjuncts Mars. This is an excellent day for romance! While Venus is feminine and loving, Mars is passionate and fierce. With this perfect recipe for love, all signs will enjoy being intimate with their partner or lover. This day is also ideal for a romantic rendezvous. Do something spontaneous and maybe even a little bit crazy! The stars encourage you to be totally free today. On the 4th, there is a void-of-course moon, meaning that the moon pauses in her transition through the signs. Today is not the best day to initiate a project or try something new, as this pause in transit can often leave people with feelings of being stuck and indecisive. Let today flow, and try not to force what doesn’t want to budge!
On the 8th, Venus enters Libra, her natural home. This will encourage all signs to be kind and diplomatic. Venus in Libra brings in her energy of harmony. Today is a good day to compromise with people in close relationships. One may find their work environment feels calmer and cooperative, or even their home more jovial and light. Venus will be in Libra for the rest of the month, so enjoy this opportunity for working together in light and love!
The 10th is an important day for the planets. Mercury sextiles Pluto to let us all know that we need to communicate what is deep inside of ourselves and our most unwavering opinions. The Sun also sextiles Jupiter on this date. This aspect is positive, and will help signs look at themselves and their beliefs with faith and confidence. The new moon in Scorpio the next day on November 11th will be in conjunction with Mercury. This is exceptionally virtuous given that Mercury, our communication planet, encourages us to voice our feelings. The new moon in Scorpio often brings on sudden and unpredictable moods, often towards the negative. While Scorpio makes us feel very deeply, this new moon will bring up insecurities for many zodiac signs this month. The truth is bound to come out, and Mercury will help us dictate these ideas, feelings, and opinions about oneself and others. It is important for signs to take the next few days after the new moon to decompress and not take matters as seriously. When we have emotional releases, it can make us feel exhausted! The stars encourage all signs to keep a positive outlook in Sagittarius, and have a little faith that everything will work out for the best!
On November 12th, Mars will enter the sign of Libra. Libra is steadfast in fighting for equality, and Mars will give this aspect a boost with his aggressive energy. It is the perfect time to advocate for what we believe in. The lesson here is to use our power and love to do good in the world. The next day, Mercury sextiles Jupiter, giving all signs faith in their ideas and communication abilities. It is important to write ideas down here. Venus also sextiles Saturn on this day, which is a completely different aspect than before. Saturn encourages all of us to be disciplined in our relationships. The Universe encourages us to ask ourselves what rules apply in our different relationships. These partnerships are reflected in work and personal life, and this aspect relates to all walks of life. On the 20th of this month, Mercury enters Sagittarius and will remain there until December 9th. This will inspire all of us to have confidence in our dreams and ideas and not be afraid to say them out loud. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Sagittarius and leaves the watery Scorpio.
On November 24th, Mercury has two major aspects; Mercury conjuncts Saturn and squares Neptune. All signs may feel extremely disengaged today. It may be difficult to listen to others, as we may feel bored very easily and are prone to be distracted. The next day on the 25th, the full moon takes places in Gemini. Gemini is also prone to the conversation and this may be another opportune time to talk about issues with oneself or others close by. During the full moon, signs may experience a feeling of restlessness and uncertainty. This will be especially true for air signs like Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Instead of running, the Universe encourages signs to pay attention to what is causing this nervous energy. Everyone here benefits from identifying the source of their issues and discussing them out loud. Geminis are notorious for being able to talk through challenging issues. With this complex reasoning sign in the full moon, it is important to take the opportunity to have a deep conversation. Mercury also sextiles Mars on the 25th, so beware of using words to hurt others. This fiery combination can be used for good in a friendly debate, though.
This month is filled with communication! With Mercury in many aspects, all signs will be forced to talk about the big issues in their relationships and their lives. The Universe keeps an air of optimism though, and the stars want all signs to have faith this month!
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Jupiter remains in your fifth house of freedom and self-expression, and he will be here until November of next year! You can look forward to his good fortune and intellect leading you into creative endeavors that may mean more than just artistic expression. You may find that you learn great lessons from delving deeper into your expressive nature. There is also a possibility here for your artistic passion for becoming more than just a hobby. Over the course of Jupiter’s cycle in this house, you may be presented with opportunities to do your passion for monetary gains. If you have been shifting your career focus, this may be a sign for you to commit to your art as a professional path. Take your time to consider the options, and know that the Universe has your back, dear Cancer!
The Sun will be in Scorpio, your fifth house, until the 22nd of this month. This alignment denotes an air of pleasure and fun. You may feel the need to go on an adventure, be silly, or do something that is a little daring! The Sun’s alignment here will make you more social as well, so you may be more inclined to attend parties or social gatherings. You will find that you are the happiest when you are being artistic and expressive. Now is your time to shine in whatever hobby or passion you have dedicated yourself to. While you are generally not the center of attention, quiet Cancer, you may feel like you want to be noticed and seen for your uniqueness this month. Your personality will be more whimsical and romantic this month, as you are in search of freedom and expression!
Venus begins in your fourth house for the month of November. Your fourth house of home and family enjoys Venus’ alignment here. This will manifest as a desire to create beauty in your home and family life. Whether it involves decorating your spaces, creating more meaningful relationships with your partners, parents, and children, or simply viewing your domestic life in a more positive light, this alignment is sure to create beauty wherever you go. You are naturally inclined to nurture as a Cancer, and Venus in the fourth house is extremely loving and compassionate. Feelings of needing to reconnect with your roots may also arise, and you may be inclined to revisit your past in some way. What lessons have you learned from where you came from? Is there anything you can let go of or choose to see in a new way? On the 8th of the month, Venus transitions into your fifth house of creativity and self-expression. Venus here will make you feel beautiful, inside and out! You may attract new people in your life, romantic and otherwise, due to your radiant energy. It’s important for you to be creative in whatever sense that means to you. Cancers love the water, so you may find it extra wonderful to swim and be surrounded by your natural element. This can sprout feelings of joy and creativity all on its own. Find ways in which you get pleasure out of life, and let yourself be free!
Mars enters Libra on November 12th. This will be a challenging aspect for you, as Mars fiery side will be very aggressive in Libra’s reign. It may be extremely difficult to talk to those who you are having issues with, as you are likely to let your emotions get the best of you. Honor your feelings as real, but know that you are extra sensitive and most likely quarrelsome at this time. When you are ready to approach your loved ones, coworkers, or friends in a more balanced way, you can have confidence that you will know exactly what to say and how to say it without making anyone feel bad or misconstruing your point. Mars can be a great competitor and action taker, so he may also influence you in a positive way in the workplace, if you are in a competitive environment or need to get many projects done.
Sun enters your sixth house in Sagittarius after the 22nd. This is more related to work, responsibilities, and service. You may focus on your duties at home just as much as in your professional life. Your personality here will shift from one of freedom and creativity to wanting to be more grounded. You will find that you get great pleasure giving back to others and being of service. The end of the month is a perfect time to donate to charity, commit to volunteer work, or advocate for a cause that you connect with. The Sun will ensure that you are able to make a difference, however big or small.
Your planets are balanced between the upper half and lower half of the chart, and this is an auspicious period for finances. You can enjoy good fortune and plentiful monetary funds throughout the month. If you have been worrying about money recently, this preoccupation should come to an end soon, as the planets predict you will have real financial gains over the next month! Given your financial security during this time, it is wise to plan a trip at the end of the month if you desire to travel.
You will enjoy good health this month, as there are no serious stresses or challenges to set you back. Overall, the planetary alignments will provide you with beauty, joy, happiness, and creativity throughout the whole month. The solar system is quite dominant in your fifth and sixth houses, denoting positive aspects with your artistic expression, family, and home life. Your dedication to work and service will also be very strong throughout November. While your career doesn’t see any major setbacks, you may have the opportunity to reevaluate your professional goals. Whatever you decide, the Universe is on your side. The stars encourage you to be free and merry, lovely Cancer!
November is a very confusing month for you, Cancer. You are being pulled in many different directions and aren’t quite sure which path to take. Good news Cancer, there is light at the end of the tunnel for you. Be careful and thoughtful during your decision-making process this month. Between your career and family, your attention will be needed. In these situations, you must adapt and learn to compromise.
It is crucial that you combine your career and social life this November. Your loyal and caring personality will make keeping friends and partners much easier during this confusing month of November. Do not spend your days being moody and detached, instead focus on your adaptable and reliable qualities. Your friends value you and will be very supportive of you during this transformational month.
Career Horoscope For Cancer
This November, tap into your resourcefulness. Your profession and finances will benefit greatly. Your work contacts may provide you with an opportunity to take on more responsibility at work or they might help you in a job search.
Cancers seeking employment during November will be successful. Due to the success, your business is taking up most of your time. This is causing some rift between your partner, friends, and family. Try dedicating time in the evening to spending quality time with these people. They will be very appreciative.
Cancer Health and Fitness Horoscope
Your health will be steady this month, Cancer. If you are needing an extra boost, try adding more natural herbal remedies to your day. Hot tea in the morning and evening is a great place to start. Your well-being should be a priority. This November, focus on switching up your workout routine. Your body could use a break from the intense workouts and could really benefit from more yoga, relaxation techniques and/or walks. These exercises should help you to feel more balanced and grounded.
Cancer Love Horoscope
This November, you’ll find yourself with a lot of social activity. You can thank your personal charm for that. Romantic relationships will be the least of your worries, Cancer. Give them a shot. No one said you had to marry them. Remember to prioritize your time by being selective and setting aside time for love and yourself. The single Cancerians needs to focus on becoming more in tune with who they are destined to be. This will lead to better relationships and better health. Do not compare your relationships to your friends and family’s romantic relationships – this will only create more confusion.
