December 2013 Astrological Forecasts
Choose your sign below to jump to your December 2013 Astro-Forecast from Lee Van Zyl.
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Though most people tend to socialize more during the holidays, for you this is even more than usual. You enter a yearly social peak at a very good time. You are not just thinking of partying, but of real romance – something more permanent. Singles tend to think of how nice it would be to have a beloved by their side when the holidays come so that they don’t have to keep searching for a date. This is one of the charms of marriage and family – you always have a date, always have plans, for the holidays. This is a big consideration for Cancerians.
Until the 22nd you are still in a hectic work period. This is the time to get all those tedious chores done – the bookkeeping, tax planning, filing, updating your address book and the like. You have the mind for it now. Job-seekers still have good success this month. Friends, of course, are the main place to look – networking among friends is powerful. But the internet also seems good for your search.
There is a lunar eclipse on the 10th this month. It occurs in your 12th house. Your spiritual planet, Mercury, has been retrograde since November 24, and you have been a bit directionless in your practice or your understanding. The eclipse should bring revelation here and change your practice, your teachers and your attitudes. You need to take a new direction in your spiritual life, and it will happen in the next few months. (Eclipse phenomena can manifest for up to six months after the event.) Every lunar eclipse gives you the opportunity to rethink, upgrade and improve your self-image, self-concept and personal appearance. This is a healthy thing to do periodically, and in a way it is good that the cosmos forces this on you. (Because it happens for you with such regularity, you go through it more easily – with other signs, when this happens, it can be quite dramatic.)
Health becomes delicate again after the 22nd. It doesn’t seem as stressful as March or October, but it still needs watching. Keep in mind previous discussions of this. Pay more attention to your heart, neck and throat. Regular neck massage will be powerful. Cranial sacral therapy is good. The cervical vertebrae need to be kept in the correct alignment.
Finances are good all month, but seem best after the 22nd. Your holiday loot should be larger than usual (and probably you yourself are more lavish in your gift-giving). Until the 23rd you earn through your work – the old-fashioned way. Yes, there is luck, but it comes through hard work. After the 22nd, earnings come through your spouse, current love or social connections. Business partnership or joint ventures can happen – the opportunity is there. You spend more on your spouse or partner, too. Financial judgement is sober and sound – you have a good long-term perspective on wealth. You are more willing to save, invest and create long-term financial plans.
Health is basically good this month. Both the long-term and short-term planets are leaving you alone. So you have all the energy you need to achieve your goals.
A lunar eclipse on the 10th will bring changes to your health regime and diet. It could bring a health scare as well -but with your vitality so good this will likely remain just a scare and not a reality. (These kinds of things happen all the time – there is an initial diagnosis of something worrying, which later turns out to be nothing.) This eclipse also brings job changes, changes of the conditions at work and the workplace. There are dramas in the lives of colleagues and employees. Probably there is employee turnover for those of you who employ others. Children of appropriate age are making dramatic financial changes – perhaps because of a financial crisis. Parents and parent figures should be more mindful when they drive during this period. There are dramatic events in the lives of children or those who are like children to you. Those of you involved in the creative arts make dramatic changes to your creativity. A love affair (not a marriage) is shaky now.
Your 12th house is still very strong until the 22nd. You are still in Aquarius heaven – still (more than usual) involved with groups, organizations, group activities and friends. Your networking abilities, your ability to handle groups – always strong – is even stronger right now.
After the 22nd the focus shifts to your spiritual life. Now, this has been important all year – and for many years. But this time of year it gets even more important. You’ve been in the social whirl, mixing with others, for a whole month. A little bit of solitude is called for now. We make our best connection with the Divine when we are alone, when the mind is still and undisturbed. Friends are wonderful, but they tend to be a distraction.
Interestingly, you will make more career progress sitting by your altar or in the lotus posture than you will by overt activity. Intuition and inner guidance will come into play and you will get clear instructions as to what to do. On a more mundane level, you can enhance your career through charitable activities and involvement in causes you believe in. This has been the case all year, but is especially so this month.
