
February 2014 Astrological Forecasts

Venus has ended its retrograde movement and has resumed the straight one. Couples and business relationships including friendships and social life will become more relaxed. Answers will come, conclusions will be drawn.

In February 2014 it’ll be Mercury’s turn to become retrograde, though, with its long list of communication flaws and problems related to documents, calculations or information, lack of concentration and synchronisation, confusion and damaged dexterity or troublesome trips.

Moreover, the cardinal cross formed by Uranus (located in Aries), Jupiter (in Cancer), Mars (in Libra), Venus and Pluto (in Capricorn) will continue to launch provocations, to incite and test us. However, it’ll favour the ones that are motivated, sensible, moderate and well organised.

Choose your sign below to jump to your February 2014 Astro-Forecast from Lee Van Zyl.

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22nd June – 23rd July
For the zodiacal sign of Cancer, February 2014 will be a time of a cardinal change in priorities, as well as some significant life changes. In the current period, Cancers will indeed fall under not just a paramount, but also an extremely rare occurrence. The thing is, all of the planets that are affecting Cancers to some degree will change their influence to the exact opposite. For example, the Moon – a ruler of this sign, will change the vector of its emanations, and instead of giving positive energy, it will give negative one to Cancers in February 2014. Jupiter, the planet-exalt of Cancer, will do approximately the same by sucking energy in instead of giving it out. However, Mars, responsible for the fall of Cancer, will become a loyal and importantly a strong ally. Saturn will change its qualifications analogically to the Red Planet. Only the “celestial leader” of the Water trigon, Mercury, will not betray its principles, though the stability of this planet was always dynamic.

As a result, if you pay more attention to the business and entrepreneurship sphere, then February 2014 will be a complicated time for the Cancer. On one side, everything will be stable and progressive on the current place of work (or own firm): the payout will increase, you might be promised a new position, and most likely will assume that position towards the end of the second ten-day period. It’s just that now you will have a perfect understanding that while everything around you is not that bad, it is not how you want it to be. In the end, the energetic tension will bring you to the conclusion that you must change something, and change something you will. How exactly is not told by the stars, but they are hinting that the changes will be significant and long awaited for. On the other end, you can leave everything in its place, but then there is practically a 100% probability that your production will soon stop functioning and you will lose everything. So do not be a conservative, do not be afraid of change. You live only once so why not risk it, accounting for careful planning?

The same theses pretty much apply to the area of personal relationships as well. Just accounting for the specificity of this sphere. You should always remember that people around you have their own feelings and ambitions. Sometimes they also require a radical change of environment. So do not be surprised if out of your friends and family someone else will also decide to change their life entirely. Though changes in your personal life may be smaller or may be absent as a whole. It is entirely up to you. Just remember, that the stars do not provide such an opportunity to change something in a short period just because. This means that there are some reasons; you just might not notice them due to some external factors. However, senseless metamorphosis is also unlikely to bring anything good. So be attentive and precise in analyzing all of what is happening to you. If an objective need for change is there, then do not be afraid to bring that need to life.


21st January – 19th February
The Aquarius sign will be quite in a good situation in the month of 2014. This will be one of the few zodiac signs to which the general celestial combinations are mostly promising. For example, Saturn, the planet-ruler of Aquarius, will strengthen its active energy emanations by some planetary and star combinations, which will provide the Aquarius with great energy support. At the same time, the Sun – responsible for the “fall” of this sign, will change the direction of its astral currents and instead of very apparent negativity, will grant Aquarius a ton of active creative energy. The situation will fall this way because in February, the Sun will be the “celestial leader” of the Aquarius, and thus will cardinally change its classical preferences. The exalt of Aquarius, Mercury will concentrate its positive influence on the business sphere, meanwhile Mars, being the planet responsible for the “expulsion” of the Aquarius, will nevertheless gift this sign with lots of positive energy in the sphere of personal relationships. This will also happen because of the general stellar combinations.

