February 2013 Astrology Forecast
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Last month, on the 20th, you entered a yearly personal pleasure peak. This is a time for exploring the pleasures of the body – for the high life – for personal pampering. It is also good for getting the body and image – the personal appearance – in shape. Thus it is good to buy those new clothes or accessories that you want (and these kinds of things will probably come to you anyway).
Like last month, it is time to have things your way – and most likely you are. The world is conforming to you, rather than vice versa. This sounds wonderful, but is a double-edged sword. If you are balanced and measured, it is wonderful to have things your way – but if the desires are destructive, it can be a terrible curse.
Health is good these days. You are in one of your strongest health periods – energy and vitality are at a yearly high. You excel in sport or exercise (able to do achieve your personal best), you get things done in a fraction of the normal time. You look good very naturally, no need to spend too much time dolling yourself up. Love pursues you. Whatever your age or stage in life, others are coming to you. Your spouse, partner or current love is very devoted -on your side – putting your interests ahead of his or her own.
The only problem from a health perspective is perhaps too much of a good thing. You have so much energy, so much drive, that you could push the body beyond its limits. You flit from activity to activity with nary a rest. Burnout is the danger. Don’t neglect to schedule some quiet time for meditation and spiritual connection. The tendency to rush, to want things to happen very fast, needs to be watched. Be more mindful driving. Mind your tone of voice with other people – you may not realize the power behind what you say.
Finances have been good all year so far, and get better in the month ahead. A prosperous month. Partners, friends, your spouse and siblings seem very supportive. They have good financial ideas as well. A business partnership or joint venture is coming from the 16th to the 19th – this is an opportunity. You always have free will to accept or decline.
On the 19th you enter a yearly financial peak – a period of peak earnings.
The Sun and Mars are travelling together from the 1st to the 15th. This shows an active love life. Passionate. You are more aggressive in love as well. You attract people who are aggressive as well. For the unattached, this is a ‘love at first sight’ kind of period. The tendency is to jump into relationships very quickly. The problem is that this kind of intensity is difficult to maintain over time.
Your spouse, partner or current love should be more mindful while driving and avoid conflicts or confrontations from the 1st to the 15th. The tendency is to over-react to things under this aspect.
Last month the planetary momentum was overwhelmingly forward – there were times when 100 per cent of the planets were forward (highly unusual). This trend continues in the month ahead. Progress is rapid. Events happen quickly. Ninety per cent of the planets are forward. The only exception is the career planet, Saturn, which went retrograde late last month – January 24. This is just as well, as by now you have achieved your major career goals for the period, and can shift to studying things more. Career changes need more homework. No rush now to jump into things. get all facts and resolve all doubts. You are still in a strong career period, but not as strong as last month. This month your focus shifts to your social life – friendships, groups, organizations, group activities and also romance. Later in the month – from the 19th onwards – your focus shifts again, this time to spirituality.
Love is still being tested, but is much improved. Your spouse, partner or current love is also very ambitious, and seems to support your career goals. This is a month where you socialize with high-status people – and they are helpful in career matters, too. You have been in a cycle conducive to achieving career goals by social means for more than a year now, but this month seems especially strong for this. Attend the right parties – and consider hosting parties as well. Your social connections are probably more important now than your actual abilities. These connections open up the right doors.
Singles find love opportunities as they pursue their career goals or with people involved with their career. Power allures you. Love is practical these days, as if it’s a career move, a job. Romantic feeling seems to have little to do with it. Thus singles can have office-type romances during this period – with bosses or superiors. Existing relationships seem cold and mechanical – everyone does their duty (celebrates the birthday or anniversary, says ‘I love you’ in a mechanical way, sends the right cards, etc.) but the spark of passion seems missing. You will have to ignite this on your own – project more warmth towards others.
The Sun travels together with your Ruler, Mars from the 1st to the 15th. This is a beautiful health aspect. You have more energy and athletic ability. More personal charisma. For singles this shows a love affair (not something serious). It shows luck in speculations and increased personal creativity. Aries of appropriate age are very fertile during this period. But you need to watch your temper and avoid rush and haste.
The Sun’s conjunction with Neptune from the 16th to the 19th brings spiritual breakthroughs, insights and understanding. Also Mars conjunct with Neptune from the 20th to the 22nd.