Jupiter has been in your tenth house since last month, and he will remain here until November of 2018. While this planet of good luck is in the house of career, this does not mean you will see results without putting in the effort. The theme in this alignment is that you create your own luck, and the harder you work, the more success you see. Jupiter’s influence here will show you how to excel in what you are doing in your profession, but you must do the work on your own! You will be wise to include your colleagues in projects, as any luck you accumulate through your dedication will rub off on them. They will love you for it!
The Sun begins in your tenth house, your career sector, this month. You will crave recognition in your job, and will work extremely hard to become more of a leader in your vocation. Your determination to succeed will be noted here by your employer, and you may identify more strongly with your career this month. While you care about what others think, even if you do not receive the praise you desire, know that your hard work is paying off behind the scenes! On the 22nd, the Sun shifts into your eleventh house of friendships. This is where you thrive, dear Aquarius! You love to help others, and this alignment will be perfect for humanitarian efforts. You may be called on to assist in a crisis amongst friends and loved ones this month. It is also a great time to delve into charity work, as you love to give and be around other generous people. You will also hone in on your people-reading skills, and will know what others are feeling even if they don’t say it. This will make them confide in you and trust that you may be able to give them sincere advice. Your desire to help others is altruistic and is very in line with your personality this month!
Venus begins in your ninth house for November. This is the sector of philosophy and intellect. Venus values the love connection in this house, but also enjoys her freedom and independence. If you are in a relationship, you may feel the need to be more independent from your partner in certain aspects. You will feel extremely free-spirited at the beginning of November, and it will be hard to tie you down! If you are single, you will not feel the need to explore opportunities for love until later. This is the time to experience your independence and spontaneous nature. On the 8th, Venus shifts into your tenth house of career. Venus will influence your professional sector in a positive way, and people at your workplace will see you in a favorable light. You will be seen as intellectual and advantageous to your employer. You will also be able to work in harmony with others, and teamwork will be your strong suit this month. If you can take on projects with multiple people, you will shine! You will be subconsciously responsible for making your work environment a more beautiful space for all to thrive. Your influence on others this month is quite something special!
Saturn remains in your eleventh house of friendships until next month, and he has been there since 2015. Your social circle and close friends may have been dwindling over the past year, but this is necessary, as the friends who remain and the friends you have made over Saturn’s ruler of the eleventh house will be faithful to you for the long run. The past two years may have been challenging for you, as you thrive on being amongst social groups and connections. While a loss of a friend can feel heartbreaking, this “death” paves the way for new friendships to be born. You have homed in on what you believe in and how your friendships reflect these ideals. Saturn can be extremely rigid, and you may have explored the “shoulds” within your social circle and ideas. You may believe that a relationship should be one way, but in reality, it is not. Your challenge is to liberate yourself from the idea that there needs to be a specific outcome. Rather, whatever outcome happens is what is needed. The work you have done with Saturn in this realm has been extremely difficult, but you have grown so much, and you are now wise enough to know how to approach your future goals and intentions. You are ready, dear Aquarius, for the greatness yet to come!
Uranus, your planetary ruler, begins to move forward on the 16th. If you have been stuck in any financial dealings or issues with family members, these tensions will begin to ease up from the 16th onward. During the rest of the month, you should see improvement in your monetary judgments and will be more confident than you have been in the past. The retrograde periods can be challenging, but sometimes these setbacks are necessary to help you realize how to live your life on your own terms. Neptune, your financial planet, will shift from retrograde to direct on the 22nd. Your finances will finally progress and you will feel like you are moving forward! All of that hard work in your job will pay off very soon, and the money will be flowing in. Thanks to Jupiter’s influence, these two alignments bring you great luck in terms of money and career growth over the next year. Neptune enters especially positive aspects on the 29th and 30th of November.
Your health will be touch and go this month. While you will have a lot of energy to get everything done, the stress of job and friends has impacted your body. Make sure that you are taking the time to take care of yourself during November. Get extra sleep, and do simple breathing exercises throughout the day whenever you have a moment. During your down time, relax and unwind. You deserve a break!
This November looks like a career-oriented month for you, Aquarius. Your finances will improve throughout the month of November. Pay close attention to your health as it is delicate this month. It may require some attention or slowing down, so listen to your body. But don’t worry, your ambitious personality will help you take on more challenges this November. In your relationships, you will be adding influential people in your social network. You have all you need within to manifest your desires. Increased self-love brings in the love you’re seeking from others. You can have your own way because you are not dependent on others and there is no need for flexibility this month.
Career Horoscope For Aquarius
Don’t be surprised when the boss starts to notice how efficient and deserving you are. November will be a good month career-wise. If you were thinking about making a change, this would be a good time to do it.
Doors will open for you and if you take yourself and your talents seriously – others will too. Those of Aquarians who are established in their field could be looking at that next big step up the ladder. This will be possible because of your excellent communication skills this month. If you are not happy in your career, change your direction. Broadening your expertise and gaining more real-world experiences by traveling are all favored for this month. It is time to think big and to be confident with all career matters.
Aquarius Health and Fitness Horoscope
Improving your health will be on the forefront of your mind this month. Conserve your energy by only doing the essential tasks and by asking others for help when necessary. Diet and exercise will also help in maintaining your physical fitness, Aquarius. Do not let your career aspirations and dedication take away from your health. New positive habits should be created, like stretching in the mornings and drinking tea before bed. These habits have the ability to sharpen your brain and prepare you for your big month ahead.
Aquarius Love Horoscope
Your social life is hectic this November. Social organizations and friends will take up a majority of your time. Your friends and family will encourage you in all of your adventures this month.
If you are single, love in the professional work place may arise. Continue to attend social gatherings as that is another source for love. You should be very comfortable with who you are and in turn you will attract those who are comfortable with exactly who they are.
Put aside any feelings that everyone is moving ahead and leaving you behind. Remember that you are the leader of the pack and the one who keeps the gang together. They look to you for acceptance and love. Gather your friends and figure out the best nights for dinner parties to continue deepening your relationships.
November is an exciting month for you! The planets are transiting in your deepest houses this month, and it is time for a change. Get ready, Aries. You are in for a wild ride!
Jupiter has finally settled into his position in your eighth house of transformation and regeneration, and will stay here until next November of 2018. This is a serious time of death and rebirth. While “death” may not mean physical death around you, a spiritual or emotional death is in the air. You may be holding onto ideas or things from the past that the Universe wants you to let go of. With Jupiter, the house of good fortune, in this particular house, you will be able to see how quickly you can bounce back. Understand that Jupiter in the eighth house is an excellent omen, yet a time of great change. What are the big aspects in your life right now? What are your core beliefs about yourself and others? If there are old energies, over the next year, you will be releasing them and entering into a time of renewal. This is an exciting time for you, adventurous Aries! While transitioning is always challenging, your strong-willed and independent spirit is totally up for the task. Pay extra attention to the ways in which you hold yourself back, and how you can let these negative parts of you go to make space for a more powerful you!
Venus has been in your house of partnerships since last month, and will be moving to your house of regeneration and transformation this month as well. Until the 8th, you will feel extremely connected to your partner and other relationships. Depending on the nature of your work and family life, you have probably been enjoying peaceful communication and loving company. This is a great foundation for the changes coming up. After the 8th of this month, when Venus transits into your eighth house, you will experience shifts in your relationships. While not all of these shifts may lead to break-ups or loss of loved ones, some might be strong and upsetting. It is important for you to remember that this transit destroys old energy to make way for new life. If there are issues that you are holding onto in your relationships, these will be forced to come out. If your relationship survives this turmoil, you and your close one will be stronger than ever! If it does not, then this relationship no longer serves you in the greatest aspect, and it is time to move on. You are fierce, fiery Aries! The stars know you can fall and get up stronger than before.
Mars still remains in your seventh house of partnerships. He will be your ruler until the last day of this month. Mars in the seventh house makes way for confrontational situations in your one-on-one relationships. While he is naturally aggressive and demanding, his powerful and confident style may give you the opportunity to make negotiations and have productive conversations in the professional realm. Although Mars is a powerhouse, he can be too much of a masculine energy for some people. Keep this in mind in your personal relationships, as this power struggle can manifest into some unhealthy arguments. Keep your cool, Aries! If you’re feeling too hot, remember to take a step back and assess the situation.
Because of the alignments and planets transiting through your upper house, the focus this month will be steady with your career and development. You will make strides in your professional sector, as well as your personal growth sector. While the planets encourage you to keep an eye on what is working and what isn’t, you may not see all of your desires manifest right away. It will take some time and effort, but you will see professional growth over the next few months. Because of Jupiter’s transformative nature, you may spontaneously stop working where you are with the hopes to find something that suits you. If you are considering changing careers, now is a great time to look at other opportunities. If you are working towards a promotion in your current field, your superiors will begin to see your efforts and strongly consider you as a top candidate. Remember, confident Aries, not to get too cocky! The planets will quickly remind you that you need to be humble to receive the gifts the Universe has to offer.
Because of the transitions happening around you, you are encouraged this month to “go with the flow”. You might be used to feeling in charge and in control of your life, but your lesson here is to allow life to happen around you. You may be feeling frustrated and impatient, but trust in the natural order and you will see great results. If you are feeling out of control in your relationship, you may try to take charge in other areas of your life. Be mindful of this, and don’t let one aspect of yourself affect another. Good things come to those who wait, lovely Aries! You are a courageous being and are ready for the challenge.