In February 2014, the Aquarius may calmly work while disregarding any potential threats. However, strictly speaking some problems may arise. However, the celestial bodies will not be the cause behind them, as the planets will provide you with great help. The reason for your problems, if such may occur, will be you. The astral energies guarantee you success, but if something does not go the way it was planned, then you should understand that there is no one else to blame. If you are an egoistic self-loving manager, that does not acknowledge any other opinion but his own, if you are a lazy worker that wants everything and now, if you became the main character of jokes about “middle-managers” because no one knows what you do year after year, then no positive stellar combination will help you. Now you have a great chance to either radically change your life for the better or to improve your positions. All that you have to do is to work and the stars will do their part.

On the love front, the situation will be if not identical then definitely similar. Sudden problems will arise only due to your missteps. Alternatively, what is more likely, due to your character traits. Just do not get offended by these facts. It is not often that the stars give a person leeway to change his own psychophysical problems that we are used to calling negative personality aspects. Think about the influence you have on the people around you, what you do for them and what you do not do, as well as what you receive. Perhaps, you will realize that you were wrong and some of your life’s aspects require efficient and drastic changes. This does not at all mean that everything will fall apart in February 2014. It is likely that this will be one of the best stages of your life. Your relationship with your lover and friends, the atmosphere of your family hearth and work – this and many more will have only positive shades, and soon it might seem that problems are something from a long-ago unreal past. Perhaps that is how it will be. Here, everything depends fully on you.


21st March – 20th April
February 2014 will be an uneasy time for the zodiac sign of Aries, unlike the previous month. This will mostly be the fault of the dominating general celestial combinations, not the “personal” affections of any celestial bodies in the Solar System. However, of course even among the home planets you will find such that will follow just one goal at this time – to harm the representatives of Aries. The first among such planets will be the Moon, which in its classical position is the planet-exalt of the Aries sign (in fact, it is from the Moon that the Aries gather most of their strength). However, in February some general combinations will align in such a way that the Moon will be unable to fulfil its duties towards the Aries, that specifically for Aries will been a loss in the energy shield on all fronts. Venus will certainly take advantage of this fact, being responsible for the “expulsion” of the Aries sign. With that, the celestial priestess will focus its negativity onto the sphere of love relationships. However, Mars will resist her, being the planet-ruler of Aries and significantly strengthened by the aforementioned general combinations. It should be noted that Saturn, responsible for the “fall” of the Aries sign, will compensate for its own negativity in large due to its generally positive position.

As a result, the scope of business in February 2014, will not be the easiest of life’s directions for the Aries. The fact that the negative sentiments of the celestial bodies will mostly concentrate on the other areas, does not mean that business and finances will be stable for the Aries. It is because of the Moon that the energy barriers of this sign will be significantly weakened, which means that even Saturn, the energy of which will most likely be looped, can casually bring a couple of not that small conflicts into your life. Therefore, it is recommended that this month you have a heightened level of attention and concentration. Especially focus yourself on the technological aspect of your work. Precisely technology will begin to fail you and an appearance of one problem will most likely have a domino effect that you will hardly be able to stop. That means that the problem must be resolved at the stage of its birth. So do not be lazy to personally oversee all of the production stages.

In regards to the love front, everything will fall into place much more dynamically and with that much more dramatically. Unfortunately, but the weakening of the general energy barrier will most likely play to the hand of Venus, and so despite the additional protection from Mars, it is quite likely that you will have a multitude of problems this month. The lion share of these problems will most likely fall upon your family hearth. Luckily, your friends (your real friends) will be fully on your side, and their help will be certainly indispensable. With that, do not even hope that everything will pass by itself and that others will fix everything for you. On the contrary, only your own personal agility and active fighting with unfairness will allow you to stand against the arising problems. Be diplomatic, but persistent; try to be effective and concise when proving your opponents wrong. Do not allow ambiguities, as the clarity of thought and the clarity of speech are your main allies this month that you should not neglect.