Avoid foreign travel (if possible) from the 19th to the 28th. If you can, reschedule.
Finances are good this month, your financial judgement is sober and sound. You get value for your pound. You have a good long-term perspective on wealth. Also you have the favour of ‘higher ups’, who seem helpful.
Last month was a strong career period, and so is this month. You began your year with most of the planets above the horizon, and this month the percentage is even higher – 70 to 90 Per cent of the planets are above the horizon now and your 10th house is very strong. You are in one of the strongest career periods of your year – in many cases of your whole life. You are not one ever to neglect your family, but now is a time to serve them by being more successful in the world.
If your marriage or current relationship survived last month, it will survive the coming month as well. The retrograde of your love planet, Saturn, suggests that you delay important love decisions one way or another. Singles should let love develop slowly over time and not rush into anything serious just yet. Enjoy your relationship for what it is and try not to project too far into the future.
Finances should be good this month. Career is going well. Pay rises wouldn’t be a surprise. Your financial planet travels with Mars (your career planet) from the 1st to the 15th. This shows you have the financial favour of bosses, parents and elders. Even the government seems supportive financially (if you have issues with the government, try to resolve them now). Your good professional reputation brings referrals and other opportunities. The only downside now is that you are more of a risk-taker – perhaps overly so. Boldness in money matters is good these days, but rashness is another story. Your spouse, partner or current love is in a yearly financial peak. You seem very personally involved in this. He or she will be more generous with you this period. This is a good period for you to pay off debt or refinance at more favourable terms. It is also a good month to cut financial waste. Less is more until the 19th. Get rid of excess possessions, redundant bank accounts and insurance policies.
Streamline and simplify your financial life. This will clear the decks for greater prosperity to come to you after the 19th. Follow your intuition after the 19th – it is very sharp. There are financial opportunities in foreign lands or with foreigners.
Metaphysical techniques (prayer, for example) are unusually powerful now. For singles this is a sexually active period.
On the 19th your 9th house becomes very strong. A good period for students. The greater interest in study is what produces your success. Job changes (looks like happy ones) could have happened last month and can happen this month, too. These days you need work where you can be more independent. You don’t function that well with a boss watching your every move.
Health is much improved over last month and will get even better after the 19th – but overall it still needs watching.
As the dust settles from last month’s eclipse, things are starting to normalize. Finances are still excellent – your yearly financial peak continues until the 19th and seems even stronger this month than last month. Thorny financial issues will get clarified by the new Moon of the 3rd. All the information you need to make a wise decision is coming to you -very naturally. It is still, like last month, a good time to cut waste, pay off debt and get rid of possessions and redundancies that aren’t necessary. Often we hold on to possessions that we no longer need out of fear – and this is the financial blockage. When we let go of our fear, the new and the better come in.
Venus moves into your sign on the 4th; this gives us many, many messages. You look good, your natural sense of style is enhanced. You have better aesthetic taste. There is more beauty and glamour to your image. But Venus is also your career planet, and this shows that career opportunities are coming to you. Nothing much that you need to do, they will find you. For singles or the unattached, this brings love opportunities – but non-serious ones – fun and games, romantic advances from higher-ups, bosses or superiors.
Love is basically status quo during this period. However, Your social magnetism – mood for love – will be stronger from the 3rd to the 18th than at other times. You can schedule yourself accordingly.
Though overall health is more delicate these days, this nionth it is good. You can enhance it even further by paying more attention to your spine, knees, teeth, bones and skeletal alignment (always important for you, but especially from the 1st to the 3rd), your ankles and calves (from the 3rd to the 21st) and to your feet (from the 21st onwards). Spiritual healing is important on the 20th and 21st, and you will most likely experience miraculous things (either personal or with others) during that period.
Your 3rd house is strong from the 19th onwards. Now that most of your short-term financial goals are met, you can focus on the pleasures of the mind. You have more freedom now to read a book or take courses in subjects that interest you. This is true wealth. What good is it to have millions in the bank, but no free time for personal development? This is not wealth, but bondage. Real wealth is freedom – freedom for self-development. Last month you engaged in the pleasures of the body, now it is time to engage in the pleasures of the mind. They are different but still pleasures. Learning, according to Aristotle, is one of the greatest pleasures a person can experience. And when one makes a mental breakthrough – when one suddenly understands a subject that has been difficult – there is an ‘Aha’ moment of pure rapture. Ignorance is a form of pain – not physical pain but of the mental body (and yes, you have got a mental body). Knowledge is the only cure.
