October 2013 Astrological Forecast
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Finances were good last month and continue to be good this month. Until the 23rd, the family is very supportive. You may spend more on the family, but can earn through them as well – the family business, family connections, family support. You also have the financial favour of parents, parent figures, bosses and authorities in your life. There is good spousal support this month as well. And, like last month, there is a good opportunity for a business partnership or joint venture. Social connections are unusually important in finance this month. Good friends are like money in the bank.
After the 23rd your financial planet moves into your 5th house. This is also a good financial signal. You might be a bit ‘happy go lucky’ with money – a big spender – but you will also earn well, too. You feel that money is to be enjoyed, not hoarded for some far-off future time. Personal creativity brings profits – and those of you involved in the creative arts should have a banner month. Speculations are favourable.
When the Sun moves into your 5th house on the 23rd, you enter a yearly personal pleasure peak. A party period. A period for leisure activities. You are always good with children, but this month more so. Your own ‘inner child’ gets loose for a season.
Health starts to improve after the 23rd as well, but in the mean time keep in mind what we said last month. It is one of the most delicate periods of your year.
Love is still excellent this month – whether you are single or married. Your love life is active. There is more going out and more parties (and more entertaining from home). A romantic evening is likely to be a nice quiet dinner at home. Later in the month, after the 23rd, you crave more of the nightlife.
This month singles have options for serious or non-serious love – both seem plentiful. Serious love seems more interesting before the 23rd. Afterwards you are allured by ‘fun’ kinds of relationships.
Friendships have been good since June and this trend continues in the month ahead.
The job situation seems complicated – there is more stress at work after the 23rd. You are not sure if you want to keep your present job. Don’t make important decisions on this front now – your work planet is still retrograde. Job-seekers need more patience now.
When your love planet entered Libra last month (on the 23rd) there was an immediate, and very natural, improvement in love. The mind orientation that you had was replaced by the heart orientation, and this alone improved things. You and your beloved might still have opposite perspectives on things – but at least there is more heart energy. When the perspectives are opposite, this doesn’t mean that one or the other is automatically right or wrong.
Both perspectives are valid. Sometimes one is called for, sometimes the other. The two perspectives should complement each other rather than conflict with each other. And this is the meaning of a true, heavenly marriage.
Your love planet is in the 9th house until the 23rd. Thus love opportunities happen in educational or religious-type settings – at university or church. Love can happen in foreign lands or with foreigners as well. The unattached can easily fall in love with a minister or professor. You are allured by refinement, education and piety. You are allured to people you can look up to and learn from.
On the 23rd your love planet moves into the 10th house. This bestows a more pragmatic approach to love. Power and status allure you. Love can seem (temporarily) to be just another career move, another job. Romantic love is replaced with pragmatic love. Love opportunities happen with people involved in your career or as you pursue your career goals. There are opportunities with bosses and superiors. Sexual magnetism is also a major factor. Sex, money, power and position are the motivations behind love during this period.
With your love planet in Scorpio from the 23rd onwards, passions run high in love. The danger here is jealousy and over-possessiveness.
On the 23rd you enter a yearly career peak and you can expect much progress now. You have met (or are meeting) just the right people who can help you advance. Your social contacts (as well as your spouse or current love) are very supportive. (Your lover is also succeeding in career matters this month.) Children are elevated in status, too. This is a period where you advance by attending the right parties, or hosting them, or entertaining clients and those important to your career.
Even family seem supportive of your goals. And the family as a whole is elevated in status.
Health needs watching from the 23rd onwards, but long-term health is good. This is a temporary spell. Just rest and relax more, watch your moods and what you eat.
There are many spiritual breakthroughs, insights and supernatural-type experiences this month. Prayers are answered more quickly. You are closer to the invisible world.
Retrograde activity is still strong, but not as strong as last month. Jupiter, your travel planet, started to retrograde late last month and will be retrograde until the end of the year. Those of you planning long-distance travel might be better off rescheduling, but if you can’t, take more precautions -allow more time for the journey.
