My 2014 Astrological Forecasts – A New Year Preview
Welcome Friends! I have been busy behind the scenes to bring you your 2014 Forecasts.
My preview of 2014 is listed below. Just scroll down to your sign for my comprehensive peek into your year ahead! If you would like to sign up for my Monthly Astro-Forecasts, delivered right to your inbox, click here to jump to the signup form.
21st March – 20th April
The Year of Action
You have never been one for sitting still. You like to move, Aries, and you like to shift and change. You want to know what else you can be, what else you can do, who else you can meet, and what else you can achieve. But if this wasn’t already on your To Do list in the last few months, it will be in 2014. You are going to see some changes in your life, ones that you wanted and some that you didn’t expect.
If you think that you have plans for 2014, realize that 2014 also has big plans for you too. And you may not like them all – but you need to invite these shifts into your life.
Aries Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
While the past years may have had you stuck in old patterns, Aries, 2014 is going to be a new year for you. Whether you’ve considered a job change or not, things are going to shift and in a big way. And you’re ready for it. You’ve always been a little impatient, and this feeling of impatience is going to be beneficial. Each time you begin to feel your impatience grow, start taking action. Think about what you don’t like and start making a list of what you want to change. And then take action. Take action immediately.
When you’re trying to figure out what is making you feel stuck or be stuck, you need to stop and think about the times when you have felt out of place or uncomfortable. Stop and think about what is happening during these moments. Stop and think about who’s there, what you’re doing, and what you do to make yourself feel better after these moments. It doesn’t take long to see the patterns that emerge, and where you could make changes that will influence everything moving forward.
Aries Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
No matter where you’re at with your relationship(s) right now, 2014 promises to take things to the next level. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a new relationship or a deeper connection. What you should begin to think about this year is whether you’re being patient enough. Are you in a relationship because you want to be in it or are you not in a relationship because people can’t keep up with you. Think about whether you’re being engaged (not literally…or maybe) – and if you could do more.
Connecting with others seems like something that comes natural to you, Aries. You like people and you like getting out of the house. But when you engage with others, it needs to be about more than just collecting information. You need to get to know them, the real them, and begin to see who they are and what makes them tick. When you do this, you’ll be more connected and you’ll have the relationships that matter.
Aries Health Horoscope 2014
With all of the action you’ll be taking this year, Aries, it might not be a bad idea to add more exercise to your days. Though it seems like a bad idea to add more activity when you’re being more active, this will actually boost your energy levels and make you better prepared for the long days ahead of you. Try walking for just thirty minutes a day to help you stay moving in the right direction.
It is also a good idea to think about how certain foods make you feel less energized. This might include meats and dairy products, so if this is true for you, try taking these out of your diet for a while to see how the change makes you feel. Cutting out sugar and fatty foods can also be an energy boosting change to make.
In a year of action, Aries, you need to be aware of what gives you energy and what does not. The smallest changes you make will add up to more power in your life. Take note of the changes you make and the ones that work, as this information might be something you can use not only in the coming year, but also in the years to come.
21st April – 21st May
The Year of Revelation
You’ve been thinking a lot, not that you’ve shared that with anyone, Taurus. And in these thoughts, you’ve realized some things about yourself – things you may not have known before and things you didn’t want to know before. But now that you know these things, you can’t un-know them. 2014 is a year of revelation, a year when you start to understand everything.
While you may not have the answer to life, the universe, and everything when you’re done with 2014, you will, Taurus, know more about your own life, where it should go, and what needs to happen next.
Taurus Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
One of the best qualities of a Taurus is that they are singularly focused when they find a path they want to follow. This is a good thing, and in 2013, you were clearly wrapped up in a new path, one that you didn’t realize was going to work out as well as it did. While this has been good for your job security, it may not have been balanced with your personal life. Think about whether this needs to change – or not.
You want to do it all at times, and this is a great quality when you’re aiming for success. But when you’re looking for stability and balance, you need to get picky about how you spend your time. Think about how you might remove certain things from your plate, helping you remember what’s important. Even if you’re doing a lot of things that are exciting, think more about what’s your true calling. You already know of a few things that don’t meet that definition. And you don’t have to drop them immediately. You can ease into this transition.