Last month your 8th house was very strong. Thus it was a sexually active period (each according to his or her age and stage in life) and a period for detox, personal transformation and reinvention. On the 20th of last month, your 9th house became powerful and is still powerful now until the 19th. When the 9th house is strong in our charts, we all become students. Students and teachers. This is a very comfortable situation for you (you are a natural student, regardless of what house is strong). But now your studies turn to deeper issues – not just the daily trivia of the newspapers or magazines or gossip columns, but the study of higher things: religion, philosophy, the meaning of life, theology, foreign affairs and foreign cultures. It is a time for breakthroughs and insights in these fields. This is especially so for those at university or postgraduate level. Travel opportunities should come, and you should take them.
On the 19th, as the Sun crosses your midheaven, you enter a yearly career peak. So there is career progress and success happening now. Your ambitions are very strong. You have high goals and you will make good progress towards their attainment. After the 21st, Mercury, your ruling planet, crosses the midheaven – another indicator of success and high attainment. You are on top, in charge, above everyone in your world, honoured, appreciated, lordly.
Family members also seem successful, and they even seem supportive of your career goals. There is no real conflict between family and career these days (as is so often the case) – you and the family are on the same page. On the 23rd Mars enters your 10th house; this indicates that you are working hard and that the pace of work is frenetic. You or your company are fighting off competition aggressively. It also shows that you have friends in high places – allies -who are helping your career.
Finance has not been a big issue these past two months. In general, though, you will earn more and have more enthusiasm for finance from the 3rd to the 18th as the Moon waxes than at other times.
Love seems happy. Many of the love trends of last month are still in effect. You jump into relationships very quickly. You are quick to fall in love. Your challenge is not falling in love; it is maintaining the intensity and ardour over time. Love opportunities come as you get involved with groups, group activities and organizations. Friends are playing cupid. And often, someone whom you consider to be just a friend turns out to be more than that.
Last year you were allured by power and authority. This year (until June 4) you are interested in someone who can be both a romantic partner and a friend.
Health needs more watching after the 19th, but this is just a short-term stressor. As always, rest and relax more, pace yourself, and work to maintain high energy levels. Continue to enhance your health in the ways described in the yearly report.
Many of the trends that we wrote of last month are still in effect now. You are still in your yearly social peak until the 19th. Still attaining your ends by consensus. Still downplaying personal will. Still needing the good graces of others.
Late last month, the planetary power began to shift from the lower half (the subjective half) to the upper half (objective half) of your chart. For the next five to six months, the upper half of your chart will dominate. You have entered the ‘day’ period of your year. Time to get up and be focused on your outer goals. Hopefully you have used the past six months to attain emotional harmony. Hold on to it as you pursue your outer goals. You can downplay family and domestic affairs now.
Your financial planet entered Capricorn on the 13th of last month and is there until the 3rd of this month. Financial judgement has been sound. You are cautious and sober in financial matters. Less speculative and risk-taking than usual. You have a better understanding of the virtues of saving and investing. A better sense of good money management. This is a good period to start savings and investment plans. On the 4th the financial planet enters Aquarius, your 7th house. As with most areas of life these days, your financial good depends on others. No matter how skilled you are, no matter your virtue, without the good graces of other people your prosperity won’t happen. Also this shows that your spouse or partner is more supportive – that friends are more supportive and provide financial opportunity.
Your social life is very active these days and you are trying to combine business and social matters. You tend to socialize with the people you do business with, or with those involved in your finances. Your social contacts are unusually important to your earnings now.
Your spouse, partner or current love is prospering this period – he or she is in a yearly financial peak. Your financial planet is in the sign of his greatest ‘exaltation’ – Aquarius -until the 21st. Thus earnings and earning power are ‘exalted’ – reaching their highest level of expression now. After the 21st, your financial planet moves into Pisces, which enhances your intuition. This is a time to get financially healthier by paying off debt and cutting waste.