Your love planet is also in the 12th house after the 22nd. This gives us many messages. If there are love problems and convoluted conundrums, this is a time to surrender the whole issue to the Divine and let it handle things. When this is done sincerely, with the heart and not just the lips, peace descends and miraculous things start to happen.
This transit also indicates that singles should look for love opportunities in spiritual-type settings – not the bars and clubs, but in meditation seminars, prayer meetings or spiritual lectures. Sitting at the feet of the guru will bring more real love opportunity than any mundane type of activity. This is a period where spiritual compatibility with the beloved becomes important. With good spiritual compatibility and spiritual commitment to each other almost anything can be worked out, but this is not so easy if spiritual compatibility is lacking.
This position also shows that, for singles, spiritual love methods should be used now. Thus if you want to manifest a mate, make a list – detailed – of all the qualities that you want, and imagine that you are with this person in meditation.
Your 9th house was strong last month, and is strong in the month ahead as well. There have been interesting travel opportunities for you last month and they can happen this month as well. Generally it would be wise to take advantage of these things, but Jupiter, your travel planet, is still retrograde (until the 25th of this month) and this complicates matters. There can be all kinds of delays and glitches with these things.
This has been a good month for students as well. Your mind has been sharper and you’ve had a greater interest in your studies. This tends to bring success.
Educational opportunities are coming, but need to be examined closely, Some of them are good and some have ‘hidden flaws’ – check things out more carefully.
On the 22nd the Sun crosses your midheaven, initiating another yearly career peak (as you had in January and October). Along with this, much of the retrograde activity of recent months is over with. By the end of the month ALL the planets will be moving forward. So you are making rapid progress towards your goals. The pace of events for the world at large is also faster.
However, all this career activity – and this can be like a drug – can tax your energy. Health is more delicate again after the 22nd. Try to work smarter and not harder – plan your day better so that you can achieve more with less. Know when you’ve had enough. Enhance health, as last month, by paying more attention to your liver and the thighs. Prayer and metaphysical treatment is powerful this month. You respond very well to it.
This is not only a successful career period for you personally, but also for your children (biological or those who are like children to you). It is a time where you can make career progress in fun kind of ways – at parties or the golf course or theatre. Often you can make more rapid progress in these ‘fun ways’ – by connecting with important clients or contacts – than by merely being an ‘office drudge’.
Your financial planet spends most of the month in your 10th house (until the 21st). You have the financial favour of higher-ups – of bosses, elders, parents or parent figures. The government is favourably disposed to you as well. You are conservative in money matters, much less of a free spender than you were in November. You get value for your money and have good, sound financial judgement. You are not as lucky as last month, perhaps, but you make wiser use of what you have. Pay rises are likely this month as well.
For singles, the aspects indicate an office romance (or opportunities there). You are once again practical about love – perhaps too practical. Perhaps you temporarily don’t even believe in romantic love – no, love is a job like any other. I can learn to love anyone, so I might as well choose the good provider or the one who can help my career. This phase passes after the 21st. Then you are interested in friendship with the beloved. Love opportunities happen at organizations or group activities.
There is another lunar eclipse on the 10th (number two for the year) which occurs in your 6th house. This eclipse seems mild on you, but it won’t hurt to take a reduced schedule anyway – it might not be so mild on the people you are involved with. People in general are not up to par during eclipse periods, so you don’t need to be caught up in the crossfire. This eclipse brings job changes, changes in the conditions at work, in the workplace and with colleagues. Those who employ others are having dramas with employees now. Once again there are changes in the health regime and diet. With your health planet retrograde until the 14th, study these changes more – and perhaps wait until the 14th to make them.
Health is good this month. Your 1st house is strong. On the 21st you enter a yearly personal pleasure peak. A time to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh – to give the body its due. Also very good to get the image and body in the right shape – to get your overall appearance the way you want it to be.
This is your period of maximum independence as well. So make those changes, create your desired conditions, now.
