January 2013 Astrology
Choose your sign below to jump to your January 2013 Astro-Forecast from Lee Van Zyl.
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You begin your year with 80 and sometimes 90 per cent of the planets in the eastern sector of the horoscope. You are in an independent ‘making karma’ phase of your year. In fact, by the 20th you will be at the maximum point of personal independence. This is the time to take the bull by the horns and create your own happiness. If conditions don’t suit you, change them. You have both the power and the authority -and most likely the world and other people will go along with you. You – your actions and personal merit – are the keys to happiness now.
This is also a month when the planetary power will shift from the upper to the lower half of your horoscope. The shift begins on the 20th, but will become established next month. For the past six months or so, outer objectives have been paramount; now you need to focus on your emotional needs – on the family, domestic life and need to ‘feel good’. These actions will make your career stronger later on.
Spirituality is the main headline for the month. Some 40 to 50 per cent of the planets are either in the 12th house or moving through there this month. So this is a period for spiritual studies, for meditation, prayer and achieving a closer connection to the Divine within you. Though you tend to be an extrovert, there are times when more solitude is normal – and this is one of-those times. In solitude we more easily connect to the Divine. We more easily receive the messages and the guidance that it has.
Spirituality is not only important in its own right (until the 20th) but seems to be the key to resolving love, finance and intellectual conundrums.
Adding to this focus is a solar eclipse on the 4th which occurs in your 12th house. Thus important spiritual changes are happening – you are changing your approach, your attitudes and probably your practice. This is natural and normal. One set of practices is good for one set of life circumstances and the stage you are in. Since these things are always changing, it is natural that the practice will change as well. This eclipse is basically benign for you, but it might not be so benign for people around you, so it is wise to take a more relaxed schedule during this period.
Every solar eclipse tests love and a current relationship (and this is only the first of four this year), so be more patient with your partner or current love during this period. He or she will be more temperamental now. Dramatic events could be happening in his or her life.
Jupiter has been travelling with your ruler (Uranus) for some months now, and this continues this month. This is a very happy transit. It brings wealth, luck in speculations, travel and educational opportunities. It also brings the good life – the high life.
Jupiter will move into your 3rd house on the 22nd and this suggests that new cars, communication equipment, new technology (gadgetry) are coming to you. Siblings (and those who are like siblings to you) are now in a period of prosperity.
An exciting, eventful but very hectic month. You need all your energy to deal with career responsibilities, so let lesser things go. Try to rest and relax more, too – especially until the 20th.
Until January 22 ALL the planets (with the exception of the Moon) are above the horizon of your chart. There will be times (from the 1st to the 9th) where 100 per cent of the planets are above the horizon. Your 10th house is very powerful and you are in the midst of a yearly career peak. You seem very successful this month. You can let home and family issues go for a while; your job is to serve your family by being successful.
A solar eclipse on the 4th also occurs in your 10th house, showing career changes, shake-ups in your corporate hierarchy and industry. And this seems to work in your favour. The eclipse blasts away the obstructions to your success. But your hard work, your aggressiveness, your courage also play their part. You seem in charge, in control, elevated – especially until the 15th.
The other headline this month is Jupiter’s move into your own sign. This brings financial expansion, luck in speculations (not just gambling, but catching the breaks in life), travel and educational opportunities and the ‘good life’. Self-esteem and confidence are very high. Those of you on the spiritual path are meeting a guru soon – it can happen this month, but also in future months. This person is coming to you. Those not on the path are meeting a ‘mentor’ type – a teacher who can help you.
Love is a bit rocky this month. Your focus on your career seems to complicate things. You are probably not able to devote as much time to this area as you should. If you are in a relationship, your beloved feels neglected. Married couples are having their relationships tested – this is true for the rest of the year ahead, but especially this month. Things should improve after the 15th, and improve even further after the 20th.
Singles find love opportunities in foreign lands, or in religious or educational settings – in church, synagogue, mosque or ashram – or at school. Troubled relationships can be treated by taking a journey together or by taking courses together as a couple.
Health will improve after the 20th. Pay more attention to your liver and thighs until the 13th and to your spine, knees, teeth, gall bladder and overall skeletal alignment afterwards. Happily, your health becomes a priority after the 13th. You pay more attention, and this is good.
A hectic month: much change, many crises to deal with. In the end though, you seem successful. Just hang in, handle each issue as it comes, avoid excess worry or anxiety (easier said than done) and all will work out.
