November 2013 Astrological Forecast
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Jupiter and Neptune have been retrograde for many months – these past few months have not been favourable for foreign travel. Students have had delays (and perhaps much confusion) with applying or being accepted to university or graduate school. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Happily, this month things are changing. Jupiter is still retrograde all month, but Neptune moves forward on the 9th. So clarity is happening in your educational plans. (Next month, when Jupiter starts to move forward, there will be even greater clarity and you will be able to start making concrete plans.) Travel is better aspected this month than in previous months, but it’s probably best to wait until the end of the year (after Christmas) for foreign trips (if possible). Of course, if you must travel, do so – but allow more time for getting to your destination.
You are still very much in party mode until the 23rd. We need times like this to re-create ourselves. Finances still seem happy and good. There is luck in speculations. Moreover, you seem to enjoy the act of money-making. This is a month for ‘happy money’ – not money that is earned by the sweat of your brow. (After the 23rd is more of a time for ‘sweat of your brow’ money as your financial planet enters your 6th house of work. But even so, you seem to enjoy your work.) Professional investors should look at bonds, mortgages, gaming, entertainment and energy stocks until the 23rd. After that the health industry, foreign companies, book publishers and foreign carriers seem interesting.
We have another solar eclipse this month (number four of the year) on the 25th. This once again brings financial changes and a rethinking of your financial plans and strategies. It also seems to bring job changes and changes to a health regime and diet. Basically this eclipse is benign to you. Your spouse or partner has friendships tested. Cars and communication equipment will get tested as well.
Job-seekers have good fortune this month. Perhaps one good prospect doesn’t materialize, but you have many other options – something even better will come up.
You are more focused on health than at any time this year. This is good. Right now, health is relative good (compared to March and October) but the work that you do now will help you next month when health again becomes more delicate.
The Sun makes a stressful aspect with Neptune from the 19th to the 23rd. Analyse all important financial decisions -investments or purchases – more carefully. There can be much non-disclosure now. It is up to you to do your homework.
Mercury, your spiritual planet, makes a square to Neptune from the 1st to the 3rd. Dreams and intuition need more homework and more verification.
Continue to rest and relax more until the 23rd. When energy is low there are mystery aches and pains, and mysterious minor ailments that arise. There is greater vulnerability to germs and microbes. A strong aura repels these things. Watch how these things disappear after the 23rd.
Finances are starting to improve. (They were never really bad, but now we see improvement over the past month.) Neptune, your financial planet, will start to move forward on the 9th and will start to receive positive stimulation after the 23rd. Earnings are on the increase. Your financial judgement and confidence are stronger. Your financial decisions should be more savvy.
Sex, power, position and pragmatism still dominate in love until the 23rd. Your partner or current love seems above you and is calling the shots. You like this for a while, but after the 23rd you want a more equal kind of relationship.
Though there are challenges in love (a solar eclipse on the 25th creates some upheavals) you nevertheless seem successful – love is important, high on your agenda, and you are paying attention. This enables you to overcome all challenges.
The solar eclipse of November 25 occurs in your llth house. This not only tests love – a current relationship, marriage, business partnership – but also friendships. Be more patient with friends and your beloved during this period – they are apt to be more temperamental. There are dramas happening in their lives. There are shake-ups in groups or organizations you belong to. Basically this eclipse is benign to you, but it will shake up the world around you.
On the 23rd, as the Sun enters your llth house, you are in Aquarius heaven. The cosmos impels you to do the things that you most like to do: network, go deeper into science and technology, and get more involved with groups, organizations, astrology and astronomy. Many of your fondest hopes and wishes will come to pass now, but as soon as they do you will, no doubt, create new fondest hopes and wishes.
After the 26th Venus starts to travel with Pluto. This is a nice career period, both for you and for the family as a whole. The distinctions between home and office get blurred. You try to make your office more like a home, and your home more like an office. The idea here is to combine emotional comfort with outer success. Parents or parent figures have happy social experiences now. If they are still together, their marriage is close. If they are unattached, they meet romantic opportunities.