Taurus Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
The relationship sector isn’t necessarily hard for you, but it might be a good idea to think about whether you’ve given as much as you’ve gotten. Certainly, no relationship is perfect, but you sometimes forget that others need some support too. Try reaching out more often to those around you to see if they need something only you can provide. Some folks in your life have been waiting to hear from you and they’ve been waiting for the ‘old’ you to come back into the world.
You have an outstanding ability to see and to understand how people relate to each other. Sometimes you keep these observations to yourself, and sometimes you don’t. Instead of keeping your ideas to yourself, start thinking about how you can help others. You may be the person that has the answers another person in your life needs. But when you’re not connecting with others, you can’t see just how much influence you can have – or how many lives you can actually change.
Taurus Health Horoscope 2014
While you’ve had some health bumps in the past few years, you’re getting back to normalcy. You’re not struggling with your health anymore, as you’ve found a way to support your health. At the same time, you know that you tend to move toward unhealthy habits when you’re tired or stressed, so start thinking about ways you can get more rest. This might include a nap on the weekends or getting to bed earlier. Or you might just want to think about how you can do less so you’re expending less energy. In addition, make sure you’re drinking enough water and not just increasing your energy with caffeine. Though coffee and tea are great beverages to add to your day, when you begin to rely on them, you will increase your body’s risk of getting overworked – and sick. Think about switching to decaffeinated versions of your favourite drinks.
No matter where you’re at with your life right now, 2014 is going to push you into a new attitude of revelation. No, it’s not about navel gazing or about getting in touch with your inner child. What you do need to do is to take time to think about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. Be honest with yourself and use some of the great advice that you give to others. You’re worth the time and the attention.
22nd May – 21st June
The Year of Work
You’ve been blessed in the past few years, Gemini, to not have to work too hard for anything. Certainly, there have been times when you’ve had to focus at the task at hand, but it’s been so simple for you that you’ve begun to wonder if your life would continue to be as easy as it’s been in the past.
The trick with settling into things being simple and easy is that you can forget how it is to work hard. And you may have created some bad habits for yourself in the meantime. While this might not hurt you for now, you will want to get yourself back on a path of discipline if you want to do more or achieve more in your life. It’s time to start getting organized so you can have even more fun in times to come.
Gemini Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
Things have been going your way for a while now, Gemini. Though you realized you were on the easy path, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to work hard. In fact, 2014 is a year when you will need to work harder than ever. You need to start finding some discipline in your life, so that you can achieve the goals you are so much closer to achieving.
If you’re not sure what discipline looks like for you, you may want to try out a few different tactics. First, it can help to write down all of the things you do in a day and then see how you’re spending your time. You may find you’re wasting your time on things that aren’t important to you. In addition, it can help for you to focus on doing things that will help you manage your time more easily. This might include getting and using a calendar and figuring out how many hours you want to spend on certain activities in your life. This will help you stay on track with your work goals – as well as life goals.
Gemini Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
The fickle way that you have approached love and relationships in your life is not something that will change overnight. In fact, it might take all year to finally come to terms with what you want and what you’re willing to have. If you’re not sure what this means, Gemini, that’s okay. Stop and look around you this year to see what types of relationships you have in your life and start asking yourself if you want those to change. (Hint: you probably do.)
Let’s not discount the people you already have in your life. You may not need or want to change the relationships you have with them. Instead, it might be time to think about how you can be more consistent in your interactions. If the other person doesn’t like the person you’re becoming or they don’t want to support changes you want to make, it might be time to think about whether this relationship serves either of you.
Gemini Health Horoscope 2014
The more you look in the mirror, the more you realize how tired you are. Though you may be getting enough sleep, the more you run around without a plan, the more it can exhaust your body and your mind. This year might be a good time to focus more on how you can help your body be healthier and rejuvenated. It might be as simple as trying to get more sleep every night, or it might be as complicated as getting to the doctor to see if your body needs additional support.
At the least, think about the habits you have right now that take away your energy. This might include habits like drinking, smoking, staying out too late, eating junk foods, etc. Consider whether you are willing to continue these habits and feel unwell, or if you need to make some serious changes.