The most intense day for you this month will be the 25th of November. With Mercury and Mars in challenging aspects, you might find yourself filled with energy and perhaps even rage. Use this wisely to do something physical and spontaneous. Make sure to avoid any serious confrontations with those around you, as you may piss people off without even trying! This lesson applies to you all month; use your intense, masculine energy wisely and channel it into something productive. It is a great time to be at the gym or do some strenuous physical exercise.
It is a month of transformation and energy for you. You can handle the changes, and the Universe knows you are up to the task. Enjoy the moments of peace and harmony, because this month is all about stirring things up!
Aries, your November horoscope indicates that your career and personal achievements are taking precedence. Your professional success for the month of November will lead to the happiness of your family. In order to accomplish your goals, you must work with others the entire month of November. As independent as you are, November is not the time to capitalize on it, which will frustrate you. Remember Aries, you have to make compromises.
Planet Venus is very powerful this November for love and romance. Take note of your educational and spiritual desires this November. Dig deeper into your relationships, focus on collaborating at work, and how to keep your health and fitness new and exciting.
Aries Health and Fitness Horoscope
Your health will be fabulous this November. Continue eating natural foods and eliminating processed foods, Aries. Your fitness results will improve and you will be very drawn to experimenting with new workouts this November. Dedicate one weekend to seeking out fun and new activities to add into your current workout routine.
Your motivation will be at an all-time high the entire month of November. Spread your positive energy and invite a friend to try a new workout class with you.
Love Horoscope For Aries
This November, you are going to have many opportunities to connect with socially powerful and influential people. In the first week of November, pay close attention to the favorable circumstances for romance in the work place. Aries compatibility in love will boom this November.
Have you been noticing defects in your current relationships and friendships? Don’t fret, this is the Universe’s sign letting you know to eliminate them. Do not let people take advantage of your generosity. You must tap into your optimistic attitude this November and do not shy away from commitment.
Aries Career Horoscope
You are likely to be promoted or receive a long-awaited job offer during the month of November. Remember, Aries, be patient. Do not make any impulsive decisions. Your independence and hard work will speak for itself.
In the latter half of November, examine your career. You will have no problem attracting investors or growing your wealth, so think wisely about saving versus spending. Trust your intuition. You will reap the benefits from November in December.
You are in for quite a serious month, dear Capricorn. Most of your planets are in the eastern hemisphere of your chart, which contains the first three and the last three houses. It is now the time to exercise your free will the most. You will be very self-motivated and assertive this month, taking action where it matters the most.
Jupiter has transited into your eleventh house since last month, and he will remain here until next November of 2018. This is an auspicious alignment for you, dear Capricorn! Jupiter will work to expand your circle of friends and open you up to deeper friendships. You might find opportunities for making money by joining alliances with a friend in a skill that you both share. Your personal achievements are also important in this sector, and Jupiter assists you in fulfilling your desires for the future. You may take a sudden interest in science, especially astronomy and physics, as these are more “other-worldly” than the other hard sciences. You will also be drawn to technology, as you see it as an extension of the human body. You will be able to employ your technological skills in a way that promotes your interests and studies. You may also invest in a new technology or buy replacement equipment for a job or interest of yours. Jupiter is also your spiritual planet, and he will encourage you to read more about religion, spirituality, and ways in which you can grow in this aspect.
Uranus has been in retrograde for some time, but on the 4th, it begins to move direct. Progress is being made, and you are definitely on your way to seeing improvements in work and money! Uranus is your financial planet and you can expect your finances to remain steady, if not increase throughout November. While your career sector is not a major focus this month, you will definitely enjoy the perks of getting overtime payment or bonuses coming up!
Saturn is also moving directly this month after being in retrograde for several months. He remains in your twelfth house until next month. Saturn in the twelfth house indicates that you have been exploring spiritual outlets and disciplines. While Saturn is rigid, his presence in the twelfth house is much more ethereal than in other sectors. Because Saturn is your natural ruler, you actually enjoy having a strong routine and specific duties. In this aspect, you may be continuing to explore meditation, yoga, martial arts, and other spiritual outlets that thrive on being disciplined. Because Saturn is moving direct, you will gain clarity on your spiritual practices, and this may restore your faith in a bigger sense. You may explore how your spirituality can come into your professional life, and this may indicate a career change for you. Instead of taking action on this now, take the time to reflect how you might be able to connect to your highest self while paying the bills and growing in a potential job.
There is no activity in your love house this month, so you may not encounter any potential partners or go on any romantic outings. If you are in a relationship, you and your partner may be rather distant with each other this month. It has nothing to do with the strength of your relationship. You are much more focused on yourself, higher learning, and spiritual potential. You and your partner will reconnect next month, but November is for you, dear Capricorn!
Neptune has also been in retrograde since June, but will start to move directly on the 22nd of this month. You may have experienced heightened sensitivity, or became extra psychic during this retrograde period. While your intuitive influences remain strong throughout the month, your paranoia and emotional turmoil will subside once Neptune moves direct again. Throughout the month, it is important to listen to your inner voice and not to drown out your emotions with mind altering substances. You are extremely grounded, earthy Capricorn, and you will get great perspective from the retrograde period, but will also feel relieved when it is over!
Venus begins in your tenth house of career this month. This is an extremely auspicious alignment for you, as Venus indicates great success in areas of professional development and diplomacy. You may have the opportunity to meet someone at a high level in your career, and under the guise of Venus, you will have extremely diplomatic and harmonious relations with this individual. If this occurs, they will see you as a major asset to your organization, and this will put you on their good side! On the other hand, Venus can influence this sector by leading your focus away from your current profession toward one of the artistic ambitions. Venus loves to emphasize the beauty in all things, and your focus may shift to something that brings you great beauty and joy in this world. When Venus shifts into your eleventh house of friendships this month, her loving attitude is a very positive aspect within your social circles. People will turn to you to mediate arguments, and as you are already so polite and diplomatic, this will be easy and rewarding for you. You will also see the ways in which your friends have grown over the years, and may feel very proud of your loved ones.
The Sun will be in your eleventh house this month, until the 22nd. Your ego and personality are greatly tied to your friends, and your emphasis will be on socializing as much as you can. You will get joy out of helping friends and being there for those who need your support. You will feel fulfilled through your connections with other human beings, and your faith in humanity may be restored during this time.
Overall, this month is filled with friendships, financial stability, pursuits in the sciences, and a deeper exploration of your spiritual path. You are definitely in your most interesting and expansive element during November, dearest Capricorn!
This November, prepare for a month of emotional healing. Spend time completing your old projects before planning for new business deals and projects. Your self-will and boldness will help you accomplish these projects and tasks. Your career will be lacking importance this November as your relationships will dominate the month.
It won’t hurt to show some persistence and determination throughout the month of November. This applies to any love interest you may have. The future of this relationship depends on you! Sit tight and present situations that allow your partner to act on their feelings. You are not bound by circumstances this month. You have the strength to direct and change these situations to become in your favor this month.
Capricorn Love Horoscope
November begins as an increase in your circle of friends. You may attend a party only knowing one person, but you will leave knowing many more. Build on this positive experience by paying attention to your surroundings. Strike up conversations. You never know who you may end up talking to, it could be a future love interest.
For you, Capricorn, goal manifestation will come from putting yourself out there and making as many friendships and professional contacts as you can. Continue spending time with these people now and do not feel guilty about it. A friend may call you up for some help, be there for them. You won’t regret it. Who knows, you may need a favor from them in the future. Great inner satisfaction starts when you spend time with those who really know how to love life.
Capricorn Health and Fitness Horoscope
You may experience some health issues this month, whether that is you personally or someone you love. Incorporating meditation into your daily routine will lower your stress and the stress of those around you. It is advised that you release the toxins in your body by detoxing and drinking more herbal tea.
Throughout November, focus on building healthy habits like eating breakfast, sleeping for 8 hours a night, and practicing more yoga, you will begin to feel much better and have a better grip on how to cope with the stress you may be feeling.
Career Horoscope For Capricorn
Capricorn, this November will impact your professional life and there will be temporary changes in your business status. You will experience professional success in the middle of the month, which is going to boost your finances and confidence.
November is a transitional month for you Capricorn. Your financial intelligence is fabulous, and you are clear about your goals to make money. You have the support of friends and family in your ventures. Investments in businesses will be profitable.
Jupiter is well into your sixth house of work and responsibilities this month and will remain here until November of 2018. He is wise and makes sure the work you are doing in your professional and personal life goes well. This kicks off your path of service and dedication throughout the entire month, dear Gemini!
Venus will begin in your fifth house this month. The fifth house is the sector of self-expression and creativity. Venus here makes for a wonderful alignment, as her beautiful and vibrant energy will inspire you to be the most stunning version of yourself! Your path here is aimed towards creation in a feminine essence. Anything you touch with seemingly be more beautiful simply by your influence. Venus wants you to be as passionate in your creations as you are in your relationships. Let yourself go and express yourself to the fullest! Whatever your creative outlet is, make sure you take time every day to practice your art. Venus’ planetary reign in the fifth house will keep you balanced and at peace throughout your artistic process. When she enters the sixth house on the 8th, you may transition from this creative path to more of a routine one. The sixth house embodies job and responsibilities. This includes the work you do in your professional life and at home. Venus brings her diplomatic energy wherever she goes, so this alignment will bring you joy throughout these aspects of your life. You may find that you are getting along more with co-workers, or are quicker to come to a compromise. At home, you will enjoy daily chores and common activities, finding that even they contain some beauty and happiness.