22nd December – 20th January
The sign of Capricorn, in February 2014 will end up in quite a curious situation, the precise tone of which will be hard to determine. The reason for that are the combinations of various celestial bodies that are directly affecting the lives of the representatives of this sign. For example, Saturn, the planet-ruler of Capricorn, will significantly strengthen its positions and help its sign with a strong defence. At the same time, Jupiter, the one responsible for the “fall” of the Capricorn, will also be strengthened to a significant degree, so that its active negative energy just might break through Saturn’s shield if the circumstances align. The Moon, responsible for the “expulsion” of the Capricorn, will be strengthened through the nearest combinations, so her negativity will be felt stronger than usual. At the same time, the protection of Mars, the planet-exalt responsible for life’s energy of the Capricorn, will be stronger than usual as well. It is logical that when such antagonists combine, the result of the battle is hard to predict. However, it is certain that the Capricorn will not have it easy, but will definitely have all chances for success.

In particular, if speaking of the business sphere, then February 2014 will be a time when the Capricorn will have to face a plethora of problems, many of which will be explained by HR shifts. However, on the other side, it is quite possible that the reason for the conflicts will not be personnel turnover, but rather the change of the management’s leadership politics. One thing is for certain – your problems will not arise from colleagues or from technical issues. So get your main weapon ready – the sum of diplomatic skill and attentiveness. Only with a clever development and use of these two qualities, as well as with the guaranteed help from Saturn, may you be able to overcome the difficulties that await you. However, do not forget to occasionally look to your sides and to the back, otherwise you risk losing what you already have while in the heat of the battle. A balance of strength and moderation will not hurt you. If you will be able to do everything right, then by the time the second ten-day period ends, the flow of problems will suddenly dissipate and you will be surprised to discover that you defeated all your foes, while the work done promises you significant bonuses.

In terms of personal relationships, everything will happen differently. Here, a few types of conflict situations await you, each one of which has different motives and different methods of elimination. In the first ten-day period, you will face the first type of problems related to the relationships between your friends with you and between each other. Here you will require the maximum patience. Do not rush into the fight, first evaluate the situation, and only then make the decision. In some of the cases, the fact that you will actually listen to someone spill their heart out will alone be the solution to something. Your empathy and intuition will help you. In the second ten-day period of the month, the Moon will suddenly change its direction of influence and you will now have to manage your relationship with your lover. Here, passive behaviour will definitely not help you. Only a scandal will help, but one that is planned and effective. The exact way of how you can make this happen depends on you, especially since Mars will help you. Do not be shy to yell and to break some dishes – it is better to do so, then to spend half of your life living the consequences of this conflict. The third type of problematic situations may not occur if you do everything right in the second ten-day period of the month. If not, then be ready for conflicts with your family members, the solution to which depends solely on you.


22nd May – 21st June
In February 2014, the sign of Gemini must be prepared for large-scale events to disrupt its background of calm and harmonious atmosphere. If you do not efficiently react to such events, then they might be able to lead to serious problems. With that, it is evident that Gemini will see great success, especially in the sphere of business. The reason is that Mercury, being the planet-ruler of the Gemini, will be quite active this month. Therefore, everyone born under the sign of Gemini have large chances to improve their business positions and consequently stabilize their financial position. On the love front, the Gemini will also have a good ally. Saturn, the planet-exalt of the Gemini, will certainly help its earthly protégé in any situation. From the other side, the negativity of Venus, responsible for the “fall” of the Gemini, as well as the negative emanations of Jupiter, responsible for its “expulsion” will not disappear anywhere and will alternate attacks on one or the other life areas of those born under this sign.