Though 2014 might seem like the year when you need to do more work than play, realize that the results will be well worth your time and energy. The more you focus on what needs to be done, the easier it will be for the good stuff to keep coming your way.
22nd June – 23rd July
The Year of Stability
As a Cancer, you’re typically the person that has everything under control – or you try to make sure others thing you have it under control. But let’s be honest, it’s been difficult over the past few years. You’ve even had troubles keeping things together, and you’ve let the emotions flow in front of people.
In 2014, it’s going to be a year where you are not only feeling more stable, but you’re also able to keep your emotions in check. You’re going to gain a greater understanding of who you are, what you need, and how you can move forward without losing track of where you’ve been.
Cancer Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
Even though the past few years have been a little rough for you, you can tell that you’re into the better times. Your career has stabilized, even as you’ve been given more responsibility than ever. You know you’re where you want to be, for now anyway. While you might want to switch things up in the coming years, where you are is pretty fantastic.
When you’re in a state of loving what you do and how you do it, it can be easy to become complacent. In order to get away from this, it’s advisable for you to keep track of the things you love and why you love them. Though this might not be something you can do every day, it is something that you should do on a routine basis. This might mean you track the accomplishments you have, and the goals you have going forward. Keep looking at how great things are – and then think about how you might be able to make them even better.
And if things begin to feel as though the fantastic parts are not as fantastic as they once were, it’s okay. It’s just a healthy sign of your ability to grow. Ask for more responsibility, make suggestions, and show off your expertise. That’s a great way to make things more exciting for you and more successful for the company too.
Cancer Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
It’s no surprise to you that you need to work on your relationship this year. You’ve been sitting in a place of limbo for a while. This is not out of not knowing what to do – far from it. You know what you need to do, but you’re just not doing it. Relationships are hard, and sometimes you need to tell someone something they don’t want to hear. But you’re a better friend and lover for it. Try speaking up for yourself this year.
What do you really want? That’s the question you’ve been avoiding. You might have a sense of the answer, but you’ve thought about how it might look to the other person, and you’ve hesitated to share it. You might not be ready for something to change, or you don’t think you could handle the change. Stop and breathe into the possibility that what you need to say is exactly what they need to hear.
Cancer Health Horoscope 2014
Your health has certainly been on your mind, lately. You’ve been making smaller changes, but the bigger picture still looks the same. If you want to make bigger changes, you need to be ready for life as you know it to change too. Yes, some people might not like it and others might be concerned that the changes will impact the way you relate to each other.
This is certainly a concern to have, but the more you can stop thinking about what everyone else wants – or you think they need – the more you can focus on yourself. You need to spend more time thinking about what your body and your health needs. You’ve been putting everyone else’s needs before your own, and it’s time to stop this practice and get back to yourself.
This is a year of finally coming into balance, Cancer. Even though you might not feel all that out of sorts, you realize that something needs to change. Some of the ways in which you’ve felt stuck can become unstuck, so long as you spend time on yourself, what you want, and what you need.
24th July – 23rd August
The Year of Patience
You have the strength and the determination to do whatever you want, whenever you want, but this isn’t always pretty for others in your life. You might think you have their best interests at heart (or not), but this may not be the whole picture. In 2014, it might be time to start listening to others around you and to think more about what they are feeling when you interact with them.
This isn’t to say you’re a negative person or that you’re the one that’s to blame for some relationship mishaps, but this is certainly a year when you will want to focus on being more patient with others in your life. Not everyone can meet your high expectations, and this doesn’t mean you should count them out.
Leo Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
Your career is better than ever in 2014, Leo. While nothing might change during this year, you can tell that things are going to be good. You might have a more stable year, a year when you’re not worrying about whether you’ll be next year. Or you might just find out that you’re going to be promoted in the coming years. All you need to know now is that you’re in the right place and everything is happening to help you.
The reason why you’re so good at work is that you’re willing to put in the effort needed to success. While you may not always want to put in the extra hours, and you might be vocal about the extra work, you also know that you’re going to get something in the end. Plus, you have a natural determination to help others, which is ideal in your field. This inner drive allows you to do more because you know it matters. Not everyone can say that about their work, Leo.