Health still needs watching – and with your 6th house more or less empty this month you might have to force yourself to pay attention. As always, do your best to maintain high energy levels. Talk less, listen more. Rest when tired. You can also enhance health by keeping harmony in your marriage and friendships, by paying more attention to your kidneys and hips (until the 13th), and your colon, bladder and sexual organs (after the 13th). Safe sex and sexual moderation are important after the 13th. Though health needs watching all year, you should feel improvement after the 23rd.
You are still very much in your yearly social peak. Singles have lots of love opportunities. But your passion for personal freedom, your need to stay uncommitted to anything, works against serious relationships.
On the 9th Venus moves into Scorpio and your preferences in love shift. Of late you were interested in power and position, but now it is sexual magnetism that is paramount.
You are still mixing with people of high power and prestige these days – especially early in the month. (This was also in effect late last month, too.) There are romantic opportunities with people of high status (and perhaps bosses). The Sun transits your career planet from the 11th to the 13th and this brings interesting and happy career opportunity. Children of appropriate age also have career opportunities then. (Actually career has been good from September 22 – last month – to the 23rd of this month. But the dates we mention are when the aspects are most exact.)
On the 23rd your 8th house becomes very strong (it started to get strong on the 9th, but now it is at its greatest strength). This shows a sexually active period. Whatever your age or stage in life, the libido is stronger now. But there are other ways to channel the sexual drive: you can cultivate your occult studies, raise the sexual energy to a spiritual level and thus attain many spiritual gifts and powers, or investigate reincarnation and life after death.
Financially, things are good. After the 9th you prosper by putting the financial interests of others ahead of your own.
Your spouse, partner or current love prospers this month -he or she is in a yearly financial peak now and seems generous with you. If you have issues with insurance companies or estates, this is a good period to deal with these things. If you are looking to borrow or refinance, this is also a good period.
Like last month, health needs watching. Your heart should be given more attention. Older Capricorns should monitor their blood pressure, eat heart-healthy foods and avoid activities that stress the heart. What we have written last month on health still applies now. The only difference is that after the 13th, pay more attention to the colon, bladder and sexual organs. With Mars in your 8th house, sexual activity will probably increase this month, but this should be kept in moderation.
Like last month, you are in a yearly career peak – and seem even more successful than last month. The demands of the career are strong, but you need to measure your energies as you handle these things.
Self-esteem and self-confidence are strong. You look good. It’s a good time – until the 23rd – to lose weight if you need to.
Finances are still stressful, but this will improve after the 23rd. Like last month, focus on doing a good job – on doing the right things and making the right moves. The money issues will take care of themselves in due course. Your financial planet is still retrograde, so avoid, if possible, making any major purchases or large investments. Finances are still under review until the end of the year.
Love and romance are more or less status-quo this period. This is more of a ‘friendship’ kind of month than a romantic one. Your llth house of friends becomes very strong after the 23rd. In general your social magnetism, your ability to love and accept love, is stronger from the 1st to the 12th and from the 26th to 31st. These are the periods when the Moon is waxing.
Parents and parent figures are having their marriages tested – this has been going on since March – but this month is one of their strong social months. They have opportunities for business partnerships or joint ventures as well.
Health will improve after the 23rd, but still needs watching. By the 23rd short-term career goals have most likely been achieved and there are less career demands on you. This helps health as much as the shift of planetary power.
Friendships, groups and organizations are not only fun of themselves, but will enhance your career as well. Your technological prowess and understanding are big factors in career success. Also better use of technology – being up to date – will help shift many of the career burdens from you.
Children are having a very strong social month after the 23rd. Those of appropriate age may meet a special someone now. Married children seem very devoted – more than usual – to their spouse. Putting his or her interests ahead of their own.
On the 23rd, as the Sun enters your 5th house, you begin a yearly personal pleasure peak. A period of recreation, leisure and fun. We all need periods like this in our lives. Without them life would be a drudge, a bore, a hardship. This is a time for levity and good humour and to remember that we are supposed to enjoy life.
With your career planet still retrograde and your 10th house basically empty, nothing much is happening in your career, so you might as well enjoy your life.