If we are talking about specifically the business sphere, then February 2014 will be a time for the Gemini to accomplish a lot due to the positive energy assistance from its exalt. Certainly, Saturn will not do anything for you, but it will sufficiently charge your body with its energy. So do not be afraid of difficulties, do not shy away from the amount of competitors or other constraining factors. You are powerful enough to resist all of this. Just make sure to pay attention to the First Lunar Quarter (Feb. 6th). In this day (plus/minus 2-3 days), special activity of Jupiter is quite likely, as the result of which you have favourable circumstances for the occurrence of problems, those that were discussed in the beginning of this material. Suddenly, your colleagues or business partners may cardinally change their attitudes towards you. What kind of motives they will have depends on the situation, but it is quite evident that they will be guided by subjective information. Do not try to prove anything to them; it will be futile either way. The best way forward is to ignore this; it is the optimal solution that will lead the people surrounding you to the independent recognition of their mistakes. All you have left to do is not to sharply respond to attacks, but to carefully guide them to the truth.

In terms of the love front, most things will not go your way starting from the beginning of the month. During the dawn of the first ten days, be prepared for your lover to have serious mood swings. Also, be prepared for useless arguments and pointless hysterics. The solution is to subdue your lover energetically. If you are yelled at, do not start yelling back. If she/he is not being logical, become an ideal of methodology and system. Yes, it will be incredibly annoying to him/her, but from that their energetic body will only weaken, which will allow you to directly influence his/her thoughts and feelings towards the end of the second ten-day period. Thanks to Venus, you will have to do this with your close ones as well. Just be careful and do not go too far. If you will be timely and precise in your reaction to the aggression from those surrounding you, then you should not really experience any massive problems, and be ready for mass apologies from others towards the end of the month. Just do not be too mean to those who have wronged you or tried to wrong you, since often its heaviest forces of the universe that are affecting a person’s feelings, and resisting them alone can be practically impossible.


24th July – 23rd August
The zodiac sign of Leo can hope for some stability in February 2014, especially with the background of other signs of the celestial band. Therefore, it can be undoubtedly said that there are really no significant events planned, not positive, not negative ones. Although there is always some probability of randomness (that in the end is never truly random), but this probability is small. The planet-ruler of the Leo sign, the Sun, will be strong enough this month to not only provide its protégé with a significant amount of active creative energy, but also create a strong energetic barrier around it that will screen through the negative impulses. These impulses will not take too long to appear, Uranus and Mercury will be creeping about. The celestial Trade Representative, responsible for the “fall” of the Leo sign, will concentrate its attention specifically on its domain – the business and the financial sphere, while Uranus, responsible for the “expulsion” of Leo, will not turn way from running the personal relationships of this sign. Luckily, Pluto, the exalt of Leo, will not leave those born this month without additional energy.

As a result, when speaking of the business and financial area of life, it could be said with sufficient certainty that the sign of Leo will be able to achieve quite significant results in February 2014. Not off the charts, but not bad either. At the same time, you can just as easily ruin your business. If you want. Well, if you do not want to be effective and adequate in your response to your environment. From the first days of the month, Mercury will begin ruining things for you. The result of this may be problems with colleagues or work partners. With less certainty, conflicts may occur with management. Even less probable are technical failures. This means that you should focus mainly on the first category – your colleagues or partners if you have your own business. Do not be ashamed to periodically ask them direct questions in a way of “what do you need from me”. Do not worry, in the situation at hand it will not seem rude but rather informative depending on the reaction of the person. Overall, the exalt energy of Pluto presupposes honesty, openness, and directness. In other words, it is with these virtues that you will certainly achieve the desired result.

In terms of personal relationships, however, it is not a fault to use some more clever ways of getting information out of people. While there are no clear problems coming your way in this direction, you should protect yourself nevertheless. This means that under the smallest of danger to not be afraid to go into defence and accurately examine the dangerous object. Just remember that your opponent, Uranus, is sly and crafty, and it can only be defeated with its own weapon. The Sun will provide you with the necessary energy and protect your flanks, but the main work shall still fall onto your shoulders. Remember about honour, but do not forget tactical cleverness either. Be just. However, when there is a fragile balance of forces that is being established around you, you can easily ruin everything, but keeping the system in balance should also be trivial. Just listen to those close to you more, treat them with respect and understanding, even if their motives are not fully clear to you.