Last month the planetary power shifted from the West to the East. This is the condition for the rest of the year. You are in a more independent phase of your year. You can create conditions rather than have to adapt to them. Personal merit, personal ability, is more important than whom you know. You get things done through personal initiative rather than waiting on others.
Health is much improved this month, and will improve even further after the 23rd. You can enhance your health even further by paying more attention to your colon, bladder and sexual organs (until the 2nd) and to your liver and thighs afterwards. Massage your thighs regularly. (This advice is in addition to what we have written in the yearly report.) Your health planet will go retrograde on the 24th, so if you are making any major health changes, try to do so before then.
Until the 23rd your 8th house is very strong. So you are still in a sexually active period. As mentioned last month, this period is good for detox regimes, investigating deep occult subjects, getting more involved with the spiritual aspects of sex, and dealing with estate issues or insurance claims. Probably your line of credit will increase this month (this could have happened last month as well).
For singles, there is another shift in the love life. Last month it was sex appeal that turned you on, and while this is still important, you are looking for deeper things. You like someone you can learn from – someone highly educated. A guru or mentor type. Students can easily fall in love with their professors now, and laypeople with their minister. Sexual magnetism (if there is nothing else) has a life span of about eight to nine months. But a good philosophical compatibility, an ability to share and be intimate on the higher mental levels, will last a lot longer. A romantic evening these days can take the shape of a juicy philosophical discussion.
Singles find love opportunities in foreign lands, with foreigners, or in a religious or educational setting (at church or university). Troubled relationships can be treated in various ways now – first, by travelling together to exotic locales, second by worshipping together, third by taking courses together as a couple. There is a need to strengthen the ‘upper menta’ bonds now.
Finances are good. Your financial planet is in Sagittarius in the 9th house – the most fortunate of all the houses. This brings financial expansion and very high financial goals. The sky is the limit for you now. This also brings luck in speculations and financial opportunity from foreigners, foreign countries, foreign investments and foreign companies. You are much more of a free spender these days – more so than last month, regardless of outer economic conditions you have an unflappable optimism.
Venus crosses your midheaven after the 26th. This brings career opportunity and success, but also pay rises, the financial favour of bosses, parents, parent figures and elders, and romantic opportunity with (or through) these people. You are getting ready to enter a yearly career peak.
Spirituality has been important in your financial life for many years. Children have become more spiritual since June, but now your spirituality is of a different sort. It is more about clearing the psychological blockages to the inflow of spirit. This can be demanding, painstaking work, but you seem willing to do it. Spiritual healing is also a major interest (as it should be this year) from the 2nd onwards. Those of you in the creative arts are being inspired in dreams, as you meditate or through spiritual-type people – ministers, psychics, channellers and the like. Even your career seems involved with spirituality this month (from the 2nd to the 26th).
Though your health is improved over some of the periods in the past year, it still needs watching. This is a month to go deeper into the spiritual dimensions of health. To explore the spirit’s power to act directly on the body and to keep it from disease. Prayer, meditation, reiki, the laying on of hands and the manipulation of subtle energies are all powerful therapies this month. This is unusual for a Capricorn, as you tend to be conservative in most things.
Those of you on the spiritual path might want to explore kundalini yoga, tantra and the spiritual paths that deal with the sexual force. It is a period where this force needs to become more spiritualized.
Finances improve dramatically after the 23rd. Earning power is increased. But Uranus is still retrograde and your financial life is still under review.
A solar eclipse (number four for the year) happens on the 25th in your 12th house of spirituality. This shows changes in your spiritual life, in your practice, methodology and approach. Generally these changes come about from interior revelation – new light, new understanding dawns, and so the old spiritual practices need modification. There are still dramas and upheavals in a charity or spiritual organization you belong to – these issues seem to have been going on for some months now. Every solar eclipse brings up issues of death – and this one is no different. Remember our previous discussions about this. Understanding of death, conquering the fear of it, leads to a better way to live in the here and now. Solar eclipses tend to bring financial crises for your spouse, partner or current love – thus important and perhaps dramatic financial changes are going on there. If you are involved in estate, tax or insurance issues, you can expect a dramatic turn one way or the other. You will start to see action in these affairs.
Venus moves into your sign on the 26th. For singles this brings fling opportunities – not serious love but ‘entertainment’ type love.