Mercury enters your seventh house of partnerships on the 6th of November. Mercury, the planet of communication, will encourage you to communicate more within your relationships. Mercury understands the need for openness and understanding, and this will aid you to communicate with compassion in your partnerships. This alignment may also give you a better handle on managing conversations between co-workers. People may ask you to mediate discussions, or even speak publicly, seeing how efficient you are at getting your point across. In your personal life, this alignment may manifest in the form of a mediation between friends who may not be getting along. You will be ideal here at identifying issues for your loved ones that they may be having with another person. They will turn to you for advice and clarity, as you have the keen ability to explain both perspectives this month!
Your financial sector will benefit greatly from planetary alignments, and you should be flush with cash until the middle of November! The beginning of the month is a great time to get some early holiday shopping done. Feel free to go out to a nice dinner or two. It is important to treat yourself when you can! However, this luck may shift later on. Mars turns retrograde in Cancer on the 15th, a sign that you should cut back on your spending and be more mindful about upcoming bills and commitments. This will be a reminder for you to focus on only what is necessary. You may have loved ones who need financial assistance, and they may turn to you during this time. If you are able to help them, without compromising yourself, this will be rewarding both for you and the other person. The planets have aligned so that you will be of great service to others this month, either emotionally, financially, or physically.
On the 22nd, the Sun enters your seventh house of relationships, which is also the house of Sagittarius. This is an extremely strong alignment, and you may suddenly feel as though having a relationship is a top priority. If you have a special someone, thoughts of marriage or deeper commitment may run through your mind. If you are a single Gemini, you will crave that twin connection! While you may indeed find your soulmate this month, this alignment merely gets the ball rolling for a deeper relationship. Because of your apt for communication, you will be able to identify how you are feeling and apply it as you wish. Either way, you are in good hands on the romance front, as this is a positive alignment for you, dear Gemini!
The full moon takes place in your sign on the 25th, dear Gemini. Today is a great time to reflect on this past month. What were your biggest accomplishments? What were you most challenging setbacks? How did you grow as a person? What are you ready to let go of to get ready for the new moon cycle? The Universe encourages you to communicate and be as clear as possible here. Write these thoughts and ideas down on a piece of paper. You can hold on to them as a reminder, or, you may choose to completely let them go into the ether to be washed away. It is the perfect day to start anew, and you are ready!
You may feel low energy towards the end of the month, as you have been working hard in all aspects of your life. Take the time for self-care, especially during the last week of November, and make sure that you are getting enough shut-eye. It is also a good time to start a new routine in your workout schedule or be more health and fitness conscious. Commit to making yourself a nice dinner at least twice a week. If cooking isn’t really your thing, then go out to a restaurant with quality, fresh foods. Your body needs nourishment to continue your life’s work! It isn’t selfish to focus on yourself, and you absolutely deserve it now. You will be focusing on others a lot this month. Family, partners, and friends will need you. Because of this expended energy, it is important that you don’t lose track of your own needs! Overall, the theme of giving is the most predominant this month. This feeds your soul, as you are always compassionate and wise, generous Gemini!
Gemini, this November, you will be socially active with your professional life. By using your social tendencies in your career, relationships, and fitness routine, you will be invited to many events. You may get overwhelmed this November, but remember to call on your friends and colleagues. They have proven to be a loyal support system and great listeners. Your career is more powerful than your relationships in November. You have to cater to other’s interests and place your ambitions on the back burner. This will allow for things to happen naturally. This also applies to your love life, Gemini.
Gemini Love Horoscope
For November, Gemini’s will be forming love relationships. Your social life will be more active than usual, which will help in forming these relationships. Your social networking abilities and charm are going to be acknowledged by your family and friends. If you are seeking love this November, start by looking for a partner who takes care of your needs. A successful relationship for you, Gemini, must stem from similar desires and dreams as your partner. Choose wisely. Be open to sharing your thoughts and look towards your closest friends for their honest opinion.
Health and Fitness Horoscope For Gemini
Your health is excellent this month. You have heightened your awareness about healthy habits, which will directly impact your workout routines. Start implementing more spices and herbs into your diet, like cinnamon and basil. Your body will thank you. Consistency with your workout plan is very important this November. Keep up with your hard work and be proud of yourself. Consider organizing some work-outs or exercise classes with your friends to keep you accountable. These commitments will give you the extra motivation after that long day of work.
Gemini Career Horoscope
November is the ideal month for you to start implementing career plans, Gemini. With career growth comes some turbulence. Do not be worried, Gemini. Your belief in professional growth will surpass any obstacles you may encounter. Your family and friends may provide you with new career ideas and prospects. If those do not interest you, you will be presented with plenty of other employment opportunities. There is no pressure to jump on them. Take your time and consider the pros and cons. Your spending on personal luxuries may get a little out of hand this month. Remember, profitability is the main factor driving you this November, Gemini.
You will have an interesting month, dear Leo! Your energy will greatly focus on your personal life. Most of the planets are in the western portion of your chart, influencing your personal and domestic matters the most. This month also focuses on dealing with the past. The stars encourage you to examine issues in your family and close relationships, and understand how the present is a reflection of your past choices. Since last month, Jupiter has been in your fourth house of family, roots, and all things domestic. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and good fortune. He will be here until November of next year. This is an extremely lucky alignment for you. This planet influences your desires to grow your family unit and get back in touch with where you came from. This will inspire a deeper sense of identity and a desire to move forward in some way. You may find yourself getting ready to move again, or investing in a place that will be your new home for the long-term. If you are considering having children, November is a wonderful month to try! Jupiter creates luck on your side in this process. This alignment may also encourage you to dig deeper into your ancestry or lineage. Get inspired by this, and consider traveling to a “homeland” or new place that calls to you!
Venus begins in your third house this month. The third house is the communication sector. If you are dating someone, you may feel eager to get to know them better during this time. Venus and her harmonious nature will encourage you to ask questions about your loved one, that is much deeper than playful chit chat. If you are a single Leo, you may find yourself getting closer to friends, who also may turn out to be intimate partners in the future. Now is a great time to be social, as your outgoing nature shines among this alignment! When Venus moves into your fourth house of home and family on the 8th of November, your focus will shift from dating and friends to domestic affairs. You will feel inclined to create a loving, nurturing environment for your family. You may feel extra emotional and sentimental, recalling happy memories with loved ones and close family members. Memories from childhood may also arise here that you may need to process and let go of. It is a great time to make space for relaxing, calm moments at home. Buy a new house plant to renew the energy, or warm up your bedroom with essential oil mists. Venus brings beauty and peace wherever she goes, and this will be your motto for the home this month, dear Leo. On the 28th, Venus transits to your fifth house of pleasure and self-expression. This is where the lion loves to be! Venus brings her optimistic energy in your pursuits of pleasure and happiness. You may feel especially sexual towards the end of the month, and will want to channel your inner lion or lioness in the bedroom!
The Sun begins in your fourth house of family and domestic affairs. Do you detect a theme here? The Sun only reinforces the need to be with family and in the home now. It is vital to create a happy home this month, as your emotions are greatly influenced by the Sun. If you have an unhappy home, this will affect you more adversely. Put your energy into patching up issues in your familial relationships, whether these relatives live with you or not. Once you do this, your emotional burdens will be lifted. On the 22nd, when the Sun enters Sagittarius, he moves into your fifth house of pleasure and creativity. You will feel an intense need to be adventurous and expressive now. You may feel restless and crave a social, romantic, or stimulating outlet. This is a great time to explore something that you are passionate about or that is new and exciting. Is there a hobby you’ve always wanted to try? The stars dare you to jump in now and take a creative risk!
Because your focus will be on personal matters this month, you are not predicted to see much activity in your professional sector. You will be in a solid routine at work, and while this job may not be as fulfilling as you’d like, it is important that you see your position as steady rather than exciting. The time will come for a career shift, but that won’t come until later on. For now, you are paying the bills and getting the job done. It’s important that your finances remain stable during November. From the 6th to the 10th, Mercury your financial planet, moves into your fifth house. If you have a position in which you get paid commission, expect to get an influx of cash during this time! You will be extra expressive in your communications because of Mercury’s influence, and this will help you secure earnings in your job. The money will come easily to you, and you will have no problem spending it either. You may also have an opportunity here to create art for profit. From the 11th onward, your financial planet is out of bounds. This indicates that while you will not have any absence in money, you may feel impulsive and buy an expensive item. You will be especially drawn to luxury this month. Enjoy yourself, but don’t go overboard, luxurious Leo!
You are predicted to enjoy steady health all month, with no major illness or issues to arise. From the 23rd on, you will need to focus on eating a more balanced diet, exercising, and taking better care of yourself in general. Your activity level will also increase around this time, so make sure to get solid 7-9 hours of sleep. Again, this month will be filled with family affairs and personal activities. You will get great satisfaction through taking care of loved ones and being in the home the most!
Your November horoscope shows an interesting month for you, Leo. This November, you will be caught between commitments in your personal and professional life. This could increase your anxiety this month, but try taking your mind off of things by spending time with your family and friends. Rest and relaxation should give you the energy and mindset you need to overcome these obstacles.
Be adventurous regarding dating this month. Romance is in the air, Leo. As long as the thought of love does not overwhelm you, enjoy your many romantic opportunities. As you know, vulnerability is tough for you, but November is the perfect month to give this a shot. Your best friend has some revealing experiences that they are more than happy to share with you.