24th September – 23rd October
The sign of Libra, the median sign of the Air trigon of the Cardinal Cross, can await relative stability in all areas of life during February 2014, regardless of the sort of negative surrounding atmosphere. The main allies of the Libra during this period will be Venus and Saturn. Venus, being the planet-ruler of Libra, will be able to provide significant pushback to the negative celestial bodies of the Solar System. The energetic barrier that was created by Venus will screen through most of the incoming negative energy, plenty of which will be provided by Mars, the planet responsible for the “expulsion” of Libra. At the same time, part of the negativity from the Red Planet will be able to seep into the lives of Libras and in some way affect the business area of their lives. At the same time, Saturn, the exalt of the Libra sign, will most likely provide its sign with enough energy to fight the real problems in this given direction. The Sun, however, being the planet responsible for the “fall” of Libra, will become a “celestial leader” of this sign, thus effectively neutralizing its own energy. In this way, the personal relationships of the Libras will remain fully open to the influence of outside forces.

At the same time, the area of business and finances in February 2014 will not be such an easy path for the Libras as it may have seemed. Despite the help from Venus and Saturn, some problems will still arise. Yes, thanks to your exalt you will have enough strength to solve absolutely all conflicts and come out of all situations as a winner. However, the question lies in something else – will you be able to effectively use the resources that you have been provided with? After all, the stars do not do anything instead of people, they just help us. The stronger the person is heading towards a goal, the more effort he puts into his work, the more powerful the celestial help will be. So try to focus on your work. Be careful when reading various papers, it is now that various technical mistakes may appear. Someone made a mistake or missed a word while typing and as a result the paragraph obtained an entirely new meaning. It will be harder to solve this problem later, so right now your main weapon in a fight against the negativity of the red planet is attentiveness. Nothing else will be required of you, so just focus on your work.

In terms of the love front, everything will be a little more complicated. The thing is, that because of the total and particular combinations of the planets that are directly influencing Libras, a non-trivial situation will emerge in February 2014. Absolutely any celestial body may influence this area of life at its will and most likely you will not be able to do anything about it. At the minimum, nothing at the stage of problem development. What is significantly more important is that it seems impossible to predict events, even in generic terms. The only thing that will help you now is being collected and believing in the best. After all, the effect of any one planet does not have to be negative. On the contrary, you might get lucky! So there is no reason to get sad ahead of time. Just relax and be ready that one moment something may change in the world around you. Whether it will be in your favour or not… is unpredictable.


20th February – 20th March
In February 2014, the Pisces sign will have to face some relatively small but unpleasant situations. It is important to note that the Pisces may not have enough strength to solve this or that problem, even with the help of some of the celestial bodies of the Solar System. Therefore, the main issue for the Pisces during this stage will be the help of those that are closest, even more so friends. If you do not have such, then you will have to face truly unconquerable circumstances. Jupiter, the planet-ruler of Pisces, will end up in such a situation in February that most of its positive energy will be constrained by the general celestial combinations. Luckily, the negativity of Jupiter that was supposed to befall the Pisces will be blocked as well. Thus, in the end, Jupiter will be neutral for Pisces in February. However, Mercury, responsible for the “expulsion” of the Pisces, due to its status of the “celestial leader” of this sign will change its negative emanations to positive ones. It is difficult to say what Venus will do. On one side, the celestial priestess will undoubtedly supply Pisces with passive creative energy, but whether it will risk interfering any further is hard to predict.