Power in your 1st house always enhance self-esteem and self-confidence. Animal spirits tend to be high. Personal appearance tends to shine because more planetary energy is coming into it. With both the Sun and Pluto in your 1st house after the 22nd (Pluto has been there for a few years now), this is an excellent period to lose weight, detox the body and work to transform the body. Some of you might be contemplating cosmetic surgery (both Pluto and the lord of the 8th house are in your 1st house) – but there are other ways to achieve these goals: diet, yoga and meditation to name just a few.
With Pluto and the ruler of the 8th house in your own sign, you exude a lot of sex appeal. Probably you are not doing this consciously, but it comes out anyway and others take notice.
Finances are a bit stressful after the 22nd – debt seems to be the issue. But this is a short-term problem. By next month, prosperity will resume. Uranus starts to move forward on the 10th – so now you have more direction and clarity in finances. Next month you enter a yearly financial peak. You have made some dramatic financial changes this year, but bigger ones will happen next year.
Love seems status quo: marrieds will tend to stay married and singles will tend to stay single. However, Venus in your own sign until the 21st shows enhanced personal charm and attractiveness – more social grace. And also many non-serious love opportunities. In general your social magnetism will be stronger from the 1st to the 10th and from the 24th onwards – the periods when the Moon waxes. The lunar eclipse of the 10th will test current relationships, but need not destroy them. When the dust settles, the relationship – if it is fundamentally sound – will be better than before.
You are still very much in your yearly social peak until the 22nd. Love is good even after the 22nd, too, as the Sun starts making very beautiful aspects to your love planet. Love is in the neighbourhood or with neighbours. No need to travel far and wide.
Events in your life will start moving at a faster pace this month. The month begins with 30 per cent of the planets retrograde, but ends with ALL the planets moving forward. Mercury, your ruling planet, moves forward on the 14th. Uranus moves forward on the 10th and Jupiter, your love planet, starts moving forward on the 25th. If you’ve been doing your proper review during the retrogrades, you are well positioned to leap forward when the planets start moving forward again.
Happily your love life will start to clarify now. Singles are meeting new people and are involved in romance, but at least now they will know where things are headed. Marrieds or those involved in a current relationship are having more harmony with their partner.
You are still very popular this month. You reach out to others. You are pro-active – creating the social life that you want. The retrograde of Mercury weakens personal confidence, but this might be a good thing this month, as personal effort or personal self-confidence is not that important. It is likeability that matters. The fact that you are a bit more ‘vulnerable’ now will probably increase your popularity. You are putting your relationships first and this, probably more than any other factor, brings social success. You are not dismayed by the normal obstacles that arise in love.
Health improves after the 22nd. If there have been health problems you should hear good news about this – especially on the 24th.
Job-seekers also have good opportunity after the 22nd. The new Moon of the 24th brings happy job opportunities. (Next month also seems good for this.) Finances, in general, are status quo – but the lunar eclipse on the 10th creates shake-ups and changes. In general, your personal earning power will be stronger from the 1st to the 10th and from the 24th onwards – as the Moon waxes.
There is a powerful lunar eclipse on the 10th in your own sign. Take a reduced schedule. (You should take it easy until the 22nd, but especially during the eclipse period.) This eclipse once again forces you to redefine your personality, your image, your personal appearance and the way that you think about yourself. If you don’t, others will do this for you and they will not be so kind. It is a time for self-honesty and deeper self-knowledge. This eclipse happens during a vulnerable health period for you, so enhance your health in the ways described in the yearly report. This eclipse, like every lunar eclipse, affects finances – brings important financial changes – perhaps in a disruptive way. Not a time for risk-taking activities. Spend more quiet time at home – read a book, watch a movie, or better yet spend more time in prayer and meditation. Being at a high vibration (the highest that you can attain to) is always the best way to go through a difficult period.