Leo Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
One of the troublesome characteristics of the Leo is that they can be a little less than patient with others. This is often because you’re going through something, and you need someone else to support you. But if you don’t tell anyone that anything’s wrong, they may take it as though you’re looking down on them. Speak up and you may repair a relationship snafu from last year.
You don’t always have to be the strong one or the one that has everything together. It’s perfectly okay for you to spend some time reaching out to others, and letting your guard down. When you hide the way you’re really feeling, some can take it as a sign that you don’t trust others to help you. Though this may not be the case (or it might be the truth), it’s not a great foundation for a relationship. Instead, try being a bit more vulnerable.
Leo Health Horoscope 2014
You’ve been diligent about taking care of your health in the past few years, which is great for your body. This, however, doesn’t mean you can take it easy and assume that everything will stay the way it is right now. One of the things you need to look at is your diet and exercise plan. Though you might be watching both and following both, think about how you might be cutting corners. If you’re stopping your workout early or you’re not eating enough to conserve calories, these ‘cheats’ will sneak up and do more damage than good.
Think about patient with your health as much as you need to be patient with others in your life. You need to be willing to be patient with yourself and with the things your body needs. At times, you might need to do more, more than you want to do. Though this might take time out of your day, it will also ensure that you’re getting more out of your life.
When you choose to breathe and to be patient with others, not only will you begin to understand what’s going on for them, but you will also get the support you need in your own personal struggles. You can have it all, just as you like, but it takes a bit more patience too.
24th August – 23rd September
The Year of Settling Down
While you might not realize it, your life is about to change – and not in the ways it has been changing lately. You’re ready for something slower, something that makes you feel like you’re like everyone else. To be honest, you’ve been looking forward to things being boring again. When things are boring, you can control them more easily. And while things are never going to be easy, you’d like a little bit of a break – and 2014 looks like the year for it.
Virgo Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
Your career has been the last thing on your mind in the past year. With all of the turmoil and upheaval, it would be nice to get back to work and to start enjoying some sort of normalcy. If you’ve been having troubles figuring out what to do now that your life is settling down, reach out to those around you. Ask what they think you should do now – they have been waiting to give you a push in 2014.
If you look around enough, you’ll begin to see signs, signs you haven’t noticed before now. You’ve been occupied with other things, and this has caused you to overlook the signs from the universe. No matter what you might believe in, something has been trying to tap you on the shoulder and point you in the right direction. Start listening and you’ll be able to see things more clearly.
Work doesn’t have to be what you expect it to be, and it may be that you just need to shift what you are doing right now. Sometimes, the slightest shift can yield the greatest changes. In fact, you might just surprise yourself when you do finally make the move from where you are to where you were always meant to be in life.
Virgo Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
You are completely blessed with the people who are around you. Even though you may not have been the best possible friend in the world, they understand. They know that your life has been a nightmare, and they want to see you happy again. Spend time with those you love, and start to laugh again when you can. You’re being watched. You’re being held, even by those who aren’t around you all the time anymore.
This might also be a year where you begin to define what you want from others, outside of the crises you may have encountered. While you might know what to ask for when you need help, it’s something entirely different when you need to ask for something that you just, well, need. Think about what you need to feel supported in your relationships, and be willing to ask for it, even if you’re concerned the other person is going to say no.
Virgo Health Horoscope 2014
In the middle of all of the chaos and upset of the past few years, your health has been better than you may have expected. That doesn’t mean you can take it for granted, however. Instead, you should think about how you could continue to improve your wellness, whether this means you spend more time exercising or you just add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. In any case, the goal for you should be to focus on how you can take action now, and change the way you feel.
With all of the stress of the past few years, it’s not a bad idea either to focus on what you can do to repair your body during this time of repose. Whether this means you need to take some time for yourself, or you just need to spend time on a massage table – it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that you realize you are worth some extra time and some extra loving.