One way or another, but February 2014 will be a time of trials for the Pisces. Be prepared that a multitude of circumstances will be against you, despite that, Mercury will be on your side. The Ruler of Trade will deflect some especially negative issues and also provide you with positive energy at times, but for the rest you will have to depend mostly on yourself. Pay special attention to management, since a lot depends on those people, including part of your future life. Appear in front of them more often. If you are suddenly sent to some faraway and unusual business trip, do not decline. You should also agree if you are given some totally new direction. If nothing will be offered, then that will be a cause to worry. You should be active and proactive, otherwise you can say goodbye to success. It is not recommended to start your own business this month; the stars will not help you right now.

For the sphere of personal relationships, something new will be a great cause to forget the old. Due to the special influence of Saturn, many of your problems that you have forgotten about and left partly unsolved will come back to haunt you. It is best you solve them now and once and for all. Your friends will help you. Go to them for advice. They may have a better vantage point. Just do not disregard their advice if they disagree with you. Learn to understand people and accept various viewpoints, especially if they are objective. This also applies in relation to your lover. Remember that she also has feelings and do not be egoistic. Consider that you might be subjective in assessing yourself, so once again refer to outside help. Do not be a loner; it is not romantic at all, and definitely impractical. It is important to learn to have good contact with people, this is the only way you will be able to overcome the difficulties in front of you. In the future this ability will come useful multiple times as well.


23rd November – 21st December
The zodiac sign of the Sagittarius in February 2014 will have to be ready for unplanned events. The aforementioned events will mostly have a negative impact and are unlikely to make those born under this sign happy. The thing is, that Jupiter, the “planet-ruler” of Sagittarius, due to some celestial combinations will most definitely replace his flow of positive active energy with sharp and negative astral impulses. In addition, the energy flows of Jupiter will most certainly combine themselves with Mercury that is the planet responsible for the “fall” of Sagittarius. The result is that most likely the Sagittarius will have to change practically all plans due to significant changes in external factors. Since the Venus will be the only one providing positive energy to this sign, being it’s exalt, it seems that you will not see any positive changes for some time.

As a result, the area of work will be a problematic direction for the Sagittarius in February 2014, as this is where Mercury will be strongest. You should prepare yourself that the projects that you planned to finish this month will unlikely conclude in February. No matter how much you prepared beforehand, no matter how well you calculated everything, you will be unable to escape problems. All your plans will fail one way or another. In other words, strategy will be ineffective here but tactics might help. Effectiveness of thought and the ability to quickly make the right decisions are those cards that will help you in the fight for personal success. Whatever qualities you have, you will be able to develop them in yourself to a new level, otherwise you will not have a single chance to defend against Mercury. So collect yourself, turn your brain into the maximum capacity, and make quick and thoughtful decisions. This affects you regardless of whether you work for yourself or for someone else. Mercury will be ruthless to everyone to the same degree.

In relation to the love front, you will have slightly more luck. The Jupiter will have nowhere to gather its strength from to fulfil its evil plan to ruin all of your relationships. However, this planet is still strong enough to ruin your relationship with your loved one within days. By the way, it is on this that Jupiter will most likely concentrate. However, here you will have a loyal and not any weaker of a companion – Venus. The priestess of love will not enter battle itself, but will supply you with enough energy. All that will be required of you is little, to use this gift intelligently. Here it is important not to focus too much onto just one thing and not to solve each problem for an extremely lengthy period. If you saw an issue, you immediately interfered and then moved onto the rest. If you cannot fix some relationship immediately, do not get bogged down in the web of verbal fights, move forward, and then go back and try again. Just pay attention to the situations that will happen during the Full Moon (February 14th) and the Last Quarter of the Moon (February 22nd). Pay attention, but absolutely do not interfere! The information received will be useful much later and it will be best if the fact that you hold this information will be your secret for a while. In terms of the rest, your diplomatic skill and persistence, as well as the help from Venus should be able to help with solving any problem.