On the 25th of last month there was a solar eclipse (number four this year) in your 5th house. You are still in the eclipse period early this month. This brings dramatic events in the lives of children (biological or those who are like children to you in your life) and lovers. Love affairs get tested. There are changes in your personal creativity. A parent or parent figure makes dramatic financial changes. The other parent or parent figure could be having surgery or near-death kinds of experiences – encounters with death. Again, for the fourth time this year, you need to re-define your personality, image and self-concept. Again, there will be wardrobe changes.
On the 10th there is a lunar eclipse in your llth house. This brings dramatic experiences in the lives of friends, and perhaps tests friendships. Friends will be more temperamental now, so be more patient with them. Again, a parent or parent figure makes dramatic financial changes. You are making important changes in your spiritual practice, changing teachers or systems, changing your attitudes here.
Be more careful with speculations until the 14th. Your financial planet is still retrograde until then. Wait on important purchases (or your holiday shopping) until after the 14th. You will make wiser choices and probably spend less.
Your yearly personal pleasure peak continues until the 22nd, then you enter a more serious, down-to-earth work period. Job-seekers have good success after the 23rd. It is your interest and drive that make the difference. Before that you are more interested in ‘play’, and so the drive for a job is not what it should be.
Health is good, and yet you are very much focused here. The focus seems to come from the cosmetic benefits of good health. You discover that when you are healthy, your physical appearance shines (this is not so for everyone). So there is a vanity component here.
Venus enters your 7th house on 21st. You are mixing with people above you in status. You enhance your career through social means, by knowing or meeting the right people and by attending or hosting the right parties. The unattached have the aspects for an office romance.
You are being prepared for a yearly social peak, which will happen next month.
The planetary momentum is becoming overwhelmingly forward. By the end of the month ALL the planets will be moving forward – so be prepared for rapid progress, rapid success and an increase in the pace of events.
Health again becomes more delicate after the 22nd. Though this period is nowhere near as stressful as March or April, you still need to be on the case. Review the health section of the yearly report. Give the heart more attention. Get more involved in prayer and have others pray for you.
Your 3rd house is still powerful until the 22nd, so review our discussion of last month. It is a time for expanding and exercising the mind, for catching up on all the letters, e-mails and phone calls you owe. Your mind is sharper than usual now, and students should do well in their studies.
One of the problems with power in the 3rd house is that one tends to overdo a good thing. Usually people talk too much -more than is necessary.
Sometimes they can’t resist the temptation to get involved in destructive forms of speech -slander, malicious kinds of gossip – this kind of thing should definitely be avoided. Even listening to too much of this is not good. From the health perspective, it lowers the vibrations and saps the vitality needed for healing.
On the 22nd your 4th house becomes powerful and, as in the past few months, most of the planetary power is below the horizon. So this is a family period. You serve them by being there for them, not by achieving honours or prestige. Those involved in psychological therapies should meet with good success – there are breakthroughs and insights happening.
When the 4th house is strong, we all start to wax nostalgic. Almost involuntarily, we are remembering the past, reliving the past. As long as you are aware of this – you see it consciously – this is wonderful. It is a period where you can digest the past, look at it from the ‘here-now’ perspective, see how silly your old reactions were, how things turned out differently from the way that you imagined. This is a healthy thing. But the danger is, if this happens unconsciously, then the tendency is to relive the past, repeat past patterns – to come from the past rather than from the here and now.
Finances seem good after the 22nd as your financial planet receives positive stimulation. Holiday loot should be larger than usual. And, probably, you are giving more as well. Friends seem very supportive financially after the 22nd. Family as well.
Mars, your love planet, is now in the spiritual 12th house. This gives us many messages. Now the spiritual dimension is important in love. You and the beloved need to be on the same spiritual wavelength – share the same spiritual ideals, be on the same path. Spiritual discord will destroy even a basically good relationship. But there are other messages, too. Singles, the unattached, should look for love in spiritual settings – at meditation sessions, prayer meetings, spiritual retreats, religious pilgrimages or as they involve themselves in charity or volunteer work. If you are looking for love in the clubs, you’re wasting your time. If there are problems in your love life, the horoscope is saying to ‘cast these burdens on the divine’ and go free. Let a higher power handle things. And it will. There is a need to surrender this area to the Divine.