You begin your year with 100 per cent of the planets in the western sector. Highly unusual. The percentage will drop to 90 per cent from the llth to the 21st, 80 per cent on the 22nd and 23rd, and back again to 90 per cent from the 24th onwards. Your 7th house of love and romance is very powerful until the 22nd. You are in the midst of a yearly social peak. Forget about the self and its desires for a while. Take a holiday from yourself and focus on other people and their needs. Who you are and what you can do is not that important these days. Your good comes to you through the grace of others. You need their favour and co-operation. The cosmos is calling you to adapt as best you can. Make a note of things that should be changed and, when the planetary power shifts to the East in a few months, you will have the power and the wherewithal to make changes.
Love, as mentioned, is very active now. But bittersweet. Pluto in your 7th house has been testing marriages and relationships for some years now. Mars in your 7th house until the 15th shows a tendency to power struggles with the beloved (try to avoid this as much as possible, but the temptations are there). A solar eclipse on the 4th (in your 7th house) stirs the pot even further. The current relationship gets tested. The dirty laundry in the relationship comes up for airing. Good relationships get even better when the storm is over, but flawed relationships are in danger.
Every solar eclipse brings financial changes and this one is no different. It brings personal financial changes, and perhaps financial changes for your current love or partner as well. A business partnership or joint venture could be forming – but with bumps along the way. Take a reduced schedule during this eclipse period and until the 22nd. Avoid risk-taking or stressful activities.
There are upheavals in your corporate hierarchy or industry. There are dramas with parents or parent figures. But with Jupiter crossing your midheaven from the 22nd onwards, you have the classic indicators for success, promotion, elevation and honour. You are working hard, earning your success – no question about it – but your hard work produces good fortune. It is not meaningless drudgery. It does take you somewhere.
Your health is becoming more important this month as well. It will be important all year. Enhance your health in the ways described in the yearly report, but pay extra attention to your heart all month. Also to your feet until the 22nd and to your head, face, skull and adrenals after the 22nd.
You begin your year with a bang. A solar eclipse on the 4th occurs in your own sign. Not only that, but it has an impact on Saturn, your ruling planet. This is forcing a re-definition of your image, personality, and self-concept. Since you are on top these days – a leader – it is understandable that you are more of a target than usual.
You stand out, you are more prominent than usual, and so you are a natural target. Though these attacks on you are not pleasant, there are some good points to it. You can re-define yourself in a better way. You can make improvements to your personality and image. As the classic Air Force saying has it, if you are taking flak, it means you are on target. You are taking heat precisely because you are succeeding. Take comfort in this. This eclipse – as every solar eclipse – affects the finances of your spouse, partner or current love – forcing dramatic change. Issues involving estates, wills or insurance claims take dramatic turns (sometime shocking turns) one way or the other. Expect the unexpected.
Though health is good this month, take a reduced schedule during the eclipse period – a few days before or after. You don’t need to be indulging in daredevil-type stunts these days. If you have been careless in dietary matters, this eclipse can force a detox – but this is not sickness (though it sometimes gets diagnosed that way).
Although the eclipse is shaking things up (and when the dust settles, things should be better than before) you are in the midst of a yearly personal pleasure peak. This is the time to enjoy all the physical pleasures and to get the body and image to where you want it to be.
On the 20th you enter a yearly financial peak – a period of peak earnings. With the Sun in your money house it is good to pay down debt, cut waste, eliminate redundant bank or brokerage accounts, and earn more through ‘down sizing’. When we get rid of waste, or refinance debt at better terms, we find that we ‘have’ more.
The planetary power is mostly in the East this month. Until the 9th, 100 per cent of the planets are in the East (highly unusual). Afterwards 80 and sometimes 90 per cent are in the East. So you are very independent these days. You are not in need of other people (though they are important). When you enter a relationship it is not out of need, but more about what you can contribute. Your personal initiative is the most important thing – initiative and personal competence. This enables you to create the conditions you desire in life with little fuss or bother. Build your dreams now and let the world adapt to you.
Though career is very important this year – and you are very successful – the planetary power shifted last month from the upper to the lower half of your horoscope. And this is the situation for the next five or so months. Time to de-emphasize career and focus on your family. With Jupiter moving into your 4th house on the 22nd, this is an enjoyable enterprise. Moves or renovations – happy ones – are in store these days. You will have good family support, too.