You will be more involved with children and those who are like children to you. They seem devoted.
Career opportunities are seeking you out as well. You have been successful all year, but now you are looking the part more – dressing to show your status. Good to accessorize with green and burgundy right now.
Keep on top of your daily schedule as much as possible. It would be easy for you to daydream your time away and miss an important deadline. A new romance could fill your head with desire and dreams. You are likely to drive your co-workers nuts by talking about your lover nonstop. Mixed messages and confusion can cause all sorts of problems. But if you trust your own logic and stop listening to others, you can follow through with your plans.
The more you listen to others, the less confident you will become. So unless you are following a master, make yourself the master. Gemini parents should keep tabs on where your child is going and what he or she is up to. Career changes need more homework. No rush now to jump into things. Get all facts and resolve all doubts. You are still in a strong career period, but not as strong as last month. This month your focus shifts to your social life – friendships, groups, organizations, group activities and also romance. Later in the month – from the 19th onwards – your focus shifts again, this time to spirituality.
Love is still being tested, but is much improved. Your spouse, partner or current love is also very ambitious, and seems to support your career goals. This is a month where you socialize with high-status people – and they are helpful in career matters, too. You have been in a cycle conducive to achieving career goals by social means for more than a year now, but this month seems especially strong for this. Attend the right parties – and consider hosting parties as well. Your social connections are probably more important now than your actual abilities. These connections open up the right doors.
Singles find love opportunities as they pursue their career goals or with people involved with their career. Power allures you. Love is practical these days, as if it’s a career move, a job. Romantic feeling seems to have little to do with it. Thus singles can have office-type romances during this period – with bosses or superiors. Existing relationships seem cold and mechanical – everyone does their duty (celebrates the birthday or anniversary, says ‘I love you’ in a mechanical way, sends the right cards, etc.) but the spark of passion seems missing. You will have to ignite this on your own – project more warmth towards others Avoid foreign travel (if possible) from the 19th to the 28th. If you can, reschedule.
Finances are good this month, your financial judgement is sober and sound. You get value for your pound. You have a good long-term perspective on wealth. Also you have the favour of ‘higher ups’, who seem helpful
As last month, your 4th house is still very strong. Home and family issues should take precedence over your career. You serve your family best right now by being there for them. Read our discussion of this last month.
Emotional harmony – which you are seeking and finding this month – is downplayed in our culture. The tendency is to worship outer success, outer achievement. Yet true outer success and achievement – with stability – is not possible without emotional harmony. Also, many diseases and other problems have their roots in emotional discord. From a spiritual perspective, the number-one reason why believers have their prayers go unanswered or is due to lack of emotional harmony. Emotional harmony acts as a ‘shortcut’ to spiritual power. It is said that if a person could be in total harmony for even two days, he or she would be healed of any sickness, would be wealthy and live in paradisiacal circumstances. If a ‘taste death’. So, finding your point of emotional harmony is very important.
Those of you involved in psychological therapies should achieve good breakthroughs and insights these days.
Health is still delicate until the 23rd. Rest and relax more. This condition is temporary. Health will improve dramatically after the 23rd. You have enough energy to achieve any goal you desire.
On the 23rd, your 5th house becomes very strong and you begin another one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks. It’s a party period. And Leos know how to party.
Though your love planet is still retrograde this month, love seems harmonious and happy. Singles will meet love interests – though the ultimate outcome of this is not clear, these should be enjoyed for what they are. Existing relationships are more harmonious as well. More caution in love is still called for.
Your career planet moves very fast this month – and this suggests that you are making progress even without too much focus. You still seem to be working more from home until the 2nd. After the 2nd (until the 26th) you are working to ‘enjoy’ your career more. In many cases your career advances through the right kind of leisure activities – taking clients to the theatre or golf course, or things of that nature. After the 26th your career is advanced through plain old hard work. Just doing your job well, day by day, brings success. Your work ethic is noticed by superiors.
Your financial planet moves into your 5th house on the 2nd. This shows greater speculations during this period. This is well and good – and you ought to be successful here – but tone it down after the 24th when Mercury starts to retrograde.