Last month the planetary power shifted back to the independent East from the West. Day by day you are becoming more independent and self-directed. Last month, on the 9th, Neptune (your personal planet) started to move forward after many months of retrograde motion. There is more clarity and direction in your life. Personal self-confidence is much stronger than it has been in many months. You are now more able to create your own happiness and to shape conditions to your specifications. Other people can’t really make you happy now – it is up to you. Happiness is a spiritual choice that you make and, based on this inner choice, you will take the appropriate action.
Career is still the major headline this month. You are still in the midst of a yearly career peak. Great progress is being made. On the 25th your career planet, Jupiter, will start moving forward again, thus long-standing issues will start to be clarified. You are earning your success through old-fashioned hard work this month (last month, too), but sometimes this is not enough for success. You also have the support of friends and your partner or current love. Social connections play a huge role in your success – and this is a time to attend or host the right kinds of parties. You are meeting the people who can help you.
Love is more delicate this month as your love planet is retrograde until the 14th (it began to retrograde on the 24th of last month). So avoid any major love decisions one way or the other until after the 14th. Your love planet is in the 10th house of career this month. Thus the unattached have romantic opportunities with bosses, superiors, people involved in their career and as they pursue their career goals. Power and prestige are very alluring now. If someone powerful loves us, we feel more ‘personally important’. But it goes deeper than that. Love is seen as another way to advance the career. It is seen as a job like any other. The passion of love doesn’t matter that much. One can learn to love anyone, so it may as well be someone who can help one’s career.
A lunar eclipse on the 10th is strong on you, so take a reduced schedule around that period. Actually you should be taking it more easy until the 22nd, but especially around the period of the eclipse.
This eclipse occurs in your 4th house and can create (or bring up) a family crisis. Be more patient with family members (and parents or parent figures) during this period. They are apt to be more temperamental. Your dream life will be more active this period, but don’t give dreams too much weight. Much of what you see is ‘psychic flotsam’ stirred up by the eclipse.
This eclipse brings up flaws in the home so that you can correct them. A parent or parent figure is forced to make dramatic financial changes. There are dramatic events in the lives of children (or those who play this role in your life). Often these events are ‘life-changers’. This is their purpose. Pisces of appropriate age could have an unexpected pregnancy now.
Health needs more watching this month. There is a need for mindfulness while driving and in your daily affairs and relationships. You can enhance health by paying more attention to your heart (all month), liver and thighs (until the 22nd) and to your spine, knees, back, bones, teeth and skeletal alignment. Regular back massage and visits to a chiropractor or osteopath might be a good idea from the 22nd onwards. Finances are stressful until the 22nd, but will improve after then.
A happy and prosperous month ahead. Like last month, you are in a yearly financial peak. True, you still need to be cautious about big purchases, investments and major financial moves, but even this will improve after the 25th. Your spouse, partner or current love also needs more caution in financial matters until the 14th. Credit card, mortgage and refinancing offers also need more study. Read the small print and don’t be afraid to ask ‘What if?’ kinds of questions. Many people think that they have adequate insurance until something happens and they actually try to collect. Then they find out that there are all kinds of loopholes they weren’t aware of. This is a time for checking these things thoroughly – until the 14th. (This period began for you on the 24th of last month.)
Health is still good. You can make it better by paying more attention to your small intestine. This is a period where you are more experimental in health matters, more prone to explore new therapies and supplements. A period where you want to explore what works for you personally. This is good, as this is how we gain new knowledge. You seem very involved in the health of friends this month as well.
Love is still happy this month. You are more cautious in love until the 21st. Slower to fall in love, slower to enter relationships. You sort of have a ‘show me’ mentality. It’s as if you don’t believe in romantic love – it has to be proven to you.
For singletons, love is in the neighbourhood and perhaps with neighbours. Educational settings also seem good for love _ schools, lectures, workshops. If there are problems in a current relationship, open up the lines of communication and perhaps take courses together as a couple. The intellectual dimension is important in love. You need to fall in love with the beloved’s thought processes as much as with his or her body.