Leo Love Horoscope
November is looking bright for the single Leo. You will have abundant opportunities for creating new love relationships. This means your social life will be taking over this November. Pay close attention to the people you attract and how you feel in their presence. This should make your decision easier, although everyone you meet this month has the potential to be a great match for you. Good Luck you, Leo. Any casual relationships have the potential to turn into committed ones, only if you choose to do so. The love compatibility for Leo is very high this November. Don’t be afraid to embrace your feelings and taking the next step towards marriage. You will find out a lot about yourself and your partner.
Leo Health and Fitness Horoscope
Your health is not up to par this November. Do yourself a favour and rest up, Leo. Your hectic month will take a toll on you emotionally and physically. In order to feel better and get back to your normal self, you cannot let stress get the best of you. Yoga or relaxation techniques are highly recommended to decrease stress and to clear your mind. You must learn to appreciate where you are in this season, Leo.
Switch up your fitness routine this month by participating in low intensity activities, such as walking, yoga, and hiking. These kinds of workouts should give you the energy you need to take on challenges at work and at home. Things will start looking up as soon as you start listening to your body.
Career Horoscope For Leo
Career issues may arise this November. Stay calm. There are family matters that are necessary for you to take care of first. Don’t let this stress get the best of you. Your professional ambitions will need to remain in the background until your family matters are taken care of.
Your colleagues are understanding and are willing to provide as much support possible. Take their offer up. Let them treat you to lunch. You have enough on your plate as it is, so stay calm and focused. You can make it through your career shake up just fine.
Jupiter has been in your second house since last month and will be there until November of 2018. You might as well be swimming in money! Jupiter brings his good fortune with him into this house of values and finances. You will see extraordinary monetary gains throughout the year. While you may not be seeing anything coming in quite yet, the planets are making this happen for you behind the scenes. Pluto, your financial planet, is moving forward and has been since September. This only adds to your luck in finances and income. You are one lucky Libra for the next year!
Venus starts off in the first house at the beginning of the month. The first house is where your identity and personality reside. You will notice that you emphasize beauty overall, and aim to please those around you. While you may feel a little vain this month, Venus is also your planetary ruler and she would never lead you astray from your truth! You are a beautiful creature and you should feel free to show off! Venus will ground you though and make sure that you get in touch with your deeper self and harmonious nature. You naturally want to help those around you and Venus will make this happen. On November 8th, Venus transitions into your second house. The second house rules your monetary affairs and values. You will notice a greater emphasis on saving money rather than spending during this time, as you will also evaluate how money can bring the greatest good to society. You are especially altruistic, and this alignment encourages you to think bigger picture. It is a great time to donate your time or money to charity and engage in giving back to your community. Venus ends the month in your third house when she shifts on the 28th. This house of communication will influence you to be more open with your loved ones. The planetary alignment encourages you to be your authentic self and to leave nothing on the table!
The Sun begins in your second house of values and material wealth. You may find yourself wanting to indulge a little and wear more expensive clothing or jewelry. Because your finances are predicted to soar throughout the year, the planets encourage you to splurge a little! Your personality and identity may be focused outward towards your physical appearance this month. The Sun transits to your third house of communication after the 22nd, when he enters Sagittarius. This alignment can bring some challenges with those around you, as you may feel the need to quell arguments before they even arise. Although you are peacekeeping, you must remember that differences of opinion are ultimately a good thing, as it drives us to grow and be challenged.
The 10th is an important day for the solar system and you, lovely Libra. Mercury sextiles Pluto, influencing you to communicate with yourself and others about your financial desires and prospects. While you can sometimes view money as corrupt, it is also a tool that can be used for the greater good. What are your goals in life? How has money held you back in the past? What are ideas that you are ready to let go of in order to liberate yourself from financial constriction? The new moon in Scorpio the next day on November 11th will be in conjunction with Mercury. This is exceptionally virtuous given that Mercury encourages you to voice your feelings. As a peacekeeper, this can be challenging for the Libra. The new moon in Scorpio often brings on sudden and unpredictable moods. However because you are so balanced and the planets align in your favor this month, this moon may be a new beginning for you. It is important for you to take the next few days after the new moon to decompress and relax.
On November 12th, Mars will enter the sign your sign, dearest Libra. You are steadfast in fighting for equality, and Mars will give this aspect a boost with his aggressive energy. It is the perfect time to advocate for what you believe in. The lesson here is to use your power and love to do good in the world. While this is your mission anyway, this alignment gives you the energy to put your desires into action and fight for something you believe in. Health is still good this month thanks to Mars as well. Mars in your sign most of this month gives you physical and emotional energy. You will excel in exercise or sports if you enjoy being physically active. You also may find that you want to up the rigor of your workout routine, as this increased level of energy will send your endorphins soaring!
Venus also sextiles Saturn on the 12th. For you, this may mean that you will get more serious about finances for the rest of the month. While you have been enjoying your financial freedom, you can use this time to plan out expenses and even pay off debts that you owe. This will make you feel accomplished and it will satisfy Saturn’s need to be responsible for his duties.
Last month, the majority of the planets began to shift from the upper to the lower half of your chart. From the 15th to the 27th of November, almost all of the planets will be in the lower hemisphere of the chart. This may feel extremely one-sided, but the Universe wants you to focus on your personal affairs for a little while. The stars encourage you to focus on family, home life, and personal well-being. Your emotions need to be sorted out before you take another leap into a new profession, or go even deeper into your current career. While your job prospects may be on hold for a few months, you are doing important work now to set yourself up for success. You must have a happy home, a healthy lifestyle, and solid relationships in order to be happy within your profession, dearest Libra!
Libra, your November horoscope shows that when the world is having a really bad day, a part of your heart and soul just can’t seem to rest. Find ways to nurture and calm your spirit when the world seems to be going crazy. This November, fun and romance go hand in hand for you, so say yes to first dates and allow yourself to feel those butterflies. If you are feeling a bit stuck, focus on the beauty of things. Remember, Libra, you are not dependent on others for your happiness.
Throughout the month of November, it is very important that you take time for yourself. Don’t give into those feelings of guilt. If you do not take time for yourself and your health, you will have no time for give to anybody else. Get some extra rest as you’ve been putting a lot of time and energy into “fun” activities and people.
Libra Career Horoscope
For November, your career will be in the background. Use this peaceful period wisely to think about your professional future and make plans to make them a reality. Your decisions related to business will be subject to major transformation. If the opportunity presents itself for another job or a different division of your company, dig deeper and take risks. You can take advantage of this luck by broadening your horizons, investing, and paying off debts. Be prepared to learn some new skills for your job. Once you’ve got a grip on your career and your goals, you can redirect your attention to your health, relationships.
Libra Love Horoscope
November is a month full of lots of fun and romantic connections for you, Libra. Be sure to give all this fun and romance a share of your good energy. Enjoy it! If you are in a relationship, it is time to get serious early in the month of November. This could be a long-term commitment, so do not push this person away when things start to move forward.
As fun seems to be the theme of November for you, Libra, your boss is not so fond of that idea. Put the majority of your focus on crushing your work goals this month. You are thinking about your finances and that is a good thing. Don’t forget to get some extra rest as you’ve been putting a lot of time and energy into “fun” activities and people.
Health and Fitness Horoscope For Libra
Libra, your health does not seem to be problematic this November 2017. Stay away from sugary and junk foods. Your life will be blissful as you are spending lots of your time with your favorite people and attending many social events. As you know, your main focus needs to be on family and friends this month. Include those you love in your schedule by inviting them over for dinner or joining a intramural sports team together. This is a way to increase your quality time while being aware of your health and fitness routines.
Take advantage of your good moods and confidence by trying that workout class that you have been too scared to try. You could be pleasantly surprised by the positivity you gain from it. Your new energy should allow you to make a lot of progress in your fitness this November.
Jupiter has been in your ninth house since last month, dear Pisces. He will stay in this sector of philosophy and worldly pursuits until November of next year. With an increasing urge for freedom and expansion of cultural knowledge, you may feel inclined to book a trip soon. Travel for you may happen over the next year, so make sure to save up for your adventures! You may also be exploring new religions, cultures, and philosophies through reading and other intellectual sources. Jupiter’s influence in this sector is a positive aspect. You are hungry to learn all that this world has to offer and exert your independence. Because of your desire to seek knowledge and new experiences, your enthusiasm will be contagious, and others may want to follow your lead. Your emotional and intellectual freedom can be just as liberating as your physical freedom, so be open and honest with yourself and others about your ideas. Express yourself, and swim away, dear Pisces.
Venus begins in your eighth house of regeneration and transformation. This sector symbolizes the death and rebirth of all things. With Venus here, you take love and commitment very seriously. Your thoughts and feelings may be hidden, but you can see through others in an extremely deep way. While this can be wonderful for a romantic relationship, be careful not to scare your partner off with your sixth sense! Sometimes, when others do not show you how they feel, it is because they are not ready to be raw and emotional like you. You will throw your heart and soul into your most intimate relationships during this time. When Venus transits into your ninth house on the 8th of November, you will realize that you also value freedom in your closest relationships. Venus understands balance, and she brings this insight into the ninth house. While you may be exploring beauty outside of your relationship, this “outer” knowledge will be beneficial to your connection with your partner. The more work you do on your individual self, the more you have to offer in your romantic relationship. If you are a single Pisces, you may not feel the need to date this month, as you will be so focused on pursuing your independence. Enjoy this freedom while you can!