With your 8th house strong from the 19th onwards, you are in a sexually active period. With the Sun travelling with Mars from the 1st to the 15th, you are probably overdoing it. More moderation is called for. It would be normal now to have dreams of death or to encounter death in your business affairs – in the newspapers, among acquaintances, etc. This is happening to help you resolve your fears and deepen your knowledge on this subject. Health and vitality improve after the 19th.
A happy month ahead. Health is much improved now – you still need to be careful, but the short-term planets are helping you out (most of them). Also, after the 19th you are very focused on health and health issues – and, in your case, this is a good sign. With Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto stressing you out, you should be more focused here. Next month Uranus will enter the picture as well – so the work you do now, the good dietary habits and healthy lifestyles you get into, will help you later on. This month health is enhanced in the ways described in the yearly report, but also by paying more attention to the head, face and adrenals (after the 23rd), the lungs, small intestine, arms and shoulders (after the 21st). Exercise is good after the 23rd, too. You seem to be into physical fitness then. You are always responsive to spiritual types of healing, and this period even more so.
You are still in your yearly personal pleasure peak until the 19th. Enjoy. Life is supposed to be fun. You can achieve as much in fun ways as in the dry bore-and-chore ways.
Finances should have been good recently – January seems especially strong. But even now, as Venus starts to travel with your financial planet from the 7th to the 12th, there is prosperity. You are meeting with a monied person. Perhaps this is a boss or parent figure. There is financial opportunity happening. The main problem with finance is lack of interest. Your money house is basically empty (only the Moon moves through here on the 22nd and 23rd) – this leans towards the status quo.
Love is the main headline now – this month and next. Love is in the air. Romance is either here or ready to bloom.
Singles have opportunities for either serious or non-serious love. Until the 23rd you seem less serious about love. Love is about having a good time – it is merely another form of entertainment – like the movies or the theatre or video games. You are allured to the one who can show you a good time. Later, you seem more serious. You are allured by the people who ‘do’ for you, who serve your practical interests. It’s not just about fun. Until the 23rd you find love in the usual places – parties, resorts, places of entertainment, the clubs, etc. Afterwards, singles have love opportunities at work, with co-workers, with people involved in their health or at the gym, health spa or doctor’s surgery.
Your love planet travels with the Sun in your 5th house from the 1st to the 15th. This suggests that you are not sure if a current relationship is just a ‘friendship’, a ‘love affair’ or something more. It often shows involvement with two people – one is more of a friendship, the other is more serious. A new kind of health therapy or diet comes to you from the 16th to the 19th. From the 20th to the 22nd, be more patient with co-workers.
On the 20th you entered a very spiritual period in a spiritual year. (Actually the spiritual life has been unusually important for the past seven years.) It is a period for living a supernatural kind of life rather than a natural one. How much supernatural phenomena depends on the stage you are on the path, but it will be more than usual. The spiritual life seems at the centre of the most important things in life -love, health and finance. There are spiritual dimensions to all these things and this is a month where you go more deeply into them. The Divine is not only the source of all financial supply, but of all love and health as well. If you are running around trying to deal with these things through ‘outer’ or ‘human’ methods, you are merely spinning your wheels. If there are problems in any of these areas, turn to the spirit within.
You are always very generous, but this month more so -especially in areas that involve ministry, or feeding the hungry or homeless. This charitable giving (most of you understand this by now) actually opens up the spiritual doors of supply. Every charitable act is like a deposit in a spiritual bank account – it is there collecting interest and you can draw upon it any time. The people you meet as you involve yourself in charities can be important financially as well. Your financial intuition is very sharp.
If there are financial problems, the spiritual solution (even though it may sound counter-intuitive) is to increase your charitable giving. You put the universe in your debt by these actions, and it must respond to you.
Spiritual healing has been important (and powerful) since January 19, and will be important all month. Health is good, but you can enhance it further by staying ‘prayed up’ and in alignment with the spirit. On the physical level, pay more attention to your ankles and calves (until the 19th) and to your feet thereafter.
On the 19th you enter a yearly personal pleasure peak. Yes, spirituality, otherworldliness, has its charms. But you are incarnate in a body and the body has its needs – and it’s time to take care of those needs.
On the 23rd Mars crosses the Ascendant, bringing financial windfalls and opportunities. Not only that but it brings vim, vigour and energy to the body. You are motivated, in the mood to make things happen and achieve personal goals, and you don’t suffer fools lightly. Job opportunities (as well as financial opportunities) are seeking you out, if you want them. Nothing much you need to do for any of these things – they just come to you. Job-seekers are successful now. You are in the mood for work.