24th October – 22nd November
The zodiac sign of Scorpio, the sign in which the Water element lives through a moment of an apotheosis of its active energy, in January 2014 will on one side encounter harmonious and stable life, but on the other prepare for the forthcoming events that may turn into serious problems. The thing is that Mars, as the “planet-ruler” of Scorpio will do everything to protect its earthly protégé from the external dangers of any type. With that, the position of Saturn, the planet-exalt of Scorpio, will be significantly strengthened due to the general stellar combinations. This will lead to the strengthening of all of the Scorpio’s positions. At the same time, the negativity of the Moon responsible for the “fall” of the Scorpio will also be significantly empowered. The Moon will meet an ally in the form of Venus, responsible for the “expulsion” of the Scorpio, and while the location of the latter will be true in respect to all classical canons, the total energy of the Moon-Venus duo will be so powerful that even the “celestial leader” of Scorpio – Mercury, will be unable to withstand such a powerful alliance.

Undoubtedly, in relation to work, the actual position of the celestial bodies of the Solar System threatens significant problems to the Scorpio for February 2014. Together with that, as said above, Scorpios still have good chances for stability. The thing is that most of the problems will appear prior to the First Moon Quarter (February 6th), with maybe maximum two extra days. It is during this period that you should activate all of your inner reserves so that you do not let problems get out of hand. If during the first ten days you will be able to manage all of the suddenly arising complications, then the rest of the month you can sleep calmly. If you will not be able to handle everything with speed and precision, then no energy will be able to help you after, as you will not be able to overcome any conflicts until the end of the month. For everything to go your way, you will need to apply a lot of work to yourself and those surrounding you during the first 8-10 days. Carefully observe the behaviour of your colleagues and business partners, try to guess the actions of your opponent and do not give them any chance to blame you for anything or get ahead of you. Do everything in your power to prevent that to happen. If you will succeed, then the unspent energy of your exalt will go towards progressing you forward, not fighting with circumstances.

On the love front, everything will be less complicated, so such effectiveness as demanded from you in the work sphere will not be required. Here, the problems will reach you methodically and sequentially for the duration of the first two ten day periods of the month. To fight them you will have to do the same, fight methodically and sequentially. First, realize the fact that you are not all-powerful, and you will not be able to help each and single one of those closest to you. Spreading your energy thin will lead to you being unable to help anyone, and you yourself will be left one-on-one with an enemy, overcoming which you will no longer have the strength to. Since the beginning of time, define priority directions for yourself on which you will be capable to spend a lion’s share of strength. Then, gradually head towards solving the top priority issues. You will need all of your diplomatic skill for this. Do not serve every wish of those around you, but carefully screen through the issues, and try to solve the most important ones. With this approach you will be able to help somebody and also keep the energy to solve your own problems too. It is important not to forget about yourself, since if you will drown in problems then you will not be able to help anyone for sure.


21st April – 21st May
The sign of Taurus, the leading sign of the Earth trigon (group of signs sharing the same element) will be almost the only sign in February 2013, in relation to which there will be more positive Solar combinations than negative ones. Nevertheless, some amount of negative energy will be present in any case, though to a much smaller degree that with any other zodiac signs. Here, locations of Venus and Saturn should be primarily noted. Venus, being the planet-ruler of Taurus, even in its normal position always has a positive affection for those under this sign. In February, some of the emanations of its active creative energy will be strengthened to a new level because it will play the role of the “celestial leader” of Taurus. As a result, the Taurus do not have to worry about the sphere of positive relationships, everything here will be undoubtedly “captured”. In regards to the business sphere, some problems may arise. The reason for that is the Sun, which will turn into an aggressor from the planet-exalt status, and instead of giving the Taurus its energy – will take energy away. Thankfully, Saturn will not help the Sun due to some general combinations.