Until the 23rd, your 4th house of home and family is still very strong, so it is a period where you can more easily create harmony in the family, cement family relationships and put your domestic life and home in the right order. A period for inner, psychological progress. Those of you seeing therapists should have good breakthroughs now.
Health and overall vitality will improve dramatically after the 23rd, but in the mean time rest and relax more and do your best to maintain high energy levels.
Love is basically happy this month, but the retrograde of your love planet may complicate matters. You meet new people but are unsure of their intentions or where they fit in your life. Singles have opportunities for love affairs or serious relationships all month (but especially after the 9th), but it’s still best to go slow in love and let it develop naturally.
Mars entered your money house on the 3rd of last month and will be there until the 18th of this month. This shows a tendency to rashness in financial matters and a risk-taking attitude. On the other hand it shows that friends are helping you – providing financial opportunity and the like. Being up to date with the latest in technology seems important, and you are probably spending on these things.
Venus has stressful aspects from the 16th to the 19th. This can cause upheavals in love or with friends. Children need to be more mindful when driving and should avoid risky activities – also confrontations or conflicts.
The Sun has stressful aspects from the 25th to the 27th. Again, be more mindful when driving. These aspects will test your computers and communication equipment. Students can face dramatic events in school. Siblings need to avoid conflicts or confrontations – also high-risk activities.
Mercury, your ruling planet, receives stressful aspects from the 26th to the 29th, and this affects you more personally. Quiet time at home, where possible, is preferable to high-risk or stressful activities. This goes for family members as well. With these aspects people tend to over-react to things – so avoid conflicts and confrontations. Read the newspapers to see what we’re talking about.
This month (and this was the case last month as well), you have a ‘splash’-type chart pattern. This means that the planets are pretty much scattered all over the chart. This shows that many, many interests distract you. It is more difficult to hold your focus than usual. Normally you are quite a focused kind of person, but now focusing is more difficult -you have to work at it.
Career is still important, and will be so for the rest of the year, but most of the planets are below the horizon. Your 4th house is soon – after the 23rd – becoming powerful. A clear message: focus on home and family. Do whatever needs to be done to maintain family and domestic harmony (as well as personal emotional harmony). Your family planet, Pluto, has been retrograde for a long time, but last month (on the 16th) it started to move forward again. Very beautiful timing. The decisions you are likely to make will be good. There is clarity in this area of life.
When the 4th house is strong, people enjoy the simple pleasures of home and hearth – simple family gatherings, eating in, being a devoted dad, mum or child. Leo is generally the ‘night owl’ – the party person. But this period you are more subdued. The simple pleasures – rather than cabarets or casinos – are alluring.
After the 9th your spiritual mission is the family – to be there for them. On a more mundane level, you are working more from home. Career opportunities come through the family or family connections – financial opportunities as well.
For many months now, the eastern sector of your horoscope has been the dominant one. You have been in a period of personal independence. You could have (and probably have had) things your own way. You’ve created new (and hopefully better) conditions for yourself. Now it is time to ‘road test’ these. On the 23rd the planetary power once again shifts to the western, social sector. You’ve spent a few months developing personal initiative; now it is time to cultivate your social skills. Personal action can only do so much; you need the grace of others to achieve your success. It’s more difficult to change conditions now. Adapt as well as you can to what is. (This is called ‘paying karma’, good or bad.)
Your 3rd house of communication and intellectual interests is still strong until the 23rd – the trends that we wrote of last month are still in effect.
Health becomes more delicate after the 23rd as well. Overall your health is good, but this is not one of your best periods. Do what you can and then rest more. The problem now is that Mars is in your own sign. You might be pushing your body beyond its limits.
Mars in your own sign has many good points, however. A teacher, guru or mentor is coming to you. There are travel opportunities. You have more courage and drive. Athletic ability is enhanced. You get things done very quickly.
Mind your temper and your tone of voice. You could be giving off energy that seems aggressive to others.
The planets have been in the independent East since August. But now (and it began on the 23rd of last month) they are in their maximum eastern position. You are in the most independent period in your year. Sure, other people are important, of course, relationships are important, but so are you. Waiting for other people to make you happy is a waste of time now. Now you have life (more or less) on your terms, so create what you desire for yourself. Others will adapt to you now.