Love opportunities are also seeking you out. A current love is going way out of his or her way to please you. You are having life on your terms now – financially, in your career and in love.
Love seems status-quo this month. However, it does seem active. Your love planet moves very fast this month -through three signs and houses of your horoscope. You have good social confidence and cover a lot of territory. You meet, and are allured by, many different types of people. But no major changes in your love situation; all the change is short term.
Until the 8th you are allured by wealth. Material gifts turn you on. The good provider is the most alluring. But Love seems status-quo this month. However, it does seem active. Your love planet moves very fast this month -through three signs and houses of your horoscope. You have good social confidence and cover a lot of territory. You meet, and are allured by, many different types of people. But no major changes in your love situation; all the change is short term.
Until the 8th you are allured by wealth. Material gifts turn you on. The good provider is the most alluring. But afterwards, from the 8th to the 21st, you value intellectual compatibility, the quality of the communication between you and the beloved. After the 21st you value emotional sharing and emotional intimacy. These sudden shifts in love can be confusing to those involved romantically with Sagittarius.
The planets are starting to shift this month from the East to the West, from the sphere of personal independence to the sphere of others. By next month this shift will be complete. This month you rather have to balance your personal needs with the desires of others. Sometimes you are independent, sometimes more dependent. By next month, personal independence is weak and you need the good graces of others to attain your aims.
Although your 9th house is not strong this month, we do see travel opportunities – both for you and for family members. There are also happy educational opportunities.
Health needs more watching after the 19th. This is not a serious health issue, just a normal downturn in the year. More rest will do wonders for you. You can enhance health by paying more attention to your liver and thighs until the 4th, and then to your spine, knees, teeth, bones and overall skeletal alignment afterwards. Regular back massage after the 4th will do wonders. Spiritual healing seems very powerful from the 4th to the 10th – a bit of a surprise, as you seem very conservative in health matters this period.
Job-seekers have good success this month. From the 4th to the 10th follow your intuition – never mind the normal ways.
On the 23rd Mars enters your 4th house (the Sun entered on the 19th). So this is a good period for doing renovation or construction in the home. Family members are more temperamental then – quick tempered – so be patient. Keep matches or other dangerous materials out of the reach of children.
Your financial planet is still retrograde, so keep reviewing your financial life and do more homework on important purchases or investments. Friends and social contacts still seem important in finances. But the main headline is the need to go deeper into the spiritual laws of wealth.
Home and family are still the main focus and headline for the coming month. Your 4th house is very strong until the 23rd, while your 10th house is basically empty (only the Moon visits there on the 16th and 17th). So you need to be there for the family – serve them by being there for them. Pursue your career through interior methods – through meditation, visualization, creative dreaming and fantasizing. Get into the ‘feeling’ (on the inner level) of being where you want to be in your career.
This is the time to get psychologically ready for your future success. It is good to review your past now and resolve old issues. This usually happens on an unconscious level anyway. Old memories come up for resolution. If you are conscious as this happens, this is very useful – they bring much psychological insight. Memories that you thought were buried could still be acting in the ‘now’ and obstructing your future progress. And if you are unconscious of these things, you could be unconsciously ‘living in the past’ and not in the now.
With Mars and the Sun both in your 4th house (Mars until the 23rd and the Sun until the 19th), this is a good time to make those needed repairs and renovations in the home.
By the 19th the planetary power shifts to the 5th house and you enter a yearly personal pleasure peak. You are in party mode. Scorpios of appropriate age are more fertile now. Also, there is something cosmic about this ‘party period’. For once we have digested the past – the old memories and experiences that we have gone through – there is a natural feeling of happiness and creativity that enters the consciousness – the 5th house energy comes in.
Until the 19th your spiritual mission is the family. After the 19th it seems to be the children (or those who play that role in your life). You will discover – to your amazement -that you can advance your career while having fun, while involved in leisure activities. Those who are still contemplating their career will find that following their passion is not only the most enjoyable course, but also the most successful.