Any entrepreneurship or business issue should be a subject of significant scrutiny for the Taurus in February 2014. In other words, do not hurry to sign business agreements. Of course, your celestial protectors will defend you against any massive problems and dangers arising from your enemies and competitors. However, no one will protect you from your own lack of attentiveness or foolishness. It is precisely here that the solar impulses of negative energy will place their bets. So if you do not want to end up in a troubled position, spend an extra day to review the papers. If you do not understand anything, bring specialists on board. This will take more time, but at least later, you will not be cursing yourself that you have not seen a small but a fundamentally significant comma. If you do not work for yourself and do not have anything to do with large business deals, then that does not mean that all dangers will simply pass you by. Pay attention to the bureaucratic paper part of your work, as it is specifically in this direction that unpleasant issues may arise.

However, on the love front, you cannot ruin anything even if you try. Yes, because it is your zodiac sign that was mentioned in the beginning of this article as the solely successful one. Of course, if you tell your friends off and will demonstratively brush your feet on them time after time, then this will not end with anything good. However, you are not going to do that, right? Overall, you will have the best of the best in this direction. Full harmony and mutual understanding in the family. Warm and sincere relationships with friends. Clean and tender passion with your lover. With the definitely strong signs of personal energy, you can even transfer part of home warmth onto the job sphere, which will significantly ease your time spent at the office. Critical situations will be easier and overcoming them will be simpler. However, there is one danger present. You can relax too much, get used to the serenity and lose your ability to overcome circumstances. So try to be attentive and demanding of yourself.


24th August – 23rd September
For the zodiac sign of Virgo, February 2014 will be an ambiguous time, and sadly more negative than positive. The thing is that Mercury, that is at the same time the planet-ruler and the exalt of Virgo, will unlikely be capable of fully fulfilling his protective task. In light of his exalt status, while he might be able to give some positive energy, it will be disproportional to the negativity that the Virgo sign will have to endure. All this negativity will come from just one planet. The general combinations with Uranus and Saturn will significantly strengthen Neptune, responsible for the “expulsion” of Virgo. As a result, the energy of this planet will reach unheard of levels. Luckily, Venus, responsible for the “fall” of the Virgo sign, will choose the right side in this complicated situation, and being the “celestial leader” of this sign; will attempt to help Virgo at least on the love front. However, its combination together with the other celestial bodies of the Solar System may bring difficulties for the Virgos in the sphere of business.

As a result, in the sphere of work and finances, February 2014 will be a truly difficult month for the Virgos. It is mostly the fault of precisely Mercury, since it is his lack of action that will be the main problem. However, in this period, this information will be of no use to you since you will be the one with the problems, not Mercury. If you do not have your own business, then most of the complicated situations will result in some misunderstandings between you and your management. By the dawn of the second ten-day period, this misunderstanding will undoubtedly turn into open conflict. Do not be scared, you will not be fired. However, regardless of your own actions you may receive such a reputation that no one will hire you in your area of specialization ever again. So think thrice before voicing what you think about your management. If you wanted to change your area of expertise for a long time then everything is in your hands. Just remember that everything in the world is interconnected and returns to the roots eventually. If you work for yourself, then be prepared for an unprecedented level of activity from your competitors. Be attentive and plan your business development strategy carefully as any miscalculation can cost you dearly now.

In relation to personal relationships, then everything will be much simpler. You should say thanks to Venus for that, but that was already mentioned above so let’s get to the root of the issue. In this month, the main reason for your nervous breakdowns will be your lover. Her constant unhappiness, leading into hysterics, will often be substantiated. Carefully observe your actions from an objective point of view. Try to be honest with yourself. Maybe you are indeed doing something wrong. Perhaps you are indeed not trustful enough of your second half? If you are quite content with this situation then remember that other people also have their feelings, concerns and hopes. If you continue down the same path, then do not even hope for family happiness. Those who are lonely during the current time are recommended by the stars to cease searching during this period of time. Just wait for a while, time will come and fate will gift you the person with whom you will be truly happy.


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Arezoo Kaviani
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