You begin your year with most of the planets (after the 7th the percentage is 80-90 per cent) above the horizon of the chart. Thus you are very much in the ‘day’ of your year. A period for career focus and the pursuit of outer success. Reinforcing this is the fact that your 4th house of home and family is empty (only the Moon moves through there on the 22nd and 23rd), while your 10th house of career is strong. So reach for the Sun, Moon and stars now. You can safely downplay family responsibilities (you can’t ignore them altogether) and focus on your career. Sometimes we serve our families best by being there, and sometimes by providing for them and being successful. This is a time for the latter.
The western, social sector of your chart is also overwhelmingly dominant now. So the dictum, ‘not by might nor by power, but by my spirit’ applies to you now. Personal ability and personal merit seem to matter little these days -it is the grace of others, your likeability, that get you to your goals.
You are just coming out of a yearly social peak (it happened last month) but your 7th house of love is strong until the 13th. So love and social matters are going well. You are more popular these days as you put the interests of others above your own. You are there for your friends – on their side, devoted to them. You are also more aggressive socially, taking the-bull-bythe horns and creating social events and friendships – you initiate these things. If you like someone, that person knows it – you are not afraid to make a direct approach. Many of you have got involved in serious love relationships over the past few months, and it could still happen this month – suddenly and unexpectedly. Of late you have become a ‘love at first sight’ kind of person. You know immediately whether someone is for you or not. And with your love planet moving into Aries on the 22nd, this tendency will only get stronger. When the aspects are kind, everything works well and you save a lot of time skirting all the niceties of courtship. But when the aspects are not kind, there can be hurt and pain. In the next few months you are called to develop fearlessness in love. Actual success or failure in relationships is not really the issue – the fact that you conquer fear, timidity and shyness is the real issue. That is your victory.
There is a solar eclipse on the 4th that occurs in your 8th house. This causes financial upheavals and financial change for your spouse, partner or current love. These changes will be good in the long term, but fearful and disruptive in the short term. If you are involved in tax, estate or insurance issues, there is a dramatic turn of events – things start to move forward and get resolved one way or another. Though this eclipse is benign to you, it does force you to confront death – usually on a psychological level.
Job-seekers have good fortune after the 13th. Likewise those who employ others.
Health is much improved over last month and gets even better after the 22nd. You can enhance your health even further in the ways discussed in the yearly report.
You begin your year with 80 and sometimes 90 per cent of the planets in the western, social sector of your chart. Thus you are cultivating your social skills now – very important for Leo. The king only rules by the consent of the governed, as you learn this month.
Not only is the western sector strong, but your 7th house of love becomes very strong after the 20th. You enter a yearly social peak. You are popular now. Devoted to others. On their side. And very (perhaps too much so) aggressive in love. Be careful that you don’t come on too strong. You have trouble taking ‘no’ for an answer.
Love has been happy and exciting for some months now. Many of you married or got involved in serious relationships in the past year, and this month also seems good for this. Love happens suddenly – like a lightning flash. You never know exactly where or when it will strike. The sky may be dark, events can seem gloomy, but the lightning transforms everything in an instant. Love happens at first sight during this period, and you are likely to act on it very quickly. No one can gainsay your love feelings. Even if the whole world were against your relationship, you would still do it.
There is a solar eclipse on the 4th which occurs in your 6th house. Every solar eclipse affects you deeply, and this one is no different. Take a reduced schedule; spend more quiet time at home during this period. This eclipse is announcing job changes. The conditions of work change dramatically – the rules, regulations, methods and systems, etc. Health can be an issue here, too. The solar eclipse brings up impurities in the body so that they can be eliminated. Your overall health regime will change as well. The most important thing that happens is the re-defining of your image, personal appearance and self-concept. This is being upgraded. Get used to this – there are three more solar eclipses to go this year!
After the 20th, you need to rest and relax more. It is not one of your best health periods. Enhance your health in the ways described in the yearly report. And do your best to maintain high energy levels.
The eclipse is going to force changes in your health regime, as mentioned, but your health planet is retrograde all month, so research these things thoroughly.
Jupiter makes a move into your 9th house on the 22nd. This brings travel and educational opportunities. You are travelling for fun – not just business. Students have good fortune in their studies. If you are involved in legal issues there is good fortune now and for the next few months.
You begin your year with most of the planets in the social, western sector: Libra heaven. No need to tell you to cultivate the social skills; this is your forte. You are very comfortable with this alignment. You get your way through your social genius and your ability to gain the co-operation of others. On the 22nd, as Jupiter enters your 7th house, the fun really begins. Your love and social life shine.