The Sun begins in your ninth house this month. This is an excellent opportunity for growth and improving upon your personality. You have an especially open mind this month, and new experiences and new places influence you in the most positive way. You value harmony and perspective over judgment and bias now. You will want to research other cultures, and may even dive into a new cultural experience. While this can certainly manifest in travel with Jupiter’s influence, you may find different traditions within your city or friend groups. Now is the time to explore the spaces around you and outside of your comfort zone. This is a good time to examine your beliefs and figure out what will help you the most in your spiritual and personal growth. Others will see you as cultured and highly attuned to alternative ways of being. Even if you do not intend to, sometimes people can take this as arrogance. Be mindful not to force your ideals on others, and instead, have open discussions about your opinions. Self-righteousness can get in the way of your pursuit of peace and happiness. Everyone comes to their own conclusions when they are ready. When the Sun transits into your tenth house on the 22nd, your focus will shift towards your career and professional goals. The influence of the ninth house has been so pronounced that you may reevaluate your career path, or see ways in which your job can line up with your new-found ideals.
Your planetary ruler, Neptune, has been in retrograde since June, and he will remain until the 22nd of this month. Your highly emotional and sensitive nature will be tested here. Neptune in retrograde can also heighten your psychic abilities. Pay attention to your dreams and thoughts during meditations, as you may receive a message from other sources. Your perceptiveness is a gift, even if it can be a burden sometimes. Hang in there, because Neptune goes directly after the 22nd. The emotional ups and downs should subside, and you will feel like your normal self again!
The new moon in Scorpio on November 11th will be challenging for you, sensitive Pisces. Insecurities and negative feelings about yourself and others might arise, leading you down a dark hole of isolation. It is okay to retreat, but this new moon will be in conjunction with Mercury, who encourages you to voice your feelings. Be brave! Even if you cannot speak these emotions out loud, writing them down may help you to process these heavy burdens. For the next few days, take it easy and do not try to start any new projects or make big decisions. You will still be somewhat vulnerable this month, and you need time to recover!
Because your ninth house is so strong, with many planets transiting through this sector, you will also have a profound desire to explore religion and alternative pathways to spirituality. The perfect evening would be a quiet evening at home, engaged in a deep discussion of theology, philosophy, and quantum physics with your best friends. This month you will enjoy this exploration of the psyche, human nature, and belief systems. Your natural interest in the metaphysical shines during November, and the planetary alignments encourage you to dig deeper into these concepts. While you may not decide to follow one particular religious path over another, you will reexamine your previous notions of faith, God, and the Universe. You will be able to approach these topics with a broad perspective, able to see all angles and beliefs as somewhat valid. While you refine your ideologies even further, you may meet others who are on this spiritual path as you. You are a creature of the most ethereal stars, dear Pisces!
Professional growth can be expected though finances might be a little strained this November. Friendships will flourish though the same can’t be said about romantic alliances. This November, your Pisces horoscope suggests that with hard work and a solid plan, you can expect professional growth. If the opportunity presents itself to travel, take advantage. Your perspective on the world will certainly change. Allow yourself to be open-minded to strangers this month. There is much room for spiritual growth during November because internal changes are more important to you than external changes. Good things are bound to happen in your professional life and relationships this month.
Love Horoscope For Pisces
At the beginning of November, love enters the hot zone. Don’t forget to pay attention to your family and friends as your romantic interest starts to take importance. Write important dates in your diary like birthdays so that you can make a phone call at the minimum, Pisces.
Listen closely to your family as they may have good advice for you with regards to your love interests. You may feel that your personal life is in shambles this month. Don’t try so hard for perfection. It doesn’t exist in this world. And if you try to be perfect, you will break.
Single Pisces may attract someone who is adventurous, out-going and has their own kind of irresistible personality. Refrain from being clingy. They will need their space, just like you do this month. Those Pisces already in relationships feel some pressure. It now has to be big love or not at all. Your desire to experience real passion this November is at an all-time high.
Pisces Health and Fitness Horoscope
Pisces, November is going to be a great month for your health! Be smart about conserving your energy for important things. Improving your emotional health should be a priority for you this November. Cleanse your body of toxins and incorporate more meditation. If you notice any problems with your eyes, you should look into it immediately.
Continue trying new foods and staying away from processed junk, Pisces. You will see the benefits of this during your workouts. You will notice you are able to run longer, lift heavier, and deepen in your yoga poses.
Pisces Career Horoscope
You are driven to succeed this November, but be prepared to feel frustrated when things don’t move as quickly as you would like. It is likely that you will experience some challenges with your job and reputation. Use this as fuel to get more done this November. Continue taking on other tasks outside of work. You will be acknowledged by your co-workers for all of your hard work not related to your company.
Don’t beat yourself up for not accomplishing everything you’ve wanted to, Pisces. People know you are a take-charge-person. They know you can be a driving force, although some might say you were overly controlling or bossy – don’t let this upset you.
The Pisces horoscope predicts the end of November will require hard work, responsibility and discipline at the office. Set your goals high, Pisces, and get to work!
The Sun begins in your twelfth house this month. The Sun, which symbolizes your ego, has an extremely interesting alignment when in the house of the subconscious. You would rather be unheard and unseen while doing good deeds and being selfless towards others. Your compassion will be called upon during this time, and you will do anything to help the ones you love. On the other end of the spectrum, the Sun enters into your sign, first house, on the 22nd of this month. The Sun in the twelfth house is the opposite of the Sun in the first house. Matters will shift from working behind the scenes to assist others helping yourself get what you want! With Aries as the ruler of the first house, his action-oriented energy will make you driven and motivated to achieve your desires. While you are very focused on yourself, try not to get too worked up about what others think of you. You are going through your own process, and the Universe supports you the whole way!
Jupiter is also in your twelfth house and will remain there until next November. Jupiter in the twelfth house is what some would call magical. When you act in good spirits and do good deeds on behalf of others, Jupiter rewards you with good luck and fortune. You will enjoy making people feel good about themselves and your beliefs are strongly rooted in faith during this time. The concept of karma will be fairly evident throughout the year, as what you give to others will come back to you tenfold. It is important to not let people take advantage of you here, as you may overextend yourself in order to be there for others. Jupiter encourages you here to achieve your dreams and deepest desires. You will be open to many more opportunities for growth in the year to come, dear Sagittarius!
Venus begins the month in your eleventh house of friendships. You will get the most joy being with friends and people you genuinely love. This is quite different than a romantic endeavor, as your focus will be geared towards platonic socializing rather than dating. Being around your true friends will give you the energy and faith you need to see the beauty in the world. Venus transits into your twelfth house on the 8th of this month. This alignment indicates a shift from friendships to romance. You love being swept off your feet and engaging in dramatic gestures anyway, sparkly Sagittarius. This may show up in your romantic life. If you are single, a special person is around the corner. If you are in a relationship, Venus will ensure many romantic evenings throughout the month!
Mars is in your eleventh house starting on November 12th. This house of friendships can be a challenge for the aggressive Mars, as he is a natural leader and hungers for power. Because you are so independent already, you may find it challenging to work within social groups. It is better here to be in the company of friends one-on-one, as the power struggle is much less obvious. Social circles may aggravate you, and you may be impatient with the frustrating dynamics between friends. This may also manifest at work, and you will be more inclined to speak your mind in a group, or go against an idea or person you are having trouble with. You may be extremely frustrated with your government or community as well, as the leadership in these groups may not line up with your ideals. Use this opportunity to advocate for your ideals and speak your mind in protests, petitions, or blogs! Mars’ action-oriented energy is extremely useful here. You will find yourself being a leader and can cause a lot of social change.
On the 20th of this month, Mercury enters your sign and will remain there until December 9th. You may be eager to do as much a possible in a short amount of time. You may feel extremely restless and want to tackle multiple projects at once. While patience is not your strong suit anyways, this alignment makes this trait much more pronounced. Mercury is luckily great at communication, and therefore a very adaptable planet. In the first house, this planet will help you adapt to new situations and figure out ways to accomplish your goals. You may feel the need to explore new intellectual pursuits, step outside of your comfort zone, or travel. Your profound need for freedom will be strong during this time, so keep that in mind when making important decisions, dear Sagittarius!
On November 24th, Mercury directly conjuncts Saturn. Saturn has been in your sign since 2015, and he will remain there until December of this year. Saturn is a disciplinarian, and has been influencing your ego for more than two years! You have grown a lot, taken on more responsibilities, and are committed to getting things done. This aspect will help you be more disciplined and focused on the tasks at hand. You will be able to explore your ideas and actions in a more in-depth way. You may have spread yourself too thin in the past, wanting to do so much at once that you did not get the chance to become an expert in one field. Now is the time to hone in on your best skills and get to work. Use this to your advantage in your professional life and at home. You will be able to accomplish so much during the end of November!
You may need extra down time this month, as these planetary alignments can be very draining for your energy reserves. Take the time to relax and practice self-care. Know that you deserve as much happiness as you want for everyone else! Get enough sleep and make sure to eat healthy, frequent meals, as you are prone to fatigue throughout the day. Enjoy November, lovely Sagittarius, and know that the planets are rooting for your success!
This November, your relationships will dominate over your career. Focus on establishing peace and happiness in your family and friends. Your outlook on life needs to be stable. Tap into your independence to do things on your own this month. This will ensure you safely bypass others. You will be accomplishing your goals due to your hard work, not your social skills or compromises.
When it comes to spirituality, you are intrigued by attending seminars or lectures as you want to raise your spiritual awareness. During this month, you will have to overcome obstacles in order to reach enlightenment. If a seminar or event sparks your interest, do not overlook this. Consider this month as a growing cycle. You can look forward to an all-around pleasant November.