In 2014, Virgo, you have the chance to settle down and even relax. While you may not be willing to relax all the time, you have the chance to do so, and you have the ability to do so. Take this opportunity and breathe in the possibility that you don’t have to worry all the time.
24th September – 23rd October
The Year of Wisdom
While you may not be the first to admit it, you have a good sense of what’s going on in the world. Some of this knowledge is from your own mind, and some of it seems to stem some a deeper intuition and sense of the universe. In any case, you often use this wisdom to help others, and you have inspired people to change and to grow. Though this might be something that is beneficial, it can leave little room for you and your own growth.
In 2014, Libra, it’s going to be a vital that you open up to the wisdom you uncover about yourself. Even though you may not have something specific in your mind to talk about or to ask, you may want to spend a bit of time thinking about where the wisdom might be leading you now. The more you can reflect on your own inner dialogue, the more you can get the guidance you need – and that you didn’t realize you needed.
Libra Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
One of the things that people turn to you for is sage advice. But you might not be feeling up to the challenge lately. You might be worried about how the advice is coming across or about how the advice might be used against you. It’s time to stop being paranoid and start trusting more in the world around you. The universe is trying to tell you something.
Focus instead about how you can better the world around you and how you can create change, even if you don’t see it show up immediately in your life. In the workplace, this might look like becoming a mentor to a new employee or reaching out to help someone who needs help. Though you’re perfectly capable of doing things on your own, it’s time to reach outside of your desk to see what else is needed of you.
Libra Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
While you might be the person who gives advice at work, you are not the person that should be giving advice about love right now. You may be in a relationship right now, but the last few years have been a little rocky in terms of getting connected to someone else. Not to worry, this year will prove to be a little gentler on you and on your relationship sector.
Right now, you don’t feel as though you’re contributing to the relationship rockiness, but you might be in subtle ways. Whether you are turning a blind eye to the actions of others in your life, or you’re not asking for the things you really need, you need to start considering whether you are happy with your current relationships – or not. Tap into that inner wisdom and find out.
Libra Health Horoscope 2014
The steps you have taken to change your health in 2013 have reaped plenty of results. You’re feeling fitter and healthier than ever, which has allowed you to be more productive and focused. At the same time, it might become tempting in 2014 to revert back to your old habits. With the new pressures in your life, you may feel like turning to food or to the television for comfort.
When those feelings strike, it can help to remind yourself why you changed your habits in the future place. If you can’t quite remember, then write out a list of the reasons and carry that list with you. Each time you become tempted to go back to your old ways, read the list get back on track. As you commit the list to memory, add more reasons to it.
2014 is going to be a year, Libra, when you finally begin to understand some things, not only about yourself, but also about where your life is going. Though you haven’t been all that nervous about your path, you may have been curious about the unfolding of the next phase of your life. Things are progressing, and you will begin to see these changes show up in new ways and in unexpected ways.
And in your heart, you already know what’s about to emerge.
24th October – 22nd November
The Year of Acceptance
While it seems like all of the signs have gone through tremendous changes in the past year, Scorpio has had some difficult things to overcome. You’re on the brighter side of the tunnel, to be certain, but that doesn’t mean you’re all that comfortable with what you’ve become. The changes you’ve made and that have been made for you have not always been easy or welcomed. But this is the year when you need to start accepting where your life is.
In 2014, you need to actively begin to accept where you are at, even if you don’t like it. From this place, you will be able to create the plans that need to be made in order to change what you don’t like. Or you might find out that you like more than you think you do.
Scorpio Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
You’ve been taking on new roles and new titles in the past few years, and it hasn’t been easy. While others might be patting you on the back, you’ve been feeling the pressure of the work, and you’re sure you can shoulder that responsibility. Trust that in 2014, you’ll learn more about what you need to do to stay balanced. And the mantle of responsibility will become easier to wear.
Work isn’t just a place where you have taken on a role, but others have placed roles on you, based on your training or on your experience. Though you might be able to handle the responsibilities you’ve been given, if you feel that someone is expecting too much from you, it’s time to speak up. You need to be clear about what you can handle, and what you need to learn in order to be able to take on a new role.