Saturn in your own sign all year (and this was the case last year, too) shows the need to keep a low profile. Yes, you are wonderful, a child of god, a darling of the divine, but tone it down now. You don’t need to announce this to others. Yes, let your light shine, but silently. Let it shine, don’t force it to shine.
Jupiter travels with Uranus this month, and this suggests a new car or new communication equipment. (This could have happened last year as well.)
Health is delicate until the 20th. A solar eclipse on the 4th puts further stress on your health. Take it easy this month (until the 20th). Rest and relax more. Maintain high energy levels. Avoid excessive worry or anxiety. Don’t let yourself get aggravated over small, trivial things. Enhance your health in the ways described in the yearly report.
The solar eclipse of the 4th occurs in your 4th house and tends to bring family crises. There are dramatic events in the lives of parents or parent figures and other family members. Dirty laundry – old baggage – in the family pattern tends to come up for cleansing. This has always been there, but was swept under the rug. Now7 you must deal with it. If there are problems in the physical home, you learn about them now so that you can correct them. Friendships will get tested and there are dramas in the lives of friends as well. Spend more quiet time at home during this eclipse period.
Until the 22nd, 90 and sometimes 100 per cent of the planets are below the horizon. Not only that, but your 4th house is super-strong while your 10th house of career is basically empty (only the Moon moves through there on the 18th and 19th). So, career issues can take a backseat now. Focus on the family. (The eclipse of the 4th will force you to do that anyway.) This period is about finding and maintaining your personal point of emotional harmony. The natural process of life is from within to without. Thus, harmony within will lead to harmony without – in your body and affairs. Nothing can happen in your life – good or bad -unless it first happens in your mental and emotional world. When that is in order, the outer world comes into order.
This is a period for psychological types of therapy, for breakthroughs in your psychological understanding of yourself (and of family members), of coming to terms with your past – digesting it and resolving old issues. On the 20th you enter a party period. A yearly personal pleasure peak.
Last month the planetary power shifted from the West to the East, so you are in a period of personal independence as the year begins. This is the time to create conditions as you like them rather than adapting to existing situations. Other people are always important, but your personal merits, and your personal initiative are the important things now. This is a time where you are supposed to ‘make things happen’ rather than let things happen.
Most of the planets are above the horizon and your 10th house is still strong this month. So career and outer ambitions are still the major focus. Family is supporting your career goals now, and being successful is the best way to serve them. Many exciting and happy things have been happening in your career for the past few months, and the trend continues this month. Pay rises, promotions, new and exciting career opportunities are all happening. Even the family as a whole (and a parent figure in particular) are succeeding in the world.
Jupiter travelling with Uranus until the 22nd shows many spiritual breakthroughs – breakthroughs in understanding and ability. These new breakthroughs can lead to career change or advancement.
You have been in a cycle of prosperity for the past year, and this continues. On the 22nd Jupiter moves into your money house, bringing prosperity and financial good fortune. Parents, bosses, parent figures, authority figures are supportive financially – you are in their financial favour. Status and prestige are not so interesting to you right now -the more you earn, the more successful you feel. You are not yet in your financial peak for the year – this will happen March and April – but it is still a prosperous month.
There is a solar eclipse in your 11th house on the 4th. This eclipse is benign to you, but shakes up the world around you. This brings the testing of friendships. It brings dramatic events in the lives of friends, shake-ups and upheavals in groups or organizations that you are involved with. Groups that seemed ‘rock solid’ in the past are now seen as ‘shifting sand’. Every solar eclipse brings job changes and changes in your health regime and diet, and this one is no different. There are dramas in the lives of employees, and employee turnover now as well. Children are in some financial crisis and are forced to make dramatic adjustments and changes.
Until the 20th your 11th house of friends is powerful. So this is a time to be more involved with friends, to gen up on your science and technological understanding and to enjoy the pleasures of group activities. Until the 15th this is not only fun but profitable as well.
Health is basically good – though the eclipse can bring up health ‘scares’. These scares could force changes in your health regime. But health is much better than it seems. You can enhance it further by paying more attention to your spine, knees, teeth, bones and skeletal alignment until the 20th, and your calves and ankles after then. Regular back, knee, ankle and calf massage will do wonders this period.
You begin your year with most of the planets in the eastern sector of your chart. You are in an independent, self-reliant mode now. Your job – and you have the power to do it – is to create your own happiness – create the situations that you want in life – and exercise personal initiative. Your social connections don’t really mean much these days. It is who you are and what you can do. Personal merit is everything now.