Sagittarius Love Horoscope
Do not set your heart too quickly on somebody if you are currently single. People may not always be who they seem or who you hoped they would be. You may be feeling very romantic this month. Do not get ahead of yourself or get into trouble by putting all of your eggs in one basket. Just have fun this November.
Sagittarius, continue connecting with influential, well-travelled and successful friends. They may be able to help you or will at least assist with emotional support and perhaps offer more. November is a month to concentrate on fun and being with those whose company you enjoy. Chances are romance will find you anyway!
Sagittarius Health and Fitness Horoscope
You will be in good health this November. You will experience much balance this month due to the absence of shocks and emotional outbursts. Your ability to fight off illnesses this month will be very high. At this time, you should give your time to someone who needs you or volunteer for a local charity. You release your negative karma and memories by doing good deeds for others.
Throughout November, keep up the good work in your fitness routine. Your diet is on the right track to help you stay consistent with your workouts. Start getting in the habit of going to sleep earlier, your body will thank you this November.
Career Horoscope For Sagittarius
You have taken on heavier responsibilities this month, Sagittarius. If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, be strong and know this is temporary. You will reap the benefits of your hard work. Cut your expenses down throughout the month of November to remain focused.
November is a crucial month for career growth. Your social life will be slow, but this is making room for more events, experiences, and relationships in the future. Your boss and co-workers have your best interests this month. Trust them and develop stronger relationships with them this November.
Dearest Scorpio, this month is quite fabulous for you! Many planets are in your sign at some point during the month, and you can look forward to feeling on top of the world in many aspects. Any planet in your first house shapes your personality in a big way. You are even more yourself this month for sure! This includes the emotional drama of being a Scorpio, but there are many positive attributes to these ups and downs. Jupiter has been in your sign since last month, and he will remain here until November of next year. Jupiter in Scorpio is passionate and intense. You may even feel more psychic or tap into your intuitive abilities at this time. You will attract people from all walks of life who are in need of guidance and healing. While your intensity of emotion remains fierce, Jupiter ensures good luck in your emotional ups and downs. You will benefit greatly from allowing emotional and spiritual transitions to happen, and trust that the Universe is on your side! You may realize your power to attract people with money is greater than ever before. Be careful not to abuse this gift, and you will greatly benefit from this alignment! Jupiter will give you confidence in social situations and also open you up to taking more risks. This may include traveling to a place you have never been, or taking a chance with a brand new experience. Don’t let this influence how you act with money, and you should be in the clear!
Venus moves into your sign on the 8th of this month as well. You may find yourself unintentionally involved in romantic affairs, as these will come in surprising ways! You may feel extremely sexual and sensual when Venus enters your house, and you are not afraid to show it off, either. Your sexual energy is a form of creativity, and physical beauty will be a top priority here. You will get great pleasure from doting over your physical appearance and perfecting it for yourself. Your efforts will naturally attract potential partners, as your energy will be radiant! Even though you are not an overly flamboyant person, you may find yourself dressing more provocatively or luxurious during this period of the month. If you are single, Venus may bring you love this month! If you are in a relationship, you and your partner will connect much more intimately, in a physical sense the most.
The Sun has been in your sign, first house, since last month, and will remain there until the 22nd. While you are focused on your appearance, with the assistance of the lovely Venus, don’t obsess over what others may think of you. Your self-image is more important than the opinion of others! Your nature is bound to be positive and determined, as you charge forward with enthusiasm for life. Your identity is strongly associated with your physical actions this month, so make sure to engage in activities that feel good and are true to you. When the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd of November, the shift will go from appearance to material possessions, as you will desire security. What you own in a physical sense is important here, whether the emphasis is on money, a house, a car, or a belonging that is of great value. While you are sensible with your finances now, there is no need to go overboard with being frugal. You will be comfortable until the end of the year, so do not worry, dear Scorpio!
On the 11th of this month, there will be a new moon in your sign in conjunction with Mercury. You may feel extremely sensitive and emotional today. You cannot hide from the truth, and Mercury’s talents will encourage you to speak your feelings. You might feel insecure and scared, but know that there is nothing scary about revealing your truest nature. You are a creature of the stars, and the Universe celebrates in your uniqueness! When you are ready to communicate, this alignment ensures that you will speak or write with clarity and integrity. To add to this slight chaos, on November 12th, Mars will enter your twelfth house. This can make you feel irritable, angry, and conflicted. You may have difficulty expressing your emotions today and over the next few days as you adjust to this challenging aspect. If you find yourself feeling more passive-aggressive, take some time away from your relationships to sort out these emotions. In the two days leading up to the new moon and Mars’ new alignment, leave yourself a lot of down time to relax, as your emotions may make you feel exhausted. A positive aspect of Mars in the twelfth house is that it gives you the energy and ability to do whatever you need to accomplish, as long as you don’t get down on yourself! You will be able to encourage others at this time to take real action to achieve their goals as well.
You will enjoy the full moon in Gemini on the 25th of this month, as it celebrates the ending of any old energies you must let go of. Take this time to write down what no longer serves you, whether these are relationships, ideas, or activities. Throw this list into an open flame and watch the ether carry away all of your past troubles. This is an extremely liberating experience, and you will physically feel a burden lifted!
While this month focuses on emotional and personal experiences, you are predicted to have smooth sailing in your professional sector. There is no serious activity in this house, and your financial planet is stable all month long. Now is the time to focus on your identity and put your career to the side for the next month or two. The Universe wants to celebrate you for being you, lovely Scorpio!
Scorpio, your health will be excellent this November. Many transformations will be occurring, and your charm will attract new lovers. Your career is on the back burner for this month. Take advantage of this time to make career plans for the future and create a plan on ways to accomplish them. Your priority for November is increasing the happiness of your home life and strengthening your emotional intelligence.
As your life is undergoing major transformations this November, you must take a backseat and allow yourself to accept these things. You will benefit greatly by doing so. Your November Horoscope predicts an interesting month for your career although it is not the main focus of the month. Make sure you stay in good health by making doctors’ appointments, exercising, eating healthily and getting plenty of sleep.
Scorpio Love Horoscope
If you are already in a relationship, you may find yourself with less time and energy to devote to them this month because of how busy you’ll be at work. Your partner, luckily, understands because they have a busy November too. They will be there to support you like you have been there for them.
The single Scorpio won’t have trouble finding new love interests. You are going to have the best luck meeting potential dates at social gatherings, like work parties, celebrations, and potlucks with your friends. However, you will have little time to pursue anything more serious this November.
Scorpio Health and Fitness Horoscope
Scorpio, this November, be proactive about your health. Be careful with sugar, fast food, and snacking between meals. You may be tempted, but know that it is just a temporary pleasure and satisfaction. Take time this November to change your fitness routine. Dare to be different from your peers, especially your co-workers. Not every expensive workout program is worth the price. Spend time running and walking as those will always fit into your schedule. November is a month to physically challenge yourself. With challenges comes great rewards. Do not forget to stretch.
Spend time this November enhancing your personal outlook. November will be a fast-paced month and indicates that you will be making good progress. You must take care of yourself, Scorpio. Exercise, sleep, and eating healthy will leave you feeling better. By taking care of your health, you’ll be in the best position to take advantage of your new opportunities this November.
Career Horoscope For Scorpio
This November, be very careful with your career and decisions you make. Spend time this month reviewing your work progress and making the necessary corrections to enhance future prospects. This should set you up with opportunities to really excel at work, and your successes will not go unnoticed. If you are looking for a new job, be cautious about accepting the job offers you receive. You must think about the bigger picture and the direction you want your life to go in.
Dear Taurus, your November will be quite an interesting month. The majority of the planets are in your upper half of the hemisphere, signifying a serious focus on a career in your professional sector. You will also enjoy a plentiful love life, given that Venus enters your seventh house during the month. While you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor in a financial sense, it is important that you pay attention to your health this month, as you may experience small bouts of illness throughout coming days. Overall, Taurus, you are in for another excellent month, thanks to these lucky planetary alignments!
On the 6th, Mercury enters your eighth house of transformation and renewal. Mercury, your communication and financial planet, will encourage you to reevaluate the ways in which you manage your finances. You may need to talk to a financial advisor this month. This is probably a good thing for you! You are seeing some real monetary gains and may want to think about investing this new income. Make sure to include your partner or other confidants in this decision, as Mercury wants you to communicate with those in your life right now. Overall, finances will be stable and excellent this month, and you will not need to pinch pennies any longer! This alignment may also suggest that your partner’s finances will be steady as well. It is a good time to plan for the future. It is never too early to think about retirement, and you may want to look into these types of investments with your loved one.
Venus enters your seventh house on the 8th of this month. Your planetary ruler in the house of relationships will be extra auspicious for your love life, lovely Taurus! If you are single, you may notice an influx of admirers coming your way. Since you are flush with money this month, feel free to go out on the town! Setting dates and plans will be ideal. If you are in a relationship, November will feel like you have fallen in love all over again! Let your romantic, whimsical side take over. You and your partner may want to go on a long weekend getaway in a romantic setting. If you are married, this is an excellent month to renew your vows with your loved one. Thanks to Venus, love is in the air all month and will be until the 30th. Open your heart to the beautiful possibilities of love, sensual Taurus. While your libido will be strong throughout November, be mindful not to go overboard, as your health remains most important this month. Keep the sexual activity at a moderate level, but let yourself be free in the bedroom!