You are still very much in a yearly personal pleasure period until the 23rd. Enjoy it to the full but don’t overdo. Self-esteem and self-confidence are at their highest point of the year now. With more energy available to you, you will earn more money and achieve more. The world seems a brighter place these days. Health is at its peak for the year now – but don’t get so overconfident that you think you can neglect it.
This is a period to get your body and image in shape, a time to buy that new wardrobe or new accessories, a time for massages and physical pampering.
On the 19th of last month your love planet changed signs. It moved from Cancer to Leo and from your 10th house to the llth house. It stays in the llth house all this month. Again, your needs and desires in love change. Power and prestige are less alluring to you. Now you want friendship with your beloved – a peer kind of relationship. You have been experimental and risk-taking in love since March, but now you are even more so. The more exotic the person, the more unconventional, the more you like them. You like the person who is ‘outside the norm’ – plain vanilla is not interesting.
Those as yet unattached will find love opportunities at organizations or at group activities. Group excursions to resorts, casinos or nightspots seem interesting, too. Friends may play cupid, or may themselves want more than just friendship. With love in the llth house the online world is also a venue for love. This is a time for realizing your ‘fondest hopes and wishes’ in love.
This is also a prosperous month. On the 23rd you enter a yearly financial peak. Most of the year, the problem has been a lack of interest in finance. You’ve tended to ignore it, or not give it the full attention it deserves. But things are different now – you are focused here and it will show in your bank balance. Your personal effort of course makes the most difference, but friends and social contacts are also helping. Online kinds of businesses, or earning money online, seems good. Stay up to date with the latest technology. Of course, never neglect intuition (especially from the 13th onwards).
Jupiter receives some stressful aspects this month – from the 13th onwards different planets move into opposition with it. This will test your car and communication equipment. Be more mindful when driving. Take more care communicating to others.
Your planets are all over your horoscope this month – a ‘splash’-type chart. You might be trying to do too many things, and thus lose your focus. It is good to have many interests, but stick to the main ones. Work to finish what you start.
Health is good this month and gets even better after the 23rd. You have all the energy you need to achieve any goal you desire. You can enhance health even further through more attention to your head, face and skull, and adrenals, and through good muscle tone. Vigorous physical exercise is still important. A day at the gym will often do you as much good as a visit to a health professional. Also enhance health by paying more attention to your kidneys and hips (until the 23rd) and to your colon, bladder and sexual organs thereafter. You are in a sexually active period, so more moderation is called for now. Listen to your body and you will know when you’ve had enough.
Your financial planet moved into Leo on the 19th of last month. It will be here all of the month ahead. Thus you are more speculative and risk-taking in finance these days. These activities proceed more smoothly before the 23rd than after. Investors should look at gold, utilities and entertainment companies for profit ideas. Since Leo is your 6th house, it shows that you are spending more on health, investing in your health (and perhaps health-orientated companies). Though you are speculative, it is your hard work, your productive service, which will create your good luck. Your spouse, partner or current love is in a yearly financial peak, and this no doubt should help you. On a financial level this is a month for paying off or refinancing debt, for attracting outside money if you have good ideas. Your line of credit will increase. Money can come from an inheritance, insurance claims, royalty payments or spousal support.
The theme this month is Scorpio and the 8th house. Until the 23rd your 8th house is powerful. After that, the sign of Scorpio is strong. So this is a month for detox on all the levels. On a physical level, it is good for physical detox regimes. Good for getting rid of excess possessions or redundant bank or brokerage accounts. Good for depth psychology – and for getting rid of old emotional and thought patterns that are no longer useful to you.
Perhaps at one time they were, but now they just clog up the works. The mind, body and feeling nature need to be swept clean. When this happens you find that you naturally ‘resurrect’ your mind, body and affairs.
Your 9th house becomes powerful after the 23rd. This is a good period for students – especially at university or postgraduate level. There is greater interest in their studies and this brings success. Foreign lands call to you as well. Singles will find love opportunities there.