After the 21st your love planet moves into your 4th house. This shows more socializing at home and with family members – more family gatherings. (This is not a surprise, considering this is the holiday season, but the horoscope merely reveals what is – it doesn’t need to surprise us.) Often under these aspects you meet up with old loves from the past – usually to resolve old issues. After the 21st love is at home or close to home. Family members (and perhaps parents or parent figures) like to play cupid. In other cultures this aspect would indicate an ‘arranged’ marriage. But, most likely, parents or family members are working behind the scenes here.
Until the 21st intellectual compatibility – communication – is very important in love. After this, emotional sharing and emotional intimacy allure you. This is how you feel loved and how you show it. It doesn’t matter how brilliant the other person is, if you can’t connect emotionally, the relationship will have problems. There are more career changes happening after the 22nd – and more dramas in the lives of parents, parent figures and bosses.
A happy and prosperous month ahead. Like last month, you are in a yearly financial peak. True, you still need to be cautious about big purchases, investments and major financial moves, but even this will improve after the 25th. Your spouse, partner or current love also needs more caution in financial matters until the 14th. Credit card, mortgage and refinancing offers also need more study. Read the small print and don’t be afraid to ask ‘What if?’ kinds of questions. Many people think that they have adequate insurance until something happens and they actually try to collect. Then they find out that there are all kinds of loopholes they weren’t aware of. This is a time for checking these things thoroughly – until the 14th. (This period began for you on the 24th of last month.)
Health is still good. You can make it better by paying more attention to your small intestine. This is a period where you are more experimental in health matters, more prone to explore new therapies and supplements. A period where you want to explore what works for you personally. This is good, as this is how we gain new knowledge. You seem very involved in the health of friends this month as well.
Love is still happy this month. You are more cautious in love until the 21st. Slower to fall in love, slower to enter relationships. You sort of have a ‘show me’ mentality. It’s as if you don’t believe in romantic love – it has to be proven to you.
For singletons, love is in the neighbourhood and perhaps with neighbours. Educational settings also seem good for jove _ schools, lectures, workshops. If there are problems in a current relationship, open up the lines of communication and perhaps take courses together as a couple. The intellectual dimension is important in love. You need to fall in love with the beloved’s thought processes as much as with his or her body.
After the 21st your love planet moves into your 4th house. This shows more socializing at home and with family members – more family gatherings. (This is not a surprise, considering this is the holiday season, but the horoscope merely reveals what is – it doesn’t need to surprise us.) Often under these aspects you meet up with old loves from the past – usually to resolve old issues. After the 21st love is at home or close to home. Family members (and perhaps parents or parent figures) like to play cupid. In other cultures this aspect would indicate an ‘arranged’ marriage. But, most likely, parents or family members are working behind the scenes here.
Until the 21st intellectual compatibility – communication – is very important in love. After this, emotional sharing and emotional intimacy allure you. This is how you feel loved and how you show it. It doesn’t matter how brilliant the other person is, if you can’t connect emotionally, the relationship will have problems. There are more career changes happening after the 22nd – and more dramas in the lives of parents, parent figures and bosses.
Your financial planet starts to move forward on the 14th and thus it’s best to do your holiday shopping after the 14th. Your judgement will be more realistic, you’ll make better choices, and won’t overpay or overspend.
Your financial planet will be in the 8th house all month. Thus this is a period where you prosper by putting others’ financial interests ahead of your own. Your job is to make other people rich. As you do so, your own wealth comes to you naturally by the karmic law. This is also a month to pay off debts and get financially healthier – for getting rid of excess possessions, excess bank accounts, redundant savings accounts, brokerage accounts and the like. Streamline and simplify your financial life. Cut costs and waste. (Don’t cut essentials, only waste.) This is also a good month to borrow or refinance if you need to. Creative financing will work well. Professional investors will want to look at bonds or troubled companies or properties – there are profit opportunities there.