On the 12th of this month, Mars enters your tenth house, your career path sector. This is a strong alignment, given that Mars is the planet of action. You will be taking great strides this month in your professional development. You will be a powerhouse all month at work, as this will be your primary focus. Whether this manifests as a new position, a new project, or simply an increase in activity in your job, you will enjoy great success in your professional pursuits. Your superiors will recognize your accomplishments this month, ensuring that you remain a vital part of your team. There may be an opportunity to meet people and network with others in high places. Be sure to take any opportunity you can, as Mars is on your side! His aggressive, forward nature will give you the confidence you need to put yourself out there and be well received.
While Venus is in your seventh house, she takes a pause in transit during the 13th through the 16th of November. Venus is your planetary ruler, and you will be feeling her absence today! You may need to avoid taking serious action or making big decisions throughout these few days. You can feel that you’re unsure about what direction to go in at the moment. Venus reminds you here to take a deep breath and reflect rather than act. These are excellent days for being outside in nature, observing the environment and scenery. If you want to reflect more deeply, go into a meditation or a quiet space in your mind to simply “be”.
On the 20th, Mercury moves into your ninth house of philosophy and intellect. You will prosper here from intelligent conversations that will put you on the radar with important figures in your professional life. You may feel a sudden thirst for knowledge, and you will be driven to search for answers to your most probing questions. You will use your smarts to your advantage at work, because Mercury ensures that you take the rational path to get the job done in the most effective manner. One downside to this alignment is that you may feel like you know everything, yet people around you will view this as arrogance. The stars encourage you to explore your quest for knowledge, but remain humble throughout the process!
Pay attention to your health, as since last month, you may be feeling a bit run down. You will be on “health watch” until the 22nd of this month. It is common now for you to get a cold, or even the flu, so take preventative measures to support your immune system. Vitamin C and zinc are especially important during November. Before bed, drink a soothing herbal tea, as this will help you sleep. Sleep is extremely important for you, Taurus! While you are consistently active, it is vital that you get restorative rest. If you have trouble sleeping, you will respond well to melatonin, and this can help you stay sound asleep throughout the night.
This month will be one of the financial gains, professional development, exploration in love, and a quest for knowledge. The planetary alignments help you in all of your highest sectors. You will be soaring this November, dear Taurus!
Taurus, act on the travel bug you have. Traveling during the month of November is in your best interest. Your social life will be extremely active this November both in the work place and for pleasure. Your attention shifts Mid-November to focusing on others and leaving your personal ambitions in the background. Flexibility is key for November. The compromises you make this month will be necessary and beneficial for future opportunities regarding travel, education, and spiritual awareness. Remember to keep the balance between your social life and career, Taurus.
Taurus Love Horoscope
This November will be a busy month full of parties and social activities. Although you may be feeling tired, persevere and continue attending these types of events. The grass grows where you water it. Do not pass up the opportunity to get into love relationships within your intellectual circles. Following your emotions this month will benefit you.
Plan your diary for the many family get-togethers. Being surrounded by family will bring you happiness. Your existing relationships will become stronger and new friendships will present themselves. It is important to express your gratitude and appreciation for the “old” friends as you are establishing new friendships.
Health and Fitness Horoscope For Taurus
The Taurus health is fragile in November. Do not ignore the rest and relaxation that your body is demanding. In order to stay fit and on track with your workouts, you must listen to your body. November will be at an all-time-high for your stress. Consider adding more relaxation and/or stress-management to your schedule this month.
Rest and routine are essential for your health. The more regularly you stick to your routine with healthy food choices and workouts, your body will respond positively for the month of November.
Taurus Career Horoscope
Set the bar high professionally this November, Taurus. There is no doubt that growth will be excellent. Continue to give yourself credit as you create your own path. There may be a few bumps in the road this month, but it is all temporary. Know that your co-workers appreciate your drive and dedication, even if you are not receiving proper acknowledgment.
Your present financial strategies should be reviewed this month of November. You, Aries, have the necessary tools to make the improvements. Do not be afraid to make them.
Lovely Virgo, you are predicted to be quite studious and curious during the month of November! Most of the planets are shifting from the eastern to the western part of your chart, and this is an opportunity to delve into more intellectual pursuits.
Jupiter remains in your third house until next November. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune. In the third house of communication, you are strongly influenced by the intellectual drive. You may crave learning something new and challenging. It’s not uncommon for Jupiter in this house to encourage people to learn a foreign language. You may also become involved in writing, reading, research, and heavy analyzing of a specific subject matter. This could present itself within your professional sector, but as this sector remains empty all month, these pursuits will most likely take place during your free time. Because Jupiter brings his good luck with him, you may apply for a higher degree in something of interest to you. Your work ethic towards a subject that you are passionate about will help you achieve your educational goals! The third house will be of great influence to you all month long.
The Sun also begins in your third house of communication this month. Your personality will be very tied to uncovering hidden truths about yourself and those around you. Again, this will manifest in an intellectual way. You may have the tendency to over analyze, and the Sun in this alignment will make this trait even more pronounced. Make sure that you aren’t going overboard, as people around you might be overwhelmed with your sudden interest in their lives. The third house also influences your immediate surroundings, and you may take pride in keeping up with the neighbors this month. The Sun shifts to your fourth house on the 22nd when we enter the sign of Sagittarius. The fourth house rules all things domestic and family-related. You will feel especially connected to your roots during this time, and the planets encourage you to contact your siblings, parents, and any other close relatives you grew up with. As you grow and change, the stars remind you to remember where you came from and to root yourself in your identity. You will get extra pleasure from the 22nd onward in tidying up your home space and making it inviting for guests and family. Channel your domestic god/goddess, dear Virgo! You may also connect with neighbors and find common interests among them toward the end of the month.
Venus begins in your second house to start off November. The second house rules our values and possessions. Values are often linked to financial status and material possessions, although this is not always the case. Because you are so modest and minimalist, you may find that your values focus on other aspects of your life. Venus in the second house indicates a harmony between your inner values and your outer life. You will try to make your physical environment embody what is the most important to you. You may put great value into your house for example, and focus on making this a peaceful and loving environment. You may relate to a specific material possession and may focus on that as well. While Venus in this house does not necessarily indicate wealth, it does indicate balance. On the 8th, this loving planet shifts into your third house of communication. You will see the beauty in words and expression and may be inclined to write poetry, listen to music with heartfelt lyrics, or watch romantic movies. Your propensity for words and how they impact the soul will be strong this month. Feel free to revel in Venus’ romantic energy! If you are in a relationship, you may feel the need to communicate with your partner in an extremely honest, loving way. You will want to know more about them and your relationship is destined to grow during this time. On the 28th, Venus enters your fourth house of family. You may feel nostalgic about the past and will want to revisit memories of childhood.
No planets are in your career house this month. While no activity in the tenth house is not necessarily a good or bad thing, you will not see anything special happening here during this time. There is a lack of professional development this month, as your focus is geared towards personal learning and relationships amongst loved ones. Your emphasis will be mostly on your intellectual pursuits, emotional processes, and domestic affairs.
The full moon on the 25th in Gemini is quite auspicious for you! Gemini is the natural ruler of the third house, and this full moon represents fulfillment in this sector. Because your planets have been transiting through this house during November, you will find a culmination of your efforts on the 25th finally coming to fruition. You may be presented with new learning opportunities today. During this full moon, ask yourself what you have learned over the past month and where you would like your pursuits to go. Your path is your own, dear Virgo, and the stars love to help you along the way!
If you are a single Virgo, the 18th to the 28th will be especially good days to explore the dating scene. You may meet potential partners through neighbors, close friends, or in an educational setting. This pairs well with your domestic and intellectual interests this month.
Finances are predicted to be great during November. With your financial planet in practical Capricorn, your judgments in monetary affairs are spot on. While you are not eager to spend money on luxuries or frivolous items, you will invest money in education somehow. This can be as small as buying new books or attending lectures, or as big as attending school again or traveling somewhere abroad. Feel free to make plans and do not let money hold you back. Jupiter is in your favor this month and all throughout the year, so take advantage of this alignment!
Happy feelings and emotional satisfaction will be very important this month of November, Virgo. There is a transition from autonomy and strong actions to collaboration and consensus. Support from your family and friends will be crucial for the month of November. Your flexibility and ability to adapt to situations will get your through this month.
There is going to be a strong desire to learn this month. Explore your options of taking a class or picking up a new hobby. This will help take your mind off the family issues. Your month is one full of transitions, Virgo.
Virgo Love Horoscope
November is a favorable month for love. Throughout the month, single Virgins will come across many potential partners. You may want to take a trip to the library or join a book club as meeting someone in an intellectual setting is possible.
Your family and friends are going to support you and encourage you to start a romantic partnership. You are not one to settle, so take your time in making your decision. Married couples live in harmony this month and will be presented with many opportunities for socializing this November.
Health and Fitness Horoscope
You may notice that the stress is building up in November. It is crucial that you take a break. By doing so, you will gain the energy you need to get through a busy day. Make sure you eat well this November to keep your energy levels up too. Continue to eat non-processed foods and increase your fruit this month. Apples, oranges, bananas, and strawberries are all excellent choices. Try starting your day with a fruit smoothie.
As November continues, focus on relaxing your mind with meditation and yoga. You may feel as though your fitness progress has declined, but your body will respond positively to the new routine. Your amazing work ethic and dedication will pay off.
Career Horoscope For Virgo
Virgo, you are hard-working and have zero time for distractions this November. A new goal has been presented to you this month. This could change your work life slightly. Do not let the stress get the best of you. Your boss and co-workers are counting on you.
This month, you need to be cautious with your tone of voice at work. One of your co-workers may take your suggestion the wrong way and could end up causing an unnecessary issue. Stay true to yourself and keep your goal in mind, Virgo.