Love is happy this month. There is a happy romantic meeting from the 7th to the 9th. For the unattached this shows a meeting with someone new. For those already attached it shows enhanced closeness and romance with the beloved – and probably happy social invitations as well. But love and romance are not a major interest these days, and most of you seem content with the status quo. Most of the love that happens now is ‘not serious’ – entertainment -flings.
Health, as mentioned, improves dramatically after the 19th. You have all the energy you need to achieve whatever you want. You can enhance your health even further by paying more attention to your ankles and calves (until the 23rd) and to your feet (after the 23rd). Regular massage of these areas would be wonderful.
Many of the trends written about last month are still in effect now. Most of the planets (80 to 90 per cent) are above the horizon, your 10th house of career is still strong, while your 4th house of home and family is basically empty (only the Moon will move through there on the 16th and 17th). So continue to focus on your career and outer success. This is the best way to serve your family. There is much progress and success happening now.
By the 8th the planetary power is in the East, and will stay that way for many more months. Personal initiative, rather than social skills, becomes important. All our gifts are important, but at different times one might take priority over another. Now it is good to cultivate personal independence and personal judgement. You have less need of others these days. Sure, you will have a social life, but you are not needy or dependent.
Love still seems active. Venus (the universal ruler of love, and also the lord of your horoscope) will travel with your love planet from the 8th to the 11th. This should bring happy social and romantic opportunity. For singles this shows a romantic meeting or tryst. This could be with someone new or with someone you are involved with – it seems happy. You seem the pursuer here.
The month ahead – especially from the 19th onwards – is highly social. You are more involved with groups and organizations – attending meetings, involved with group activities, doing a lot of networking.
While your yearly career peak is technically over by the 19th, in reality it is extended this month and next. For now your career planet receives much stimulation from the short-term planets, and this is bringing career opportunity and success. (These aspects will become more exact next month, but they are in effect now, too.)
Overall health is good, but rest and relax more until the 19th. Detox regimes are powerful after the 4th. Until the 4th pay more attention to your liver and thighs. After the 4th pay more attention to your spine, knees, teeth, bones and overall skeletal alignment. The colon, bladder and sexual organs should be given more therapeutic attention as well.
Spirituality has become an important area of life. Pay close attention to your dreams from the 16th to the 19th and from the 20th to the 22nd. You and family members are having other import mt spiritual experiences during that period, too.
Until the 19th you are in Virgo heaven. Your 6th house is strong (and this began on January 19). The cosmos impels you to do what you most love: be involved in health and work. Job-seekers should be successful now. Last month was also very good for this – a dream job opportunity came last month.
Your nose is to the grindstone now. You are achieving work goals. Work, for a Virgo, is good for its own sake. If you can’t find regular employment you will find other ways to be of service. Work is what gives life meaning. But lately there are other incentives – the workplace is a social venue – a venue for love. The centre of your social life.
On the 19th as the Sun enters your 7th house, you begin a yearly social peak. This yearly peak seems more active than usual – 50 per cent of the planets will either be in or moving through your 7th house. Those who are still unattached have many opportunities now. With Jupiter now in your 8th house (since January 22), it is a sexually active month as well. No need to say more.
Health is more delicate after the 19th. Long term, your health is good, but this period is not one of your best. Rest and relax more. Maintain high energy levels. Enhance health by paying more attention to your heart and in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. Don’t forget to stay ‘prayed up’ as well.
There can bedramas with family members and in the home from the 19th to the 28th. Maintain high safety standards in the home. Make sure your smoke detectors are working properly. Keep dangerous objects out of the reach of children. Family members should be more mindful when they drive, and should avoid risky activities.
Your dream life will be more active from the 16th to the 22nd – as will the dream life of your partner or spouse. There is romantic opportunity with someone involved in your spiritual life.
The Sun and Mars are more or less in conjunction from the 1st to the 15th. This is a time to express your spiritual ideals in concrete action. Volunteer work seems interesting during this period (and most likely you will be called upon). Even if you are not involved in an outer cause, this is a time to apply spiritual insights on a physical level. Spiritual exercises – such as yoga, tai chi or eurhythmy – are favourable during this period as well.
Your year began with most of the planets below the horizon. You have been in the ‘night time’ of your year. Now the sunrise is happening, beginning on the 19th, and while it is not yet full daylight, the dawn is starting to happen. Next month the upper half of your chart will become strong. So it is time to focus more on the career and let family and domestic issues slide.
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