Love is very sexual during this period. Sexual chemistry seems the main factor in love. Good sex will cover up many sins in a troubled marriage. But good philosophical compatibility (the compatibility of the upper mental bodies) is also important after the 13th. If you are not on the same page in terms of your world view, even good sex won’t save the relationship. Too many other problems will crop up.
The chart pattern this month suggests that you need to work harder to keep focused. You are all over the place – many ventures, many interests, many projects. But if you don’t focus on the important ones, they will not get done.
Another prosperous month. Earning power is stronger than usual, as your financial planet is still getting positive stimulation. Earnings are boosted by social connections, your spouse or partner, parents, parent figures and higher-ups. Your good professional reputation also brings earnings opportunities; you should guard this zealously. Pay rises could come this month – either openly or through the back door. Sometimes a company does things that increase your income or take-home pay, without officially giving a pay rise.
As has been the case all year (and last year too), it is profitable for you to be involved with groups, trade and professional organizations. Good to invest in technology and keep yourself up to date.
Though the planets are mostly in the East – a time when self-confidence should be stronger – there are challenges here this month. Your ruling planet is retrograde and receives stressful aspects during this period. Regardless of what is going on, you need to remember who you really are – a child of the most high. This essential truth is not touched by any of the ‘outer’ attacks on you. On another level, these attacks on your self-esteem and self-confidence play into your need to re-define yourself and your personal goals. We can set them up on more realistic levels.
Humility is another spiritual lesson this month. This doesn’t mean that you walk around like a ‘worm in the dust’, but that you acknowledge that this human personality is very limited and not who you really are. When it is weak, your true self, shines through.
For Sagittarians it is always time to travel, but this month more so than usual. Mars in your 9th house all month shows travel that is fun and not just business related.
The main interest this month is friendships, groups and organizations – until the 23rd. Even romantic and career opportunities come to you this way. It is a month where you §o deeper into your understanding of science, technology, astrology and astronomy. A time where you go deeper into your understanding of what friendship is – how to have friends and, more importantly, how to be a friend.
On the 23rd spirituality becomes important. This is a period to explore the mystical traditions of your religion (every religion has them). Go deeper and you will have the answers you need. Spiritual healing seems a big interest as well – since your personal health seems good, this is probably in regards to other people. Your personal spiritual practice is actually the most important thing from the 13th onwards. It is your mission – your career.
On the 23rd of last month you entered a very spiritual period – the strongest of your year. This continues until the 23rd of this month. This is a time to strengthen your connection to the ‘higher power’ within you. To keep the channels open and widen them if possible. For those on a spiritual path, this is a period for breakthroughs and deep insights. For those not on the path, there is a more active dream life, more synchronistic types of experiences that can’t be explained rationally – but which put a question mark on the world view. The invisible world calls to you and lets you know that it is all around – that there is more to you than what is between your hat and your shoes.
On the 16th of last month, your love planet moved into your 12th house. It will be there until the 9th of this month. So love has become more spiritual. Spiritual-type friends are coming into the picture. You are allured to spiritual types, artists, poets, musicians, channellers, ministers, psychics and people like this. The unattached are better off looking for love at prayer meetings or meditation sessions, spiritual lectures or at the feet of their guru than at the clubs or bars.
If you are unattached, this is a good period for specifying what you want in love and attaining it through inner means – prayer and meditation.
Love is idealistic. Riches still attract you, but now you care little about name, fame or status. It is the feeling of love that matters to you most – that and being on the same spiritual wavelength with your beloved.
Normally we tend to believe that there are ‘plenty of fish in the sea’ and we can have anyone we want. This is true to some degree. But the deeper truth is that your mate is predestined. Someone has been assigned from on high to be your mate – and this is the person you yearn for now. This is how it should be. This is the marriage made in heaven which no man can rend asunder.
After the 9th as Venus crosses your Ascendant, love pursues you. Nothing you need to do. It comes to you.
On the 23rd as the Sun crosses your Ascendant you enter a yearly personal pleasure peak. Also career opportunities will start to pursue you – nothing you need to do. Parents or authority figures in your life seem devoted to you and are spending more time with you.