Scorpio Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
It’s not surprising that your relationships have been affected by the way that your work has impacted your life. People in your life haven’t always known how to be close to you, and you haven’t always wanted them to be close to you. To help resolve these imbalances, it might help to set aside time for your relationships. Set aside time so you can make sure things get discussed – even if it means losing sleep or pushing another responsibility to the side.
The thing is that you’re a person who takes relationships very seriously. You love and you love deeply, and while you might not always show it, you can feel it. This allows you to be the person that feels hurt a lot of the time. You might feel as though others just aren’t in touch with where you are or how much you feel. If this seems like it’s the case for you, it might be time for you to speak up more about what you feel and what you need as a result.
Scorpio Health Horoscope 2014
In the past year, you’ve been thinking about what your body needs in order to feel healthy and strong. You may have taken some initial steps toward health, and decided that you weren’t ready. If you haven’t already made changes in your lifestyle in 2013, it’s time to start in 2014, Scorpio. You need to change your health habits so you can finally stay healthy.
This might mean you need to prioritize your time differently, and this may change some of your relationships. Though you might be worried about this being a problem, the others are actually quite pleased with the way that you are changing your life. When you are healthier, you will have more energy and more time for the people you love. And they will return the favor with spending more time with you and the healthy person you’ve become.
This year of acceptance doesn’t mean that you need to stop caring about everything, Scorpio, but it does mean that you need to be okay with who you are. Take care of the person you are right now and figure out the relationships you have right now. The more you can get settled with the way things already are, the more you can turn your attention to what happens next.
23rd November – 21st December
The Year of Plenty
You’re a sign that is rarely content, Sagittarius. This is not because you don’t have what you want or beyond what you need, but it’s because you can always see something better – just out of reach. You’re also the one who is perfectly willing to expend the effort to get what you what, when you want it.
But it’s not enough. It’s never enough. Instead of constantly living in a state of desire, Sagittarius, it’s time to think of 2014 as the year of plenty. You have enough and you are enough. This is the year when you can take stock of your life and finally see how blessed you are. Think about having plenty, not about having more.
Sagittarius Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
Unlike many of the others signs, Sagittarius, you’ve had it pretty easy in the past few years. This is not because life has been easy for you, but you seem to have had some time to enjoy live and reap the benefits of your hard work. In your career, you will begin to notice more income coming your way, helping you to have a stronger and more substantial bank account. If you can focus on making sure you have a budgeting plan in place, you may just have figured out the key to your money woes.
It’s all about changing your mindset. Instead of thinking about how much more money you want, think instead about the money you already have. Be grateful in some way to the income that has already been a part of your life. It’s not difficult for you to make money, and this isn’t the story that everyone shares.
Sagittarius Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
One of the tricky parts about being a Sagittarius is that you don’t tend to mince words around people. You’ve gotten better about remembering that people have feelings, but you still have an ongoing case of foot in mouth syndrome. This year, try to focus on being more compassionate when you’re speaking with others. You’ll find your relationships are far easier to manage when you’re not acting like you know everything.
The key part of working on your relationships in 2014 is to stop and listen to what others have to say. While you’ve been working on this skill, you need to focus more on improving your ability to hear others. This might mean that you ask more questions to get the other person to say more, or it might just mean that you shut up and let the other person talk until they have nothing else to say. You have a lot to learn from others, and you might get answers to questions without having to be the one doing the talking.
Sagittarius Health Horoscope 2014
In 2013, you had a number of times when you were focused on your health and on your body. You ate right, you exercised, and you took breaks. All of these new routines helped you feel better and look better, and this seemed to be the way things would be. But whenever you are tired or stressed, you seem to revert back to your old ways. Part of this is the whole ‘not content’ feeling you have. You want to have junk food and TV time because you don’t get enough when you’re overly busy.
Instead, take 2014 to be the year when you stop thinking that being unhealthy is helping you or your body. Think instead about the food that nourishes you, and maybe you can even grow it yourself. Focus not on what else you could have in a moment, but on what you have available right now. You have the foods you need, and you don’t need to head to the store every time you’re hungry. Remember, you have plenty.