Last month there was another important shift of planetary power – this time from the upper to the lower half of your horoscope. It is sunset in your year. Outer activities, career interests, ambitions have been achieved; now it is time for the activities of the evening. A time to go home after a nice day’s work and spend time with your family, create harmony in the family circle and regroup your energies for the next day – which will take place in March of next year. Feeling right is now more important than doing right. Family concerns become more important than career. Emotional ~ inner harmony – is more important than pay rises, promotions and prestige. This is as it should be. You will still have your career – that is not over. It is no more over than when you go to sleep for the night. This is merely a pause.
Having said this, you will have more energy and enthusiasm for career activities from the 1st to the 10th and from the 26th onwards – the periods when the Moon waxes.
You are still in a yearly financial peak. Thus, regardless of what is happening in your career, you still seem prosperous. Your finances don’t seem affected. By the 23rd your short-term financial goals are achieved, and now it is on to other interests – intellectual interests – the care and feeding of your mind. Yes, your mental body IS a body – though on a subtle level of being – and it has its needs. And this is a time to take care of it. Give it the right food, good books, good ideas, good information. Give it exercise – take courses in subjects that interest you. Use it to make future plans and to analyse your love life, school work and educational plans. Some people like to engage in chess or logic problems as mental exercise. But there are many other ways to exercise the mind. The mind needs the right expression, too – thus it is good to discuss your knowledge and ideas with others. Teachers and students should be more successful this month.
There is a solar eclipse on the 25th that occurs in your 3rd house. This is the fourth solar eclipse this year (and the final one). This eclipse is benign to you but shakes up the world at large (read the newspapers during this period and you’ll see what we mean). For students (below university level) this brings changes in educational plans. There are upheavals in your neighbourhood and with neighbours, or in the lives of neighbours and siblings (or those who are like siblings to you). This eclipse is almost a repeat of the lunar eclipse of June 15 – except the Sun, not the Moon, is the eclipsed planet. There are shake-ups in groups or organizations you belong to, and dramatic events in the lives of your friends. This eclipse will test your car, communication equipment, computers and high-tech gadgetry. These things are great when they are working properly, but when they go on the blink …
You and your spouse, partner or current love are cooperating on a financial level after the 26th. It seems to work both ways. You are helping each other. Each helps the other in need.
The planetary power is very much in the upper (outer) half of your horoscope this month. After the 11th, some 70 (and sometimes 80) per cent of the planets are above the horizon. Not only that, but your 10th house of career becomes powerful from the 23rd onwards. You enter a yearly career peak then. So, focus on the outer life, outer goals, and let family and emotional issues go for a while.
Career is successful but complicated this month. Your career planet is retrograde and there is a solar eclipse on the 25th in your 10th house. There are many changes brewing here – shocks and upheavals – and yet you need to do more homework to make sure the changes you make are the correct ones. Probably you will change your career planning and strategy now. Things have not been as you thought, and now you find out the truth and can make the appropriate changes.
Health is more delicate after the 23rd as well. So by all means handle your career demands, but keep your focus on the essentials – let the trivia go. You can enhance your health by paying more attention to your heart (all month), your colon, bladder and sexual organs (until the 23rd), and your liver and thighs thereafter. Metaphysical healing is very powerful all month. Detox regimes are still good until the 23rd. Take a reduced schedule after the 23rd, and especially around the eclipse period.
The solar eclipse of the 25th happens in your 10th house and thus brings career changes – also job changes. There are shake-ups in your corporate hierarchy and industry. Those who employ others will see employee turnover and drama in the lives of employees. There are dramas in the lives of parents, parent figures, bosses and authority figures. Probably there will be a crisis in your local government. Low vitality during this period could cause changes in your health regime and diet. The good news here is that the eclipse will blast away many barriers to your upward mobility. Things that you saw as obstructions are no longer there. There is a whole new ‘career landscape’ to deal with.
Be more patient with your beloved from the 1st to the 3rd. Most disagreements can be solved by compromise. If you don’t see a solution right away, wait a few days. It will come. Your partner or current love seems successful this month as well. He or she seems to want to call the shots – be in charge – and this could be the cause of conflict as well. Social contacts and support are important financially after the llth. Much of your socializing has to do with business. You tend to socialize with the people you do business with.