Most of the planets are below the horizon of your chart, thus you are in the ‘night-time’ of your year. This is the time to focus on your emotional life – to find, and function from, your point of emotional harmony – to build the inner structures, the psychological framework for future career success. Now you serve your family by being there for them. One deal more or less won’t matter so much, but being there for your family – attending the school play, the dance recital or football match – will do much. Pursue your career goals by ‘inner’ methods – through meditation, visualizations and dreaming. When you can put yourself where you want to be in your ‘inner consciousness’ it is more or less a ‘done deal’ and will manifest in due course.
You are in the midst of a yearly financial peak. This is a prosperous month. There are many bumps on the road, there are challenges and conflicts, but in the end you should be more prosperous.
A solar eclipse on the 4th complicates your financial life. It occurs in your money house and forces some dramatic financial changes. You’ve probably needed to make these changes for a long time, but now you have no choice. Of itself this is OK, but what complicates this is the retrograde of your financial planet. Changes really need a lot more homework. Also your financial judgement is not up to its usual standard. Every solar eclipse brings crises of faith – a testing of your belief systems, so this is happening as well. Faith is perhaps the most important thing in our lives. Even our false beliefs have tremendous power. So it is good that life comes along and tests these things. We get a chance to revise and upgrade this area of life. For students (college level or higher) this brings changes in educational plans, changes of schools, changes of areas of study and upheavals in the school you attend (shake-ups in the hierarchy, curriculum or rules). There are shake-ups in a religious organization you belong to.
There are going to be three more solar eclipses in the coming year, so there is more of this to come.
Jupiter, your ruling planet, makes a major move into Aries on the 22nd. So now (and for months to come) you are in party mode. You want to enjoy life. You want to be more creative. The search for happiness becomes paramount. It is not about money, power, position or love – but happiness itself that you search for – and this is an interesting quest. You learn a lot.
Love seems happy this month. Love opportunities are pursuing you and there’s not much you need to do. If you are attached, your spouse, partner or current love is going out of his or her way to please you. The unattached have opportunities for serious love, but don’t seem interested. Flings seem more interesting right now.
You begin your year with most of the planets in the independent, eastern sector of the chart. This is soon to change after the 20th, but until then you have your independence and should use it to create things the way you want them to be. After the 20th, and for many more months, it will be more difficult to change things. So now is the time.
You have just come off a yearly financial peak (last month) and your interests have shifted to the ‘pleasures of the mind’. Your 3rd house is powerful until the 20th. But with your financial planet still travelling with Uranus until the 22nd, finances are very exciting and very good. This aspect brings sudden wealth – sudden material good – big, expensive items come to you. You spend largely but earn largely as well. Your appetite for risk – which has been strong for some months now – gets even stronger as Jupiter moves into Aries. Gaining wealth is not a chore these days, but a great adventure. New starts-ups, new ventures are Very appealing now. For the next few months – until June 4 YOU are learning financial fearlessness.
Health is basically good this month. But after the 20th, rest and relax more. This is a short-term period where your vitality and overall energy are not up to their usual standards. You might feel aches, pains or twinges, but there doesn’t seem to be anything seriously wrong. When your normal vitality returns, these discomforts vanish. No need to panic now.
Love was good last month and still seems good. Love and social opportunities pursue you and there’s nothing special you need to do. You look great – glamorous, stylish – and others take notice. Your spouse, partner or current love is very involved in your finances after the 7th, and in a very supportive kind of way. There will be opportunities for business partnerships or joint ventures. You have rich friends, and they seem supportive. You can enhance your financial picture by social means – by attending or hosting the right parties. Job-seekers meet with wonderful success after the 22nd, likewise those who employ others. There is an expansion of the workforce happening (how stable this will be is another story, but for now there is expansion going on).
A solar eclipse on the 4th occurs in your 3rd house and affects siblings (or those who play that role in your life) and neighbours. Neighbours move and new ones come in. There are dramatic changes in the neighbourhood. There are dramas in the lives of siblings, parents, parent figures and bosses. Perhaps there is a crisis in local government where you live. Every solar eclipse brings career changes, and this one is no different. The changes need not be ‘bad’ – but are dramatic and often disruptive.
Since 80 (and sometimes 90) per cent of the planets are below the horizon, career is not that important right now. You are in the ‘night-time’ of your year – approaching the midnight hour. So career changes will probably be internal ones – how you think and feel about your career, how you strategize about it – rather than overt kinds of changes. But these internal changes lead to outer changes – they are the first step along the way.