2014 might prove to be a tough year for you, even if you have a lot of success along the way, Sagittarius. You have some bigger things to change about yourself and about your life. These are all good things, pushing you in a direction that is going to set up a bigger shift in the coming years.
22nd December – 20th January
The Year of Love
Even though you haven’t been actively looking for new love, it’s looking for you. Whether this is in the form of a new relationship or just a better relationship than the one you already have, it’s time to enjoy a little bit of fun. But this also means you need to let yourself have some fun. You need to be open to it and open to seeing what might happen next.
No matter where you’re at right now with your relationships, you need to remember how important they are to your well being. Even though you might have gotten away from making your relationships a priority, it’s time to get back on track. This is the year for letting love hold you during some difficult times.
Capricorn Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
The success of the past few years has caused you more stress than you expected. Even though you were doing a great job and getting recognized for your work, it was a lot of pressure and you weren’t sure you were excited about that. This year proves to be more success, but without as much stress. You can enjoy being on top, without feeling like you’re shouldering too much burden or responsibility.
Stress may not be something you notice on a daily basis. However, it can be something that can accumulate in your body and in your mind, causing you to have more sick days than you’d like. Since you’re getting recognized for what you do at work, it’s a good idea to not fold under the pressure (or look like you are). Take care of those stress levels so your work success can continue.
Capricorn Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
What might be helping you manage your stress is your booming love life in 2014. Though you might have given up on love as of late, or a healthy relationship, 2014 is going to be the year where the energy is just right for your connections. You may find a new love, reignite the passion with your current partner, or find yourself more in love with yourself – that’s good too. The key with all of this love in the air is to make sure you embrace it.
If you’ve found that love is more of a priority, you need to be consistent with this new attitude. It can be helpful to carve out specific times when you can be with the ones you love, as this will help you maintain your work needs, as well as help support your personal growth. In the overall landscape of your life, you need to have balance and boundaries. Though you’re not going to get balance right all of the time, when you can be clear about what you will do for loved ones (and what you will do for your work life), you will begin to be more in alignment with what’s best for you.
Capricorn Health Horoscope 2014
Your health has always been a concern for you, even if you haven’t had any major problems. But during 2014, it might be a better idea for you to focus on how you can de-stress your body. Even though you might not feel bad, it’s better to focus on how you can support your body so those long days at the office don’t catch up to you. This might include time for meditation or for exercise, even during your work days.
In addition, it can help to spend additional time thinking about what you add to your diet. When you’re eating healthier foods, you will feel better and more energized. Your body will be able to handle high levels of stress, and it will be more resistant to colds and other illnesses.
In the year 2014, Capricorn, you’re going to notice love in the air and all around you. While you might not be looking for ‘the one,’ you may also begin to fall in love with your life and with yourself. When you’re happy about the things you have and the beauty that surrounds you, you may just find that someone is attracted to you and to your light. Be ready and be open to it.
21st January – 19th February
The Year of Discovery
As an Aquarius, you’re fair confident in yourself and in the way you engage in your life. You know what you want, when you want it, and you’re not afraid to speak up for what you need. However, you might have been focused outward for the last few years, so it’s been more difficult to get a grasp on what you really need to change or adjust. This is the year to connect back in with yourself.
Aquarius Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
Right when you thought you knew what all of your talents were, one emerges in 2014, Aquarius, one that makes you rethink your entire career path. Though you might have thought you were doing exactly what you needed to be doing, maybe it’s time for something different. Start thinking about how you might turn this talent into something that could make you money – and could make you even happier.
Stop and think about the things you like to do already. Those might be the things that you can turn into a job, helping you be happier and more content in this area of your life. While you may not be able to immediately change your career, you can start thinking about how this might be able to happen.
It might be helpful to write out a business plan for the next career that you have in mind. This may include everything from what your daily schedule might look like to what it might need in order to get started, i.e. supplies, office space, etc. Try making a vision board of what you want, and visualizing the things you want to bring into your life. It might be easier than you realize to get the life you desire.
Aquarius Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
With all of the relationship turmoil you’ve faced in the past few years, you know more about yourself than you realized. You’ve begun to think about and to explore the ways in which you have been a good partner and friend – and how you have not. 2014 can be the year where you decide to use this information to benefit others in your life.