The cosmos is preparing you now for your yearly career peak, which will begin next month. Your career planet has been retrograde for many months and will start to move forward on the 10th. There is clarity in the career now. Clarity, and much interest. This is 90 per cent of the battle. You see where you need to go and have the drive and will to go there. Career progress is happening – last month was good, too. Further, Venus crosses the midheaven after the 21st and this brings promotion, elevation, honour, appreciation and more responsibility. You are on top and in control. You seem above everyone in your world – this condition won’t last long, but it is nice to experience.
This month, on the 22nd, your 9th house becomes strong. This enhances your interest in religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel. Travel opportunities are coming. Educational opportunities come your way. Students do well in school. You are a mentor to those beneath you and a disciple to those above you.
Health is much improved over last month. And after the 22nd it gets even better. You can enhance it even more by paying more attention to your spine, knees, teeth, bones, skeletal alignment (like last month and all year – until the 21st) and then to your ankles and calves after the 21st.
Until the 22nd the focus is still on the deeper things of life – depth psychology, the psychology that explores past incarnations, seems very powerful for you right now. Some of you might want to have past-life regression done. What we have written last month still applies until the 22nd.
Your spouse, partner or current love is still in a yearly financial peak. On the 25th his or her financial planet starts to move forward, and this will further help the financial picture. He or she has been very generous with you since June 4, and the trend continues this month as well.
Last month, aside from the solar eclipse, the planets made an important shift from the eastern to the western sector of your chart. Your period of relative independence is over. Presumably you have created conditions that you thought would be pleasant. Now you will find out whether they really are or not. This is called ‘paying karma’ – living with the results of your past creations – experiencing the good and bad points of past decisions. Now it is not so easy to change things, as you need the co-operation of other people. Your personal worth and merit is not the issue these days -your likeability, your ability to gain the co-operation of others, is the main factor. So you are being called on to develop, hone and cultivate your social skills. The horoscope is designed to give us a well-rounded development. Sometimes what we think of as ‘difficult’ conditions are really the most natural thing in the world, from an astrological perspective – it is only the cosmos calling upon us to develop different virtues. Eventually, as we attain more knowledge and insight, we will actually delight in these seemingly difficult situations.
Home and family concerns are still the major focus until the 22nd. Those of you who are seeing therapists should have deep breakthroughs – more than usual. So much of life ls a matter of timing. We indulge in something for a long time and progress seems slow, then one day (seemingly out ()i the blue – but really because the planets were favourable) we achieve the breakthrough. Some family issues are not coming from this life – the problems began in past embodiments; it might be a good idea to do a past-life regression to deal with the root cause of the problem.
After the 22nd your 5th house becomes powerful. You enter a yearly personal pleasure peak – beautiful timing, just in time for the holidays. Those of you on the spiritual path will have very enhanced personal creativity. Even those not on the path will have greater creativity, but they won’t understand the source – they will think it comes from themselves. Children seem more involved than usual in spirituality this period, and they will achieve more insight and understanding in these things.
Be careful of speculations from the 1st to the 3rd. You are more speculative then – the urge is strong – but the odds are not with you. A sudden car, computer or phone expense happens, but don’t sweat it, though it is annoying. These are short-term problems. This is a period for ‘happy’ money (until the 21st) – money that is earned in fun kinds of ways and through personal creativity. The act of money-making needn’t be a bore and a chore; with a bit of creativity, we can make it fun.
Health is still delicate until the 22nd, so respect your physical limits, maintain high energy levels, focus on the really important things and rest and relax more. Happily your focus on leisure will be a help. Regular face and scalp massage will do wonders for you (the head contains reflexes to the entire body, and when you massage it you energize the whole body).
A lunar eclipse on the 10th is strong on you, so take a reduced schedule. More quiet time at home is great medicine. This eclipse shows career changes and upheavals, as it occurs in your 10th house. There are shake-ups in your company (the hierarchy) and industry. There are dramas in the lives of parents or parent figures and friends. Friendships get tested.