After the 23rd the planets will be in their maximum eastern position. You are in your maximum period of personal independence. You can and should have things your way. You can and should create conditions as you desire them to be. The world will start to conform to you, not vice versa. You are having love and career on your own terms now.
Retrograde activity is high this month – 30 to 40 per cent of the planets are retrograde, so you may as well have fun and enjoy your life. You are still in the midst of a yearly personal pleasure peak and the timing is beautiful.
Once you get all the ‘play time’ out of your system, you are again ready for work. On the 23rd (and even from the 16th) your 6th house becomes strong. So this is a time to achieve your work and health goals. Those of you who are looking for jobs, or looking to employ others, have good fortune that period.
Most of the planets are still in the social, western sector and there will be many planets in romantic Libra after the 23rd. So your social life is very important to you. There are challenges, to be sure (love gets tested from the 16th to the 19th and from the 25th to the 29th) but your intense interest will enable you to get through it. This is a period where you need the good graces of others. Your likeability will get you further to your goals than your personal merit. Continue to adapt to situations as best you can.
Love is a mixed picture this month. On the one hand, you and your beloved are not seeing eye to eye after the 16th, and need more compromise. On the other hand, your love planet starts to move forward after many months of retrograde motion (on the 16th). Your social judgement is starting to improve. There is more clarity in love. You know where relationships are heading and can take appropriate action. The love problems that we see here are intense, but short term. They need not lead to divorce or break-ups (perhaps short term, but not long term). Next year, love will get tested more severely.
Health looks good this month. Again (and this is for the rest of the year) enjoy the good life in moderation. You can enhance your health even further in the ways mentioned in the yearly report and by paying more attention to your small intestine (until the 16th) and to your kidneys and hips (after the 16th). Your focus on health is probably ‘preventative’ or ‘cosmetic’ during this period and not due to any serious malady. Your health aspects are good. Those who have had health problems in the past should hear good news about it.
There are some very dynamic aspects involving the lord of your chart, the Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto from the 16th to the end of the month. Read the newspapers – there are weird crimes, revolutions, accidents and the like going on.
The planets are all over your chart this month. You have many interests and many activities. You have a more well-rounded development this month. The only problem here (especially for Virgo) is lack of focus. All the signs have this pattern now but, being a mutable sign, your tendency is to disperse your energies in too many directions. It is good to have many interests, but never lose your focus on your main goals. If you start something, make sure you finish it.
You are still in a prosperous period, well into your yearly financial peak. Financial goals are being attained. Friends and social connections are very supportive. Intuition is good. Spiritual guidance – either through dreams and interior revelation or from spiritual people – is very helpful now and coming to you. By the 23rd you should have attained your financial goals, or have made good progress towards them. Short-term financial goals are attained; the long-term ones need more time, but progress is made. You can now focus on the ‘fruits’ of wealth. You have time to read for pleasure, take a course or seminar, attend lectures and workshops, expand your mind. Learning is one of the great pleasures in life, and this is what awaits you this month. Also you have time to catch up on your phone calls, letters or e-mails. You have time to interact more deeply with your neighbours and siblings.
With most of the planets below the horizon, home and family interests are rightfully dominant now. Your family planet is retrograde, however, so many issues there need time for resolution – there are no ‘quick fixes’ to these things. So pay attention to family matters, but avoid making major decisions. Do more homework. Things are not as they seem.
Love is more harmonious this month. With many planets in Libra, you (and the world at large) are more romantic. Singles are meeting people, but the love life seems directionless. There is so much uncertainty as to where things are headed. This doesn’t seem to be your fault – it seems more the problem of your partner, spouse or current love. Enjoy your love life for what it is; the future will take care of itself.
Your financial planet opposes Jupiter from the 13th to the 16th. There is a tendency to overspend if you are not careful.
From the 17th to the 18th Mercury opposes Jupiter. Be more patient with family members then, as there seems to be disagreement or conflict. The parent figures in your life need to be more patient with each other.
Health is still good, but your health planet is still retrograde. Continue to avoid making major changes to your diet or health regime – changes CAN be made, but more homework is necessary.