It’s time for you to spend some time working on the relationships that matter for you. In the past few years, you’ve begun to learn what does matter to you and what does not. While it hasn’t always been easy, there are ways in which you will benefit from only having certain people in your life these days. Stick with the people who have been with you through the worst of times. They’re going to be the ones that stick around for a long time to come.
If you’ve noticed you don’t have as many friends as you once did, it might be time to reach out again. A simple email or phone call might connect you with the folks that have missed you and who have been hoping you’d get back in touch.
Aquarius Health Horoscope 2014
Your health hasn’t been bad in the past few years, but you have noticed ways in which you could make it better. Whether you need to focus on your eating habits or on your exercise routine, you need to start thinking about how you can change your body to ensure its overall wellness. If you haven’t made any changes to your health routine in a while, it’s a good time to start thinking about what you could do, and when you could begin.
For those who have had health issues, and some have, you may want to think more about what’s balanced in your life and what is not balanced. You need to think about how you can bring things into better alignment, even if it’s not going to be perfect all the time. Think about getting things right most of the time, and you’ll be on the right track to the best results – happiness.
No matter how you approach Aquarius horoscope 2014, this is going to be a year of discovery for the Aquarius. You will learn more about yourself, your career, your relationships, and your health. Imagine how amazing the year is going to be.
20th February – 20th March
The Year of Repair
You’ve known that things need to be fixed, and you know that you’re the one that knows how to fix them. But it’s one thing to know and another thing to actually follow through, Pisces. In 2014, you can make great changes in your life when you start to fix those things that were broken. Even though you may not be the person who has done the breaking, you can be the one to help with the mending.
If you don’t feel that anything is broken in your life right now, it might be a good idea to look around and see what you may be missing – or what you may be avoiding, Pisces.
Pisces Career and Work Horoscope for 2014
While some things may not have gone the way that you wanted them to in 2013, this is the year when things start to fall into place. Think of this year as the year of healing and of putting things back together. Even though not all of the problems of the past were your fault, the more active you are in their repair, the better. You need to take action – and you need to start as soon as possible.
Look over the past year to see what happened at work and how it was handled. If you found yourself mostly stepping away from problems and avoiding them altogether, it may be a better idea to get your hands dirty this year. Think about what you might be able to do and what you might be able to change about the present situation. Even though you may not be directly involved, when you can become a part of the solution, it might just get noticed by someone who can change the future for you.
Pisces Love and Relationships Horoscope in 2014
Just as your work life have felt out of sorts, your love life has also been less than enjoyable in the past few years. While you’ve made some connections, there have also been times when you felt as though you were missing something. You were missing the opportunity to ask for help. Though you feel you’re the strong one, and the one that should always be strong, you need to remember that being strong isn’t always the best thing in a partnership. You also need to be vulnerable so you can cultivate intimacy.
Focus on sharing things that have happened during your day, to start. This helps you connect with others and it allows others to have a glimpse inside your exciting life. Even if you don’t think you have anything to share, you may want to start with something, anything to get the conversation going. Once you start talking, think about how you felt about the things you did. This will bring your conversations to a new level, and help you cultivate even more intimacy with another person.
Pisces Health Horoscope 2014
Your health has been fairly reasonable over the past year, with a few minor bumps. If you’re thinking about changing your habits, now is the time to make those changes, as you’re not in a health crisis or even close to one. It’s times when you feel good that it’s easy to become complacent. Instead, think about what your body might need from you, and see how you can address that need before your body asks with a sickness or a disease.
As this is the year of repair, you may also want to look at any routines that have been broken in the past year. Think about what you have neglected. While these routines may not be completely broken, they still need to be fixed. Consider what happened to break them in the first place and then avoid making the same mistakes again.
During 2014, Pisces, you have an opportunity to do more and be more – when you stop and fix the things that have been broken. Just as in Feng Shui, you don’t want to surround yourself with the energy of disrepair. Consider the ways in which you can fix up your life, your relationships, and your outlook. In doing so, your life will work, just the way you want it to.