The personal attacks on your self-esteem and self-confidence seem mostly over with, and your 1st house gets very strong. However, you are not finished with re-defining your image, appearance or personality yet. A solar eclipse on the 25th in your own sign will once again test your progress. If you have re-defined yourself in a good way, you will go through the eclipse with ease. But if your self-esteem or personality is not realistic, you can expect more upheavals here – so that you can correct things.
Ever since your ruling planet entered your 6th house on June 4, you have been learning humility. This is not something we learn overnight. It is a process and it is continuing. Sagittarians are proud and strong people. They are leaders. But with Jupiter in your 6th house, you have become the ‘servant’ – and not everyone holds the servant in high esteem (though they should). In the end you will see that ‘leadership’ itself is a form of service – that is the essence of it. It is not about puffing yourself up and ordering others around – but a service to the group that you are leading. Without a leader, a group is ‘headless’ – directionless – lost.
The planets are now (after the 22nd) at their maximum eastern position – it is time to have your way in life. The problem, however, is discerning what ‘your way’ really is. More homework and study are needed.
Health is good this month and you can enhance it even further by paying more attention to your colon, bladder and sexual organs (until the 2nd – and they were important last month, too), your liver and thighs (always important but especially from the 2nd to the 26th) and to your spine, knees, teeth, bones and skeletal alignment (from the 26th onwards).
Job-seekers have had good success this year, and this month there are more opportunities coming your way. Word has got out about your productivity and work ethic, and the offers are coming in. Love opportunities are also pursuing you, so love is happy this month. On the 24th, though, your love planet goes retrograde. Your love life needs a review. Both you and your current love seem directionless. The best course is to wait until clarity comes (by the end of the year).
On the 23rd the planetary power once again shifts to the lower half of your horoscope. By now career objectives have been attained (at least in the short term) and it is now time to focus more on the home, family and emotional life. It is sunset in your year. The night is coming. It’s time to take the pause that refreshes and regroup your energies for the new day, which will arrive in five or six months. Family values now take priority over career values – though career is still important.
Your personal pleasure peak continues strongly until the 23rd. And it is good that these periods don’t last too long -doubtful whether the body could handle too much of this. But it is certainly nice every now and then.
You look great. Health and energy are strong. Self-confidence and self-esteem likewise. Scorpios always exude sex appeal, but now with your 8th house ruler in your own sign (he entered on the 13th of last month and is there until the 2nd of this month) this is even stronger than usual. Understandable that you have love on your own terms these days.
Though health is good, you can make it even better by paying more attention to your heart (until the llth) and to your small intestine afterwards.
Last month, after the 23rd, the planetary power shifted from the upper half (career and outer activities) to the lower half (home, family and internal kinds of activities). Career opportunities are still coming to you, but you seem less interested now. You will weigh them up more carefully. You won’t just leap at a career opportunity merely because it pays well or offers prestige. You will analyse how it affects your family, children and your overall sense of emotional harmony. Success without emotional harmony is not real success – especially during this period. Your family planet is still retrograde this month, so many issues involving the family and the home need more study. It seems that only time will resolve these issues.
Nevertheless, it is time to focus more on the family – to serve them by being there for them. Handle the short-term issues and let the longer-term issues go.
On the 23rd you enter a yearly financial peak. Earnings should be sky-high. The only complication now is that your financial planet is retrograde. Major financial decisions -strategy and tactics – need more homework. Earnings will be higher, but there are probably more delays involved. Unforeseen kinds of things.
Further complicating your financial life is a solar eclipse in your money house (number four this year). This might force you to make changes too quickly. Try not to make changes out of panic, but get into a quiet, calm state – an inner silence – then make your change. Next month your financial planet will start moving forward (on the 25th) and it will be safer to make dramatic kinds of changes.
Again this eclipse brings career changes, changes in your (highly unstable) corporate or industry hierarchy, and dramatic events in the lives of parents, parent figures and bosses. There is, once again, crisis in your local government.