As your year begins, the planetary power is starting to make an important shift from the West to the East. For many months now the western, social sector was dominant in your horoscope. But this is starting to change. After the 20th the East and the West will be balanced, and next month, the eastern sector will dominate. Thus you are becoming ever more independent, more in charge of your destiny, more able to have things your way. Get ready to start creating conditions instead of adapting to them.
Your 9th house is very strong early in the month. When the 9th house is strong we all become students – regardless of our age or stage in life. A good philosophical or religious discussion is more enjoyable than a night out on the town. It is a period where mental horizons get expanded. In many cases there are religious or philosophical breakthroughs. We get deeper insights into the meaning of life and the meaning of events. Those of you who are literally students should have a good month – with some bumps on the road. Your interest leads you to success in your studies. A solar eclipse on the 4th occurs in this house as well. Your belief systems, your personal religion, will get tested – and beliefs found wanting will either disappear or get revised in a better way. For students this shows some turmoil in educational plans -there can be changes of school, changes in the area of study, changes of professors, changes in the rules of the game. There can be changes in the administration – in the upper echelons – of your school or religious institution. Every solar eclipse (and there are three more to go) has an impact on the family and home situation. So there can be drama in the lives of family members, and especially parents or parent figures in your life. Flaws in the home or in the family situation get revealed so that you can correct them. But this eclipse seems basically benign to you.
On the 20th you enter a yearly career peak as the Sun starts to cross your midheaven. Your focus is on your career -as it should be. Some 80 to 90 per cent of the planets are above the horizon as well. You can safely downplay family issues (though the eclipse on the 4th will distract you) and focus on your career. Even family members seem supportive of your career goals during this period. The family as a whole is elevated in status. Along with this heightened career activity and worldly ambition is an expansion of your spiritual life. Jupiter enters your spiritual 12th house on the 22nd. So now you will have to somehow ‘marry’ your spiritual ideals with a worldly, outer career – not so easy to do. You can start by getting more involved in charities and causes that you believe in. Let spirit guide your career moves.
Love should have been active last month, and the trend continues early this month as well. Social connections play a large role in earnings, after the 12th.
Pay more attention to your health after the 20th. Rest and relax more during this period.
You begin your year with most of the planets in the western, social sector of your chart. By the 7th, 80 per cent (and sometimes 90 per cent) of the planets will be in that sector. A huge percentage. You are in a social period. Personal confidence and self-esteem are not at their best these days. You are more dependent on others. But this ‘personal weakness’ is basically good, for it allows the ‘higher power’ in you to be strong. ‘My strength is made perfect in your weakness.’ Don’t try to change things now – you’ll just waste energy and perhaps make things even worse. Adapt to things as best you can. Make note of the conditions that are uncomfortable, and when the planets shift back to the East you will be able to make changes. Likeability is more important than actual merit now. Whom you know and their willingness to grant their favours is more important than who you are or what you can do. Though this seems unfair, there is a cosmic logic here: you are meant to be developing your social skills.
The year begins with a bang – there is a solar eclipse on the 4th in your 5th house. This is the first of four solar eclipses this year, but the others will happen in different places in your chart. Yes, there are changes and upheavals in the world now, but for you this eclipse is basically benign. This eclipse brings changes in the lives of children (or those who play that role in your life). There are dramatic events in their lives. Your relationship with them is changed. Those involved in the creative arts make important changes in their creativity. Those of you of appropriate age are more fertile now.
Every solar eclipse affects your spiritual life, and this one is no different. You are making important changes here – in practice, in teachings, in teachers and in attitudes. There are dramas in the lives of the people involved in your spiritual life – whom you consider teachers. There are upheavals in charitable organizations you are involved with. Dreams and intuitions during this period will need a lot more verification. Dreams shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Much of it is psychic flotsam stirred up by the eclipse.
A parent or parent figure is forced to make dramatic financial changes. Children (or those who are like children to you) seem directionless this period, but the eclipse will force them to take steps that need to be taken.
Health is good this month; you can enhance it further in the ways described in the yearly report.
Love is active and happy this month. If you haven’t got involved in a serious relationship in the past year, it could still happen this month. Singles find love at the workplace or with people involved in their health. Healers and health professionals are very alluring – and this has been the case for many years.
Finances, as mention will be the case all year. From the 7th onwards it will be more difficult to stick to a budget – you seem to be a free spender and very speculative. However, you will be earning more. Your financial goals are higher than usual.
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