Your love planet will be in your money house from the 2nd to the 26th. Your financial planet has been in your 7th house of love since June 4. They are in ‘mutual reception’ -co-operating with each other. This suggests a business partnership or joint venture. Your spouse, partner, or current love – your social connections – are even more co-operative financially than they have been all year.
Your yearly social peak continues until the 23rd. Thus there is more dating, more parties, more social functions going on. A business partnership or joint venture could have happened last month and can still happen early this month. However, there is a need for patience as your financial planet goes retrograde on the 24th, As always, try to wrap up important financial moves before then. Joint ventures or partnerships – especially if they involve money – need a lot more homework this month. Things are not as they seem.
Though your financial life is more complicated, there is still prosperity happening. There are just more delays involved with it. You will probably hear the old line, ‘the cheque is in the post’ – many times. Eventually everything tends to straighten out – in the mean time, it is frustrating.
Health still needs more watching until the 23rd. Overall health is good, but this is a temporary stress period. Rest and relax more and pay more attention to your liver and thighs from the 2nd to the 26th and to your spine, knees, teeth, bones and skeletal alignment afterwards. (These are important all year, but especially after the 26th.)
Your yearly social peak continues until the end of the month – though technically it ends on the 23rd. Venus will travel with your love planet from the 26th onwards and this shows a romantic meeting for singles – a significant meeting. For marrieds it shows more harmony with your beloved and a ‘coming together’. There will be other happy social opportunities as well – important invitations or new friends coming into the picture.
Your 8th house is powerful from the 23rd onwards. This is a time for ‘getting rid’ of the needless and useless. This includes excess possessions that are just taking up space, old emotional and mental patterns (especially those of a destructive nature) and effete material in the physical body itself. Very good for detox regimes of all sorts. These are times when we learn the truth of the dictum ‘less is more’ -something that is counter-intuitive. Logically, more is more. Taurus more than most subscribes to this. Miraculously, you learn that when you get rid of the unnecessary, you allow space for ‘more’ to come to you. The universe is constantly showering us with gifts, but if there is no room to receive them, they can’t come.
This is a sexually active period as well – regardless of your age or stage in life, there is greater than usual libido operating.
Your spouse or partner is having a good financial month and is more generous with you. However, he or she needs more caution in finances, too – the financial planet has been retrograde since August 30. Students are more focused on their studies after the 26th and this tends to bring success.
A solar eclipse on the 25th (number four for the year) could force you to take action in the home and with family that might be better off postponed. Your family planet is still retrograde. This eclipse occurs in your 4th house and is very strong on you. Take a reduced schedule. This brings some brewing family problems to a head – dirty laundry comes UP to be resolved. Old resentments and slights – old woundings – arise. You are not just dealing with present circumstances, but with a whole history of family baggage -this is what makes things so complicated.
In a way it is good that your 4th house becomes so strong this month. Your attention here is needed – there seems to be a family crisis.
This eclipse (like every solar eclipse) brings changes to your spiritual life and practice. The inner life is much like the outer: when we are driving to an outer destination, we frequently have to make adjustments to our course or strategy based on road conditions. So it is in the spiritual life: course corrections are called for.
Health is more delicate this month – after the 23rd. Overall health is basically good, but this is not one of your best periods. As always, work to maintain high energy levels. Plug the energy leaks in your aura. Rest and relax more.
Love is delicate until the 23rd. However, we see improvements happening. On the 9th your love planet starts to move forward again – after many months of retrograde motion. Love is starting to clarify. The direction of a current relationship is more clear. Your social judgement is improved. But in spite of the forward motion, there are still conflicts with your beloved until the 23rd. After that there is much more harmony.
For many months it has been your spouse, partner or current love who seemed directionless and indecisive. Now (from the 24th to the 14th of next month) you are the one who seems indecisive. A role reversal.
Your financial planet spends most of the month in the 4th house (from the 2nd to the 26th). This shows more spending on home and family (not a surprise with an eclipse happening in your 4th house), investments in the home and property, and earnings from the family, as a result of family support or through family connections. Parent figures are more supportive now. On the 26th your financial planet moves into your 5th house. You are more speculative, but be careful – especially on the 29th and 30th. This is a period when your personal creativity can earn you money – it becomes more marketable. This should be explored.